HPXML Schematron Validator: EnergyPlus Simulation
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: XMLTransactionHeaderInformation
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: SoftwareInfo/extension/SimulationControl
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: SoftwareInfo/extension/HVACSizingControl
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Building
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Building/BuildingID
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Building/ProjectStatus/EventType
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Building/BuildingDetails
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: XMLType
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: XMLGeneratedBy
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: CreatedDateAndTime
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Transaction
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Timestep
Expected 0 or 2 element(s) for xpath: BeginMonth | BeginDayOfMonth
Expected 0 or 2 element(s) for xpath: EndMonth | EndDayOfMonth
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: CalendarYear
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: DaylightSaving
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: AllowIncreasedFixedCapacities
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: UseMaxLoadForHeatPumps
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Enabled
Expected 0 or 4 element(s) for xpath: BeginMonth | BeginDayOfMonth | EndMonth | EndDayOfMonth
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: BuildingSummary/Site
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: BuildingSummary/BuildingOccupancy
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: BuildingSummary/BuildingConstruction
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: ClimateandRiskZones/ClimateZoneIECC
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ClimateandRiskZones/WeatherStation
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Enclosure/AirInfiltration/AirInfiltrationMeasurement/BuildingAirLeakage/UnitofMeasure[text()="ACH" or text()="CFM" or text()="ACHnatural"]
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Enclosure/Roofs/Roof
Expected 1 or more element(s) for xpath: Enclosure/Walls/Wall
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Enclosure/RimJoists/RimJoist
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Enclosure/FoundationWalls/FoundationWall
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Enclosure/FrameFloors/FrameFloor
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Enclosure/Slabs/Slab
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Enclosure/Windows/Window
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Enclosure/Skylights/Skylight
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Enclosure/Doors/Door
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Systems/HVAC/HVACPlant/HeatingSystem
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Systems/HVAC/HVACPlant/CoolingSystem
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Systems/HVAC/HVACPlant/HeatPump
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Systems/HVAC/HVACControl
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Systems/HVAC/HVACDistribution
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Systems/MechanicalVentilation/VentilationFans/VentilationFan[UsedForWholeBuildingVentilation="true"]
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Systems/MechanicalVentilation/VentilationFans/VentilationFan[UsedForLocalVentilation="true"]
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Systems/MechanicalVentilation/VentilationFans/VentilationFan[UsedForSeasonalCoolingLoadReduction="true"]
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Systems/WaterHeating/WaterHeatingSystem
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Systems/WaterHeating/HotWaterDistribution
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Systems/WaterHeating/WaterFixture
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Systems/SolarThermal/SolarThermalSystem
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Systems/Photovoltaics/PVSystem
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Appliances/ClothesWasher
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Appliances/ClothesDryer
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Appliances/Dishwasher
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Appliances/Refrigerator
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Appliances/Freezer
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Appliances/Dehumidifier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Appliances/CookingRange
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Appliances/Oven
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Lighting
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Lighting/CeilingFan
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Pools/Pool
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: HotTubs/HotTub
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: MiscLoads/PlugLoad[PlugLoadType[text()="other"]]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: MiscLoads/PlugLoad[PlugLoadType[text()="TV other"]]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: MiscLoads/PlugLoad[PlugLoadType[text()="electric vehicle charging"]]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: MiscLoads/PlugLoad[PlugLoadType[text()="well pump"]]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: MiscLoads/FuelLoad[FuelLoadType[text()="grill"]]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: MiscLoads/FuelLoad[FuelLoadType[text()="lighting"]]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: MiscLoads/FuelLoad[FuelLoadType[text()="fireplace"]]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: [not(SiteType)] | SiteType[text()="urban" or text()="suburban" or text()="rural"]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/ShelterCoefficient
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/Neighbors
Expected 1 or more element(s) for xpath: NeighborBuilding
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Azimuth
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Distance
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Height
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: NumberofResidents
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ResidentialFacilityType[text()="single-family detached" or text()="single-family attached" or text()="apartment unit" or text()="manufactured home"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: NumberofConditionedFloors
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: NumberofConditionedFloorsAboveGrade
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: NumberofBedrooms
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: NumberofBathrooms
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ConditionedFloorArea
Expected 1 or more element(s) for xpath: ConditionedBuildingVolume | AverageCeilingHeight
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/HasFlueOrChimney
