#!/usr/bin/env ruby # vim:encoding=UTF-8: =begin ## Licence Ruby's by cho45 =end $LOAD_PATH << "lib" $LOAD_PATH << "../lib" $KCODE = "u" unless defined? ::Encoding # json use this require "rubygems" require "json" require "net/irc" require "mechanize" # Mixi from mixi.vim by ujihisa! class Mixi def initialize(email, password, mixi_premium = false, image_dir = '~/.vim/mixi_images') require 'kconv' require 'rubygems' require 'mechanize' @image_dir = File.expand_path image_dir @email, @password, @mixi_premium = email, password, mixi_premium end def post(title, body, images) @agent = WWW::Mechanize.new @agent.user_agent_alias = 'Mac Safari' page = @agent.get 'http://mixi.jp/home.pl' form = page.forms[0] form.email = @email form.password = @password @agent.submit form page = @agent.get "http://mixi.jp/home.pl" #page = @agent.get page.links[18].uri page = @agent.get page.links[14].uri form = page.forms[1] #form = page.forms[(@mixi_premium ? 1 : 0)] form.diary_title = title form.diary_body = self.class.magic_body(body) get_image images images[0, 3].each_with_index do |img, i| if /darwin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM && /\.png$/i =~ img imgjpg = '/tmp/mixi-vim-' << File.basename(img).sub(/\.png$/i, '.jpg') system "sips -s format jpeg --out #{imgjpg} #{img} > /dev/null 2>&1" img = imgjpg end form.file_uploads[i].file_name = img end page = @agent.submit form page = @agent.submit page.forms[1] end def get_latest page = @agent.get 'http://mixi.jp/list_diary.pl' ["http://mixi.jp/" << page.links[33].uri.to_s.toutf8, page.links[33].text.toutf8] end def self.magic_body(body) body.gsub(/^( )+/) {|i| ' '.toeuc * (i.length/2) } end def get_image(images) images.each_with_index do |img, i| if img =~ %r{^http://} path = File.join @image_dir, i.to_s + File.extname(img) unless File.exist? @image_dir Dir.mkdir @image_dir else Dir.chdir(@image_dir) do Dir.entries(@image_dir). each {|f| File.unlink f if File.file? f } end end system "wget -O #{path} #{img} > /dev/null 2>&1" if File.exist? path and !File.zero? path images[i] = path else images.delete_at i end end end end end class MixiDiary < Net::IRC::Server::Session def server_name "mixi" end def server_version "0.0.0" end def main_channel "#mixi" end def initialize(*args) super @ua = WWW::Mechanize.new end def on_user(m) super post @prefix, JOIN, main_channel post server_name, MODE, main_channel, "+o", @prefix.nick @real, *@opts = @opts.name || @real.split(/\s+/) @opts ||= [] @mixi = Mixi.new(@real, @pass) @cont = [] end def on_disconnected @observer.kill rescue nil end def on_privmsg(m) super # CTCP にしたほうがよくないか? case m[1] when "." title, *body = *@cont @mixi.post ">_<× < #{title}".toeuc, body.join("\n").toeuc, [] @mixi.get_latest.each do |line| post server_name, NOTICE, main_channel, line.chomp end when "c" @cont.clear post server_name, NOTICE, main_channel, "cleared." when "p" @cont.each do |l| post server_name, NOTICE, main_channel, l end post server_name, NOTICE, main_channel, "^^end" when "d" post server_name, NOTICE, main_channel, "Deleted last line: #{@cont.pop}" else @cont << m[1] if @cont.size == 1 post server_name, NOTICE, main_channel, "start with title: #{@cont.first}" else end end end def on_ctcp(target, message) end def on_whois(m) end def on_who(m) end def on_join(m) end def on_part(m) end end if __FILE__ == $0 require "optparse" opts = { :port => 16701, :host => "localhost", :log => nil, :debug => false, :foreground => false, } OptionParser.new do |parser| parser.instance_eval do self.banner = <<-EOB.gsub(/^\t+/, "") Usage: #{$0} [opts] EOB separator "" separator "Options:" on("-p", "--port [PORT=#{opts[:port]}]", "port number to listen") do |port| opts[:port] = port end on("-h", "--host [HOST=#{opts[:host]}]", "host name or IP address to listen") do |host| opts[:host] = host end on("-l", "--log LOG", "log file") do |log| opts[:log] = log end on("--debug", "Enable debug mode") do |debug| opts[:log] = $stdout opts[:debug] = true end on("-f", "--foreground", "run foreground") do |foreground| opts[:log] = $stdout opts[:foreground] = true end parse!(ARGV) end end opts[:logger] = Logger.new(opts[:log], "daily") opts[:logger].level = opts[:debug] ? Logger::DEBUG : Logger::INFO def daemonize(foreground=false) trap("SIGINT") { exit! 0 } trap("SIGTERM") { exit! 0 } trap("SIGHUP") { exit! 0 } return yield if $DEBUG || foreground Process.fork do Process.setsid Dir.chdir "/" File.open("/dev/null") {|f| STDIN.reopen f STDOUT.reopen f STDERR.reopen f } yield end exit! 0 end daemonize(opts[:debug] || opts[:foreground]) do Net::IRC::Server.new(opts[:host], opts[:port], MixiDiary, opts).start end end # Local Variables: # coding: utf-8 # End: