angular.module('', []).factory( 'ModalSvc', [ '$modal','$rootScope','Utilities','DhbOrganizationSvc','TemplatePath', ($modal, $rootScope, Utilities, DhbOrganizationSvc, TemplatePath) -> # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # The goal of this service is to create a generic modal creator # This is a wip # -------------------------------------------------------------------- service = {} # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generic Modal class # -------------------------------------------------------------------- class Modal # Mandatory options: # ------------------ # templateUrl: url of the template # # Optional options: # ----------------- # backdrop # modalSize # modalClass (e.g. inverse) # callback: function called after proceed() if successful constructor: (@opts) -> # TODO: exceptions if opts is not complete config: () -> self = this { instance: { templateUrl: self.opts.templateUrl controller: self.opts.controller backdrop: self.opts.backdrop || 'static' size: self.opts.modalSize || 'lg' windowClass: self.opts.modalClass || 'inverse' resolve: { $modalInstanceCB: (-> return self.opts.callback) } } } # Open the modal open: () -> self = this $ # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Service instanciations # -------------------------------------------------------------------- = (opts = {}) -> return new Modal(opts) service.newOrgModal = (opts = {}) -> opts.templateUrl = TemplatePath['mno_enterprise/modals/new-organization.html'] opts.controller = 'NewOrgModalCtrl' return new Modal(opts) service.newOrgResellerReqModal = (opts = {}) -> opts.templateUrl = TemplatePath['mno_enterprise/modals/new-organization-reseller-req.html'] opts.controller = 'NewOrgResellerReqModalCtrl' return new Modal(opts) return service ])