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Year
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ClimateZone[text()="1A" or text()="1B" or text()="1C" or text()="2A" or text()="2B" or text()="2C" or text()="3A" or text()="3B" or text()="3C" or text()="4A" or text()="4B" or text()="4C" or text()="5A" or text()="5B" or text()="5C" or text()="6A" or text()="6B" or text()="6C" or text()="7" or text()="8"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Name
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/EPWFilePath
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: HousePressure
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: BuildingAirLeakage/AirLeakage
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: InfiltrationVolume
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 0 element(s) for xpath: HousePressure
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: BuildingAirLeakage/AirLeakage
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: InfiltrationVolume
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: InteriorAdjacentTo[text()="attic - vented" or text()="attic - unvented" or text()="living space" or text()="garage"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Area
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Azimuth
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: [not(RoofType)] | RoofType[text()="asphalt or fiberglass shingles" or text()="wood shingles or shakes" or text()="slate or tile shingles" or text()="metal surfacing"]
Expected 1 or more element(s) for xpath: SolarAbsorptance | RoofColor
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Emittance
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Pitch
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: RadiantBarrier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Insulation/SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Insulation/AssemblyEffectiveRValue
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: ../../Attics/Attic[AtticType/Attic[Vented="true"]]/VentilationRate[UnitofMeasure="SLA" or UnitofMeasure="ACHnatural"]/Value
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: RadiantBarrierGrade
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ExteriorAdjacentTo[text()="outside" or text()="attic - vented" or text()="attic - unvented" or text()="basement - conditioned" or text()="basement - unconditioned" or text()="crawlspace - vented" or text()="crawlspace - unvented" or text()="garage" or text()="other housing unit" or text()="other heated space" or text()="other multifamily buffer space" or text()="other non-freezing space"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: InteriorAdjacentTo[text()="living space" or text()="attic - vented" or text()="attic - unvented" or text()="basement - conditioned" or text()="basement - unconditioned" or text()="crawlspace - vented" or text()="crawlspace - unvented" or text()="garage"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: WallType[WoodStud | DoubleWoodStud | ConcreteMasonryUnit | StructurallyInsulatedPanel | InsulatedConcreteForms | SteelFrame | SolidConcrete | StructuralBrick | StrawBale | Stone | LogWall | Adobe]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Area
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Azimuth
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: [not(Siding)] | Siding[text()="wood siding" or text()="vinyl siding" or text()="stucco" or text()="fiber cement siding" or text()="brick veneer" or text()="aluminum siding"]
Expected 1 or more element(s) for xpath: SolarAbsorptance | Color
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Emittance
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Insulation/SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Insulation/AssemblyEffectiveRValue
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ExteriorAdjacentTo[text()="outside" or text()="attic - vented" or text()="attic - unvented" or text()="basement - conditioned" or text()="basement - unconditioned" or text()="crawlspace - vented" or text()="crawlspace - unvented" or text()="garage" or text()="other housing unit" or text()="other heated space" or text()="other multifamily buffer space" or text()="other non-freezing space"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: InteriorAdjacentTo[text()="living space" or text()="attic - vented" or text()="attic - unvented" or text()="basement - conditioned" or text()="basement - unconditioned" or text()="crawlspace - vented" or text()="crawlspace - unvented" or text()="garage"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Area
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Azimuth
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: [not(Siding)] | Siding[text()="wood siding" or text()="vinyl siding" or text()="stucco" or text()="fiber cement siding" or text()="brick veneer" or text()="aluminum siding"]
Expected 1 or more element(s) for xpath: SolarAbsorptance | Color
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Emittance
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Insulation/SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Insulation/AssemblyEffectiveRValue
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ExteriorAdjacentTo[text()="ground" or text()="basement - conditioned" or text()="basement - unconditioned" or text()="crawlspace - vented" or text()="crawlspace - unvented" or text()="garage" or text()="other housing unit" or text()="other heated space" or text()="other multifamily buffer space" or text()="other non-freezing space"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: InteriorAdjacentTo[text()="basement - conditioned" or text()="basement - unconditioned" or text()="crawlspace - vented" or text()="crawlspace - unvented" or text()="garage"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Height
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Area
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Azimuth
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Thickness
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: DepthBelowGrade
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Insulation/SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Insulation/Layer[InstallationType[text()="continuous - interior"]] | Insulation/AssemblyEffectiveRValue
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Insulation/Layer[InstallationType[text()="continuous - exterior"]] | Insulation/AssemblyEffectiveRValue
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: ../../Foundations/Foundation[FoundationType/Crawlspace[Vented="true"]]/VentilationRate[UnitofMeasure="SLA"]/Value
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: NominalRValue
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/DistanceToTopOfInsulation
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/DistanceToBottomOfInsulation
