/* Redactor v8.2.2 Updated: January 17, 2013 http://redactorjs.com/ Copyright (c) 2009-2013, Imperavi Inc. License: http://redactorjs.com/license/ Usage: $('#content').redactor(); */ var rwindow, rdocument; if (typeof RELANG === 'undefined') { var RELANG = {}; } var RLANG = { html: 'HTML', video: 'Insert Video', image: 'Insert Image', table: 'Table', link: 'Link', link_insert: 'Insert link', unlink: 'Unlink', formatting: 'Formatting', paragraph: 'Paragraph', quote: 'Quote', code: 'Code', header1: 'Header 1', header2: 'Header 2', header3: 'Header 3', header4: 'Header 4', bold: 'Bold', italic: 'Italic', fontcolor: 'Font Color', backcolor: 'Back Color', unorderedlist: 'Unordered List', orderedlist: 'Ordered List', outdent: 'Outdent', indent: 'Indent', cancel: 'Cancel', insert: 'Insert', save: 'Save', _delete: 'Delete', insert_table: 'Insert Table', insert_row_above: 'Add Row Above', insert_row_below: 'Add Row Below', insert_column_left: 'Add Column Left', insert_column_right: 'Add Column Right', delete_column: 'Delete Column', delete_row: 'Delete Row', delete_table: 'Delete Table', rows: 'Rows', columns: 'Columns', add_head: 'Add Head', delete_head: 'Delete Head', title: 'Title', image_position: 'Position', none: 'None', left: 'Left', right: 'Right', image_web_link: 'Image Web Link', text: 'Text', mailto: 'Email', web: 'URL', video_html_code: 'Video Embed Code', file: 'Insert File', upload: 'Upload', download: 'Download', choose: 'Choose', or_choose: 'Or choose', drop_file_here: 'Drop file here', align_left: 'Align text to the left', align_center: 'Center text', align_right: 'Align text to the right', align_justify: 'Justify text', horizontalrule: 'Insert Horizontal Rule', deleted: 'Deleted', anchor: 'Anchor', link_new_tab: 'Open link in new tab', underline: 'Underline', alignment: 'Alignment' }; (function($){ // Plugin jQuery.fn.redactor = function(option) { return this.each(function() { var $obj = $(this); var data = $obj.data('redactor'); if (!data) { $obj.data('redactor', (data = new Redactor(this, option))); } }); }; // Initialization var Redactor = function(element, options) { // Element this.$el = $(element); // Lang if (typeof options !== 'undefined' && typeof options.lang !== 'undefined' && options.lang !== 'en' && typeof RELANG[options.lang] !== 'undefined') { RLANG = RELANG[options.lang]; } // Options this.opts = $.extend({ iframe: false, css: false, // url lang: 'en', direction: 'ltr', // ltr or rtl callback: false, // function keyupCallback: false, // function keydownCallback: false, // function execCommandCallback: false, // function plugins: false, cleanup: true, focus: false, tabindex: false, autoresize: true, minHeight: false, fixed: false, fixedTop: 0, // pixels fixedBox: false, source: true, shortcuts: true, mobile: true, air: false, // true or toolbar wym: false, convertLinks: true, convertDivs: true, protocol: 'http://', // for links http or https or ftp or false autosave: false, // false or url autosaveCallback: false, // function interval: 60, // seconds // ================================================================================= // SLATE FIX: Activeadmin integration imageGetJson: '/admin/redactor/pictures', // url (ex. /folder/images.json ) or false imageUpload: '/admin/redactor/pictures', // url // ================================================================================= imageUploadCallback: false, // function imageUploadErrorCallback: false, // function fileUpload: false, // url fileUploadCallback: false, // function fileUploadErrorCallback: false, // function uploadCrossDomain: false, uploadFields: false, observeImages: true, overlay: true, // modal overlay allowedTags: ["form", "input", "button", "select", "option", "datalist", "output", "textarea", "fieldset", "legend", "section", "header", "hgroup", "aside", "footer", "article", "details", "nav", "progress", "time", "canvas", "code", "span", "div", "label", "a", "br", "p", "b", "i", "del", "strike", "u", "img", "video", "source", "track", "audio", "iframe", "object", "embed", "param", "blockquote", "mark", "cite", "small", "ul", "ol", "li", "hr", "dl", "dt", "dd", "sup", "sub", "big", "pre", "code", "figure", "figcaption", "strong", "em", "table", "tr", "td", "th", "tbody", "thead", "tfoot", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"], toolbarExternal: false, // ID selector buttonsCustom: {}, buttonsAdd: [], //=========================================== // SLATE FIX: fontcolor and backcolor removed buttons: ['html', '|', 'formatting', '|', 'bold', 'italic', 'deleted', '|', 'unorderedlist', 'orderedlist', 'outdent', 'indent', '|', 'image', 'video', 'file', 'table', 'link', '|', 'alignment', '|', 'horizontalrule'], // 'underline', 'alignleft', 'aligncenter', 'alignright', 'justify' airButtons: ['formatting', '|', 'bold', 'italic', 'deleted', '|', 'unorderedlist', 'orderedlist', 'outdent', 'indent', '|', 'fontcolor', 'backcolor'], formattingTags: ['p', 'blockquote', 'pre', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4'], activeButtons: ['deleted', 'italic', 'bold', 'underline', 'unorderedlist', 'orderedlist'], // 'alignleft', 'aligncenter', 'alignright', 'justify' activeButtonsStates: { b: 'bold', strong: 'bold', i: 'italic', em: 'italic', del: 'deleted', strike: 'deleted', ul: 'unorderedlist', ol: 'orderedlist', u: 'underline' }, colors: [ '#ffffff', '#000000', '#eeece1', '#1f497d', '#4f81bd', '#c0504d', '#9bbb59', '#8064a2', '#4bacc6', '#f79646', '#ffff00', '#f2f2f2', '#7f7f7f', '#ddd9c3', '#c6d9f0', '#dbe5f1', '#f2dcdb', '#ebf1dd', '#e5e0ec', '#dbeef3', '#fdeada', '#fff2ca', '#d8d8d8', '#595959', '#c4bd97', '#8db3e2', '#b8cce4', '#e5b9b7', '#d7e3bc', '#ccc1d9', '#b7dde8', '#fbd5b5', '#ffe694', '#bfbfbf', '#3f3f3f', '#938953', '#548dd4', '#95b3d7', '#d99694', '#c3d69b', '#b2a2c7', '#b7dde8', '#fac08f', '#f2c314', '#a5a5a5', '#262626', '#494429', '#17365d', '#366092', '#953734', '#76923c', '#5f497a', '#92cddc', '#e36c09', '#c09100', '#7f7f7f', '#0c0c0c', '#1d1b10', '#0f243e', '#244061', '#632423', '#4f6128', '#3f3151', '#31859b', '#974806', '#7f6000'], // private emptyHtml: '<p><br /></p>', buffer: false, visual: true, // modal windows container modal_file: String() + '<div id="redactor_modal_content">' + '<form id="redactorUploadFileForm" method="post" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data">' + '<label>Name (optional)</label>' + '<input type="text" id="redactor_filename" class="redactor_input" />' + '<div style="margin-top: 7px;">' + '<input type="file" id="redactor_file" name="file" />' + '</div>' + '</form><br>' + '</div>', modal_image_edit: String() + '<div id="redactor_modal_content">' + '<label>' + RLANG.title + '</label>' + '<input id="redactor_file_alt" class="redactor_input" />' + '<label>' + RLANG.link + '</label>' + '<input id="redactor_file_link" class="redactor_input" />' + '<label>' + RLANG.image_position + '</label>' + '<select id="redactor_form_image_align">' + '<option value="none">' + RLANG.none + '</option>' + '<option value="left">' + RLANG.left + '</option>' + '<option value="right">' + RLANG.right + '</option>' + '</select>' + '</div>' + '<div id="redactor_modal_footer">' + '<a href="javascript:void(null);" id="redactor_image_delete_btn" class="redactor_modal_btn">' + RLANG._delete + '</a> ' + '<a href="javascript:void(null);" class="redactor_modal_btn redactor_btn_modal_close">' + RLANG.cancel + '</a>' + '<input type="button" name="save" class="redactor_modal_btn" id="redactorSaveBtn" value="' + RLANG.save + '" />' + '</div>', modal_image: String() + '<div id="redactor_modal_content">' + '<div id="redactor_tabs">' + '<a href="javascript:void(null);" class="redactor_tabs_act">' + RLANG.upload + '</a>' + '<a href="javascript:void(null);">' + RLANG.choose + '</a>' + '<a href="javascript:void(null);">' + RLANG.link + '</a>' + '</div>' + '<form id="redactorInsertImageForm" method="post" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data">' + '<div id="redactor_tab1" class="redactor_tab">' + '<input type="file" id="redactor_file" name="file" />' + '</div>' + '<div id="redactor_tab2" class="redactor_tab" style="display: none;">' + '<div id="redactor_image_box"></div>' + '</div>' + '</form>' + '<div id="redactor_tab3" class="redactor_tab" style="display: none;">' + '<label>' + RLANG.image_web_link + '</label>' + '<input type="text" name="redactor_file_link" id="redactor_file_link" class="redactor_input" />' + '</div>' + '</div>' + '<div id="redactor_modal_footer">' + '<a href="javascript:void(null);" class="redactor_modal_btn redactor_btn_modal_close">' + RLANG.cancel + '</a>' + '<input type="button" name="upload" class="redactor_modal_btn" id="redactor_upload_btn" value="' + RLANG.insert + '" />' + '</div>', modal_link: String() + '<div id="redactor_modal_content">' + '<form id="redactorInsertLinkForm" method="post" action="">' + '<div id="redactor_tabs">' + '<a href="javascript:void(null);" class="redactor_tabs_act">URL</a>' + '<a href="javascript:void(null);">Email</a>' + '<a href="javascript:void(null);">' + RLANG.anchor + '</a>' + '</div>' + '<input type="hidden" id="redactor_tab_selected" value="1" />' + '<div class="redactor_tab" id="redactor_tab1">' + '<label>URL</label><input type="text" id="redactor_link_url" class="redactor_input" />' + '<label>' + RLANG.text + '</label><input type="text" class="redactor_input redactor_link_text" id="redactor_link_url_text" />' + '<label><input type="checkbox" id="redactor_link_blank"> ' + RLANG.link_new_tab + '</label>' + '</div>' + '<div class="redactor_tab" id="redactor_tab2" style="display: none;">' + '<label>Email</label><input type="text" id="redactor_link_mailto" class="redactor_input" />' + '<label>' + RLANG.text + '</label><input type="text" class="redactor_input redactor_link_text" id="redactor_link_mailto_text" />' + '</div>' + '<div class="redactor_tab" id="redactor_tab3" style="display: none;">' + '<label>' + RLANG.anchor + '</label><input type="text" class="redactor_input" id="redactor_link_anchor" />' + '<label>' + RLANG.text + '</label><input type="text" class="redactor_input redactor_link_text" id="redactor_link_anchor_text" />' + '</div>' + '</form>' + '</div>' + '<div id="redactor_modal_footer">' + '<a href="javascript:void(null);" class="redactor_modal_btn redactor_btn_modal_close">' + RLANG.cancel + '</a>' + '<input type="button" class="redactor_modal_btn" id="redactor_insert_link_btn" value="' + RLANG.insert + '" />' + '</div>', modal_table: String() + '<div id="redactor_modal_content">' + '<label>' + RLANG.rows + '</label>' + '<input type="text" size="5" value="2" id="redactor_table_rows" />' + '<label>' + RLANG.columns + '</label>' + '<input type="text" size="5" value="3" id="redactor_table_columns" />' + '</div>' + '<div id="redactor_modal_footer">' + '<a href="javascript:void(null);" class="redactor_modal_btn redactor_btn_modal_close">' + RLANG.cancel + '</a>' + '<input type="button" name="upload" class="redactor_modal_btn" id="redactor_insert_table_btn" value="' + RLANG.insert + '" />' + '</div>', modal_video: String() + '<div id="redactor_modal_content">' + '<form id="redactorInsertVideoForm">' + '<label>' + RLANG.video_html_code + '</label>' + '<textarea id="redactor_insert_video_area" style="width: 99%; height: 160px;"></textarea>' + '</form>' + '</div>'+ '<div id="redactor_modal_footer">' + '<a href="javascript:void(null);" class="redactor_modal_btn redactor_btn_modal_close">' + RLANG.cancel + '</a>' + '<input type="button" class="redactor_modal_btn" id="redactor_insert_video_btn" value="' + RLANG.insert + '" />' + '</div>', toolbar: { html: { title: RLANG.html, func: 'toggle' }, formatting: { title: RLANG.formatting, func: 'show', dropdown: { p: { title: RLANG.paragraph, exec: 'formatblock' }, blockquote: { title: RLANG.quote, exec: 'formatblock', className: 'redactor_format_blockquote' }, pre: { title: RLANG.code, exec: 'formatblock', className: 'redactor_format_pre' }, h1: { title: RLANG.header1, exec: 'formatblock', className: 'redactor_format_h1' }, h2: { title: RLANG.header2, exec: 'formatblock', className: 'redactor_format_h2' }, h3: { title: RLANG.header3, exec: 'formatblock', className: 'redactor_format_h3' }, h4: { title: RLANG.header4, exec: 'formatblock', className: 'redactor_format_h4' } } }, bold: { title: RLANG.bold, exec: 'bold' }, italic: { title: RLANG.italic, exec: 'italic' }, deleted: { title: RLANG.deleted, exec: 'strikethrough' }, underline: { title: RLANG.underline, exec: 'underline' }, unorderedlist: { title: '• ' + RLANG.unorderedlist, exec: 'insertunorderedlist' }, orderedlist: { title: '1. ' + RLANG.orderedlist, exec: 'insertorderedlist' }, outdent: { title: '< ' + RLANG.outdent, exec: 'outdent' }, indent: { title: '> ' + RLANG.indent, exec: 'indent' }, image: { title: RLANG.image, func: 'showImage' }, video: { title: RLANG.video, func: 'showVideo' }, file: { title: RLANG.file, func: 'showFile' }, table: { title: RLANG.table, func: 'show', dropdown: { insert_table: { title: RLANG.insert_table, func: 'showTable' }, separator_drop1: { name: 'separator' }, insert_row_above: { title: RLANG.insert_row_above, func: 'insertRowAbove' }, insert_row_below: { title: RLANG.insert_row_below, func: 'insertRowBelow' }, insert_column_left: { title: RLANG.insert_column_left, func: 'insertColumnLeft' }, insert_column_right: { title: RLANG.insert_column_right, func: 'insertColumnRight' }, separator_drop2: { name: 'separator' }, add_head: { title: RLANG.add_head, func: 'addHead' }, delete_head: { title: RLANG.delete_head, func: 'deleteHead' }, separator_drop3: { name: 'separator' }, delete_column: { title: RLANG.delete_column, func: 'deleteColumn' }, delete_row: { title: RLANG.delete_row, func: 'deleteRow' }, delete_table: { title: RLANG.delete_table, func: 'deleteTable' } } }, link: { title: RLANG.link, func: 'show', dropdown: { link: { title: RLANG.link_insert, func: 'showLink' }, unlink: { title: RLANG.unlink, exec: 'unlink' } } }, fontcolor: { title: RLANG.fontcolor, func: 'show' }, backcolor: { title: RLANG.backcolor, func: 'show' }, alignment: { title: RLANG.alignment, func: 'show', dropdown: { alignleft: { title: RLANG.align_left, exec: 'JustifyLeft' }, aligncenter: { title: RLANG.align_center, exec: 'JustifyCenter' }, alignright: { title: RLANG.align_right, exec: 'JustifyRight' }, justify: { title: RLANG.align_justify, exec: 'JustifyFull' } } }, alignleft: { exec: 'JustifyLeft', title: RLANG.align_left }, aligncenter: { exec: 'JustifyCenter', title: RLANG.align_center }, alignright: { exec: 'JustifyRight', title: RLANG.align_right }, justify: { exec: 'JustifyFull', title: RLANG.align_justify }, horizontalrule: { exec: 'inserthorizontalrule', title: RLANG.horizontalrule } } }, options, this.