/* # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~/assets/themes/j1/modules/rtable/js/rtable.js # Tablesaw v3.1.2 implementation for J1 Theme # # Product/Info: # https://jekyll.one # https://github.com/filamentgroup/tablesaw # # Copyright (C) 2023 Juergen Adams # Copyright (c) 2013 Filament Group # # J1 Theme is licensed under the MIT License. # See: https://github.com/jekyll-one-org/j1-template/blob/main/LICENSE.md # Tablesaw is licensed under the MIT License. # See: https://github.com/filamentgroup/tablesaw/blob/master/LICENSE # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (function (root, factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(["jquery"], function (jQuery) { return (root.Tablesaw = factory(jQuery, root)); }); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { if( "document" in root ) { module.exports = factory(require('jquery'), root); } else { // special jQuery case for CommonJS (pass in a window) module.exports = factory(require('jquery')(root), root); } } else { root.Tablesaw = factory(jQuery, root); } }(typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : this, function ($, window) { "use strict"; var document = window.document; // Account for Tablesaw being loaded either before or after the DOMContentLoaded event is fired. var domContentLoadedTriggered = /complete|loaded/.test(document.readyState); document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { domContentLoadedTriggered = true; }); var Tablesaw = { i18n: { modeStack: "Stack", modeSwipe: "Swipe", modeToggle: "Toggle", modeSwitchColumnsAbbreviated: "Cols", modeSwitchColumns: "Columns", columnToggleButton: "Columns", columnToggleError: "No eligible columns.", sort: "Sort", swipePreviousColumn: "Previous column", swipeNextColumn: "Next column" }, // BS4 Media break points // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- bsMediaBreakpoints: { xl: "1200", lg: "992", md: "768", sm: "576", xs: "575", default: "992" }, // cut the mustard mustard: "head" in document && // IE9+, Firefox 4+, Safari 5.1+, Mobile Safari 4.1+, Opera 11.5+, Android 2.3+ (!window.blackberry || window.WebKitPoint) && // only WebKit Blackberry (OS 6+) !window.operamini, $: $, _init: function(element, options) { Tablesaw.$(element || document).trigger("enhance.tablesaw"); Tablesaw.options = options; }, // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // initializer // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- init: function(element, options) { // Account for Tablesaw being loaded either before or after the DOMContentLoaded event is fired. domContentLoadedTriggered = domContentLoadedTriggered || /complete|loaded/.test(document.readyState); if (!domContentLoadedTriggered) { if ("addEventListener" in document) { // Use raw DOMContentLoaded instead of Tablesaw (may have issues in Android 2.3, exhibited by stack table) document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { Tablesaw._init(element, options); }); } } else { Tablesaw._init(element, options); } } }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // event handler // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $(document).on("enhance.tablesaw", function() { // Extend i18n config, if one exists. if (typeof TablesawConfig !== "undefined" && TablesawConfig.i18n) { Tablesaw.i18n = $.extend(Tablesaw.i18n, TablesawConfig.i18n || {}); } Tablesaw.i18n.modes = [ Tablesaw.i18n.modeStack, Tablesaw.i18n.modeSwipe, Tablesaw.i18n.modeToggle ]; }); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // enhance Tablesaw for control elements (advanced mode) // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (Tablesaw.mustard) { $(document.documentElement).addClass("tablesaw-enhanced"); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // plugin // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var pluginName = "tablesaw"; var classes = { toolbar: "tablesaw-bar" }; var events = { create: "tablesawcreate", destroy: "tablesawdestroy", refresh: "tablesawrefresh", resize: "tablesawresize" }; var defaultMode = "stack"; var initSelector = "table"; var initFilterSelector = "[data-tablesaw],[data-tablesaw-mode],[data-tablesaw-sortable]"; var defaultConfig = {}; var logger = log4javascript.getLogger('j1.rtable'); Tablesaw.events = events; var Table = function(element) { if (!element) { throw new Error("Tablesaw requires an element."); logger.error("Tablesaw requires an element."); } this.table = element; this.