% if settings.production? || settings.test? %> <% else %> <% end %>
Please cite data sources and the paper describing our SequenceServer BLAST interface. <%= quote = [ "Visualize BLAST results.", "Run BLAST on local computer.", "BLAST on Mac.", "BLAST on Windows.", "Run blast on mac.", "Blast analysis software.", "Sequence Search on local computer.", "Blast DNA sequence search.", "Custom BLAST search.", "Install blast on Mac.", "Perform BLAST analyses.", "Custom BLAST web interface.", "SequenceServer: Local BLAST with bespoke html interface.", "Set up custom BLAST interface with SequenceServer.", "Easy BLASTing with SequenceServer.", "BLAST against a custom, local database with SequenceServer.", "Cloud BLAST custom genome.", "NCBI BLAST alternative.", "BLAST private transcriptome assembly in the Cloud.", "Cloud server for comparative genomics, oligos, crisp, primers and more." ][rand(19)] %>
<% footer_path = File.join(settings.root, '../website-extras/footer.html.erb') %> <%= erb :'../../website-extras/footer.html', locals: { path_prefix: root_path_prefix } if File.exist?(footer_path) %>