#-- # Copyright protects this work. # See LICENSE file for details. #++ desc: web page for the Internet code: | ICONS_DIR = File.join(ERBook::FORMATS_DIR, 'xhtml', 'icons') JQUERY_DIR = File.join(ERBook::FORMATS_DIR, 'xhtml', 'jquery') # load the String#to_xhtml methods require 'erbook/to_xhtml' class String ## # Transforms this UTF-8 string into XML entities. # def to_xml_entities unpack('U*').map! {|c| "&##{c};"}.join end ## # Transforms this string into a valid URI fragment. # See http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/types.html#type-name # def to_uri_fragment # remove XML tags from the input buf = gsub(/<.*?>/, '') # The first or only character must be a letter or an underscore (_). buf.insert(0, 'a') unless buf[0,1] =~ /[[:alpha:]_]/ # The remaining characters must be letters, digits, hyphens (-), # underscores (_), colons (:), or periods (.) or Unicode characters # # However, colons (:) and periods (.) are special characters # in jQuery CSS selector syntax, so we sanitize them as well. # buf.unpack('U*').map! do |code| if code > 0xFF or code.chr =~ /[[:alnum:]\-_]/ code else 32 # ASCII character code for a single space end end.pack('U*').strip.gsub(/[[:space:]-]+/, '-') end ## # Evaluates this string as an Ember # template (created with the given # options) inside the given binding. # def thru_ember binding, options = {} ::Ember::Template.new(self, options).render(binding) end end class Hash ## # Transforms this hash into a string of XML attribute key="value" pairs. # def to_xml_atts inject([]) {|s,(k,v)| s << %( #{k}="#{v}") }.join end end require 'erb' module ERBook ## # Encodes the given input in base64 format. # def ERBook.base_64_encode input #:nodoc: [input].pack('m') end ## # Encodes the contents of the given file in base64 format. # def ERBook.base_64_encode_file path #:nodoc: base_64_encode open(path, 'rb') {|f| f.read } end ## # Returns a string denoting embedded, base64 encoded data. # def ERBook.base_64_embed data, mime #:nodoc: "data:#{mime.to_s.downcase};base64,#{data.tr("\n", '')}" end def ERBook.base_64_embed_file path # :nodoc: data = base_64_encode_file(path) require 'mime/types' mime = MIME::Types.of(path).to_a.join(',') base_64_embed data, mime end ## # Returns a string denoting embedded, base64 encoded image data. # # [format] # type of image data (e.g. PNG, JPEG, GIF, etc.) # def ERBook.base_64_embed_image_data data, format #:nodoc: base_64_embed data, "image/#{format}" end # admonition icons ICON_DEFS = YAML.load_file File.join(ICONS_DIR, 'index.yaml') class Icon < Struct.new(:origin, :path, :name, :format, :data) #:nodoc: ## # Returns a data URI containing embedded image data. # def data_uri ERBook.base_64_embed_image_data self.data, self.format end ## # Returns a CSS url() containing embedded image data. # def data_css %{url(#{embed_uri})} end ## # Returns a temporary data URI that will be replaced # with the actual data URI at runtime by javascript. # alias embed_uri object_id ## # Returns an image tag that renders an embedded data URI. # def to_xhtml atts = {} atts[:alt] ||= name atts[:src] = embed_uri atts[:class] = :icon "" end end ICON_BY_NAME = {} ICON_DEFS.each_pair do |name, path| format = File.extname(path).sub('.', '') origin = path[/^\w+/] path = File.join(ICONS_DIR, path) # make the path absolute data = base_64_encode_file(path) ICON_BY_NAME[name] = Icon.new(origin, path, name, format, data) end ICONS = ICON_BY_NAME.values class Template::Sandbox ## # Protects the given content from the text-to-XHTML conversion process. # def verbatim content ::ERB::Util.html_escape content end ## # Returns XHTML for a hyperlink to the given # URL of the given label and mouse-hover title. # def hyperlink url, label = url, title = nil %{#{label}} end ## # Returns an image tag that embeds the given image file. # # [path] # path to the image file # # [format] # format of the image file (e.g. PNG, JPEG, GIF, etc.) # # [atts] # additional attributes for the image tag # def embed_image_file path, format = path[/\w+/], atts = {} data = ERBook.base_64_encode File.read(path) embed_image_data data, format, atts end ## # Returns an image tag that embeds the given raw image data. # # [data] # raw image data # # [format] # format of the image file (e.g. PNG, JPEG, GIF, etc.) # # [atts] # additional attributes for the image tag # def embed_image_data data, format, atts = {} atts[:src] = ERBook.base_64_embed_image_data(data, format) "" end ## # Allows float nodes to be instantiated implicitly by name. # def method_missing name, *args, &block if name.to_s =~ /!$/ args[2] = $` # the type of this float node float(*args, &block) else super end end end class Document::Node def index? definition['index'] end def index_toc? Array(definition['index']).include? 'tree' end def index_lof? Array(definition['index']).include? 'list' end # utility methods def type_frag #:nodoc: "__#{type}__" end def type_label #:nodoc: ERBook::PHRASES[type.to_s.capitalize] end ## # Returns the title of this node as XHTML. # def title_xhtml title.to_s.to_xhtml end ## # Returns the content of this node as XHTML. # def content_xhtml content.join.to_xhtml end ## # Returns the result of wrapping # this node's content in the given # tag and converting it into XHTML. # def wrap_content_xhtml tag, atts = {} %{<#{tag}#{atts.to_xml_atts}>#{content.join}}.to_xhtml end ## # Returns the content of this node as XHTML inside a
. # def content_xhtml_div #:nodoc: %{
} end ## # Returns a hyperlink to this node containing its title. # def title_link title = nil title || title_xhtml end ## # Returns a hyperlink to this node containing its section number. # def section_number_link section_number end ## # Returns a hyperlink to this node containing its ordinal number. # def ordinal_number_link [type_label, ordinal_number].compact.join(' ') end ## # Returns a hyperlink to this node containing # its ocurrence number and its title. # def ordinal_number_and_title_link #:nodoc: "#{ordinal_number_link}.  #{title_link}" end ## # Returns a hyperlink to this # node containing its section # number and its title. # def section_number_and_title_link #:nodoc: "#{section_number_link}  #{title_link}" end ## # Returns a navigation menu for this node. # def navigation self.class.navigation( here_frag, (list_frag if index?), (prev_node.here_frag if prev_node), (next_node.here_frag if next_node) ) end def parent_tabs_begin #:nodoc: if p = parent and pc = p.toc_children and self == pc.first %{
} end end def parent_tabs_end #:nodoc: if p = parent and self == p.toc_children.last '
' end end ## # Returns all children of this node which are # configured to appear in the table of contents. # def toc_children children.select {|c| c.index_toc? } end HERE_TEXT = ERBook::PHRASES['Here'] PREV_TEXT = ERBook::PHRASES['Previous'] NEXT_TEXT = ERBook::PHRASES['Next'] LIST_TEXT = ERBook::PHRASES['Contents'] HERE_SIGN = ICON_BY_NAME['nav_here'].to_xhtml(:alt => "[#{HERE_TEXT}]") PREV_SIGN = ICON_BY_NAME['nav_prev'].to_xhtml(:alt => "[#{PREV_TEXT}]") NEXT_SIGN = ICON_BY_NAME['nav_next'].to_xhtml(:alt => "[#{NEXT_TEXT}]") LIST_SIGN = ICON_BY_NAME['nav_list'].to_xhtml(:alt => "[#{LIST_TEXT}]") ## # Calculates a local navigation menu containing links # to the given URI fragments (which can be nil). # def self.navigation here_frag, list_frag, prev_frag, next_frag here_link = %{#{HERE_SIGN}} if here_frag prev_link = %{#{PREV_SIGN}} if prev_frag next_link = %{#{NEXT_SIGN}} if next_frag list_link = %{#{LIST_SIGN}} if list_frag %{} end ## # Returns a hyperlink to this node. # # [label] # Optional label (may contain XHTML) for the hyperlink. # # If not specified, the title and designation of # this node will be used as the label instead. # def xref_link label = nil prefix = [type_label, section_number || ordinal_number]. compact.join(' ') caption = if type == 'reference' prefix else [prefix, (%{"#{title}"} if label && title)].compact.join('. ') end label_xhtml = (label || title).to_s.to_xhtml %{#{label_xhtml}} end # URI fragments @@frags = [] ## # Returns a unique URI fragment for this node. # def here_frag #:nodoc: unless defined? @here_frag salt = object_id.abs frag = (id || title || salt).to_s.to_uri_fragment # make it unique while @@frags.include? frag frag = [frag, section_number || ordinal_number || salt]. join(' ').to_uri_fragment end @@frags << frag @here_frag = frag end @here_frag end ## # Returns the URI fragment for the location in the table # of contents / list of figures that points this node. # def list_frag #:nodoc: @list_frag ||= "_contents:#{here_frag}".to_uri_fragment end end end nodes: # theory node: &node index: false chain: false number: false silent: false inline: true output: <%= @node.content_xhtml %> text: &text <<: *node inline: false output: <%= @node.wrap_content_xhtml :pre %> code: <<: *text params: language output: <%= @node.wrap_content_xhtml :code, :lang => @node.language %> # structure header: &header <<: *node silent: true header_outside_above: &header_insert <<: *header output: | <%= @node.parent_tabs_begin %>
<%= @node.content_xhtml %>
<%= @node.parent_tabs_end %> header_inside_above: *header_insert header_inside_below: *header_insert header_outside_below: *header_insert footer: *header footer_outside_above: *header_insert footer_inside_above: *header_insert footer_inside_below: *header_insert footer_outside_below: *header_insert abstract: <<: *node output: |