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ExteriorAdjacentTo[text()="outside" or text()="attic - vented" or text()="attic - unvented" or text()="basement - conditioned" or text()="basement - unconditioned" or text()="crawlspace - vented" or text()="crawlspace - unvented" or text()="garage" or text()="other housing unit" or text()="other heated space" or text()="other multifamily buffer space" or text()="other non-freezing space"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: InteriorAdjacentTo[text()="living space" or text()="attic - vented" or text()="attic - unvented" or text()="basement - conditioned" or text()="basement - unconditioned" or text()="crawlspace - vented" or text()="crawlspace - unvented" or text()="garage"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Area
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Insulation/SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Insulation/AssemblyEffectiveRValue
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/OtherSpaceAboveOrBelow[text()="above" or text()="below"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: InteriorAdjacentTo[text()="living space" or text()="basement - conditioned" or text()="basement - unconditioned" or text()="crawlspace - vented" or text()="crawlspace - unvented" or text()="garage"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Area
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Thickness
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ExposedPerimeter
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: PerimeterInsulationDepth
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: UnderSlabInsulationWidth | UnderSlabInsulationSpansEntireSlab[text()="true"]
Expected 1 or more element(s) for xpath: DepthBelowGrade | InteriorAdjacentTo[text()!="living space" and text()!="garage"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: PerimeterInsulation/SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: PerimeterInsulation/Layer[InstallationType="continuous"]/NominalRValue
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: UnderSlabInsulation/SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: UnderSlabInsulation/Layer[InstallationType="continuous"]/NominalRValue
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/CarpetFraction
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/CarpetRValue
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Area
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Azimuth
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: UFactor
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SHGC
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: InteriorShading/SummerShadingCoefficient
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: InteriorShading/WinterShadingCoefficient
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Overhangs
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: FractionOperable
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AttachedToWall
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Depth
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: DistanceToTopOfWindow
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: DistanceToBottomOfWindow
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Area
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Azimuth
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: UFactor
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SHGC
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: InteriorShading/SummerShadingCoefficient
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: InteriorShading/WinterShadingCoefficient
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AttachedToRoof
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AttachedToWall
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Area
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Azimuth
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: RValue
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../../HVACControl
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingSystemType[ElectricResistance | Furnace | WallFurnace | FloorFurnace | Boiler | Stove | PortableHeater | FixedHeater | Fireplace]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FractionHeatLoadServed
Expected 0 element(s) for xpath: DistributionSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingSystemFuel[text()="electricity"]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingCapacity
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualHeatingEfficiency[Units="Percent"]/Value
Expected 1 or more element(s) for xpath: ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/AirDistribution | ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/Other[text()="DSE"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: DistributionSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingSystemFuel[text()="natural gas" or text()="fuel oil" or text()="fuel oil 1" or text()="fuel oil 2" or text()="fuel oil 4" or text()="fuel oil 5/6" or text()="diesel" or text()="propane" or text()="kerosene" or text()="electricity" or text()="wood" or text()="wood pellets"]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingCapacity
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualHeatingEfficiency[Units="AFUE"]/Value
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: ElectricAuxiliaryEnergy
Expected 0 element(s) for xpath: DistributionSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingSystemFuel[text()="natural gas" or text()="fuel oil" or text()="fuel oil 1" or text()="fuel oil 2" or text()="fuel oil 4" or text()="fuel oil 5/6" or text()="diesel" or text()="propane" or text()="kerosene" or text()="electricity" or text()="wood" or text()="wood pellets"]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingCapacity
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualHeatingEfficiency[Units="AFUE"]/Value
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: ElectricAuxiliaryEnergy
Expected 0 element(s) for xpath: DistributionSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingSystemFuel[text()="natural gas" or text()="fuel oil" or text()="fuel oil 1" or text()="fuel oil 2" or text()="fuel oil 4" or text()="fuel oil 5/6" or text()="diesel" or text()="propane" or text()="kerosene" or text()="electricity" or text()="wood" or text()="wood pellets"]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingCapacity
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualHeatingEfficiency[Units="AFUE"]/Value
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: ElectricAuxiliaryEnergy
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: IsSharedSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: DistributionSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingSystemFuel[text()="natural gas" or text()="fuel oil" or text()="fuel oil 1" or text()="fuel oil 2" or text()="fuel oil 4" or text()="fuel oil 5/6" or text()="diesel" or text()="propane" or text()="kerosene" or text()="coal" or text()="coke" or text()="bituminous coal" or text()="anthracite coal" or text()="electricity" or text()="wood" or text()="wood pellets"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualHeatingEfficiency[Units="AFUE"]/Value
