# This file is generated. See the contributing guide for more information:
# https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-ruby/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md
module Aws::OpsWorks
class Resource
# @param options ({})
# @option options [Client] :client
def initialize(options = {})
@client = options[:client] || Client.new(options)
# @return [Client]
def client
# @!group Actions
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# stack = ops_works.create_stack({
# name: "String", # required
# region: "String", # required
# vpc_id: "String",
# attributes: {
# "Color" => "String",
# },
# service_role_arn: "String", # required
# default_instance_profile_arn: "String", # required
# default_os: "String",
# hostname_theme: "String",
# default_availability_zone: "String",
# default_subnet_id: "String",
# custom_json: "String",
# configuration_manager: {
# name: "String",
# version: "String",
# },
# chef_configuration: {
# manage_berkshelf: false,
# berkshelf_version: "String",
# },
# use_custom_cookbooks: false,
# use_opsworks_security_groups: false,
# custom_cookbooks_source: {
# type: "git", # accepts git, svn, archive, s3
# url: "String",
# username: "String",
# password: "String",
# ssh_key: "String",
# revision: "String",
# },
# default_ssh_key_name: "String",
# default_root_device_type: "ebs", # accepts ebs, instance-store
# agent_version: "String",
# })
# @param [Hash] options ({})
# @option options [required, String] :name
# The stack name.
# @option options [required, String] :region
# The stack's AWS region, such as `ap-south-1`. For more information
# about Amazon regions, see [Regions and Endpoints][1].
# In the AWS CLI, this API maps to the `--stack-region` parameter. If
# the `--stack-region` parameter and the AWS CLI common parameter
# `--region` are set to the same value, the stack uses a *regional*
# endpoint. If the `--stack-region` parameter is not set, but the AWS
# CLI `--region` parameter is, this also results in a stack with a
# *regional* endpoint. However, if the `--region` parameter is set to
# `us-east-1`, and the `--stack-region` parameter is set to one of the
# following, then the stack uses a legacy or *classic* region:
# `us-west-1, us-west-2, sa-east-1, eu-central-1, eu-west-1,
# ap-northeast-1, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2`. In this case, the
# actual API endpoint of the stack is in `us-east-1`. Only the preceding
# regions are supported as classic regions in the `us-east-1` API
# endpoint. Because it is a best practice to choose the regional
# endpoint that is closest to where you manage AWS, we recommend that
# you use regional endpoints for new stacks. The AWS CLI common
# `--region` parameter always specifies a regional API endpoint; it
# cannot be used to specify a classic AWS OpsWorks Stacks region.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html
# @option options [String] :vpc_id
# The ID of the VPC that the stack is to be launched into. The VPC must
# be in the stack's region. All instances are launched into this VPC.
# You cannot change the ID later.
# * If your account supports EC2-Classic, the default value is `no VPC`.
# * If your account does not support EC2-Classic, the default value is
# the default VPC for the specified region.
# If the VPC ID corresponds to a default VPC and you have specified
# either the `DefaultAvailabilityZone` or the `DefaultSubnetId`
# parameter only, AWS OpsWorks Stacks infers the value of the other
# parameter. If you specify neither parameter, AWS OpsWorks Stacks sets
# these parameters to the first valid Availability Zone for the
# specified region and the corresponding default VPC subnet ID,
# respectively.
# If you specify a nondefault VPC ID, note the following:
# * It must belong to a VPC in your account that is in the specified
# region.
# * You must specify a value for `DefaultSubnetId`.
# For more information about how to use AWS OpsWorks Stacks with a VPC,
# see [Running a Stack in a VPC][1]. For more information about default
# VPC and EC2-Classic, see [Supported Platforms][2].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/opsworks/latest/userguide/workingstacks-vpc.html
