# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- =begin Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Takashi SUGA You may use and/or modify this file according to the license described in the LICENSE.txt file included in this archive. =end module When class BasicTypes::M17n WorldTerms = [self, [ "namespace:[en=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/, ja=http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/]", "locale:[=en:, ja=ja:, alias]", "names:[WorldTerms]", "[World=en:The_World_Calendar, 世界暦]" ]] end class TM::CalendarEra World = [self, [ "namespace:[en=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/]", "area:[Common]", ["[BCE=en:BCE_(disambiguation), alias:BeforeCommonEra]0.1.1"], ["[CE=en:Common_Era, alias:CommonEra]1.1.1", "Calendar Epoch", "01-01-01^World"] ]] end module CalendarTypes # # 世界暦の暦週 # class CalendarNote::WorldWeek < CalendarNote NoteObjects = [When::BasicTypes::M17n, [ "namespace:[en=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/, ja=http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/]", "locale:[=en:, ja=ja:, alias]", "names:[World]", # 年の暦注 ---------------------------- [When::BasicTypes::M17n, "names:[year]" ], # 月の暦注 ---------------------------- [When::BasicTypes::M17n, "names:[month]", [When::BasicTypes::M17n, "names:[Month]" ] ], # 日の暦注 ---------------------------- [When::BasicTypes::M17n, "names:[day]", [When::BasicTypes::M17n, "names:[Week]", "[Sunday, 日曜日]", "[Monday, 月曜日]", "[Tuesday, 火曜日]", "[Wednesday, 水曜日]", "[Thursday, 木曜日]", "[Friday, 金曜日]", "[Saturday, 土曜日]", "[Worldsday, 無曜日]" ] ] ]] # イベントの標準的な間隔を返す # @private def _delta(parameter=nil) return When::DurationP1W end # @private def worldsday_delta(parameter=nil) return When::TM::PeriodDuration.new([0,0,7*26+1]) end # 当日または直前の worldsday の日 # @param date [When::TM::TemporalPosition] # @param parameter [nil] 未使用 # @return [When::TM::TemporalPosition] # def worldsday(date, parameter=nil) event_name = 'worldsday' date = When.Calendar('World').jul_trans(date, {:events=>event_name}) y,m,d = date.cal_date h, m = (m-1).divmod(6) return date if m == 5 && d == 31 dow = [0, 31, 61, 91, 122, 152][m] + d dow += 182 if h == 1 && When.Calendar('World')._sum([y]) == 365 date += When::TM::PeriodDuration.new([0,0,-dow]) date.events = [event_name] date end # 当日または直前の week_day の日 # @method week_day(date, parameter=nil) # @param date [When::TM::TemporalPosition] # @param parameter [nil] 未使用 # @return [When::TM::TemporalPosition] # @note week_day は sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday に読み替えてください。 # @private 7.times do |k| name = When.CalendarNote('WorldWeek/NoteObjects::day::Week')[k].to_s.downcase module_eval %Q{ def #{name}(date, parameter=nil) event_name = 'from_#{name}' date = When.Calendar('World').jul_trans(date, {:events=>[event_name]}) y,m,d = date.cal_date dow = (m % 6 == 0 && d == 31) ? 7-#{k} : ([4,6,2][m % 3] + d - #{k}) % 7 return date if dow == 0 dow += 1 if d <= dow && (m == 1 || m == 7 && When.Calendar('World')._sum([y]) == 366) date += When::TM::PeriodDuration.new([0,0,-dow]) date.events = [event_name] date end alias :#{name}_delta :_delta } end alias :week :sunday # Enumeratorの生成 # # @param [When::TM::TemporalPosition] first 始点 # @param [Symbol] direction # [ :forward - 昇順 ] # [ :reverse - 降順 ] # @param [String] event イベント名 # @param [Integer] count_limit 繰り返し回数(デフォルトは指定なし) # # @return [When::CalendarTypes::ShireWeek::Enumerator] # def enum_for(first, direction=:forward, event=nil, count_limit=nil) Enumerator.new(self, first, direction, event||@event, count_limit) end alias :to_enum :enum_for # オブジェクトの正規化 # @private def _normalize(args=[], options={}) @event ||= 'sunday' super end # # イベントを取得する Enumerator # class Enumerator < CalendarNote::Enumerator # # 次のイベントを得る # # @return [When::TM::TemporalPosition] # def succ value = @current if @current==:first @first = event_eval(@first) if @delta.sign < 0 @current = @first else @current = event_eval(@current + @delta) @current = event_eval(@current + @delta * 2) if @current.to_i == value.to_i end return value end end end # # World calendar based on Gregorian calendar # World = [CyclicTableBased, { 'label' => When.Resource('_m:WorldTerms::World'), 'origin_of_LSC' => 1721060, 'indices' => [ Coordinates::Index.new({:unit =>12, :trunk=>When.Resource('_m:CalendarTerms::Month::*')}), Coordinates::DefaultDayIndex ], 'rule_table' => { 'T' => {'Rule' =>['LC', 'SC', 'SC', 'SC']}, 'SC' => {'Rule' =>[365]*4 + [366, 365, 365, 365]*24}, 'LC' => {'Rule' =>[366, 365, 365, 365]*25}, 365 => {'Length'=>[31,30,30]*3 + [31,30,31]}, 366 => {'Length'=>[31,30,30,31,30,31] *2} }, 'note' => 'WorldWeek' }] end end