require 'rake' require 'rails/generators' require File.expand_path('../../helpers/_autoloader.rb', __FILE__) module Heartwood class AppGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base desc "Add all the pieces to your application per your configuration." source_root File.expand_path('../../templates', __FILE__) class_option( :config_check, :type => :boolean, :default => true, :description => "Verify config at config/initializers/heartwood.rb" ) # If there is no configuration file tell the user to run # that generator first (unless user has manually # overridden). # def verify_configuration if options.config_check? unless File.exists?("#{Rails.root}/config/initializers/heartwood.rb") help_message('heartwood_prereqs') exit end end end # Wrap our config values up in an easier-to-type # variable # def set_config @config = Heartwood.configuration end # Set root url for mailer in development and production # def set_url_config environment( "config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => '#{@config.development_url}' }", :env => "development" ) environment( "config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => '#{@config.production_url}' }", :env => "production" ) end # Add modernizr to our list of assets to precompile when # we're ready to deploy # def set_precompiled_assets environment( "config.assets.precompile += %w( modernizr.js )", :env => "production" ) end # Add settings to application config file # (config/application.rb) # def add_application_config environment { file_contents("config/application.rb") } end # Assets initializer for Rails 4.1+ # def add_assets_initializer file = "config/initializers/assets.rb" template(file, file) end # Add custom gitignore file # def add_gitignore remove_file ".gitignore" template "gitignore", ".gitignore" end # Add a default public controller, so we have a working # home page when we're done. # def add_home_controller generate "controller home index" end # Add our default public views # def add_public_views directory "app/views/application" directory "app/views/home", :force => true end # Our layouts are templated so we can start with # some custom information. # def add_layouts app = "app/views/layouts/application.html.erb" template app, app, :force => true end # We're going to automatically install backbone unless # the user has disabled it # def add_js_framework directory("app/assets/javascripts", "app/assets/javascripts") end # Next, we need to replace our application.js file to add # backbone and its dependencies, along with our default # scripts. # def add_js_manifest app_js = "app/assets/javascripts/application.js" remove_file app_js app_js += ".coffee" template app_js, app_js end # Add our application.scss file. Since we don't know what # file exists, we look for and delete all and replace with # ours. # def add_public_manifest ['css','scss','scss.css'].each do |ext| file = "app/assets/stylesheets/application.#{ext}" remove_file(file) if File.exists?(file) end manifest_file = "app/assets/stylesheets/application.scss" template manifest_file, manifest_file end # Go through standard Devise installation # def install_devise generate "devise:install" end # Add a User model # def add_devise_user_model generate "devise User" end # Copy our custom user model template into the app # def add_user_model_file copy_file "app/models/user.rb", "app/models/user.rb", :force => true end # Override Devise's default redirects and sign in/out # def add_application_controller_redirects insert_into_file( "app/controllers/application_controller.rb", template_snippet("app/controllers/application_controller.rb"), :after => ":exception" ) end # Install Simple Form automatically # def install_simple_form generate "simple_form:install" end # Add ruby class overrides and additions # def add_ruby_class_overrides template "config/initializers/_hash.rb", "config/initializers/_hash.rb" end # Add our settings and private settings files # def add_settings_files template "config/initializers/_settings.rb", "config/initializers/_settings.rb" ['settings','private'].each do |s| template "config/#{s}.yml", "config/#{s}.yml" end end # Add the custom seed generator, which loads content # from CSV into the database. # def add_seed_generator remove_file "db/seeds.rb" template "db/seeds.rb", "db/seeds.rb" end # Add our default routes file, which is commented out # except for the root path to the home controller. # # We don't override routes here in case the user started # to edit their routes file before running this generator. # def add_default_routes template "config/routes.rb", "config/routes.rb", :force => true end end end