# Ridley [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/ridley.png)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/ridley) [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/RiotGames/ridley.png?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/RiotGames/ridley) [![Dependency Status](https://gemnasium.com/RiotGames/ridley.png?travis)](https://gemnasium.com/RiotGames/ridley) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/RiotGames/ridley.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/RiotGames/ridley) A reliable Chef API client with a clean syntax Installation ------------ Add Ridley to your `Gemfile`: ```ruby gem 'ridley' ``` And run the `bundle` command to install. Alternatively, you can install the gem directly: $ gem install ridley Usage ----- Before you can use Ridley, you must require it in your application: ```ruby require 'ridley' ``` ### Creating a new Ridley client ```ruby ridley = Ridley.new( server_url: "https://api.opscode.com/organizations/ridley", client_name: "reset", client_key: "/Users/reset/.chef/reset.pem" ) ``` Creating a new instance of Ridley requires the following options: - server_url - client_name - client_key client_key can be either a file path or the client key as a string. You can also optionally supply an encrypted data bag secret for decrypting encrypted data bags. The option is "encrypted_data_bag_secret" This can be a file name or the key itself as a string. ridley = Ridley.new( server_url: "https://api.opscode.com/organizations/ridley", client_name: "reset", client_key: "some key data", encrypted_data_bag_secret: "File path or key as a string" ) Ridley exposes a number of functions that return resources which you can use to retrieve or create objects on your Chef server. Here is a simple example of getting a list of all the roles on your Chef server. ```ruby ridley = Ridley.new(...) ridley.role.all #=> [ #, # ] ``` For more information scroll down to the Manipulating Chef Resources section of this README. You can also tell Ridley to read the values from your Chef config (knife.rb): ```ruby ridley = Ridley.from_chef_config('/path/to/knife.rb') ridley.role.all #=> [ #, # ] ``` The mapping between Chef Config values and Ridley values is:
Ridley Chef
validator_client validation_client_name
validator_path validation_key
client_name node_name
server_url chef_server_url
Additionally, you can leave the path blank and Ridley will perform a "knife.rb search" the same way Chef does: ```ruby ridley = Ridley.from_chef_config ridley.role.all #=> [ #, # ] ``` If you don't want to instantiate and manage a connection object you can use `Ridley.open` to open a connection, do some work, and it will be closed for you after the block executes. ```ruby Ridley.open(server_url: "https://api.opscode.com", ...) do |r| r.node.all end ``` ### Manipulating Chef Resources Resources are access by instance functions on a new instance of `Ridley::Client`. ```ruby ridley = Ridley.new(...) ridley.client #=> Ridley::ClientResource ridley.cookbook #=> Ridley::CookbookResource ridley.data_bag #=> Ridley::DataBagResource ridley.environment #=> Ridley::EnvironmentResource ridley.node #=> Ridley::NodeResource ridley.role #=> Ridley::RoleResource ridley.sandbox #=> Ridley::SandboxResource ridley.search #=> Ridley::SearchResource ``` DataBagItems are the only exception to this rule. The DataBagItem resource is accessed from a DataBagObject ```ruby data_bag = ridley.data_bag.find("my_data") data_bag.item #=> Ridley::DataBagItemResource data_bag.item.find("my_item") #=> Ridley::DataBagItemObject ``` ### CRUD Most resources can be listed, retrieved, created, updated, and destroyed. These are commonly referred to as CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) operations. #### Create A new Chef Object can be created in a four ways _With the `#create` function and an attribute hash_ ```ruby ridley = Ridley.new(...) ridley.role.create(name: "reset") #=> # ``` _With the `#create` function and an instance of a Chef Object_ ```ruby obj = ridley.role.new obj.name = "reset" ridley.role.create(obj) #=> # ``` _With the `#save` function on an instance of a Chef Object_ ```ruby obj = ridley.role.new obj.name = "reset" obj.save #=> # ``` _With the `#save` function on an instance of a Chef Object built from serialized json_ obj = ridley.role.from_file('/path/to/role.json') obj.save #=> # Each of these methods produce an identical object on the Chef server. It