$table = $(element); // only one and are allowed, per the specification // this.$thead = this.$table .children() .filter("thead") .eq(0); // multiple are allowed, per the specification // this.$tbody = this.$table.children().filter("tbody"); this.mode = this.$table.attr("data-tablesaw-mode") || defaultMode; this.$toolbar = null; this.attributes = { subrow: "data-tablesaw-subrow", ignorerow: "data-tablesaw-ignorerow" }; this.init(); }; Table.prototype.init = function() { if (!this.$thead.length) { throw new Error("tablesaw: a is required, but none was found."); } if (!this.$thead.find("th").length) { throw new Error("tablesaw: no header cells found. Are you using inside of ?"); } // assign an id if there is none if (!this.$table.attr("id")) { this.$table.attr("id", pluginName + "-" + Math.round(Math.random() * 10000)); } this.createToolbar(); this._initCells(); this.$table.data(pluginName, this); this.$table.trigger(events.create, [this]); }; Table.prototype.getConfig = function(pluginSpecificConfig) { // Tablesaw extend doesn’t support arbitrary args var configs = $.extend(defaultConfig, pluginSpecificConfig || {}); return $.extend(configs, typeof TablesawConfig !== "undefined" ? TablesawConfig : {}); }; Table.prototype._getPrimaryHeaderRow = function() { return this._getHeaderRows().eq(0); }; Table.prototype._getHeaderRows = function() { return this.$thead .children() .filter("tr") .filter(function() { return !$(this).is("[data-tablesaw-ignorerow]"); }); }; Table.prototype._getRowIndex = function($row) { return $row.prevAll().length; }; Table.prototype._getHeaderRowIndeces = function() { var self = this; var indeces = []; this._getHeaderRows().each(function() { indeces.push(self._getRowIndex($(this))); }); return indeces; }; Table.prototype._getPrimaryHeaderCells = function($row) { return ($row || this._getPrimaryHeaderRow()).find("th"); }; Table.prototype._$getCells = function(th) { var self = this; return $(th) .add(th.cells) .filter(function() { var $t = $(this); var $row = $t.parent(); var hasColspan = $t.is("[colspan]"); // no subrows or ignored rows (keep cells in ignored rows that do not have a colspan) return ( !$row.is("[" + self.attributes.subrow + "]") && (!$row.is("[" + self.attributes.ignorerow + "]") || !hasColspan) ); }); }; Table.prototype._getVisibleColspan = function() { var colspan = 0; this._getPrimaryHeaderCells().each(function() { var $t = $(this); if ($t.css("display") !== "none") { colspan += parseInt($t.attr("colspan"), 10) || 1; } }); return colspan; }; Table.prototype.getColspanForCell = function($cell) { var visibleColspan = this._getVisibleColspan(); var visibleSiblingColumns = 0; if ($cell.closest("tr").data("tablesaw-rowspanned")) { visibleSiblingColumns++; } $cell.siblings().each(function() { var $t = $(this); var colColspan = parseInt($t.attr("colspan"), 10) || 1; if ($t.css("display") !== "none") { visibleSiblingColumns += colColspan; } }); // console.log( $cell[ 0 ], visibleColspan, visibleSiblingColumns ); return visibleColspan - visibleSiblingColumns; }; Table.prototype.isCellInColumn = function(header, cell) { return $(header) .add(header.cells) .filter(function() { return this === cell; }).length; }; Table.prototype.updateColspanCells = function(cls, header, userAction) { var self = this; var primaryHeaderRow = self._getPrimaryHeaderRow(); // find persistent column rowspans this.$table.find("[rowspan][data-tablesaw-priority]").each(function() { var $t = $(this); if ($t.attr("data-tablesaw-priority") !== "persist") { return; } var $row = $t.closest("tr"); var rowspan = parseInt($t.attr("rowspan"), 10); if (rowspan > 1) { $row = $row.next(); $row.data("tablesaw-rowspanned", true); rowspan--; } }); this.$table .find("[colspan],[data-tablesaw-maxcolspan]") .filter(function() { // is not in primary header row return $(this).closest("tr")[0] !== primaryHeaderRow[0]; }) .each(function() { var $cell = $(this); if (userAction === undefined || self.isCellInColumn(header, this)) { } else { // if is not a user action AND the cell is not in the updating column, kill it return; } var colspan = self.getColspanForCell($cell); if (cls && userAction !== undefined) { // console.log( colspan === 0 ? "addClass" : "removeClass", $cell ); $cell[colspan === 0 ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](cls); } // cache original colspan var maxColspan = parseInt($cell.attr("data-tablesaw-maxcolspan"), 10); if (!maxColspan) { $cell.attr("data-tablesaw-maxcolspan", $cell.attr("colspan")); } else if (colspan > maxColspan) { colspan = maxColspan; } // console.log( this, "setting colspan to ", colspan ); $cell.attr("colspan", colspan); }); }; Table.prototype._findPrimaryHeadersForCell = function(cell) { var $headerRow = this._getPrimaryHeaderRow(); var headerRowIndex = this._getRowIndex($headerRow); var results = []; for (var rowNumber = 0; rowNumber < this.headerMapping.length; rowNumber++) { if (rowNumber === headerRowIndex) { continue; } for (var colNumber = 0; colNumber < this.headerMapping[rowNumber].length; colNumber++) { if (this.headerMapping[rowNumber][colNumber] === cell) { results.push(this.headerMapping[headerRowIndex][colNumber]); } } } return results; }; // used by init cells Table.prototype.getRows = function() { var self = this; return this.$table.find("tr").filter(function() { return $(this) .closest("table") .is(self.$table); }); }; // used by sortable Table.prototype.getBodyRows = function(tbody) { return (tbody ? $(tbody) : this.$tbody).children().filter("tr"); }; Table.prototype.getHeaderCellIndex = function(cell) { var lookup = this.headerMapping[0]; for (var colIndex = 0; colIndex < lookup.length; colIndex++) { if (lookup[colIndex] === cell) { return colIndex; } } return -1; }; Table.prototype._initCells = function() { // re-establish original colspans this.$table.find("[data-tablesaw-maxcolspan]").each(function() { var $t = $(this); $t.attr("colspan", $t.attr("data-tablesaw-maxcolspan")); }); var $rows = this.getRows(); var columnLookup = []; $rows.each(function(rowNumber) { columnLookup[rowNumber] = []; }); $rows.each(function(rowNumber) { var coltally = 0; var $t = $(this); var children = $t.children(); children.each(function() { var colspan = parseInt( this.getAttribute("data-tablesaw-maxcolspan") || this.getAttribute("colspan"), 10 ); var rowspan = parseInt(this.getAttribute("rowspan"), 10); // set in a previous rowspan while (columnLookup[rowNumber][coltally]) { coltally++; } columnLookup[rowNumber][coltally] = this; // TODO? both colspan and rowspan if (colspan) { for (var k = 0; k < colspan - 1; k++) { coltally++; columnLookup[rowNumber][coltally] = this; } } if (rowspan) { for (var j = 1; j < rowspan; j++) { columnLookup[rowNumber + j][coltally] = this; } } coltally++; }); }); var headerRowIndeces = this._getHeaderRowIndeces(); for (var colNumber = 0; colNumber < columnLookup[0].length; colNumber++) { for (var headerIndex = 0, k = headerRowIndeces.length; headerIndex < k; headerIndex++) { var headerCol = columnLookup[headerRowIndeces[headerIndex]][colNumber]; var rowNumber = headerRowIndeces[headerIndex]; var rowCell; if (!headerCol.cells) { headerCol.cells = []; } while (rowNumber < columnLookup.length) { rowCell = columnLookup[rowNumber][colNumber]; if (headerCol !== rowCell) { headerCol.cells.push(rowCell); } rowNumber++; } } } this.headerMapping = columnLookup; }; Table.prototype.refresh = function() { this._initCells(); this.$table.trigger(events.refresh, [this]); }; Table.prototype._getToolbarAnchor = function() { var $parent = this.$table.parent(); if ($parent.is(".tablesaw-overflow")) { return $parent; } return this.$table; }; Table.prototype._getToolbar = function($anchor) { if (!$anchor) { $anchor = this._getToolbarAnchor(); } return $anchor.prev().filter("." + classes.toolbar); }; Table.prototype.createToolbar = function() { // Insert the toolbar // TODO move this into a separate component var $anchor = this._getToolbarAnchor(); var $toolbar = this._getToolbar($anchor); if (!$toolbar.length) { $toolbar = $("
") .addClass(classes.toolbar) .insertBefore($anchor); } this.$toolbar = $toolbar; if (this.mode) { this.$toolbar.addClass("tablesaw-mode-" + this.mode); } }; Table.prototype.destroy = function() { // Don’t remove the toolbar, just erase the classes on it. // Some of the table features are not yet destroy-friendly. this._getToolbar().each(function() { this.className = this.className.replace(/\btablesaw-mode\-\w*\b/gi, ""); }); var tableId = this.$table.attr("id"); $(document).off("." + tableId); $(window).off("." + tableId); // other plugins this.$table.trigger(events.destroy, [this]); this.