import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { compose } from 'redux'; import ForemanForm from 'foremanReact/components/common/forms/ForemanForm'; import * as Yup from 'yup'; import SyncSettingsFields from '../SyncSettingFields'; import SyncTypeRadios from '../SyncTypeRadios'; const redirectToResult = history => () => history.push({ pathname: '/template_syncs/result' }); const repoFormat = formatAry => value => { if (value === undefined) { return true; } const valid = formatAry .map(item => value.startsWith(item)) .reduce((memo, item) => item || memo, false); return value && valid; }; const syncFormSchema = (syncType, settingsObj, validationData) => { const schema = (settingsObj[syncType].asMutable() || []).reduce( (memo, setting) => { if ( === 'repo') { return { ...memo, repo: Yup.string() .test( 'repo-format', `Invalid repo format, must start with one of: ${validationData.repo.join( ', ' )}`, repoFormat(validationData.repo) ) .required("can't be blank"), }; } return memo; }, {} ); return Yup.object().shape({ [syncType]: Yup.object().shape(schema), }); }; class NewTemplateSyncForm extends React.Component { allowedSyncType = (userPermissions, radioAttrs) => this.props.userPermissions[radioAttrs.permission]; constructor(props) { super(props); this.radioButtons = [ { label: 'Import', value: 'import', permission: 'import' }, { label: 'Export', value: 'export', permission: 'export' }, ]; this.state = { syncType: this.radioButtons.find(radioAttrs => this.allowedSyncType(props.userPermissions, radioAttrs) ).value, }; } updateSyncType = event => { this.setState({ syncType: }); }; permitRadioButtons = buttons => buttons.filter(buttonAttrs => this.allowedSyncType(this.props.userPermissions, buttonAttrs) ); initRadioButtons = syncType => this.permitRadioButtons(this.radioButtons).map(buttonAttrs => ({ get checked() { return this.value === syncType; }, onChange: this.updateSyncType, ...buttonAttrs, })); render() { const { error, submitForm, importSettings, exportSettings, history, validationData, importUrl, exportUrl, initialValues, currentLocation, currentOrganization, } = this.props; const addTaxParams = (key, currentTax) => params => { if ( { params[key] = []; } return params; }; const addOrgParams = addTaxParams('organization_ids', currentOrganization); const addLocParams = addTaxParams('location_ids', currentLocation); const resetToDefault = (fieldName, fieldValue) => resetFn => resetFn(fieldName, fieldValue); return ( { const url = this.state.syncType === 'import' ? importUrl : exportUrl; return submitForm({ url, values: compose( addLocParams, addOrgParams )(values[this.state.syncType]), message: `Templates were ${this.state.syncType}ed.`, item: 'TemplateSync', }).then(args => { history.replace({ pathname: '/template_syncs/result' }); }); }} initialValues={initialValues} validationSchema={syncFormSchema( this.state.syncType, { import: importSettings, export: exportSettings }, validationData )} onCancel={redirectToResult(history)} error={error} > ); } } NewTemplateSyncForm.propTypes = { importSettings: PropTypes.array, exportSettings: PropTypes.array, userPermissions: PropTypes.object.isRequired, error: PropTypes.object, history: PropTypes.object, validationData: PropTypes.object, initialValues: PropTypes.object.isRequired, exportUrl: PropTypes.string.isRequired, importUrl: PropTypes.string.isRequired, submitForm: PropTypes.func.isRequired, currentLocation: PropTypes.object.isRequired, currentOrganization: PropTypes.object.isRequired, }; NewTemplateSyncForm.defaultProps = { importSettings: [], exportSettings: [], validationData: {}, error: undefined, history: {}, }; export default NewTemplateSyncForm;