module TensorStream # Class that provides auto-differentiation # Most gradients are ported over from tensorflow's class MathGradients extend TensorStream::OpHelper def self.ts TensorStream end def self.derivative(tensor, wrt_dx, options = {}) return i_op(:ones_like, tensor) if tensor.equal?(wrt_dx) return i_op(:zeros_like, wrt_dx) unless wrt_dx.consumers.include?( nodes_to_compute = do |t| node = tensor.graph.nodes[t] node.consumers.include?( || node.equal?(tensor) end.compact + [] grad = i_op(:fill, ts.shape(tensor), ts.constant(1, dtype: wrt_dx.data_type)) _propagate(grad, tensor, wrt_dx, nodes_to_compute, options[:stop_gradients] || []) || i_op(:zeros_like, wrt_dx) end def self._propagate(grad, tensor, stop_tensor, nodes_to_compute, stop_gradients = []) return grad if stop_tensor.equal?(tensor) return nil if stop_gradients && _include?(stop_gradients, tensor) return nil unless tensor.is_a?(Operation) computed_op = _compute_derivative(tensor, grad) if computed_op.is_a?(Array) grads = computed_op.each_with_index.collect do |op_grad, index| next if op_grad.nil? next unless nodes_to_compute.include?(tensor.inputs[index].name) _propagate(op_grad, tensor.inputs[index], stop_tensor, nodes_to_compute, stop_gradients) end.compact return nil if grads.empty? grads.size > 1 ? ts.add_n(grads) : grads[0] else if computed_op.nil? return nil end _propagate(computed_op, tensor.inputs[0], stop_tensor, nodes_to_compute, stop_gradients) end end #TODO: refactor and implement registerGradient def self._compute_derivative(node, grad) node.graph.name_scope("#{}_grad") do x = node.inputs[0] if node.inputs[0] y = node.inputs[1] if node.inputs[1] z = node.inputs[2] if node.inputs[2] case node.operation when :add_n return [grad] * node.inputs.size when :add return [grad, grad] if shapes_fully_specified_and_equal(x, y) sx = ts.shape(x, name: 'add/shape_x') sy = ts.shape(y, name: 'add/shape_y') rx, ry = _broadcast_gradient_args(sx, sy) [ts.reshape(ts.reduce_sum(grad, rx, name: 'add/reduce_sum_x'), sx), ts.reshape(ts.reduce_sum(grad, ry, name: 'add/reduce_sum_y'), sy)] when :asin ts.control_dependencies([grad]) do x2 = ts.square(x) one = ts.constant(1, dtype: grad.data_type) den = ts.sqrt(ts.subtract(one, x2)) inv = ts.reciprocal(den) grad * inv end when :acos ts.control_dependencies([grad]) do x2 = ts.square(x) one = ts.constant(1, dtype: grad.data_type) den = ts.sqrt(ts.subtract(one, x2)) inv = ts.reciprocal(den) -grad * inv end when :atan ts.control_dependencies([grad]) do x2 = ts.square(x) one = ts.constant(1, dtype: grad.data_type) inv = ts.reciprocal(ts.add(one, x2)) grad * inv end when :fill [nil, ts.reduce_sum(grad)] when :sub return [grad, -grad] if shapes_fully_specified_and_equal(x, y) sx = ts.shape(x, name: 'sub/shape_x') sy = ts.shape(y, name: 'sub/shape_y') rx, ry = _broadcast_gradient_args(sx, sy) [ts.reshape(ts.reduce_sum(grad, rx, name: 'add/reduce_sub_x'), sx), -ts.reshape(ts.reduce_sum(grad, ry, name: 'add/reduce_sub_y'), sy)] when :mul sx = ts.shape(x) sy = ts.shape(y) rx, ry = _broadcast_gradient_args(sx, sy) [ts.reshape(ts.reduce_sum(ts.mul(grad, y), rx), sx), ts.reshape(ts.reduce_sum(ts.mul(x, grad), ry), sy)] when :div sx = i_op(:shape, x) sy = i_op(:shape, y) rx, ry = _broadcast_gradient_args(sx, sy) [ts.reshape(ts.reduce_sum(ts.div(grad, y), rx), sx), ts.reshape(ts.reduce_sum(grad * ts.div(ts.div(-x, y), y), ry), sy)] when :mod sx = ts.shape(x) sy = ts.shape(y) rx, ry = _broadcast_gradient_args(sx, sy) floor_xy = ts.floor_div(x, y) gx = ts.reshape(ts.reduce_sum(grad, rx), sx) gy = ts.reshape(ts.reduce_sum(grad * ts.negative(floor_xy), ry), sy) [gx, gy] when :prod input_shape = ts.shape(x) y = ts.range(0, ts.rank(x)) if y.nil? reduction_indices = ts.reshape(y, [-1]) output_shape_kept_dims = ts.reduced_shape(input_shape, y) tile_scaling = _safe_shape_div(input_shape, output_shape_kept_dims) grad = ts.reshape(grad, output_shape_kept_dims) grad = ts.tile(grad, tile_scaling) perm, reduced_num, other_num = ts.device("/cpu:0") do rank = ts.rank(x) reduction_indices = (reduction_indices + rank) % rank reduced = ts.cast(reduction_indices, :int32) idx = ts.range(0, rank) other, = ts.setdiff1d(idx, reduced) [ts.concat([reduced, other], 0), ts.reduce_prod(ts.gather(input_shape, reduced)), ts.reduce_prod(ts.gather(input_shape, other))] end permuted = ts.transpose(x, perm) permuted_shape = ts.shape(permuted) reshaped = ts.reshape(permuted, [reduced_num, other_num]) # Calculate product, leaving out the current entry left = ts.cumprod(reshaped, axis: 0, exclusive: true) right = ts.cumprod(reshaped, axis: 0, exclusive: true, reverse: true) y = ts.reshape(left * right, permuted_shape) # Invert the transpose and reshape operations. # Make sure to set the statically known shape information through a reshape. out = grad * ts.transpose(y, ts.invert_permutation(perm)) [ts.reshape(out, input_shape, name: 'prod'), nil] when :squared_difference sx = i_op(:shape, x) sy = i_op(:shape, y) rx, ry = _broadcast_gradient_args(sx, sy) x_grad = ts.mul(2.0, grad) * (x - y) [ts.reshape(ts.reduce_sum(x_grad, rx), sx), ts.reshape(-ts.reduce_sum(x_grad, ry), sy)] when :mat_mul t_a = node.options[:transpose_a] t_b = node.options[:transpose_b] if !t_a && !t_b grad_a = ts.matmul(grad, y, transpose_b: true) grad_b = ts.matmul(x, grad, transpose_a: true) elsif !ta && tb grad_a = ts.matmul(grad, y) grad_b = ts.matmul(grad, x, transpose_a: true) elsif t_a && !t_b grad_a = ts.matmul(y, grad, transpose_b: true) grad_b = ts.matmul(x, grad) elsif t_a && t_b grad_a = ts.matmul(y, grad, transpose_a: true, transpose_b: true) grad_b = ts.matmul(grad, x, transpose_a: true, transpose_b: true) end [grad_a, grad_b] when :sin grad * ts.cos(x) when :tanh grad * i_op(:tanh_grad, x) when :pow z = node sx = ts.shape(x) sy = ts.shape(y) rx, ry = _broadcast_gradient_args(sx, sy) gx = ts.reduce_sum(grad * y * ts.pow(x, y - 1), rx) log_x = ts.where(x > 0, ts.log(x), ts.zeros_like(x)) gy = ts.reduce_sum(grad * z * log_x, ry) [gx, gy] when :abs grad * ts.sign(x) when :log grad * ts.reciprocal(x) when :cos -grad * ts.sin(x) when :max _min_or_max_grad(node.inputs, grad, ->(a, b) { ts.greater_equal(a, b) }) when :min _min_or_max_grad(node.inputs, grad, ->(a, b) { ts.less_equal(a, b) }) when :tan secx = ts.reciprocal(ts.cos(x)) secx2 = ts.square(secx) grad * secx2 when :negate -grad when :exp grad * node when :identity, :print grad when :sign ts.zeros(ts.shape(x), dtype: x.data_type) when :tile input_shape = ts.shape(x) split_shape = ts.reshape(ts.transpose(ts.stack([y, input_shape])), [-1]) axes = ts.range(0, ts.size(split_shape), 2) input_grad = ts.reduce_sum(ts.reshape(grad, split_shape), axes) [input_grad, nil] when :sum _sum_grad(x, y, grad) when :reciprocal -grad * (ts.constant(1, dtype: x.dtype) / x**2) when :sqrt ts.constant(1, dtype: x.dtype) / (ts.constant(2, dtype: x.dtype) * ts.sqrt(x)) * grad when :stop_gradient ts.zeros_like(grad) when :square y = ts.constant(2.0, dtype: x.dtype) ts.multiply(grad, ts.multiply(x, y)) when :where x_mask = i_op(:where, x, i_op(:ones_like, y), i_op(:zeros_like, z)) y_mask = i_op(:where, x, i_op(:zeros_like, y), i_op(:ones_like, z)) [nil, x_mask * grad, y_mask * grad] when :case n_preds = node.inputs.size - 2 case_grads = do |index| i_op(:case_grad, index, node.inputs[0], node.inputs[2 + index], grad) end [nil, i_op(:case_grad, -1, node.inputs[0], node.inputs[1], grad)] + case_grads when :mean sum_grad = _sum_grad(x, y, grad)[0] input_shape = ts.shape(x) output_shape = ts.shape(node) factor = _safe_shape_div(ts.reduce_prod(input_shape), ts.reduce_prod(output_shape)) [ts.div(sum_grad, ts.cast(factor, sum_grad.data_type)), nil] when :log1p grad * ts.reciprocal(i_cons(1, dtype: grad.data_type) + x) when :sigmoid i_op(:sigmoid_grad, x, grad) when :sigmoid_grad gb = grad * y [gb - 2.0 * gb * x, i_op(:sigmoid_grad, x, grad)] when :softmax i_op(:softmax_grad, x, grad) when :softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2 output = node logits = node.inputs[0] [_broadcast_mul(grad, output[1]), -ts.nn.log_softmax(logits)] when :sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits output = node [_broadcast_mul(grad, output[1]), nil] when :floor, :ceil, :round # non differentiable nil when :zeros_like # non differentiable nil when :argmin, :argmax, :floor_div # non differentiable [nil, nil] when :transpose return [ts.transpose(grad, ts.invert_permutation(y)), nil] when :index # hack!! not sure how to fix this yet return grad if %i[softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2 sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits].include?(node.inputs[0].operation) if node.inputs[0].shape.known? && node.inputs[1].const_value multiplier = node.inputs[0].shape.shape[0] filler = ts.zeros_like(grad) res = do |index| index == node.inputs[1].const_value ? grad : filler end [res] end when :squeeze _reshape_to_input(node, grad) when :expand_dims [_reshape_to_input(node, grad), nil] when :concat _concat_grad_helper(node, grad, 1, node.inputs.size, 0) when :reshape [ts.reshape(grad, ts.shape(node.inputs[0])), nil] when :stack res = ts.unstack(grad, num: node.inputs.size, axis: node.options[:axis]) { |i| res[i] } when :unstack ts.stack(grad, axis: node.options[:axis]) when :conv2d _Conv2DGrad(node, grad) when :cast t = %i[float16 float32 float64] src_type = node.inputs[0].data_type dst_type = grad.data_type if t.key?(src_type) && t.key?