<%= @node.type_label %>

<%= @node.content_xhtml_div %>
# organization part: &latex index: tree chain: true number: section silent: false inline: false params: [title, id] output: | <%= @node.parent_tabs_begin %>
<%= @node.navigation %>

<%= @node.type_label %> <%= @node.section_number_link %>
<%= @node.title_link %>

<%= @node.content_xhtml_div %>
<%= @node.parent_tabs_end %> chapter: *latex section: <<: *latex output: | <% depth = [6, @node.depth + 1].min %> <%= @node.parent_tabs_begin %>
<%= @node.navigation %> class="title"> <%= @node.section_number_and_title_link %> > <%= @node.content_xhtml_div %>
<%= @node.parent_tabs_end %> paragraph: <<: *latex index: false number: false output: | <%= @node.parent_tabs_begin %>
<%= @node.navigation %>

<%= @node.title_link %>

<%= @node.content_xhtml_div %>
<%= @node.parent_tabs_end %> # arbitrary floats # see also http://www.sagehill.net/docbookxsl/FormalTitles.html float: index: list chain: true number: ordinal silent: false inline: false params: [title, id, type] output: | <% if @node.type == 'command' and @node.title @node.title = "#{verbatim @node.title}" end %> <%= @node.parent_tabs_begin %>
<%= @node.navigation %>

<%= @node.ordinal_number_and_title_link %>

<% if ICON_BY_NAME.key? @node.type %>
<%= ICON_BY_NAME[@node.type].to_xhtml %> <%= @node.content_xhtml %>
<% else %> <%= @node.content_xhtml_div %> <% end %>
<%= @node.parent_tabs_end %> # tables table: &table <<: *node inline: false params: [xml_atts] output: | ><%= @node.content_xhtml %>
thead: &table_child <<: *table output: | <<%= @node.type %><%= (@node.xml_atts || {}).to_xml_atts %>><%= @node.content_xhtml %>> tbody: *table_child tfoot: *table_child th: *table_child tr: *table_child td: *table_child # cross-references xref: <<: *node params: [query, label] output: | <%= scope = @nodes.select {|n| n.content } target = scope.find {|n| n.id == @node.query } || # id has priority scope.find {|n| n.title == @node.query } if target target.xref_link @node.label else raise ArgumentError, "invalid cross-reference to #{@node.query.inspect}", @node.backtrace end %> # bibliography reference: &reference index: false chain: false number: ordinal silent: true inline: false params: [title, id] cite: <<: *node params: [target] output: | <%= target = @nodes_by_type['reference'].find do |n| n.title == @node.target end if target '[%s]' % [ target.xref_link(target.ordinal_number), *@node.arguments ].compact.join(', ') else raise ArgumentError, "invalid citation for #{@node.target.inspect}", @node.backtrace end %> output: | <% # set default parameter values $title = '$title' unless defined? $title $subtitle = '$subtitle' unless defined? $subtitle $authors = {'$authors' => nil} unless defined? $authors $date = Time.now.strftime("%d %B %Y") unless defined? $date $logo = nil unless defined? $logo $feeds = nil unless defined? $feeds abstract = @nodes_by_type['abstract'].first references = @nodes_by_type['reference'] if references.empty? references = nil end # compute table of contents toc_builder = lambda do |n| nested = n.children.inject('') {|s,c| s << toc_builder[c] } nested = nil if nested.empty? if n.index_toc? entry = '%s%s' % [ (n.section_number.to_s + '  ' if n.section_number), n.list_frag, n.here_frag, n.title.to_s.to_xhtml ] %{
  • #{entry}#{"
    " if nested}
  • } else nested end.to_s end toc = @roots.inject('') {|s,n| s << toc_builder[n] } # compute list of figures lof_nodes_by_type = Hash.new {|h,k| h[k] = [] } @nodes.each do |node| if node.index_lof? lof_nodes_by_type[node.type] << node end end lof_enums = {} # type => nodes lof_nodes_by_type.each do |type, nodes| lof_enums[type] = nodes unless nodes.empty? end lof_sections_frag_and_label = [] lof = lof_enums.sort.map do |type, nodes| nested = nodes.map do |n| %{
  • #{n.title.to_s.to_xhtml}
  • } end.join label = ERBook::PHRASES[type.capitalize << 's'] frag = nodes.first.type_frag lof_sections_frag_and_label << [frag, label] %{