$el.data()); this.dropdowns = []; // Init this.init(); }; // Functionality Redactor.prototype = { // Initialization init: function() { // get dimensions this.height = this.$el.css('height'); this.width = this.$el.css('width'); rdocument = this.document = document; rwindow = this.window = window; // mobile if (this.opts.mobile === false && this.isMobile()) { this.build(true); return false; } // iframe if (this.opts.iframe) { this.opts.autoresize = false; } // extend buttons if (this.opts.air) { this.opts.buttons = this.opts.airButtons; } else if (this.opts.toolbar !== false) { if (this.opts.source === false) { var index = this.opts.buttons.indexOf('html'); var next = this.opts.buttons[index+1]; this.opts.buttons.splice(index, 1); if (typeof next !== 'undefined' && next === '|') { this.opts.buttons.splice(index, 1); } } $.extend(this.opts.toolbar, this.opts.buttonsCustom); $.each(this.opts.buttonsAdd, $.proxy(function(i,s) { this.opts.buttons.push(s); }, this)); } // formatting tags if (this.opts.toolbar !== false) { $.each(this.opts.toolbar.formatting.dropdown, $.proxy(function(i,s) { if ($.inArray(i, this.opts.formattingTags) == '-1') { delete this.opts.toolbar.formatting.dropdown[i]; } }, this)); } function afterBuild() { // air enable this.enableAir(); // toolbar this.buildToolbar(); // PLUGINS if (typeof this.opts.plugins === 'object') { $.each(this.opts.plugins, $.proxy(function(i,s) { if (typeof RedactorPlugins[s] !== 'undefined') { $.extend(this, RedactorPlugins[s]); if (typeof RedactorPlugins[s].init !== 'undefined') { this.init(); } } }, this)); } // buttons response if (this.opts.activeButtons !== false && this.opts.toolbar !== false) { var observeFormatting = $.proxy(function() { this.observeFormatting(); }, this); this.$editor.click(observeFormatting).keyup(observeFormatting); } // paste var oldsafari = false; if (this.browser('webkit') && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') === -1) { var arr = this.browser('version').split('.'); if (arr[0] < 536) oldsafari = true; } if (this.isMobile(true) === false && oldsafari === false) { this.$editor.bind('paste', $.proxy(function(e) { if (this.opts.cleanup === false) { return true; } this.pasteRunning = true; this.setBuffer(); if (this.opts.autoresize === true) { this.saveScroll = this.document.body.scrollTop; } else { this.saveScroll = this.$editor.scrollTop(); } var frag = this.extractContent(); setTimeout($.proxy(function() { var pastedFrag = this.extractContent(); this.$editor.append(frag); this.restoreSelection(); var html = this.getFragmentHtml(pastedFrag); this.pasteCleanUp(html); this.pasteRunning = false; }, this), 1); }, this)); } // key handlers this.keyup(); this.keydown(); // autosave if (this.opts.autosave !== false) { this.autoSave(); } // observers setTimeout($.proxy(function() { this.observeImages(); this.observeTables(); }, this), 1); // FF fix if (this.browser('mozilla')) { this.$editor.click($.proxy(function() { this.saveSelection(); }, this)); try { this.document.execCommand('enableObjectResizing', false, false); this.document.execCommand('enableInlineTableEditing', false, false); } catch (e) {} } // focus if (this.opts.focus) { setTimeout($.proxy(function(){ this.$editor.focus(); }, this), 1); } // fixed if (this.opts.fixed) { this.observeScroll(); $(document).scroll($.proxy(this.observeScroll, this)); } // callback if (typeof this.opts.callback === 'function') { this.opts.callback(this); } if (this.opts.toolbar !== false) { this.$toolbar.find('a').attr('tabindex', '-1'); } } // construct editor this.build(false, afterBuild); }, shortcuts: function(e, cmd) { e.preventDefault(); this.execCommand(cmd, false); }, keyup: function() { this.$editor.keyup($.proxy(function(e) { var key = e.keyCode || e.which; if (this.browser('mozilla') && !this.pasteRunning) { this.saveSelection(); } // callback as you type if (typeof this.opts.keyupCallback === 'function') { this.opts.keyupCallback(this, e); } // if empty if (key === 8 || key === 46) { this.observeImages(); return this.formatEmpty(e); } // new line p if (key === 13 && !e.shiftKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey) { if (this.browser('webkit')) { this.formatNewLine(e); } // convert links if (this.opts.convertLinks) { this.$editor.linkify(); } } this.syncCode(); }, this)); }, keydown: function() { this.$editor.keydown($.proxy(function(e) { var key = e.keyCode || e.which; var parent = this.getParentNode(); var current = this.getCurrentNode(); var pre = false; var ctrl = e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey; if ((parent || current) && ($(parent).get(0).tagName === 'PRE' || $(current).get(0).tagName === 'PRE')) { pre = true; } // callback keydown if (typeof this.opts.keydownCallback === 'function') { this.opts.keydownCallback(this, e); } if (ctrl && this.opts.shortcuts) { if (key === 90) { if (this.opts.buffer !== false) { e.preventDefault(); this.getBuffer(); } else if (e.shiftKey) { this.shortcuts(e, 'redo'); // Ctrl + Shift + z } else { this.shortcuts(e, 'undo'); // Ctrl + z } } else if (key === 77) { this.shortcuts(e, 'removeFormat'); // Ctrl + m } else if (key === 66) { this.shortcuts(e, 'bold'); // Ctrl + b } else if (key === 73) { this.shortcuts(e, 'italic'); // Ctrl + i } else if (key === 74) { this.shortcuts(e, 'insertunorderedlist'); // Ctrl + j } else if (key === 75) { this.shortcuts(e, 'insertorderedlist'); // Ctrl + k } else if (key === 76) { this.shortcuts(e, 'superscript'); // Ctrl + l } else if (key === 72) { this.shortcuts(e, 'subscript'); // Ctrl + h } } // clear undo buffer if (!ctrl && key !== 90) { this.opts.buffer = false; } // enter if (pre === true && key === 13) { e.preventDefault(); var html = $(current).parent().text(); this.insertNodeAtCaret(this.document.createTextNode('\r\n')); if (html.search(/\s$/) == -1) { this.insertNodeAtCaret(this.document.createTextNode('\r\n')); } this.syncCode(); return false; } // tab if (this.opts.shortcuts && !e.shiftKey && key === 9) { if (pre === false) { this.shortcuts(e, 'indent'); // Tab } else { e.preventDefault(); this.insertNodeAtCaret(this.document.createTextNode('\t')); this.syncCode(); return false; } } else if (this.opts.shortcuts && e.shiftKey && key === 9 ) { this.shortcuts(e, 'outdent'); // Shift + tab } // safari shift key + enter if (this.browser('webkit') && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') === -1) { return this.safariShiftKeyEnter(e, key); } }, this)); }, build: function(mobile, whendone) { if (mobile !== true) { // container this.$box = $('<div class="redactor_box"></div>'); // air box if (this.opts.air) { this.air = $('<div class="redactor_air" style="display: none;"></div>'); } this.$content = null; function initFrame() { this.$editor = this.$content.contents().find("body").attr('contenteditable', true).attr('dir', this.opts.direction); rdocument = this.document = this.$editor[0].ownerDocument; rwindow = this.window = this.document.defaultView || window; if (this.opts.css !