# [2]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-supported-platforms.html
# @option options [Hash] :attributes
# One or more user-defined key-value pairs to be added to the stack
# attributes.
# @option options [required, String] :service_role_arn
# The stack's AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role, which
# allows AWS OpsWorks Stacks to work with AWS resources on your behalf.
# You must set this parameter to the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for an
# existing IAM role. For more information about IAM ARNs, see [Using
# Identifiers][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/Using_Identifiers.html
# @option options [required, String] :default_instance_profile_arn
# The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an IAM profile that is the default
# profile for all of the stack's EC2 instances. For more information
# about IAM ARNs, see [Using Identifiers][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/Using_Identifiers.html
# @option options [String] :default_os
# The stack's default operating system, which is installed on every
# instance unless you specify a different operating system when you
# create the instance. You can specify one of the following.
# * A supported Linux operating system: An Amazon Linux version, such as
# `Amazon Linux 2018.03`, `Amazon Linux 2017.09`, `Amazon Linux
# 2017.03`, `Amazon Linux 2016.09`, `Amazon Linux 2016.03`, `Amazon
# Linux 2015.09`, or `Amazon Linux 2015.03`.
# * A supported Ubuntu operating system, such as `Ubuntu 16.04 LTS`,
# `Ubuntu 14.04 LTS`, or `Ubuntu 12.04 LTS`.
# * `CentOS Linux 7`
# * `Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7`
# * A supported Windows operating system, such as `Microsoft Windows
# Server 2012 R2 Base`, `Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 with SQL
# Server Express`, `Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 with SQL Server
# Standard`, or `Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 with SQL Server
# Web`.
# * A custom AMI: `Custom`. You specify the custom AMI you want to use
# when you create instances. For more information, see [ Using Custom
# AMIs][1].
# The default option is the current Amazon Linux version. For more
# information about supported operating systems, see [AWS OpsWorks
# Stacks Operating Systems][2].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/opsworks/latest/userguide/workinginstances-custom-ami.html
# [2]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/opsworks/latest/userguide/workinginstances-os.html
# @option options [String] :hostname_theme
# The stack's host name theme, with spaces replaced by underscores. The
# theme is used to generate host names for the stack's instances. By
# default, `HostnameTheme` is set to `Layer_Dependent`, which creates
# host names by appending integers to the layer's short name. The other
# themes are:
# * `Baked_Goods`
# * `Clouds`
# * `Europe_Cities`
# * `Fruits`
# * `Greek_Deities_and_Titans`
# * `Legendary_creatures_from_Japan`
# * `Planets_and_Moons`
# * `Roman_Deities`
# * `Scottish_Islands`
# * `US_Cities`
# * `Wild_Cats`
# To obtain a generated host name, call `GetHostNameSuggestion`, which
# returns a host name based on the current theme.
# @option options [String] :default_availability_zone
# The stack's default Availability Zone, which must be in the specified
# region. For more information, see [Regions and Endpoints][1]. If you
# also specify a value for `DefaultSubnetId`, the subnet must be in the
# same zone. For more information, see the `VpcId` parameter
# description.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html
# @option options [String] :default_subnet_id
# The stack's default VPC subnet ID. This parameter is required if you
# specify a value for the `VpcId` parameter. All instances are launched
# into this subnet unless you specify otherwise when you create the
# instance. If you also specify a value for `DefaultAvailabilityZone`,
# the subnet must be in that zone. For information on default values and
# when this parameter is required, see the `VpcId` parameter
# description.
# @option options [String] :custom_json
# A string that contains user-defined, custom JSON. It can be used to
# override the corresponding default stack configuration attribute
# values or to pass data to recipes. The string should be in the
# following format:
# `"\{"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2",...\}"`
# For more information about custom JSON, see [Use Custom JSON to Modify
# the Stack Configuration Attributes][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/opsworks/latest/userguide/workingstacks-json.html
# @option options [Types::StackConfigurationManager] :configuration_manager
# The configuration manager. When you create a stack we recommend that
# you use the configuration manager to specify the Chef version: 12,
# 11.10, or 11.4 for Linux stacks, or 12.2 for Windows stacks. The
# default value for Linux stacks is currently 12.
# @option options [Types::ChefConfiguration] :chef_configuration
# A `ChefConfiguration` object that specifies whether to enable
# Berkshelf and the Berkshelf version on Chef 11.10 stacks. For more
# information, see [Create a New Stack][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/opsworks/latest/userguide/workingstacks-creating.html