    } end %> % if $title || $subtitle <%= [$title, $subtitle].compact.map do |t| t.to_s.to_xhtml end.join(' — ') %> % if $authors % if $date % if $feeds % $feeds.each_pair do |url, fmt| % @format['styles'].each do |style| % style.each_pair do |media, sass| <% text_only_browser_divider = %{

    }.strip %>
    %= node.output if node = @nodes_by_type['header_outside_above'].first
    %= node.output if node = @nodes_by_type['header_inside_above'].first % if header = @nodes_by_type['header'].first <%= header.output %> % else % if $logo
    % if $title

    <%= $title.to_s.to_xhtml %>

    % if $subtitle

    <%= $subtitle.to_s.to_xhtml %>

    % if $authors

    <%= $authors.map do |name, url| if url %{#{name}} else name end end.join(', ') %>

    % if $date

    <%= $date %>

    %= node.output if node = @nodes_by_type['header_inside_below'].first
    %= node.output if node = @nodes_by_type['header_outside_below'].first
    %= abstract.output if abstract % unless toc.empty?

    <%= ERBook::PHRASES['Contents'] %>

      <%= toc %>
    % unless lof.empty?
    <%= lof %>

    <%= ERBook::PHRASES['Document'] %>

    %= @content
    % if references

    <%= ERBook::PHRASES['References'] %>

      % references.each do |n|
    1. <%= n.content_xhtml %>
    %= text_only_browser_divider

    <%= ERBook::PHRASES[ 'This document was generated by %s on %s using the following resources.', %{#{ERBook::DISPLAY}}, %{#{Time.now}} ] %>

    <%= ERBook::PHRASES['Resource'] %> <%= ERBook::PHRASES['Origin'] %> <%= ERBook::PHRASES['License'] %>
    % ICONS.select {|i| i.origin == 'tango' }.each do |icon| %= icon.to_xhtml Tango Icon Theme

    © 2005 Tango Desktop Project

    Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License Agreement
    % ICONS.select {|i| i.origin == 'mediawiki' }.each do |icon| %= icon.to_xhtml MediaWiki Monobook Skin

    © 2007 MediaWiki contributors

    GNU General Public License, version 2

    Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict Valid CSS!