== false) { this.$content.contents().find('head').append('<link rel="stylesheet" href="' + this.opts.css + '" />'); } this.$editor.html(html); if (whendone) { whendone.call(this); whendone = null; } } // editor this.textareamode = true; if (this.$el.get(0).tagName === 'TEXTAREA') { if(this.opts.iframe) { var me = this; this.$content = $('<iframe style="width: 100%;" frameborder="0"></iframe>').load(function() { initFrame.call(me); }); } else { this.$content = this.$editor = $('<div></div>'); } var classlist = this.$el.get(0).className.split(/\s+/); $.each(classlist, $.proxy(function(i,s) { this.$content.addClass('redactor_' + s); }, this)); } else { this.textareamode = false; this.$content = this.$editor = this.$el; this.$el = $('<textarea name="' + this.$editor.attr('id') + '"></textarea>').css('height', this.height); } if (this.$editor) { this.$editor.addClass('redactor_editor').attr('contenteditable', true).attr('dir', this.opts.direction); } if (this.opts.tabindex !== false) { this.$content.attr('tabindex', this.opts.tabindex); } if (this.opts.minHeight !== false) { this.$content.css('min-height', this.opts.minHeight + 'px'); } if (this.opts.wym === true) { this.$content.addClass('redactor_editor_wym'); } if (this.opts.autoresize === false) { this.$content.css('height', this.height); } // hide textarea this.$el.hide(); // append box and frame var html = ''; if (this.textareamode) { // get html html = this.$el.val(); html = this.savePreCode(html); this.$box.insertAfter(this.$el).append(this.$content).append(this.$el); } else { // get html html = this.$editor.html(); html = this.savePreCode(html); this.$box.insertAfter(this.$content).append(this.$el).append(this.$editor); } // conver newlines to p html = this.paragraphy(html); // enable if (this.$editor) { this.$editor.html(html); } if (this.textareamode === false) { this.syncCode(); } } else { if (this.$el.get(0).tagName !== 'TEXTAREA') { var html = this.$el.val(); var textarea = $('<textarea name="' + this.$editor.attr('id') + '"></textarea>').css('height', this.height).val(html); this.$el.hide(); this.$el.after(textarea); } } if (whendone && this.$editor) { whendone.call(this); } }, enableAir: function() { if (this.opts.air === false) { return false; } this.air.hide(); this.$editor.bind('textselect', $.proxy(function(e) { this.showAir(e); }, this)); this.$editor.bind('textunselect', $.proxy(function() { this.air.hide(); }, this)); }, showAir: function(e) { $('.redactor_air').hide(); var width = this.air.innerWidth(); var left = e.clientX; if ($(this.document).width() < (left + width)) { left = left - width; } var top = e.clientY + $(document).scrollTop() + 14; if (this.opts.iframe === true) { top = top + this.$box.position().top; left = left + this.$box.position().left; } this.air.css({ left: left + 'px', top: top + 'px' }).show(); }, syncCode: function() { this.$el.val(this.$editor.html()); }, // API functions setCode: function(html) { html = this.stripTags(html); this.$editor.html(html).focus(); this.syncCode(); }, getCode: function() { var html = ''; if (this.opts.visual) { html = this.$editor.html() } else { html = this.$el.val(); } return this.stripTags(html); }, insertHtml: function(html) { this.$editor.focus(); this.pasteHtmlAtCaret(html); this.observeImages(); this.syncCode(); }, pasteHtmlAtCaret: function (html) { var sel, range; if (this.document.getSelection) { sel = this.window.getSelection(); if (sel.getRangeAt && sel.rangeCount) { range = sel.getRangeAt(0); range.deleteContents(); var el = this.document.createElement("div"); el.innerHTML = html; var frag = this.document.createDocumentFragment(), node, lastNode; 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element.replaceWith(newElement); newElement.html('<br />'); this.setSelection(newElement[0], 0, newElement[0], 0); } } }, // SAFARI SHIFT KEY + ENTER safariShiftKeyEnter: function(e, key) { if (e.shiftKey && key === 13) { e.preventDefault(); this.insertNodeAtCaret($('<span><br /></span>').get(0)); this.syncCode(); return false; } else { return true; } }, // FORMAT EMPTY formatEmpty: function(e) { var html = $.trim(this.$editor.html()); if (this.browser('mozilla')) { html = html.replace(/<br>/i, ''); } var thtml = html.replace(/<(?:.|\n)*?>/gm, ''); if (html === '' || thtml === '') { e.preventDefault(); var node = $(this.opts.emptyHtml).get(0); this.$editor.html(node); this.setSelection(node, 0, node, 0); this.syncCode(); return false; } else { this.syncCode(); } }, // PARAGRAPHY paragraphy: function (str) { str = $.trim(str); if (str === '' || str === '<p></p>') { return this.opts.emptyHtml; } // convert div to p if (this.opts.convertDivs) { str = str.replace(/<div(.*?)>([\w\W]*?)<\/div>/gi, '<p>$2</p>'); 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++i) { var aaa = atags[i]; html = html.replace(new RegExp(aaa,'gi'),aaa+lb); } return html; }, formatting: function(html) { html = this.formattingRemove(html); // empty tags html = this.formattingEmptyTags(html); // add formatting before html = this.formattingAddBefore(html); // add formatting after html = this.formattingAddAfter(html); // indenting html = this.formattingIndenting(html); return html; }, // TOGGLE toggle: function() { var html; if (this.opts.visual) { var height = this.$editor.innerHeight(); this.$editor.hide(); this.$content.hide(); html = this.$editor.html(); //html = $.trim(this.formatting(html)); this.$el.height(height).val(html).show().focus(); this.setBtnActive('html'); this.opts.visual = false; } else { this.$el.hide(); var html = this.$el.val(); //html = this.savePreCode(html); // clean up //html = this.stripTags(html); // set code this.$editor.html(html).show(); this.$content.show(); if (this.$editor.html() === '') { this.setCode(this.opts.emptyHtml); } this.$editor.focus(); this.setBtnInactive('html'); this.opts.visual = true; this.observeImages(); this.observeTables(); } }, // AUTOSAVE autoSave: function() { this.autosaveInterval = setInterval($.proxy(function() { $.ajax({ url: this.opts.autosave, type: 'post', data: this.$el.attr('name') + '=' + escape(encodeURIComponent(this.getCode())), success: $.proxy(function(data) { // callback if (typeof this.opts.autosaveCallback === 'function') { this.opts.autosaveCallback(data, this); } }, this) }); }, this), this.opts.interval*1000); }, // TOOLBAR buildToolbar: function() { if (this.opts.toolbar === false) { return false; } this.$toolbar = $('<ul>').addClass('redactor_toolbar'); if (this.opts.air) { $(this.air).append(this.$toolbar); $('body').append(this.air); } else { if (this.opts.toolbarExternal === false) { this.$box.prepend(this.$toolbar); } else { $(this.opts.toolbarExternal).html(this.$toolbar); } } $.each(this.opts.buttons, $.proxy(function(i,key) { if (key !== '|' && typeof this.opts.toolbar[key] !== 'undefined') { var s = this.opts.toolbar[key]; 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} else { $(drop_a).click($.proxy(function(e) { this[d.func](e); }, this)); } } $(dropdown).append(drop_a); }, this) ); return dropdown; }, buildColorPicker: function(dropdown, key) { var mode; if (key === 'backcolor') { if (this.browser('msie')) { mode = 'BackColor'; } else { mode = 'hilitecolor'; } } else { mode = 'forecolor'; } $(dropdown).width(210); var len = this.opts.colors.