require 'spec_helper' describe 'Checkout with Billet Payment Method', type: :feature do include_context 'checkout setup' context 'auto capture payment equals to false' do before do payment_method.auto_capture = false end it 'should create a order with billet', js: true do add_mug_to_cart click_button 'Checkout' fill_in 'order_email', :with => '' click_on 'Continue' fill_in_address # confirm address click_button 'Save and Continue' # confirm shipping method click_button 'Save and Continue' # confirm payment method (billet) click_button 'Save and Continue' expect(page).to have_content 'Payment by Billet' expect(page).to have_link 'Generate Billet' expect(Spree::Billet.count).to eq 1 if Spree::BilletConfig.registered expect(Spree::Billet.first.waiting_registry?).to be true else expect(Spree::Billet.first.pending?).to be true end end end context 'auto capture payment equals to true' do before do payment_method.auto_capture = true end it 'should create a order with billet', js: true do add_mug_to_cart click_button 'Checkout' fill_in 'order_email', :with => '' click_on 'Continue' fill_in_address # confirm address click_button 'Save and Continue' # confirm shipping method click_button 'Save and Continue' # confirm payment method (billet) click_button 'Save and Continue' expect(page).to have_content 'Payment by Billet' expect(Spree::Billet.count).to eq 1 expect(Spree::Billet.first.paid?).to be true end end def fill_in_address address = 'order_bill_address_attributes' fill_in "#{address}_firstname", with: 'Ryan' fill_in "#{address}_lastname", with: 'Bigg' fill_in "#{address}_address1", with: '143 Swan Street' fill_in "#{address}_city", with: 'Richmond' select 'United States of America', from: "#{address}_country_id" select 'Alabama', from: "#{address}_state_id" fill_in "#{address}_zipcode", with: '12345' fill_in "#{address}_phone", with: '(555) 555-5555' end def add_mug_to_cart visit spree.root_path click_link click_button 'add-to-cart-button' end end