# GovukTemplate This provides a template containing the GOV.UK header and footer, and associated assets. This is versioned following [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org). ## Previewing the template You can [view a collection of auto-generated examples](http://alphagov.github.io/govuk_template/) of the current govuk_template release, which show how you can use the template. ## Requirements The Ruby language (1.9.3+), the build tool [Rake](http://rake.rubyforge.org/) & the dependancy management tool [Bundler](http://bundler.io/) ## Packaging At present this generates 9 output formats: 1. a gem containing a Rails engine 2. a tarball containing Play Framework templates 3. a folder containing Mustache templates 4. a tarball containing Liquid templates 5. a tarball containing Mustache Inheritance templates 6. a tarball containing Jinja templates 7. a tarball containing plain HTML and assets 8. a tarball containing EJS (Embedded JavaScript) templates 9. a JAR file containing assets (but no templates) structured as per [WebJars](http://www.webjars.org/) ### Gem version This is available on rubygems.org. To use it, add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'govuk_template' And then execute: $ bundle You can then use the `govuk_template` layout in your app. If you need to extend the layout you can use [nested layouts](http://guides.rubyonrails.org/layouts_and_rendering.html#using-nested-layouts). ### Play version To generate the tarball of Play Framework templates run `bundle exec rake build:play`. This will produce a tarball in the `pkg` directory. ### Mustache version To generate the folder of Mustache templates run `bundle exec rake build:mustache`. This will produce a folder in the `pkg` directory. ### Liquid version To generate the folder of Liquid templates run `bundle exec rake build:liquid`. This will produce a tarball in the `pkg` directory. ### Mustache Inheritance version There is a [proposal for Mustache to support template inheritance](https://github.com/mustache/spec/issues/38) this is supported in both the `mustache.java` and the `hogan.js` implementations of Mustache. To generate the tarball of the Mustache Inheritance templates run the `build:mustache_inheritance` rake task. This will produce a tarball in the `pkg` directory. ### Jinja version To generate the folder of Jinja templates run `bundle exec rake build:jinja`. This will produce a tarball in the `pkg` directory. ### Tarball version To generate the tarball, run the `bundle exec rake build:tar`. This will produce a tarball in the `pkg` directory. ### Embedded JavaScript version To generate the folder of Embedded JavaScript templates run `bundle exec rake build:ejs`. This will produce a tarball in the `pkg` directory. ### WebJar version To generate a JAR file of assets in WebJar format run `bundle exec rake build:webjar`. This will produce a JAR file in the `pkg` directory. ## Publishing Accepted contributions (pull requests merged into master) will run builds for the Gem, Play and Mustache versions. These will then update the following: * RubyGems.org * [alphagov/govuk_template_play](https://github.com/alphagov/govuk_template_play) * [alphagov/govuk_template_mustache](https://github.com/alphagov/govuk_template_mustache) which updates the [npm package](https://npmjs.org/package/govuk_template_mustache) * [alphagov/govuk_template_ejs](https://github.com/alphagov/govuk_template_ejs) which updates the [npm package](https://npmjs.org/package/govuk_template_ejs) ## Development The source files are in the `/source` directory. The `compile` rake task builds the `/app` contents from these sources. This process involves the following: * compiling all stylesheets referenced in `/manifests.yml` to plain CSS (actually css.erb, so the Rails asset pipeline can work in the gem). * combining all JavaScript files referenced in `/manifests.yml` (using Sprockets) * copying the images across (including any needed images from the toolkit) This resulting app directory is included in the gem and hooked in as a Rails engine ### Extra details for the tarball build The tarball build process takes the compiled template and assets from the `/app` directory, and performs some extra processing: * it compiles the `*.css.erb` files to plain CSS, replacing all calls to `asset_path` with the relative path to the asset. For this reason, all assets referenced in the stylesheets must be stored relative to the stylesheet. * it compiles the erb layout to plain html. * All `asset_path` calls are replaced by the the path to the assets, assuming the assets folder is served from /assets * Any `content_for?` calls are assumed to return false * yields in the template are removed except for the main layout one which is replaced with an HTML comment. See the `TemplateProcessor` class for details of this implementation. ### Testing Run the tests with: bundle exec rake The integration tests are run separately with: bundle exec rake integration_tests For more details, see [integration_tests/README.md](integration_tests/README.md). ## Usage ### Skip link The [govuk_template sets a skip link](https://github.com/alphagov/govuk_template/blob/master/source/views/layouts/govuk_template.html.erb#L64-L68) to `#content`, but doesn't provide an element with `id="content"`. You'll need to add `id="content"` to your main content area, to ensure the skip link will work. ### Propositional title and navigation You can get a propositional title and navigation by setting the content for `header_class` to `with-proposition` and `proposition_header` in the form:
This will then create a navigation block which is shown on desktop sized devices but collapsed down on smaller screens. For menus with only one item, the collapsible functionality is not necessary, it is recommended that you use the following markup
## Contributing Please follow the [contribution guidelines](https://github.com/alphagov/govuk_template/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md).