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { var color = this.opts.colors[i]; var swatch = $('<a rel="' + color + '" href="javascript:void(null);" class="redactor_color_link"></a>').css({ 'backgroundColor': color }); $(dropdown).append(swatch); var _self = this; $(swatch).click(function() { _self.execCommand(mode, $(this).attr('rel')); if (mode === 'forecolor') { _self.$editor.find('font').replaceWith(function() { return $('<span style="color: ' + $(this).attr('color') + ';">' + $(this).html() + '</span>'); }); } if (_self.browser('msie') && mode === 'BackColor') { _self.$editor.find('font').replaceWith(function() { return $('<span style="' + $(this).attr('style') + '">' + $(this).html() + '</span>'); 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} var btn = this.buildButton(key, { title: title, callback: callback, dropdown: dropdown }); var $btn = this.getBtn(beforekey); $btn.parent().before($('<li>').append(btn)); }, removeBtn: function(key, separator) { var $btn = this.getBtn(key); if (separator === true) { $btn.parent().next().remove(); } $btn.parent().removeClass('redactor_btn_right'); $btn.remove(); }, // SELECTION AND NODE MANIPULATION getFragmentHtml: function (fragment) { var cloned = fragment.cloneNode(true); var div = this.document.createElement('div'); div.appendChild(cloned); return div.innerHTML; }, extractContent: function() { var node = this.$editor.get(0); var frag = this.document.createDocumentFragment(), child; while ((child = node.firstChild)) { frag.appendChild(child); } return frag; }, // Save and Restore Selection saveSelection: function() { this.$editor.focus(); this.savedSel = this.getOrigin(); this.savedSelObj = this.getFocus(); }, restoreSelection: function() { if (typeof this.savedSel !== 'undefined' && this.savedSel !== null && this.savedSelObj !== null && this.savedSel[0].tagName !== 'BODY') { if (this.opts.iframe === false && $(this.savedSel[0]).closest('.redactor_editor').size() == 0) { this.$editor.focus(); 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r.setEnd(focn, foco); try { sel.removeAllRanges(); } catch (e) {} sel.addRange(r); } } else { var node = this.$editor.get(0); var range = node.document.body.createTextRange(); this._moveBoundary(node.document, range, false, focn, foco); this._moveBoundary(node.document, range, true, orgn, orgo); return range.select(); } }, // Get elements, html and text getCurrentNode: function() { if (typeof this.window.getSelection !== 'undefined') { return this.getSelectedNode().parentNode; } else if (typeof this.document.selection !== 'undefined') { return this.getSelection().parentElement(); } }, getParentNode: function() { return $(this.getCurrentNode()).parent()[0] }, getSelectedNode: function() { if (this.oldIE()) { return this.getSelection().parentElement(); } else if (typeof this.window.getSelection !== 'undefined') { var s = this.window.getSelection(); if (s.rangeCount > 0) { return this.getSelection().getRangeAt(0).commonAncestorContainer; } else { return false; } } else if (typeof this.document.selection !== 'undefined') { return this.getSelection(); 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'EndToStart' : 'EndToEnd'), textRange); node = cursorNode.nextSibling; offset = cursor.text.length; } else { node = cursorNode.parentNode; offset = this._getChildIndex(cursorNode); } cursorNode.parentNode.removeChild(cursorNode); return [node, offset]; }, _moveBoundary: function(doc, textRange, bStart, node, offset) { var anchorNode, anchorParent, cursor, cursorNode, textOffset; textOffset = 0; anchorNode = this._isText(node) ? node : node.childNodes[offset]; anchorParent = this._isText(node) ? node.parentNode : node; if (this._isText(node)) { textOffset = offset; } cursorNode = doc.createElement('a'); anchorParent.insertBefore(cursorNode, anchorNode || null); cursor = doc.body.createTextRange(); cursor.moveToElementText(cursorNode); cursorNode.parentNode.removeChild(cursorNode); textRange.setEndPoint((bStart ? 'StartToStart' : 'EndToEnd'), cursor); return textRange[bStart ? 'moveStart' : 'moveEnd']('character', textOffset); }, _isText: function (d) { return (d != null ? d.nodeType == 3 : false); }, _getChildIndex: function (e) { var k = 0; while (e = e.previousSibling) { k++; } return k; }, insertNodeAfterCaret: function(node) { this.saveSelection(); this.insertNodeAtCaret(node); this.restoreSelection(); }, insertNodeAtCaret: function(node) { if (this.window.getSelection) { var sel = this.getSelection(); if (sel.rangeCount) { var range = sel.getRangeAt(0); range.collapse(false); range.insertNode(node); range = range.cloneRange(); range.selectNodeContents(node); range.collapse(false); sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(range); } } else if (this.document.selection) { var html = (node.nodeType === 1) ? node.outerHTML : node.data; var id = "marker_" + ("" + Math.random()).slice(2); html += '<span id="' + id + '"></span>'; var textRange = this.getSelection(); textRange.collapse(false); textRange.pasteHTML(html); var markerSpan = this.document.getElementById(id); textRange.moveToElementText(markerSpan); textRange.select(); markerSpan.parentNode.removeChild(markerSpan); } }, getSelectedHtml: function() { var html = ''; if (this.window.getSelection) { var sel = this.window.getSelection(); if (sel.rangeCount) { var container = this.document.createElement("div"); for (var i = 0, len = sel.rangeCount; i < len; ++i) { container.appendChild(sel.getRangeAt(i).cloneContents()); } html = container.innerHTML; } } else if (this.document.selection) { if (this.document.selection.type === "Text") { html = this.document.selection.createRange().htmlText; } } return html; }, // RESIZE IMAGES resizeImage: function(resize) { var clicked = false; var clicker = false; var start_x; var start_y; var ratio = $(resize).width()/$(resize).height(); var min_w = 10; var min_h = 10; $(resize).off('hover mousedown mouseup click mousemove'); $(resize).hover(function() { $(resize).css('cursor', 'nw-resize'); }, function() { $(resize).css('cursor',''); clicked = false; }); $(resize).mousedown(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); ratio = $(resize).width()/$(resize).height(); clicked = true; clicker = true; start_x = Math.round(e.pageX - $(resize).eq(0).offset().left); start_y = Math.round(e.pageY - $(resize).eq(0).offset().top); }); $(resize).mouseup($.proxy(function(e) { clicked = false; $(resize).css('cursor',''); this.syncCode(); }, this)); $(resize).click($.proxy(function(e) { if (clicker) { this.imageEdit(e); } }, this)); $(resize).mousemove(function(e) { if (clicked) { clicker = false; var mouse_x = Math.round(e.pageX - $(this).eq(0).offset().left) - start_x; var mouse_y = Math.round(e.pageY - $(this).eq(0).offset().top) - start_y; var div_h = $(resize).height(); var new_h = parseInt(div_h, 10) + mouse_y; var new_w = new_h*ratio; if (new_w > min_w) { $(resize).width(new_w); } if (new_h > min_h) { $(resize).height(new_h); } start_x = Math.round(e.pageX - $(this).eq(0).offset().left); start_y = Math.round(e.pageY - $(this).eq(0).offset().top); } }); }, // TABLE showTable: function() { this.saveSelection(); this.modalInit(RLANG.table, this.opts.modal_table, 300, $.proxy(function() { $('#redactor_insert_table_btn').click($.proxy(this.insertTable, this)); setTimeout(function() { $('#redactor_table_rows').focus(); }, 200); }, this) ); }, insertTable: function() { var rows = $('#redactor_table_rows').val(); var columns = $('#redactor_table_columns').val(); var table_box = $('<div></div>'); var tableid = Math.floor(Math.random() * 99999); var table = $('<table id="table' + tableid + '"><tbody></tbody></table>'); for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++) { var row = $('<tr></tr>'); for (var z = 0; z < columns; z++) { var column = $('<td><br></td>'); $(row).append(column); } $(table).append(row); } $(table_box).append(table); var html = $(table_box).html() + '<p></p>'; this.restoreSelection(); this.execCommand('inserthtml', html); this.modalClose(); this.observeTables(); }, tableObserver: function(e) { this.