require_relative "inline_simple" module IsoDoc module Function module Inline def link_parse(node, out) url = node["target"] node["update-type"] == "true" and url = suffix_url(url) out.a **attr_code(href: url, title: node["alt"]) do |l| if node.elements.empty? && node.text.strip.empty? l << @c.encode(node["target"].sub(/^mailto:/, ""), :basic, :hexadecimal) else node.children.each { |n| parse(n, l) } end end end def location_parse(node, out); end # Presentation XML classes which we need not pass on to HTML or DOC SPAN_UNWRAP_CLASSES = %w[fmt-caption-label fmt-label-delim fmt-caption-delim fmt-autonum-delim fmt-element-name fmt-conn fmt-comma fmt-enum-comma fmt-obligation fmt-xref-container].freeze def span_parse(node, out) klass = node["style"] || node["class"] if klass && !SPAN_UNWRAP_CLASSES.include?(klass) out.span **attr_code(style: node["style"], class: node["class"]) do |s| children_parse(node, s) end else children_parse(node, out) end end # todo PRESENTATION XML def callout_parse(node, out) out << " <#{node.text}>" end def no_locality_parse(node, out) node.children.each do |n| parse(n, out) unless %w{locality localityStack}.include? end end def xref_parse(node, out) target = if node["target"].include?("#") node["target"].sub("#", ".html#") else "##{node['target']}" end out.a(href: target) { |l| no_locality_parse(node, l) } end def suffix_url(url) url.nil? || %r{^https?://|^#}.match?(url) and return url File.extname(url).empty? or return url url.sub(/#{File.extname(url)}$/, ".html") end def eref_parse(node, out) no_locality_parse(node, out) end def origin_parse(node, out) if t ="./termref")) termrefelem_parse(t, out) else no_locality_parse(node, out) end end # todo PRESENTATION XML def termrefelem_parse(node, out) if node.text.strip.empty? out << "Termbase #{node['base']}, term ID #{node['target']}" else node.children.each { |n| parse(n, out) } end end def stem_parse(node, out) ooml = case node["type"] when "AsciiMath" then asciimath_parse(node) when "MathML" then mathml_parse(node) when "LaTeX" then latexmath_parse(node) else end out.span class: "stem" do |span| span.parent.add_child ooml end end MATHML = { "m" => "" }.freeze def mathml_parse(node) # node.xpath("./m:math", MATHML).map(&:to_xml).join node.xpath(ns("./asciimath | ./latexmath")).each(&:remove) node.xpath(ns("./br")).each { |e| e.namespace = nil } node.elements end def asciimath_parse(node) a ="./asciimath"))&.text || node.text "#{@openmathdelim}#{}" \ "#{@closemathdelim}" end def latexmath_parse(node) a ="./latexmath"))&.text || node.text end def image_title_parse(out, caption) unless caption.nil? out.p class: "FigureTitle", style: "text-align:center;" do |p| p.b { |b| b << caption.to_s } end end end def image_parse(node, out, caption) attrs = { src: node["src"], height: node["height"] || "auto", width: node["width"] || "auto", title: node["title"], alt: node["alt"] } image_body_parse(node, attrs, out) image_title_parse(out, caption) end def image_body_parse(_node, attrs, out) out.img **attr_code(attrs) end def smallcap_parse(node, xml) xml.span style: "font-variant:small-caps;" do |s| node.children.each { |n| parse(n, s) } end end def text_parse(node, out) node.nil? || node.text.nil? and return text = node.to_s @sourcecode == "pre" and text = text.gsub("\n", "
", "
 ") @sourcecode and text = text.gsub(/ (?= )/, " ") out << text end def add_parse(node, out) out.span class: "addition" do |e| node.children.each { |n| parse(n, e) } end end def del_parse(node, out) out.span class: "deletion" do |e| node.children.each { |n| parse(n, e) } end end def error_parse(node, out) text = node.to_xml.gsub("<", "<").gsub(">", ">") out.para do |p| p.b(role: "strong") { |e| e << text } end end def ruby_parse(node, out) out.ruby do |e| node.children.each { |n| parse(n, e) } end end def rt_parse(node, out) out.rt do |e| node.children.each { |n| parse(n, e) } end end def rb_parse(node, out) out.rb do |e| node.children.each { |n| parse(n, e) } end end def author_parse(node, out) children_parse(node, out) end def semx_parse(node, out) children_parse(node, out) end def children_parse(node, out) node.children.each { |n| parse(n, out) } end def xref_label_parse(node, out); end def name_parse(node, out); end def floating_title_parse(node, out); end def fmt_name_parse(node, out) children_parse(node, out) end end end end