# @option options [Boolean] :use_custom_cookbooks
# Whether the stack uses custom cookbooks.
# @option options [Boolean] :use_opsworks_security_groups
# Whether to associate the AWS OpsWorks Stacks built-in security groups
# with the stack's layers.
# AWS OpsWorks Stacks provides a standard set of built-in security
# groups, one for each layer, which are associated with layers by
# default. With `UseOpsworksSecurityGroups` you can instead provide your
# own custom security groups. `UseOpsworksSecurityGroups` has the
# following settings:
# * True - AWS OpsWorks Stacks automatically associates the appropriate
# built-in security group with each layer (default setting). You can
# associate additional security groups with a layer after you create
# it, but you cannot delete the built-in security group.
# * False - AWS OpsWorks Stacks does not associate built-in security
# groups with layers. You must create appropriate EC2 security groups
# and associate a security group with each layer that you create.
# However, you can still manually associate a built-in security group
# with a layer on creation; custom security groups are required only
# for those layers that need custom settings.
# For more information, see [Create a New Stack][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/opsworks/latest/userguide/workingstacks-creating.html
# @option options [Types::Source] :custom_cookbooks_source
# Contains the information required to retrieve an app or cookbook from
# a repository. For more information, see [Adding Apps][1] or [Cookbooks
# and Recipes][2].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/opsworks/latest/userguide/workingapps-creating.html
# [2]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/opsworks/latest/userguide/workingcookbook.html
# @option options [String] :default_ssh_key_name
# A default Amazon EC2 key pair name. The default value is none. If you
# specify a key pair name, AWS OpsWorks installs the public key on the
# instance and you can use the private key with an SSH client to log in
# to the instance. For more information, see [ Using SSH to Communicate
# with an Instance][1] and [ Managing SSH Access][2]. You can override
# this setting by specifying a different key pair, or no key pair, when
# you [ create an instance][3].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/opsworks/latest/userguide/workinginstances-ssh.html
# [2]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/opsworks/latest/userguide/security-ssh-access.html
# [3]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/opsworks/latest/userguide/workinginstances-add.html
# @option options [String] :default_root_device_type
# The default root device type. This value is the default for all
# instances in the stack, but you can override it when you create an
# instance. The default option is `instance-store`. For more
# information, see [Storage for the Root Device][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ComponentsAMIs.html#storage-for-the-root-device
# @option options [String] :agent_version
# The default AWS OpsWorks Stacks agent version. You have the following
# options:
# * Auto-update - Set this parameter to `LATEST`. AWS OpsWorks Stacks
# automatically installs new agent versions on the stack's instances
# as soon as they are available.
# * Fixed version - Set this parameter to your preferred agent version.
# To update the agent version, you must edit the stack configuration
# and specify a new version. AWS OpsWorks Stacks then automatically
# installs that version on the stack's instances.
# The default setting is the most recent release of the agent. To
# specify an agent version, you must use the complete version number,
# not the abbreviated number shown on the console. For a list of
# available agent version numbers, call DescribeAgentVersions.
# AgentVersion cannot be set to Chef 12.2.
# You can also specify an agent version when you create or update an
# instance, which overrides the stack's default setting.
# @return [Stack]
def create_stack(options = {})
resp = @client.create_stack(options)
id: resp.data.stack_id,
client: @client
# @!group Associations
# @param [String] id
# @return [Layer]
def layer(id)
id: id,
client: @client
# @param [String] id
# @return [Stack]
def stack(id)
id: id,
client: @client
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# stacks = ops_works.stacks({
# stack_ids: ["String"],
# })
# @param [Hash] options ({})
# @option options [Array] :stack_ids
# An array of stack IDs that specify the stacks to be described. If you
# omit this parameter, `DescribeStacks` returns a description of every
# stack.
# @return [Stack::Collection]
def stacks(options = {})
batches = Enumerator.new do |y|
batch = []
resp = @client.describe_stacks(options)
resp.data.stacks.each do |s|
batch << Stack.new(
id: s.stack_id,
data: s,
client: @client