$table = $(e.target).closest('table'); this.$table_tr = this.$table.find('tr'); this.$table_td = this.$table.find('td'); this.$tbody = $(e.target).closest('tbody'); this.$thead = $(this.$table).find('thead'); this.$current_td = $(e.target); this.$current_tr = $(e.target).closest('tr'); }, deleteTable: function() { $(this.$table).remove(); this.$table = false; this.syncCode(); }, deleteRow: function() { $(this.$current_tr).remove(); this.syncCode(); }, deleteColumn: function() { var index = $(this.$current_td).get(0).cellIndex; $(this.$table).find('tr').each(function() { $(this).find('td').eq(index).remove(); }); this.syncCode(); }, addHead: function() { if ($(this.$table).find('thead').size() !== 0) { this.deleteHead(); } else { var tr = $(this.$table).find('tr').first().clone(); tr.find('td').html(' '); this.$thead = $('<thead></thead>'); this.$thead.append(tr); $(this.$table).prepend(this.$thead); this.syncCode(); } }, deleteHead: function() { $(this.$thead).remove(); this.$thead = false; this.syncCode(); }, insertRowAbove: function() { this.insertRow('before'); }, insertRowBelow: function() { this.insertRow('after'); 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}, 200); }, this) ); }, insertVideo: function() { var data = $('#redactor_insert_video_area').val(); data = this.stripTags(data); this.restoreSelection(); this.execCommand('inserthtml', data); this.modalClose(); }, // INSERT IMAGE imageEdit: function(e) { var $el = $(e.target); var parent = $el.parent(); var callback = $.proxy(function() { $('#redactor_file_alt').val($el.attr('alt')); $('#redactor_image_edit_src').attr('href', $el.attr('src')); $('#redactor_form_image_align').val($el.css('float')); if ($(parent).get(0).tagName === 'A') { $('#redactor_file_link').val($(parent).attr('href')); } $('#redactor_image_delete_btn').click($.proxy(function() { this.imageDelete($el); }, this)); $('#redactorSaveBtn').click($.proxy(function() { this.imageSave($el); }, this)); }, this); this.modalInit(RLANG.image, this.opts.modal_image_edit, 380, callback); }, imageDelete: function(el) { $(el).remove(); this.modalClose(); this.syncCode(); }, imageSave: function(el) { var parent = $(el).parent(); $(el).attr('alt', $('#redactor_file_alt').val()); var floating = $('#redactor_form_image_align').val(); if (floating === 'left') { $(el).css({ 'float': 'left', margin: '0 10px 10px 0' }); } else if (floating === 'right') { $(el).css({ 'float': 'right', margin: '0 0 10px 10px' }); } else { $(el).css({ 'float': 'none', margin: '0' }); } // as link var link = $.trim($('#redactor_file_link').val()); if (link !== '') { if ($(parent).get(0).tagName !== 'A') { $(el).replaceWith('<a href="' + link + '">' + this.outerHTML(el) + '</a>'); } else { $(parent).attr('href', link); } } else { if ($(parent).get(0).tagName === 'A') { $(parent).replaceWith(this.outerHTML(el)); } } this.modalClose(); this.observeImages(); this.syncCode(); }, showImage: function() { this.saveSelection(); var callback = $.proxy(function() { // json if (this.opts.imageGetJson !== false) { $.getJSON(this.opts.imageGetJson, $.proxy(function(data) { var folders = {}; var z = 0; // folders $.each(data, $.proxy(function(key, val) { if (typeof val.folder !== 'undefined') { z++; folders[val.folder] = z; 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select.change(onchangeFunc); } }, this)); } else { $('#redactor_tabs a').eq(1).remove(); } if (this.opts.imageUpload !== false) { // dragupload if (this.opts.uploadCrossDomain === false && this.isMobile() === false) { if ($('#redactor_file').size() !== 0) { $('#redactor_file').dragupload( { url: this.opts.imageUpload, uploadFields: this.opts.uploadFields, success: $.proxy(this.imageUploadCallback, this), error: $.proxy(this.opts.imageUploadErrorCallback, this) }); } } // ajax upload this.uploadInit('redactor_file', { auto: true, url: this.opts.imageUpload, success: $.proxy(this.imageUploadCallback, this), error: $.proxy(this.opts.imageUploadErrorCallback, this) }); } else { $('.redactor_tab').hide(); if (this.opts.imageGetJson === false) { $('#redactor_tabs').remove(); $('#redactor_tab3').show(); } else { var tabs = $('#redactor_tabs a'); tabs.eq(0).remove(); tabs.eq(1).addClass('redactor_tabs_act'); $('#redactor_tab2').show(); } } $('#redactor_upload_btn').click($.proxy(this.imageUploadCallbackLink, this)); if (this.opts.imageUpload === false && this.opts.imageGetJson === false) { setTimeout(function() { $('#redactor_file_link').focus(); }, 200); } }, this); this.modalInit(RLANG.image, this.opts.modal_image, 610, callback); }, imageSetThumb: function(e) { this._imageSet('<img src="' + $(e.target).attr('rel') + '" alt="' + $(e.target).attr('title') + '" />', true); }, imageUploadCallbackLink: function() { if ($('#redactor_file_link').val() !== '') { var data = '<img src="' + $('#redactor_file_link').val() + '" />'; this._imageSet(data, true); } else { this.modalClose(); } }, imageUploadCallback: function(data) { this._imageSet(data); }, _imageSet: function(json, link) { this.restoreSelection(); if (json !== false) { var html = ''; if (link !== true) { html = '<p><img src="' + json.filelink + '" /></p>'; } else { html = json; } this.execCommand('inserthtml', html); // upload image callback if (link !== true && typeof this.opts.imageUploadCallback === 'function') { this.opts.imageUploadCallback(this, json); 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if (url.search('mailto:') === 0) { this.setModalTab(2); $('#redactor_tab_selected').val(2); $('#redactor_link_mailto').val(url.replace('mailto:', '')); } else if (turl.search(/^#/gi) === 0) { this.setModalTab(3); $('#redactor_tab_selected').val(3); $('#redactor_link_anchor').val(turl.replace(/^#/gi, '')); } else { $('#redactor_link_url').val(turl); } if (target === '_blank') { $('#redactor_link_blank').attr('checked', true); } $('#redactor_insert_link_btn').click($.proxy(this.insertLink, this)); setTimeout(function() { $('#redactor_link_url').focus(); }, 200); }, this); this.modalInit(RLANG.link, this.opts.modal_link, 460, callback); }, insertLink: function() { var tab_selected = $('#redactor_tab_selected').val(); var link = '', text = '', target = ''; if (tab_selected === '1') // url { link = $('#redactor_link_url').val(); text = $('#redactor_link_url_text').val(); if ($('#redactor_link_blank').attr('checked')) { target = ' target="_blank"'; } // test url var pattern = '/(\w+:{0,1}\w*@)?