Expected 1 or more element(s) for xpath: ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/HydronicDistribution/HydronicDistributionType[text()="radiator" or text()="baseboard" or text()="radiant floor" or text()="radiant ceiling"] | ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/Other[text()="DSE"]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingCapacity
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: ElectricAuxiliaryEnergy
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../../../../BuildingSummary/BuildingConstruction[ResidentialFacilityType[text()="single-family attached" or text()="apartment unit"]]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/HydronicDistribution/HydronicDistributionType[text()="radiator" or text()="baseboard" or text()="radiant floor" or text()="radiant ceiling"] | ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/HydronicAndAirDistribution/HydronicAndAirDistributionType[text()="fan coil" or text()="water loop heat pump"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: NumberofUnitsServed
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: ElectricAuxiliaryEnergy | extension/SharedLoopWatts
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: ElectricAuxiliaryEnergy | extension/FanCoilWatts
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WaterLoopHeatPump/AnnualHeatingEfficiency[Units="COP"]/Value
Expected 0 element(s) for xpath: DistributionSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingSystemFuel[text()="natural gas" or text()="fuel oil" or text()="fuel oil 1" or text()="fuel oil 2" or text()="fuel oil 4" or text()="fuel oil 5/6" or text()="diesel" or text()="propane" or text()="kerosene" or text()="electricity" or text()="wood" or text()="wood pellets"]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingCapacity
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualHeatingEfficiency[Units="Percent"]/Value
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: ElectricAuxiliaryEnergy
Expected 0 element(s) for xpath: DistributionSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingSystemFuel[text()="natural gas" or text()="fuel oil" or text()="fuel oil 1" or text()="fuel oil 2" or text()="fuel oil 4" or text()="fuel oil 5/6" or text()="diesel" or text()="propane" or text()="kerosene" or text()="electricity" or text()="wood" or text()="wood pellets"]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingCapacity
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualHeatingEfficiency[Units="Percent"]/Value
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: ElectricAuxiliaryEnergy
Expected 0 element(s) for xpath: DistributionSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingSystemFuel[text()="natural gas" or text()="fuel oil" or text()="fuel oil 1" or text()="fuel oil 2" or text()="fuel oil 4" or text()="fuel oil 5/6" or text()="diesel" or text()="propane" or text()="kerosene" or text()="electricity" or text()="wood" or text()="wood pellets"]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingCapacity
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualHeatingEfficiency[Units="Percent"]/Value
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: ElectricAuxiliaryEnergy
Expected 0 element(s) for xpath: DistributionSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingSystemFuel[text()="natural gas" or text()="fuel oil" or text()="fuel oil 1" or text()="fuel oil 2" or text()="fuel oil 4" or text()="fuel oil 5/6" or text()="diesel" or text()="propane" or text()="kerosene" or text()="electricity" or text()="wood" or text()="wood pellets"]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingCapacity
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualHeatingEfficiency[Units="Percent"]/Value
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: ElectricAuxiliaryEnergy
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../../HVACControl
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: CoolingSystemType[text()="central air conditioner" or text()="room air conditioner" or text()="evaporative cooler" or text()="mini-split"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: CoolingSystemFuel[text()="electricity"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FractionCoolLoadServed
Expected 1 or more element(s) for xpath: ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/AirDistribution | ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/Other[text()="DSE"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: DistributionSystem
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: CoolingCapacity
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: [not(CompressorType)] | CompressorType[text()="single stage" or text()="two stage" or text()="variable speed"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualCoolingEfficiency[Units="SEER"]/Value
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: SensibleHeatFraction
Expected 0 element(s) for xpath: DistributionSystem
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: CoolingCapacity
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualCoolingEfficiency[Units="EER"]/Value
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: SensibleHeatFraction
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/AirDistribution | ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/Other[text()="DSE"]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: DistributionSystem
Expected 0 element(s) for xpath: CoolingCapacity
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/AirDistribution | ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/Other[text()="DSE"]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: DistributionSystem
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: CoolingCapacity
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualCoolingEfficiency[Units="SEER"]/Value
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: SensibleHeatFraction
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../../../../BuildingSummary/BuildingConstruction[ResidentialFacilityType[text()="single-family attached" or text()="apartment unit"]]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/HydronicDistribution/HydronicDistributionType[text()="radiator" or text()="baseboard" or text()="radiant floor" or text()="radiant ceiling"] | ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/HydronicAndAirDistribution/HydronicAndAirDistributionType[text()="fan coil" or text()="water loop heat pump"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: DistributionSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: IsSharedSystem[text()="true"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: NumberofUnitsServed
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: CoolingCapacity
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualCoolingEfficiency[Units="kW/ton"]/Value
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/SharedLoopWatts
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/FanCoilWatts
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WaterLoopHeatPump/CoolingCapacity
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WaterLoopHeatPump/AnnualCoolingEfficiency[Units="EER"]/Value
