# solidus_api API contains the controllers and Jbuilder views implementing the REST API of Solidus. ## Testing Run the API tests: ```bash bundle exec rspec ``` ## Documentation The API documentation is in the [openapi][docs-dir] directory. It follows the OpenAPI specification and it is hosted on [Stoplight Docs][live-docs]. If you want to contribute, you can use [Stoplight Studio][studio]. Simply follow these steps: 1. Create a new Stoplight Studio project 2. Copy-paste the content of `openapi/solidus-api.oas.yml` into your project 3. Edit the endpoints and models as needed 4. Copy-paste the result back into `openapi/solidus-api.oas.yml` 5. Open a PR! **Note: Only use embedded models in Stoplight Studio, as Stoplight Docs is not compatible with externally-defined models!** CircleCI automatically syncs our Git repo with Stoplight Docs when a PR is merged, and automatically publishes a new version on Docs when a new Solidus version is released. ## Related projects - [solidus-sdk](https://gitlab.com/deseretbook/packages/solidus-sdk): created by Joel Saupe at [Deseret Book](https://deseretbook.com/), this is a JS SDK that allows you to use the Solidus API. It even supports plug-ins, so you can easily extend it with the endpoints provided by your Solidus extensions! [docs-dir]: https://github.com/solidusio/solidus/tree/master/api/openapi [live-docs]: https://solidus.docs.stoplight.io [studio]: https://stoplight.io/p/studio