(dst_type) ts.cast(grad, src_type) end nil else raise "no derivative op for #{node.operation}" end end end def self._reshape_to_input(node, grad) ts.reshape(grad, ts.shape(node.inputs[0])) end def self._broadcast_gradient_args(input_a, input_b) res = _op(:broadcast_gradient_args, input_a, input_b) [res[0], res[1]] end def self._broadcast_transform(input_a, input_b) _op(:broadcast_transform, input_a, input_b) end def self._safe_shape_div(arg_x, arg_y) _op(:floor_div, arg_x, ts.maximum(arg_y, 1)) end def self._sum_grad(arg_x, arg_y, grad) input_shape = _op(:shape, arg_x) output_shape_kept_dims = ts.reduced_shape(input_shape, arg_y) tile_scaling = _safe_shape_div(input_shape, output_shape_kept_dims) new_grad = _op(:reshape, grad, output_shape_kept_dims) grad = _op(:case, [_op(:rank, grad).zero?], _op(:tile, new_grad, tile_scaling), _op(:fill, input_shape, grad)) [grad, nil] end def self._op_supports_broadcast?(node) return true if %i[add sub div mul pow].include?(node.operation) false end def self._min_or_max_grad(inputs, grad, selector_op) x = inputs[0] y = inputs[1] gdtype = grad.data_type sx = ts.shape(x) sy = ts.shape(y) gradshape = ts.shape(grad) zeros = ts.zeros(gradshape, dtype: gdtype) xmask =, y) rx, ry = _broadcast_gradient_args(sx, sy) xgrad = ts.where(xmask, grad, zeros, name: 'x') ygrad = ts.where(xmask, zeros, grad, name: 'y') gx = ts.reshape(ts.reduce_sum(xgrad, rx), sx) gy = ts.reshape(ts.reduce_sum(ygrad, ry), sy) [gx, gy] end def self._broadcast_mul(vec, mat) vec = ts.expand_dims(vec, -1) vec * mat end def self._include?(arr, obj) arr.each { |a| return true if a.equal?(obj) } false end def self._extract_input_shapes(inputs) sizes = [] fully_known = true inputs.each do |x| input_shape = ts.shape(x) unless input_shape.is_const fully_known = false break end sizes << input_shape.value end if fully_known sizes else ts.shape_n(inputs) end end def self._concat_grad_helper(op, grad, start_value_index, end_value_index, dim_index) # Degenerate concatenation, just return grad. if op.inputs.size == 2 return end_value_index <= dim_index ? [grad] + [nil] : [nil] + [grad] end concat_dim = op.inputs[dim_index] input_values = op.inputs[start_value_index..end_value_index] non_neg_concat_dim = concat_dim % ts.rank(input_values[0]) sizes = _extract_input_shapes(input_values) slicer = ts.slice(ts.stack(sizes, axis: 1), [non_neg_concat_dim, 0], [1, -1]) sizes = ts.squeeze(slicer) out_grads = ts.split(grad, sizes, axis: non_neg_concat_dim, num: op.inputs.size - 1) end_value_index <= dim_index ? out_grads + [nil] : [nil] + out_grads end def self._Conv2DGrad(op, grad) # dilations = op.get_attr("dilations") strides = op.options[:strides] padding = op.options[:padding] use_cudnn_on_gpu = op.options[:use_cudnn_on_gpu] data_format = op.options[:data_format] shape_0, shape_1 = ts.shape_n([op.inputs[0], op.inputs[1]]) [ _op(:conv2d_backprop_input, shape_0, op.inputs[1], grad, strides: strides, padding: padding, use_cudnn_on_gpu: use_cudnn_on_gpu, data_format: data_format), _op(:conv2d_backprop_filter, op.inputs[0], shape_1, grad, strides: strides, padding: padding, use_cudnn_on_gpu: use_cudnn_on_gpu, data_format: data_format) ] end end end