is up to you on how you'd like to create new resources. #### Read Most resources have two read functions - `#all` for listing all the Chef Objects - `#find` for retrieving a specific Chef Object ##### Listing If you wanted to get a list of all of the roles on your Chef server ```ruby ridley = Ridley.new(...) ridley.role.all #=> [ #, # ] ``` ##### Finding If you want to retrieve a single role from the Chef server ```ruby ridley = Ridley.new(...) ridley.role.find("motherbrain_srv") #=> # ``` If the role does not exist on the Chef server then `nil` is returned ```ruby ridley = Ridley.new(...) ridley.role.find("not_there") #=> nil ``` #### Update Updating a resource can be expressed in three ways _With the `#update` function, the ID of the Object to update, and an attributes hash_ ```ruby ridley = Ridley.new(...) ridley.role.update("motherbrain_srv", description: "testing updates") #=> # ``` _With the `#update` function and an instance of a Chef Object_ ```ruby obj = ridley.role.find("motherbrain_srv") obj.description = "chef object" ridley.role.update(obj) #=> # # ``` #### Destroy Destroying a resource can be express in three ways _With the `#delete` function and the ID of the Object to destroy_ ```ruby ridley = Ridley.new(...) ridley.role.delete("motherbrain_srv") => # ``` _With the `#delete` function and a Chef Object_ ```ruby obj = ridley.role.find("motherbrain_srv") ridley.role.delete(obj) => # ``` _With the `#destroy` function on an instance of a Chef Object_ ```ruby obj = conn.role.find("motherbrain_srv") obj.destroy #=> true ``` Client Resource --------------- ### Regenerating a client's private key _With the `#regnerate_key` function and the ID of the Client to regenerate_ ```ruby ridley = Ridley.new(...) ridley.client.regenerate_key("jamie") #=> # ``` _With the `#regenerate_key` function on an instance of a Client Object_ ```ruby obj = ridley.client.find("jamie") obj.regenerate_key #=> # ``` Cookbook Resource ----------------- Data Bag Resource ----------------- A data bag is managed exactly the same as any other Chef resource ```ruby ridley = Ridley.new(...) ridley.data_bag.create(name: "ridley-test") ``` You can create, delete, update, or retrieve a data bag exactly how you would expect if you read through the Manipulating Chef Resources portion of this document. Unlike a role, node, client, or environment, a data bag is a container for other resources. These other resources are Data Bag Items. Data Bag Items behave slightly different than other resources. Data Bag Items can have an abritrary attribute hash filled with any key values that you would like. The one exception is that every Data Bag Item __requires__ an 'id' key and value. This identifier is the name of the Data Bag Item. ### Creating a Data Bag Item ```ruby ridley = Ridley.new(...) data_bag = ridley.data_bag.create(name: "ridley-test") data_bag.item.create(id: "appconfig", host: "reset.local", user: "jamie") #=> # ``` Environment Resource -------------------- ### Setting Attributes Setting a default environment attribute is just like setting a node level default attribute ```ruby ridley = Ridley.new(...) production_env = ridley.environment.find("production") production_env.set_default_attribute("my_app.proxy.enabled", false) production_env.save #=> true ``` And the same goes for setting an environment level override attribute ```ruby production_env.set_override_attribute("my_app.proxy.enabled", false) production_env.save #=> true ``` Role Resource ------------- ### Role Attributes Setting role attributes is just like setting node and environment attributes ```ruby ridley = Ridley.new(...) my_app_role = ridley.role.find("my_app") my_app_role.set_default_attribute("my_app.proxy.enabled", false) my_app_role.save #=> true ``` And the same goes for setting an environment level override attribute ```ruby my_app_role.set_override_attribute("my_app.proxy.enabled", false) my_app_role.save #=> true ``` Sandbox Resource ---------------- Search Resource --------------- ```ruby ridley = Ridley.new(...) ridley.search(:node) ridley.search(:node, "name:ridley-test.local") ``` Search will return an array of the appropriate Chef Objects if one of the default indices is specified. The indices are - node - role - client - environment Authors and Contributors ------------------------ - Jamie Winsor () - Kyle Allan () Thank you to all of our [Contributors](https://github.com/RiotGames/ridley/graphs/contributors), testers, and users.