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../../../../BuildingSummary/BuildingConstruction[ResidentialFacilityType[text()="single-family attached" or text()="apartment unit"]]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/HydronicAndAirDistribution/HydronicAndAirDistributionType[text()="water loop heat pump"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: DistributionSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: IsSharedSystem[text()="true"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: NumberofUnitsServed
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/SharedLoopWatts
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WaterLoopHeatPump/CoolingCapacity
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WaterLoopHeatPump/AnnualCoolingEfficiency[Units="EER"]/Value
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../../HVACControl
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatPumpType[text()="air-to-air" or text()="mini-split" or text()="ground-to-air"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatPumpFuel[text()="electricity"]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingCapacity
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: CoolingCapacity
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: CoolingSensibleHeatFraction
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: [not(BackupSystemFuel)] | BackupSystemFuel[text()="electricity" or text()="natural gas" or text()="fuel oil" or text()="fuel oil 1" or text()="fuel oil 2" or text()="fuel oil 4" or text()="fuel oil 5/6" or text()="diesel" or text()="propane" or text()="kerosene" or text()="wood" or text()="wood pellets"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FractionHeatLoadServed
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FractionCoolLoadServed
Expected 1 or more element(s) for xpath: ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/AirDistribution | ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/Other[text()="DSE"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: DistributionSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: [not(CompressorType)] | CompressorType[text()="single stage" or text()="two stage" or text()="variable speed"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualCoolingEfficiency[Units="SEER"]/Value
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualHeatingEfficiency[Units="HSPF"]/Value
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingCapacity17F
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/AirDistribution | ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/Other[text()="DSE"]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: DistributionSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualCoolingEfficiency[Units="SEER"]/Value
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualHeatingEfficiency[Units="HSPF"]/Value
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingCapacity17F
Expected 1 or more element(s) for xpath: ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/AirDistribution | ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/Other[text()="DSE"]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: IsSharedSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: DistributionSystem
Expected 0 element(s) for xpath: BackupHeatingSwitchoverTemperature
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualCoolingEfficiency[Units="EER"]/Value
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualHeatingEfficiency[Units="COP"]/Value
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/PumpPowerWattsPerTon
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/FanPowerWattsPerCFM
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../../../../BuildingSummary/BuildingConstruction[ResidentialFacilityType[text()="single-family attached" or text()="apartment unit"]]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: NumberofUnitsServed
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/SharedLoopWatts
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: BackupAnnualHeatingEfficiency[Units="Percent" or Units="AFUE"]/Value
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: BackupHeatingCapacity
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: BackupHeatingSwitchoverTemperature
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SetpointTempHeatingSeason
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: SetbackTempHeatingSeason
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: SetupTempCoolingSeason
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SetpointTempCoolingSeason
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/CeilingFanSetpointTempCoolingSeasonOffset
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: TotalSetbackHoursperWeekHeating
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/SetbackStartHourHeating
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: TotalSetupHoursperWeekCooling
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/SetupStartHourCooling
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: DistributionSystemType[AirDistribution | HydronicDistribution | HydronicAndAirDistribution | Other[text()="DSE"]]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../../ConditionedFloorAreaServed
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: DuctLeakageMeasurement[DuctType="supply"]/DuctLeakage[(Units="CFM25" or Units="Percent") and TotalOrToOutside="to outside"]/Value
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: DuctLeakageMeasurement[DuctType="return"]/DuctLeakage[(Units="CFM25" or Units="Percent") and TotalOrToOutside="to outside"]/Value
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Ducts[DuctType="supply"]
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Ducts[DuctType="return"]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: NumberofReturnRegisters
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: HydronicDistributionType[text()="radiator" or text()="baseboard" or text()="radiant floor" or text()="radiant ceiling"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: HydronicAndAirDistributionType[text()="fan coil" or text()="water loop heat pump"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../../ConditionedFloorAreaServed
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: DuctLeakageMeasurement[DuctType="supply"]/DuctLeakage[(Units="CFM25" or Units="Percent") and TotalOrToOutside="to outside"]/Value
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: DuctLeakageMeasurement[DuctType="return"]/DuctLeakage[(Units="CFM25" or Units="Percent") and TotalOrToOutside="to outside"]/Value
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Ducts[DuctType="supply"]
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Ducts[DuctType="return"]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: NumberofReturnRegisters
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualHeatingDistributionSystemEfficiency
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualCoolingDistributionSystemEfficiency
