class App.Models.Base # Ex. # class App.Models.Post extends App.Models.Base # @identity = "Post" # required # # @resources = # url: "/posts" # optional # paginate: {per: 100, param: "page"} # param is optional # # @attributes = # validatedAt: # type: "Date" # remoteName: "updated_at" # validations: # presence: true constructor: (data = {}) -> @id = null @errors = null @resource = data.resource this.__initAttributes() if this.constructor.attributes? this.__assignAttributes(data) if data? @all: (opts = {}) -> @get "all", opts @find: (idOrObj) -> urlParams = {} if typeof idOrObj is "object" urlParams = idOrObj id = delete else id = idOrObj jqxhr = $.ajax({ dataType: 'json', method: 'GET', url: "#{@__getResourcesUrl(urlParams)}/#{id}", data: urlParams }) return new Promise (resolve, reject) => (xhr) -> reject xhr jqxhr.done (record) => obj = @__initSubclass record App.IdentityMap.add obj resolve obj @get: (action, opts = {}) -> @__send "GET", action, opts @post: (action, opts = {}) -> @__send "POST", action, opts @put: (action, opts = {}) -> @__send "PUT", action, opts @delete: (action, opts = {}) -> @__send "DELETE", action, opts @getIdentity: -> if @identity? then @identity else throw("Specify Model's @identity!") @getRemoteName: -> if @remoteName? then @remoteName else @getIdentity() @getAttribRemoteName: (attrib) -> return null if not this.attributes? return null if not this.attributes[attrib]? return attrib if not this.attributes[attrib].remoteName? this.attributes[attrib].remoteName @getResourcesUrlParams: -> url = @__getResourcesUrl() regexp = /:(\w+)\/?/ params = [] while match = regexp.exec url params.push match[1] url = url.replace match[0], match[1] params @__getResourcesUrl: (opts = {}) -> resourcesUrl = if not @resources? "/#{@getIdentity().toLowerCase()}s" else if opts.resource @resources[opts.resource].url else if App.Env.scope? and @resources[App.Env.scope]? @resources[App.Env.scope].url else @resources.url match = /:(\w+)\/?/.exec resourcesUrl return resourcesUrl if not match? if opts[match[1]]? resourcesUrl = resourcesUrl.replace ":#{match[1]}", opts[match[1]] delete opts[match[1]] else if opts.obj? and opts.obj[match[1]]? resourcesUrl = resourcesUrl.replace ":#{match[1]}", opts.obj[match[1]] return resourcesUrl @__initSubclass: (params = {}) -> parts = @getIdentity().split "." return new App.Models[parts[0]] params if parts.length is 1 new App.Models[parts[0]][parts[1]] params @__page: (i, opts = {}, reqOpts = {}, resp = {resources: [], count: 0}) -> httpMethod = reqOpts.method || "GET" url = reqOpts.url || @__getResourcesUrl(opts) data = {} if for key, val of continue if key is "resource" data[key] = val data[@__getPaginationParam()] = i jqxhr = $.ajax dataType: "json", method: httpMethod, url: url, data: data return new Promise (resolve, reject) => (xhr) -> reject xhr jqxhr.done (data) => resp.count = data.count for key, val of data resp[key] = val if ['resources', 'count'].indexOf(key) is -1 for record in data.resources obj = @__initSubclass record obj.resource = opts.resource if opts.resource? App.IdentityMap.add obj resp.resources.push obj resolve resp @__paginate: (opts, reqOpts) -> perPage = @__getPaginationPer() pageNum = ? 1 @__page(pageNum, opts, reqOpts).then (data) => return Promise.resolve(data) if return Promise.resolve(data) if data.count <= perPage max = parseInt data.count / perPage max += 1 if max isnt data.count / perPage promise = Promise.resolve(data) return promise if max is 1 for i in [2..max] func = (i) => promise = promise.then (arr) => return @__page i, opts, reqOpts, data func i return promise @__getPaginationParam: -> if @resources?.paginate?.page? return if App.Env.scope? and @resources? and @resources[App.Env.scope]? param = @resources[App.Env.scope]?.paginate?.param return param if param? if @paginate? and @paginate.param? then @paginate.param else "page" # TODO: test it! @__getPaginationPer: -> if App.Env.scope? and @resources? and @resources[App.Env.scope]? per = @resources[App.Env.scope]?.paginate?.per return per if per? if @resources?.paginate?.per? return @resources.paginate.per if @paginate? and @paginate.per? then @paginate.per else null @__send: (method, action, opts) -> url = @__getResourcesUrl opts if action isnt "all" url = "#{url}/#{action}" reqOpts = {method: method, url: url, data: opts} @__paginate opts, reqOpts setResource: (name) -> @resource = name getIdentity: -> val = this.constructor.identity return val if val? # deprecated: use getAttrRemoteName() getRemoteName: (attr) -> return null if not this.constructor.attributes? return null if not this.constructor.attributes[attr]? this.constructor.attributes[attr].remoteName or attr getAttrRemoteName: (attr) -> this.getRemoteName attr getAttrName: (remoteName) -> return remoteName if not this.constructor.attributes? return remoteName if this.constructor.attributes[remoteName]? for name, config of this.constructor.attributes if config.remoteName is remoteName return name remoteName getAttrType: (attrName) -> return null if not this.constructor.attributes? return null if not this.constructor.attributes[attrName]? this.constructor.attributes[attrName].type attributes: -> attribs = {id:} return attribs if not this.constructor.attributes? for name, _ of this.constructor.attributes attribs[name] = this[name] attribs isValid: -> return true if not this.constructor.attributes? @errors = null for name, config of this.constructor.attributes continue if not config.validations? for validationName, validationSettings of config.validations continue if and validationSettings.on is "create" continue if ! and validationSettings.on is "update" validator = validationName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + validationName.slice(1) if not App.Validators[validator]? console.log "Warning! \"#{validator}\" validator is not implemented!" continue App.Validators[validator].instance(this, name, validationSettings).validate() if this.constructor.validate? this[meth]() for meth in this.constructor.validate if this.errors? then false else true isInvalid: -> !this.isValid() isEmpty: -> for name, val of this.attributes() return false if this[name] isnt null true addErrorMessage: (message, opts = {}) -> @errors = {} if not @errors? @errors[opts.for] = [] if not @errors[opts.for]? @errors[opts.for].push message save: -> return false if not this.isValid() jqxhr = $.ajax dataType: 'json', method: if @id? then "PUT" else "POST", url: this.__getResourceUrl(), data: this.serialize() return new Promise (resolve, reject) => (xhr) -> reject xhr jqxhr.done (data) => if data.success resolve data return true this.__assignRemoteErrorMessages(data.errors) if data.errors? resolve data return false serialize: -> return {} if not this.constructor.attributes? hash = {} mainKey = this.constructor.getRemoteName().toLowerCase() hash[mainKey] = {} for attr, _ of this.constructor.attributes remoteName = this.getRemoteName attr hash[mainKey][remoteName] = this[attr] hash reload: -> findParams = {id:} for param in this.constructor.getResourcesUrlParams() findParams[param] = this[param] this.constructor.find findParams changes: -> result = {} currentObj = App.IdentityMap.find this.getIdentity(), for name, val of this.attributes() if val isnt currentObj[name] continue if val.constructor is Date and currentObj[name] - val is 0 result[name] = {is: currentObj[name], was: val} if val isnt currentObj[name] return result applyChanges: -> this[name] = for name, vals of this.changes() toKey: -> "#{this.getIdentity().toLowerCase()}_#{}" get: (action, data = {}) -> this.__send "GET", action, data post: (action, data = {}) -> this.__send "POST", action, data put: (action, data = {}) -> this.__send "PUT", action, data delete: (action, data = {}) -> this.__send "DELETE", action, data __send: (method, action, data) -> url = this.__getResourceUrl() if action? url = "#{url}/#{action}" jqxhr = $.ajax dataType: 'json', method: method, url: url, data: data return new Promise (resolve, reject) -> (xhr) -> reject xhr jqxhr.done (data) -> resolve data __assignAttributes: (data) -> for key, val of data attrName = this.getAttrName key attrType = this.getAttrType attrName if not val? @[attrName] = null continue switch attrType when "Date" then val = new Date Date.parse val when "Int" then val = parseInt val @[attrName] = val __initAttributes: -> for name, config of this.constructor.attributes this[name] = null __assignRemoteErrorMessages: (remoteErrors) -> for remoteName, errors of remoteErrors attr = this.getAttrName remoteName for error in errors this.addErrorMessage error, for: attr __getResourceUrl: -> url = this.constructor.__getResourcesUrl resource: @resource, obj: this return url if not @id? "#{url}/#{@id}"