(\S+)(:[0-9]+)?(\/|\/([\w#!:.?+=&%@!\-\/]))?/'; //var pattern = '((xn--)?[a-z0-9]+(-[a-z0-9]+)*\.)+[a-z]{2,}'; var re = new RegExp('^(http|ftp|https)://' + pattern,'i'); var re2 = new RegExp('^' + pattern,'i'); if (link.search(re) == -1 && link.search(re2) == 0 && this.opts.protocol !== false) { link = this.opts.protocol + link; } } else if (tab_selected === '2') // mailto { link = 'mailto:' + $('#redactor_link_mailto').val(); text = $('#redactor_link_mailto_text').val(); } else if (tab_selected === '3') // anchor { link = '#' + $('#redactor_link_anchor').val(); text = $('#redactor_link_anchor_text').val(); } this._insertLink('<a href="' + link + '"' + target + '>' + text + '</a>', $.trim(text), link, target); }, _insertLink: function(a, text, link, target) { this.$editor.focus(); this.restoreSelection(); if (text !== '') { if (this.insert_link_node) { $(this.insert_link_node).text(text); $(this.insert_link_node).attr('href', link); if (target !== '') { $(this.insert_link_node).attr('target', target); } else { $(this.insert_link_node).removeAttr('target'); } this.syncCode(); } else { this.execCommand('inserthtml', a); } } this.modalClose(); }, // INSERT FILE showFile: function() { this.saveSelection(); var callback = $.proxy(function() { var sel = this.getSelection(); var text = ''; if (this.oldIE()) { text = sel.text; } else { text = sel.toString(); } $('#redactor_filename').val(text); // dragupload if (this.opts.uploadCrossDomain === false && this.isMobile() === false) { $('#redactor_file').dragupload( { url: this.opts.fileUpload, uploadFields: this.opts.uploadFields, success: $.proxy(this.fileUploadCallback, this), error: $.proxy(this.opts.fileUploadErrorCallback, this) }); } this.uploadInit('redactor_file', { auto: true, url: this.opts.fileUpload, success: $.proxy(this.fileUploadCallback, this), error: $.proxy(this.opts.fileUploadErrorCallback, this) }); }, this); this.modalInit(RLANG.file, this.opts.modal_file, 500, callback); }, fileUploadCallback: function(json) { this.restoreSelection(); if (json !== false) { var text = $('#redactor_filename').val(); if (text === '') { text = json.filename; } var link = '<a href="' + json.filelink + '">' + text + '</a>'; // chrome fix if (this.browser('webkit') && !!this.window.chrome) { link = link + ' '; } this.execCommand('inserthtml', link); // file upload callback if (typeof this.opts.fileUploadCallback === 'function') { this.opts.fileUploadCallback(this, json); } } this.modalClose(); }, // MODAL modalInit: function(title, content, width, callback) { // modal overlay if ($('#redactor_modal_overlay').size() === 0) { this.overlay = $('<div id="redactor_modal_overlay" style="display: none;"></div>'); $('body').prepend(this.overlay); } if (this.opts.overlay) { $('#redactor_modal_overlay').show(); $('#redactor_modal_overlay').click($.proxy(this.modalClose, this)); } if ($('#redactor_modal').size() === 0) { this.modal = $('<div id="redactor_modal" style="display: none;"><div id="redactor_modal_close">×</div><div id="redactor_modal_header"></div><div id="redactor_modal_inner"></div></div>'); $('body').append(this.modal); 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$('#redactor_modal').css('margin-top', '-' + (height+10)/2 + 'px'); } }); }); } $('#redactor_modal .redactor_btn_modal_close').click($.proxy(this.modalClose, this)); if (this.isMobile() === false) { $('#redactor_modal').css({ position: 'fixed', top: '-2000px', left: '50%', width: width + 'px', marginLeft: '-' + (width+60)/2 + 'px' }).show(); this.modalSaveBodyOveflow = $(document.body).css('overflow'); $(document.body).css('overflow', 'hidden'); } else { $('#redactor_modal').css({ position: 'fixed', width: '100%', height: '100%', top: '0', left: '0', margin: '0', minHeight: '300px' }).show(); } // callback if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(); } if (this.isMobile() === false) { setTimeout(function() { var height = $('#redactor_modal').outerHeight(); $('#redactor_modal').css({ top: '50%', height: 'auto', minHeight: 'auto', marginTop: '-' + (height+10)/2 + 'px' }); }, 20); } }, modalClose: function() { $('#redactor_modal_close').unbind('click', this.modalClose); $('#redactor_modal').fadeOut('fast', $.proxy(function() { $('#redactor_modal_inner').html(''); 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} else { this.element = $('#' + element); } this.element_action = this.element.attr('action'); // Auto or trigger if (this.uploadOptions.auto) { $(this.uploadOptions.input).change($.proxy(function() { this.element.submit(function(e) { return false; }); this.uploadSubmit(); }, this)); } else if (this.uploadOptions.trigger) { $('#' + this.uploadOptions.trigger).click($.proxy(this.uploadSubmit, this)); } }, uploadSubmit : function() { this.uploadForm(this.element, this.uploadFrame()); }, uploadFrame : function() { this.id = 'f' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 99999); var d = this.document.createElement('div'); var iframe = '<iframe style="display:none" id="'+this.id+'" name="'+this.id+'"></iframe>'; d.innerHTML = iframe; $(d).appendTo("body"); // Start if (this.uploadOptions.start) { this.uploadOptions.start(); } $('#' + this.id).load($.proxy(this.uploadLoaded, this)); return this.id; }, uploadForm : function(f, name) { if (this.uploadOptions.input) { var formId = 'redactorUploadForm' + this.id; var fileId = 'redactorUploadFile' + this.id; this.form = $('<form action="' + this.uploadOptions.url + '" method="POST" target="' + name + '" name="' + formId + '" id="' + formId + '" enctype="multipart/form-data"></form>'); // append hidden fields if (this.opts.uploadFields !== false && typeof this.opts.uploadFields === 'object') { $.each(this.opts.uploadFields, $.proxy(function(k,v) { if (v.toString().indexOf('#') === 0) { v = $(v).val(); } var hidden = $('<input/>', {'type': "hidden", 'name': k, 'value': v}); $(this.form).append(hidden); }, this)); } var oldElement = this.uploadOptions.input; var newElement = $(oldElement).clone(); $(oldElement).attr('id', fileId); $(oldElement).before(newElement); $(oldElement).appendTo(this.form); $(this.form).css('position', 'absolute'); $(this.form).css('top', '-2000px'); $(this.form).css('left', '-2000px'); $(this.form).appendTo('body'); // ========================================== // SLATE FIX: Rails workaround $('input[name="utf8"]').clone().appendTo(this.form); $('input[name="authenticity_token"]').clone().appendTo(this.form); this.form.submit(); } else { f.attr('target', name); f.attr('method', 'POST'); f.attr('enctype', 'multipart/form-data'); f.attr('action', this.uploadOptions.url); this.element.submit(); } }, uploadLoaded : function() { var i = $('#' + this.id)[0]; var d; if (i.contentDocument) { d = i.contentDocument; } else if (i.contentWindow) { d = i.contentWindow.document; } else { d = window.frames[this.id].document; } // Success if (this.uploadOptions.success) { if (typeof d !== 'undefined') { // Remove bizarre <pre> tag wrappers around our json data: var rawString = d.body.innerHTML; var jsonString = rawString.match(/\{(.