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: DuctInsulationRValue
Expected 0 or 2 element(s) for xpath: DuctSurfaceArea | DuctLocation[text()="living space" or text()="basement - conditioned" or text()="basement - unconditioned" or text()="crawlspace - vented" or text()="crawlspace - unvented" or text()="attic - vented" or text()="attic - unvented" or text()="garage" or text()="exterior wall" or text()="under slab" or text()="roof deck" or text()="outside" or text()="other housing unit" or text()="other heated space" or text()="other multifamily buffer space" or text()="other non-freezing space"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: IsSharedSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FanType[text()="energy recovery ventilator" or text()="heat recovery ventilator" or text()="exhaust only" or text()="supply only" or text()="balanced" or text()="central fan integrated supply"]
Expected 1 or more element(s) for xpath: TestedFlowRate | RatedFlowRate
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: HoursInOperation
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FanPower
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SensibleRecoveryEfficiency | AdjustedSensibleRecoveryEfficiency
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: TotalRecoveryEfficiency | AdjustedTotalRecoveryEfficiency
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SensibleRecoveryEfficiency | AdjustedSensibleRecoveryEfficiency
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AttachedToHVACDistributionSystem
Expected 0 element(s) for xpath: IsSharedSystem[text()="true"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FractionRecirculation[number(text()) >= 0 and number(text()) <= 1]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/InUnitFlowRate
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/PreHeating
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/PreCooling
Expected 0 element(s) for xpath: ../../FanType[text()="exhaust only"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Fuel[text()="natural gas" or text()="fuel oil" or text()="fuel oil 1" or text()="fuel oil 2" or text()="fuel oil 4" or text()="fuel oil 5/6" or text()="diesel" or text()="propane" or text()="kerosene" or text()="coal" or text()="coke" or text()="bituminous coal" or text()="anthracite coal" or text()="electricity" or text()="wood" or text()="wood pellets"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualHeatingEfficiency[Units="COP"]/Value
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FractionVentilationHeatLoadServed[number(text()) >= 0 and number(text()) <= 1]
Expected 0 element(s) for xpath: ../../FanType[text()="exhaust only"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Fuel[text()="electricity"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualCoolingEfficiency[Units="COP"]/Value
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FractionVentilationCoolLoadServed[number(text()) >= 0 and number(text()) <= 1]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Quantity
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: RatedFlowRate
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: HoursInOperation
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: FanLocation[text()="kitchen" or text()="bath"]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: FanPower
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/StartHour
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: RatedFlowRate
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FanPower
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../HotWaterDistribution
Expected 1 or more element(s) for xpath: ../WaterFixture
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: IsSharedSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: WaterHeaterType[text()="storage water heater" or text()="instantaneous water heater" or text()="heat pump water heater" or text()="space-heating boiler with storage tank" or text()="space-heating boiler with tankless coil"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: [not(Location)] | Location[text()="living space" or text()="basement - unconditioned" or text()="basement - conditioned" or text()="attic - unvented" or text()="attic - vented" or text()="garage" or text()="crawlspace - unvented" or text()="crawlspace - vented" or text()="other exterior" or text()="other housing unit" or text()="other heated space" or text()="other multifamily buffer space" or text()="other non-freezing space"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FractionDHWLoadServed
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: HotWaterTemperature
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: UsesDesuperheater
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../../../BuildingSummary/BuildingConstruction[ResidentialFacilityType[text()="single-family attached" or text()="apartment unit"]]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: NumberofUnitsServed
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FuelType[text()="natural gas" or text()="fuel oil" or text()="fuel oil 1" or text()="fuel oil 2" or text()="fuel oil 4" or text()="fuel oil 5/6" or text()="diesel" or text()="propane" or text()="kerosene" or text()="coal" or text()="coke" or text()="bituminous coal" or text()="anthracite coal" or text()="electricity" or text()="wood" or text()="wood pellets"]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: TankVolume
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingCapacity
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: EnergyFactor | UniformEnergyFactor
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: RecoveryEfficiency
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: WaterHeaterInsulation/Jacket/JacketRValue
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FuelType[text()="natural gas" or text()="fuel oil" or text()="fuel oil 1" or text()="fuel oil 2" or text()="fuel oil 4" or text()="fuel oil 5/6" or text()="diesel" or text()="propane" or text()="kerosene" or text()="coal" or text()="coke" or text()="bituminous coal" or text()="anthracite coal" or text()="electricity" or text()="wood" or text()="wood pellets"]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: PerformanceAdjustment
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: EnergyFactor | UniformEnergyFactor
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FuelType[text()="electricity"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: TankVolume
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: EnergyFactor | UniformEnergyFactor
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: WaterHeaterInsulation/Jacket/JacketRValue
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: RelatedHVACSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: TankVolume
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: WaterHeaterInsulation/Jacket/JacketRValue
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: StandbyLoss
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: RelatedHVACSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: RelatedHVACSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemType/Standard | SystemType/Recirculation