$table.removeData(pluginName); }; // Collection method. $.fn[pluginName] = function() { return this.each(function() { var $t = $(this); if ($t.data(pluginName)) { return; } new Table(this); }); }; var $doc = $(document); $doc.on("enhance.tablesaw", function(e) { // Cut the mustard if (Tablesaw.mustard) { var $target = $(e.target); if ($target.parent().length) { $target = $target.parent(); } $target .find(initSelector) .filter(initFilterSelector) [pluginName](); } }); // Avoid a resize during scroll: // Some Mobile devices trigger a resize during scroll (sometimes when // doing elastic stretch at the end of the document or from the // location bar hide) var isScrolling = false; var scrollTimeout; $doc.on("scroll.tablesaw", function() { isScrolling = true; window.clearTimeout(scrollTimeout); scrollTimeout = window.setTimeout(function() { isScrolling = false; }, 300); // must be greater than the resize timeout below }); //jadams: show|hide colgroup settings var resizeTimeout; $(window).on("resize", function() { var winWidth; $('table').each(function() { var curTable = $(this); var log_text; if ($(curTable).hasClass('rtable')) { winWidth = $(window).width(); // set show/hide all table/colgroup elements if ($(window).width() < Tablesaw.bsMediaBreakpoints[Tablesaw.options.breakpoint]) { log_text = '\n' + 'hide colgroups: ' + curTable.attr('id') // hide colgroups if table is collapsed curTable.find('colgroup').hide(); logger.debug(log_text); } else { log_text = '\n' + 'show colgroup: ' + curTable.attr('id') // show colgroups if table is expanded curTable.find('colgroup').show(); logger.debug(log_text); } } }); if (!isScrolling) { window.clearTimeout(resizeTimeout); resizeTimeout = window.setTimeout(function() { $doc.trigger(events.resize); }, 150); // must be less than the scrolling timeout above } }); Tablesaw.Table = Table; })(); (function() { var classes = { stackTable: "tablesaw-stack", cellLabels: "tablesaw-cell-label", cellContentLabels: "tablesaw-cell-content" }; var data = { key: "tablesaw-stack" }; var attrs = { labelless: "data-tablesaw-no-labels", hideempty: "data-tablesaw-hide-empty" }; var Stack = function(element, tablesaw) { this.tablesaw = tablesaw; this.$table = $(element); this.labelless = this.$table.is("[" + attrs.labelless + "]"); this.hideempty = this.$table.is("[" + attrs.hideempty + "]"); this.$table.data(data.key, this); }; Stack.prototype.init = function() { this.$table.addClass(classes.stackTable); if (this.labelless) { return; } var self = this; this.$table .find("th, td") .filter(function() { return !$(this).closest("thead").length; }) .filter(function() { return ( !$(this).is("[" + attrs.labelless + "]") && !$(this) .closest("tr") .is("[" + attrs.labelless + "]") && (!self.hideempty || !!$(this).html()) ); }) .each(function() { var $newHeader = $(document.createElement("b")).addClass(classes.cellLabels); var $cell = $(this); $(self.tablesaw._findPrimaryHeadersForCell(this)).each(function(index) { var $header = $(this.cloneNode(true)); // TODO decouple from sortable better // Changed from .text() in https://github.com/filamentgroup/tablesaw/commit/b9c12a8f893ec192830ec3ba2d75f062642f935b // to preserve structural html in headers, like var $sortableButton = $header.find(".tablesaw-sortable-btn"); $header.find(".tablesaw-sortable-arrow").remove(); // TODO decouple from checkall better var $checkall = $header.find("[data-tablesaw-checkall]"); $checkall.closest("label").remove(); if ($checkall.length) { $newHeader = $([]); return; } if (index > 0) { $newHeader.append(document.createTextNode(", ")); } var parentNode = $sortableButton.length ? $sortableButton[0] : $header[0]; var el; while ((el = parentNode.firstChild)) { $newHeader[0].appendChild(el); } }); if ($newHeader.length && !$cell.find("." + classes.cellContentLabels).length) { $cell.wrapInner(""); } // Update if already exists. var $label = $cell.find("." + classes.cellLabels); if (!$label.length) { $cell.prepend(document.createTextNode(" ")); $cell.prepend($newHeader); } else { // only if changed $label.replaceWith($newHeader); } }); }; Stack.prototype.destroy = function() { this.$table.removeClass(classes.stackTable); this.$table.find("." + classes.cellLabels).remove(); this.$table.find("." + classes.cellContentLabels).each(function() { $(this).replaceWith($(this.childNodes)); }); }; // on tablecreate, init $(document) .on(Tablesaw.events.create, function(e, tablesaw) { if (tablesaw.mode === "stack") { var table = new Stack(tablesaw.table, tablesaw); table.init(); } }) .on(Tablesaw.events.refresh, function(e, tablesaw) { if (tablesaw.mode === "stack") { $(tablesaw.table) .data(data.key) .init(); } }) .on(Tablesaw.events.destroy, function(e, tablesaw) { if (tablesaw.mode === "stack") { $(tablesaw.table) .data(data.key) .destroy(); } }); Tablesaw.Stack = Stack; })(); return Tablesaw; }));