|\n)*\}/)[0]; var json = $.parseJSON(jsonString); if (typeof json.error == 'undefined') { this.uploadOptions.success(json); } else { this.uploadOptions.error(this, json); this.modalClose(); } } else { alert('Upload failed!'); this.modalClose(); } } this.element.attr('action', this.element_action); this.element.attr('target', ''); }, // UTILITY browser: function(browser) { var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var match = /(chrome)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || /(webkit)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || /(opera)(?:.*version|)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || /(msie) ([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || ua.indexOf("compatible") < 0 && /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+)|)/.exec(ua) || []; if (browser == 'version') { return match[2]; } if (browser == 'webkit') { return (match[1] == 'chrome' || match[1] == 'webkit'); } return match[1] == browser; }, oldIE: function() { if (this.browser('msie') && parseInt(this.browser('version'), 10) < 9) { return true; } return false; }, outerHTML: function(s) { return $("<p>").append($(s).eq(0).clone()).html(); }, normalize: function(str) { return parseInt(str.replace('px',''), 10); }, isMobile: function(ipad) { if (ipad === true && /(iPhone|iPod|iPad|BlackBerry|Android)/.test(navigator.userAgent)) { return true; } else if (/(iPhone|iPod|BlackBerry|Android)/.test(navigator.userAgent)) { return true; } else { return false; } } }; // API $.fn.getObject = function() { return this.data('redactor'); }; $.fn.getEditor = function() { return this.data('redactor').$editor; }; $.fn.getCode = function() { return $.trim(this.data('redactor').getCode()); }; $.fn.getText = function() { return this.data('redactor').$editor.text(); }; $.fn.getSelected = function() { return this.data('redactor').getSelectedHtml(); }; $.fn.setCode = function(html) { this.data('redactor').setCode(html); }; $.fn.insertHtml = function(html) { this.data('redactor').insertHtml(html); }; $.fn.destroyEditor = function() { this.each(function() { if (typeof $(this).data('redactor') != 'undefined') { $(this).data('redactor').destroy(); $(this).removeData('redactor'); } }); }; $.fn.setFocus = function() { this.data('redactor').$editor.focus(); }; $.fn.execCommand = function(cmd, param) { this.data('redactor').execCommand(cmd, param); }; })(jQuery); /* Plugin Drag and drop Upload v1.0.2 http://imperavi.com/ Copyright 2012, Imperavi Inc. */ (function($){ "use strict"; // Initialization $.fn.dragupload = function(options) { return this.each(function() { var obj = new Construct(this, options); obj.init(); }); }; // Options and variables function Construct(el, options) { this.opts = $.extend({ url: false, success: false, error: false, preview: false, uploadFields: false, text: RLANG.drop_file_here, atext: RLANG.or_choose }, options); this.$el = $(el); } // Functionality Construct.prototype = { init: function() { if (navigator.userAgent.search("MSIE") === -1) { this.droparea = $('<div class="redactor_droparea"></div>'); this.dropareabox = $('<div class="redactor_dropareabox">' + this.opts.text + '</div>'); this.dropalternative = $('<div class="redactor_dropalternative">' + this.opts.atext + '</div>'); this.droparea.append(this.dropareabox); this.$el.before(this.droparea); this.$el.before(this.dropalternative); // drag over this.dropareabox.bind('dragover', $.proxy(function() { return this.ondrag(); }, this)); // drag leave this.dropareabox.bind('dragleave', $.proxy(function() { return this.ondragleave(); }, this)); var uploadProgress = $.proxy(function(e) { var percent = parseInt(e.loaded / e.total * 100, 10); this.dropareabox.text('Loading ' + percent + '%'); }, this); var xhr = jQuery.ajaxSettings.xhr(); if (xhr.upload) { xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', uploadProgress, false); } var provider = function () { return xhr; }; // drop this.dropareabox.get(0).ondrop = $.proxy(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.dropareabox.removeClass('hover').addClass('drop'); var file = event.dataTransfer.files[0]; var fd = new FormData(); // append hidden fields if (this.opts.uploadFields !== false && typeof this.opts.uploadFields === 'object') { $.each(this.opts.uploadFields, $.proxy(function(k,v) { if (v.toString().indexOf('#') === 0) { v = $(v).val(); } fd.append(k, v); }, this)); } // append file data fd.append('file', file); $.ajax({ url: this.opts.url, dataType: 'html', data: fd, xhr: provider, cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, type: 'POST', success: $.proxy(function(data) { var json = $.parseJSON(data); if (typeof json.error == 'undefined') { this.opts.success(json); } else { this.opts.error(this, json); this.opts.success(false); } }, this) }); }, this); } }, ondrag: function() { this.dropareabox.addClass('hover'); return false; }, ondragleave: function() { this.dropareabox.removeClass('hover'); return false; } }; })(jQuery); // Define: Linkify plugin from stackoverflow (function($){ "use strict"; var protocol = 'http://'; var url1 = /(^|<|\s)(www\..+?\..+?)(\s|>|$)/g, url2 = /(^|<|\s)(((https?|ftp):\/\/|mailto:).+?)(\s|>|$)/g, linkifyThis = function () { var childNodes = this.childNodes, i = childNodes.length; while(i--) { var n = childNodes[i]; if (n.nodeType === 3) { var html = n.nodeValue; if (html) { html = html.replace(/&/g, '&') .replace(/</g, '<') .replace(/>/g, '>') .replace(url1, '$1<a href="' + protocol + '$2">$2</a>$3') .replace(url2, '$1<a href="$2">$2</a>$5'); $(n).after(html).remove(); } } else if (n.nodeType === 1 && !/^(a|button|textarea)$/i.test(n.tagName)) { linkifyThis.call(n); } } }; $.fn.linkify = function () { this.each(linkifyThis); }; })(jQuery); /* jQuery plugin textselect * version: 0.9 * author: Josef Moravec, josef.moravec@gmail.com * updated: Imperavi Inc. * */ eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){return(c<a?'':e(parseInt(c/a)))+((c=c%a)>35?String.fromCharCode(c+29):c.toString(36))};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--){d[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c)}k=[function(e){return d[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--){if(k[c]){p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c])}}return p}('(5($){$.1.4.7={t:5(0,v){$(2).0("8",c);$(2).0("r",0);$(2).l(\'g\',$.1.4.7.b)},u:5(0){$(2).w(\'g\',$.1.4.7.b)},b:5(1){9 0=$(2).0("r");9 3=$.1.4.7.f(0).h();6(3!=\'\'){$(2).0("8",x);1.j="7";1.3=3;$.1.i.m(2,k)}},f:5(0){9 3=\'\';6(q.e){3=q.e()}o 6(d.e){3=d.e()}o 6(d.p){3=d.p.B().3}A 3}};$.1.4.a={t:5(0,v){$(2).0("n",0);$(2).0("8",c);$(2).l(\'g\',$.1.4.a.b);$(2).l(\'D\',$.1.4.a.s)},u:5(0){$(2).w(\'g\',$.1.4.a.b)},b:5(1){6($(2).0("8")){9 0=$(2).0("n");9 3=$.1.4.7.f(0).h();6(3==\'\'){$(2).0("8",c);1.j="a";$.1.i.m(2,k)}}},s:5(1){6($(2).0("8")){9 0=$(2).0("n");9 3=$.1.4.7.f(0).h();6((1.y=z)&&(3==\'\')){$(2).0("8",c);1.j="a";$.1.i.m(2,k)}}}}})(C);',40,40,'data|event|this|text|special|function|if|textselect|textselected|var|textunselect|handler|false|rdocument|getSelection|getSelectedText|mouseup|toString|handle|type|arguments|bind|apply|rttt|else|selection|rwindow|ttt|handlerKey|setup|teardown|namespaces|unbind|true|keyCode|27|return|createRange|jQuery|keyup'.split('|'),0,{}))