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: PipeInsulation/PipeRValue
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: DrainWaterHeatRecovery
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/SharedRecirculation
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: PipingLength
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ControlType[text()="manual demand control" or text()="presence sensor demand control" or text()="temperature" or text()="timer" or text()="no control"]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: RecirculationPipingLoopLength
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: BranchPipingLoopLength
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: PumpPower
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../../../BuildingSummary/BuildingConstruction[ResidentialFacilityType[text()="single-family attached" or text()="apartment unit"]]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/SharedRecirculation/NumberofUnitsServed
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/SharedRecirculation/PumpPower
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/SharedRecirculation/ControlType[text()="manual demand control" or text()="presence sensor demand control" or text()="timer" or text()="no control"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FacilitiesConnected
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: EqualFlow
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Efficiency
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../HotWaterDistribution
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: WaterFixtureType[text()="shower head" or text()="faucet"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: LowFlow
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: ../extension/WaterFixturesUsageMultiplier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemType[text()="hot water"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: CollectorArea | SolarFraction
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: CollectorLoopType[text()="liquid indirect" or text()="liquid direct" or text()="passive thermosyphon"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: CollectorType[text()="single glazing black" or text()="double glazing black" or text()="evacuated tube" or text()="integrated collector storage"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: CollectorAzimuth
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: CollectorTilt
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: CollectorRatedOpticalEfficiency
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: CollectorRatedThermalLosses
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: StorageVolume
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ConnectedTo
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: ConnectedTo
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: IsSharedSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Location[text()="ground" or text()="roof"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ModuleType[text()="standard" or text()="premium" or text()="thin film"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Tracking[text()="fixed" or text()="1-axis" or text()="1-axis backtracked" or text()="2-axis"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ArrayAzimuth
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ArrayTilt
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: MaxPowerOutput
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: InverterEfficiency
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: SystemLossesFraction | YearModulesManufactured
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../../../BuildingSummary/BuildingConstruction[ResidentialFacilityType[text()="single-family attached" or text()="apartment unit"]]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/NumberofBedroomsServed
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../../Systems/WaterHeating/HotWaterDistribution
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: IsSharedAppliance
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: [not(Location)] | Location[text()="living space" or text()="basement - conditioned" or text()="basement - unconditioned" or text()="garage" or text()="other housing unit" or text()="other heated space" or text()="other multifamily buffer space" or text()="other non-freezing space"]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: ModifiedEnergyFactor | IntegratedModifiedEnergyFactor
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/UsageMultiplier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: RatedAnnualkWh
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: LabelElectricRate
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: LabelGasRate
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: LabelAnnualGasCost
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: LabelUsage
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Capacity
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../../BuildingSummary/BuildingConstruction[ResidentialFacilityType[text()="single-family attached" or text()="apartment unit"]]
Expected 1 or more element(s) for xpath: ../../Systems/WaterHeating/WaterHeatingSystem[IsSharedSystem="true" and number(FractionDHWLoadServed)=0]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AttachedToWaterHeatingSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../ClothesWasher
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: IsSharedAppliance
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: [not(Location)] | Location[text()="living space" or text()="basement - conditioned" or text()="basement - unconditioned" or text()="garage" or text()="other housing unit" or text()="other heated space" or text()="other multifamily buffer space" or text()="other non-freezing space"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FuelType[text()="natural gas" or text()="fuel oil" or text()="fuel oil 1" or text()="fuel oil 2" or text()="fuel oil 4" or text()="fuel oil 5/6" or text()="diesel" or text()="propane" or text()="kerosene" or text()="coal" or text()="coke" or text()="bituminous coal" or text()="anthracite coal" or text()="electricity" or text()="wood" or text()="wood pellets"]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: EnergyFactor | CombinedEnergyFactor
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/UsageMultiplier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/IsVented
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ControlType
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../../BuildingSummary/BuildingConstruction[ResidentialFacilityType[text()="single-family attached" or text()="apartment unit"]]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/VentedFlowRate
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: IsSharedAppliance
