The REST Transport

The REST notification transport makes an HTTP connection to your notification receptor, and sends the notification message using the HTTP GET method, as a set of key-value pairs.

The Destination that you specify in your notification specification is the URL Amazon Mechanical Turk will use for the HTTP request.

The HTTP request will include key-value pairs for the values described in ???, such as Signature, Timestamp, and Version.

Each event is represented in the REST request by a set of keys for the event properties. Each property name is prefixed with Event, a period, a number, and another period, where the number is a counter incremented for each event in the notification message. For example, the key Event.1.EventTime will have the EventTime value for the first event described by the message.


Only ports 80 and 443 are supported for receiving REST notification messages.

Sample Message

The following is an example notification message using the REST transport, as an HTTP GET message (including headers). In this example, the destination is The "GET" path containing all of the notification parameters (from "GET" to "HTTP/1.1") would normally appear all on one line; the line below has been split to make it easy to read.

GET /mt/notifications.cgi?method=Notify
  &Event.2.AssignmentId=KDSFO4455LKDAF3KDSFO4455LKDAF3 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/xml
Accept: application/soap+xml, application/dime, multipart/related, text/*
User-Agent: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/2.0final

This is similar to a request that would be caused by putting a URL in a web browser that began with and included all of the notification message parameters above.