# encoding: utf-8 require 'pmap' require_relative '../../config/config' require_relative '../../modules/module' require 'nokogiri' require 'open-uri' module Jetel module Modules class Gadm < Module class << self def sources page = Nokogiri::HTML(open('http://www.gadm.org/country')) options = page.css('select[name="cnt"] > option') res = options.map do |option| full_name = option['value'] name = "#{full_name.split('_').first}" filename = "#{name}_adm_shp.zip" { name: name, url: "http://biogeo.ucdavis.edu/data/gadm2.8/shp/#{filename}", filename_downloaded: filename, flat: true, filename_transformed: "#{name}_adm?.topo.json" } end res end end def download(global_options, options, args) self.class.sources.pmap do |source| download_source(source, global_options.merge(options)) end end def extract(global_options, options, args) self.class.sources.pmap do |source| unzip(source, global_options.merge(options)) end end def transform(global_options, options, args) self.class.sources.pmap(8) do |source| extracted_file = extracted_file(source, global_options.merge(options)) transformed_file = transformed_file(source, global_options.merge(options)) dest_dir = transform_dir(source, global_options.merge(options)) FileUtils.mkdir_p(dest_dir) extracted_dir = extract_dir(source, global_options.merge(options)) Dir.glob("#{extracted_dir}/*.shp") do |shapefile| puts "Transforming #{shapefile}" # "topojson data/Gadm/AFG/extracted/AFG_adm0.shp -o data/Gadm/AFG/transformed/AFG_adm0.topo.json" cmd = "topojson #{shapefile} -o #{shapefile.gsub(extracted_dir, dest_dir).gsub('.shp', '.topo.json')}" puts cmd PTY.spawn(cmd) do |stdout, stdin, pid| begin # Do stuff with the output here. Just printing to show it works stdout.each { |line| print line } end end end end end end end end