    %= node.output if node = @nodes_by_type['footer_outside_above'].first %= node.output if node = @nodes_by_type['footer_outside_below'].first
    javascript: | $(function() { /*<%= File.read File.join(ERBook::INSTALL, 'LICENSE') %>*/ "use strict"; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // utility logic //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Returns the tab corresponding to the // given panel in the given tabs widget. // function tab_by_panel(panel, tabs_widget) { if (!tabs_widget) { tabs_widget = panel.parent('.ui-tabs'); } return tabs_widget.find( '.ui-tabs-nav > li > a[href=#'+ panel.attr('id') +']' ).parent('li'); } // // Returns a jQuery element containing a jQuery UI icon of the given name. // function ui_icon(name) { return $('
    ').addClass('ui-state-default ui-corner-all').append( $('').addClass('ui-icon ui-icon-' + name) ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // document location //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- var $last_hash; // // Sets the location bar hash to the given value. // // [prevent_jump] // If true, prevents the browser from jumping to // the element corresponding to the given hash. // function set_hash(hash, prevent_jump) { if (hash === $last_hash) { return; } function set_the_hash() { // XXX: bypass on_hash_change() by setting $last_hash window.location.hash = $last_hash = hash; } if (prevent_jump) { var target = $(hash); if (target.length) { // // This particular approach to solving the browser // jumping problem comes from the jQuery.LocalScroll // plugin, which is dual licensed under MIT and GPL: // // Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Ariel Flesler - aflesler(at)gmail(dot)com | http://flesler.blogspot.com // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. // // The jQuery.LocalScroll plugin is documented at: // // http://flesler.blogspot.com/2007/10/jquerylocalscroll-10.html // // And its source is available at: // // http://flesler-plugins.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/jquery.localScroll/jquery.localScroll.js // var target_id = target.attr('id'); // temporarily place a dummy element at the current // screen position and give it the ID of the target var original_screen_position = $(window).scrollTop(); var dummy = $('').attr('id', target_id).css({ position: 'absolute', top: original_screen_position }); target.removeAttr('id').before(dummy); // when we set the hash, the browser will jump to the // dummy, which is where the browser screen currently // is, and therefore the jump will not be visualized! set_the_hash(); // undo the temporary changes dummy.remove(); target.attr('id', target_id); // the above approach does not work for Opera and IE. // they ignore the dummy and jump to the actual target $(window).scrollTop(original_screen_position); return; } } set_the_hash(); } // // Reveals the element at the given hash by (1) activating all // tabs that contain it, (2) smoothly scrolling to it, and (3) // updating the hash in the browser's location bar accordingly. // function reveal(hash_or_elem, callback) { var target = $(hash_or_elem); if (target.length) { var target_is_panel = target.is('div') && target.parent('.ui-tabs').length; // reveal all tabs which contain the target if (target.is(':hidden')) { var panels = target.parents('.ui-tabs > div:hidden').get().reverse(); if (target_is_panel) { panels.push(target); } $(panels).each(function() { var panel = $(this); var tabs_widget = panel.parent('.ui-tabs'); var selected_index = tabs_widget.tabs('option', 'selected'); // map the panel to its tab because tabs do not // have to be in the same order as their panels var tab = tab_by_panel(panel, tabs_widget); var wanted_index = tab.prevAll('li').length; if (wanted_index !== selected_index) { tabs_widget.tabs('select', wanted_index); } }); } // scroll to nearest visible element if the target // is naturally hidden (e.g. because of a CSS rule) if (target.is(':hidden')) { target = target.closest(':not(:hidden)'); } // scroll to the tab bar instead of the target // because it contains the title for the target var scroll_target = target; if (target_is_panel) { var tabs_nav = target.parent('.ui-tabs').find('> .ui-tabs-nav'); if (!tabs_nav.is(':hidden')) { scroll_target = tabs_nav; } } var scroll_offset = Math.floor(scroll_target.offset().top); // set body height so that any element can be // brought to the top of the screen via scrolling var document_height = $(document).height(); var window_height = $(window).height(); if (document_height - scroll_offset <= window_height) { $('body').css('min-height', document_height + window_height); } var pending = true; $('html, body').animate( { scrollTop: scroll_offset }, 'slow', 'swing', function() { // prevent the body of this function from being // executed twice -- because there are 2 target // elements in the animation list and only one // of them actually works in different browsers! if (pending && scroll_offset === $(window).scrollTop()) { pending = false; var target_id = target.attr('id'); set_hash('#' + (target_id || '_reveal' + Math.random()), target_is_panel || !target_id); if (callback && typeof(callback) === 'function') { callback(); } } } ); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // search engine //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Adapted from the source code of the ":contains" selector from // the "Search on this Page" plugin by Waldek Mastykarz // , which was (1) published online on // 17 November 2008 at // and , and was // (2) updated to work with jQuery 1.3 by "anonymous" here: // . jQuery.expr[':'].matches = function(a, i, m) { // compile the regexp during the first call to this // function only, so that subsequent calls are fast if (typeof(m[3]) === 'string') { m[3] = new RegExp(m[3], 'i'); } return jQuery(a).text().match(m[3]); }; $('.tabs:first > ul').append( $('
  • ').append( $('').attr('id', '_search_link').attr('href', '#_search'). text(<%= ERBook::PHRASES['Search'].inspect %>) ).hide() ).append( $('
    ').attr('id', '_search_form').append( $('').attr('type', 'text').attr('name', 'q'). addClass('initial').attr('title', <%= ERBook::PHRASES['Search with regular expression'].inspect %>).focus(function() { var box = $(this); if (box.is('.initial')) { box.val('').removeClass('initial'); } }).blur(function() { var box = $(this); if (! box.val().match(/\S/)) { box.val(box.attr('title')).addClass('initial'); } }).blur() ).append( ui_icon('search').attr('id', '_search_start').click(function() { $('#_search_form').submit(); }) ).append( ui_icon('cancel').attr('id', '_search_stop').hide().click(function() { $(this).attr('clicked', 'clicked'); }) ).submit(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var search_box = $(this).find(':text'); var query = search_box.val().replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); // ignore empty queries if (!query.match(/\S/)) { return; } // detect invalid regexps try { new RegExp(query); } catch(e) { alert(e); return; } // one search at a time if (search_box.attr('disabled')) { return; } search_box.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); // begin the search var status = $('#_search > .status'); var results = $('#_search > .results'); // display the search results tab $('#_search_link').click().parent().show(); // clear previous search results results.text(''); status.text(<%= ERBook::PHRASES['Searching...'].inspect %>); // timeout allows status updates to appear setTimeout(function() { var num_results = 0; function emit_result(match) { // exclude matches from previous search results, // the table of contents, and jQuery UI tab bars if (match.closest('#_search, #_contents, .ui-tabs-nav').length) { return; } var excerpt; // resolve tab panels into their section title // because additional matches, which lie within // the content of these tab panels, will come if (match.is('.ui-tabs-panel')) { excerpt = match.find('.title:first').clone().show(); } else { excerpt = match.clone(); } // highlight the query inside the match excerpt excerpt.html(excerpt.html().replace( new RegExp('(<[^>]*)?(' + query + ')', 'ig'), function($0, $1, $2) { // only highlight if not inside an XML tag literal return $1 ? $0 : '' + $2 + ''; } )); num_results += 1; var result = $('
  • ').addClass('result').append( $('
    ').addClass('excerpt').append(excerpt) ).attr('id', '_search' + num_results).click( function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); // save this search result's hash in browser history // before revealing the matching element so that // the user can press the back button to return to // this exact spot in the search results listing reveal(this, function() { if (!$(event.target).is('a')) { reveal(match); } }); } ); // show bread-crumb trail for the match var first = true; match.parents('.ui-tabs-panel').each(function() { var panel = $(this); var tab = tab_by_panel(panel); if (tab.length) { if (!first) { result.prepend(' ⟩ '); } first = false; result.prepend(tab.find('a').clone()); } }); results.append(result); // unhide any hidden elements in the search result result.find(':hidden').removeClass('ui-tabs-hide').show(); // remove tab bars (used for titles) and mini navigation menus result.find('.ui-tabs-nav, .ui-tabs-panel > .nav').remove(); }; var matching_elems = $('#_body'). find(':matches("'+ query.replace(/"/, '\\"') +'")'); status.text('').progressbar(); var start_button = $('#_search_start').hide(); var stop_button = $('#_search_stop').show(); var prev_match; var prev_elem; function process_match(i, n) { status.progressbar('value', Math.round(i / n * 100)); var elem = matching_elems.eq(i); // ascend to a larger container for more context var match = elem.closest('pre,ul,ol,dl,table,p,div'); if (!match.length) { match = elem; } if ( prev_match && prev_match.length && match.get(0) !== prev_match.get(0) && // unique matches only elem.parent().get(0) !== prev_elem.get(0) // leaf nodes only ) { emit_result(prev_match); } prev_elem = elem; prev_match = match; if (i < n && !stop_button.attr('clicked')) { // timeout allows status updates to appear setTimeout(function() { process_match(i + 1, n); }, 0); } else { // handle the last item in this two-stage prev/curr loop if (prev_match && prev_match.length) { emit_result(prev_match); } status.progressbar('destroy').text(<%= ERBook::PHRASES['%d results', 0].inspect %>.replace('0', num_results)); search_box.removeAttr('disabled'); stop_button.hide().removeAttr('clicked'); start_button.show(); } } process_match(0, matching_elems.length); }, 0); return false; }) ).after( $('
    ').attr('id', '_search').append( $('

    ').addClass('status') ).append( $('

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