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: [not(Location)] | Location[text()="living space" or text()="basement - conditioned" or text()="basement - unconditioned" or text()="garage" or text()="other housing unit" or text()="other heated space" or text()="other multifamily buffer space" or text()="other non-freezing space"]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: RatedAnnualkWh | EnergyFactor
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/UsageMultiplier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: LabelElectricRate
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: LabelGasRate
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: LabelAnnualGasCost
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: LabelUsage
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: PlaceSettingCapacity
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../../BuildingSummary/BuildingConstruction[ResidentialFacilityType[text()="single-family attached" or text()="apartment unit"]]
Expected 1 or more element(s) for xpath: ../../Systems/WaterHeating/WaterHeatingSystem[IsSharedSystem="true" and number(FractionDHWLoadServed)=0]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AttachedToWaterHeatingSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: [not(Location)] | Location[text()="living space" or text()="basement - conditioned" or text()="basement - unconditioned" or text()="garage" or text()="other housing unit" or text()="other heated space" or text()="other multifamily buffer space" or text()="other non-freezing space"]
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: RatedAnnualkWh | extension/AdjustedAnnualkWh
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: PrimaryIndicator
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/UsageMultiplier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WeekdayScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WeekendScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/MonthlyScheduleMultipliers
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: [not(Location)] | Location[text()="living space" or text()="basement - conditioned" or text()="basement - unconditioned" or text()="garage" or text()="other housing unit" or text()="other heated space" or text()="other multifamily buffer space" or text()="other non-freezing space"]
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: RatedAnnualkWh | extension/AdjustedAnnualkWh
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/UsageMultiplier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WeekdayScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WeekendScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/MonthlyScheduleMultipliers
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Capacity
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: EnergyFactor | IntegratedEnergyFactor
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: DehumidistatSetpoint
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FractionDehumidificationLoadServed
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../Oven
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: [not(Location)] | Location[text()="living space" or text()="basement - conditioned" or text()="basement - unconditioned" or text()="garage" or text()="other housing unit" or text()="other heated space" or text()="other multifamily buffer space" or text()="other non-freezing space"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FuelType[text()="natural gas" or text()="fuel oil" or text()="fuel oil 1" or text()="fuel oil 2" or text()="fuel oil 4" or text()="fuel oil 5/6" or text()="diesel" or text()="propane" or text()="kerosene" or text()="coal" or text()="coke" or text()="bituminous coal" or text()="anthracite coal" or text()="electricity" or text()="wood" or text()="wood pellets"]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: IsInduction
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/UsageMultiplier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WeekdayScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WeekendScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/MonthlyScheduleMultipliers
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../CookingRange
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: IsConvection
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: LightingGroup[LightingType[LightEmittingDiode] and Location[text()="interior"]]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: LightingGroup[LightingType[LightEmittingDiode] and Location[text()="exterior"]]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: LightingGroup[LightingType[LightEmittingDiode] and Location[text()="garage"]]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: LightingGroup[LightingType[CompactFluorescent] and Location[text()="interior"]]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: LightingGroup[LightingType[CompactFluorescent] and Location[text()="exterior"]]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: LightingGroup[LightingType[CompactFluorescent] and Location[text()="garage"]]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: LightingGroup[LightingType[FluorescentTube] and Location[text()="interior"]]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: LightingGroup[LightingType[FluorescentTube] and Location[text()="exterior"]]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: LightingGroup[LightingType[FluorescentTube] and Location[text()="garage"]]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/InteriorUsageMultiplier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/GarageUsageMultiplier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/ExteriorUsageMultiplier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/InteriorWeekdayScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/InteriorWeekendScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/InteriorMonthlyScheduleMultipliers
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/GarageWeekdayScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/GarageWeekendScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/GarageMonthlyScheduleMultipliers
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/ExteriorWeekdayScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/ExteriorWeekendScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/ExteriorMonthlyScheduleMultipliers
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/ExteriorHolidayLighting
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FractionofUnitsInLocation
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Load[Units="kWh/day"]/Value
Expected 0 or 2 element(s) for xpath: PeriodBeginMonth | PeriodBeginDayOfMonth
Expected 0 or 2 element(s) for xpath: PeriodEndMonth | PeriodEndDayOfMonth
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: WeekdayScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: WeekendScheduleFractions
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Airflow[FanSpeed="medium"]/Efficiency
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Quantity
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: PoolPumps/PoolPump
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Heater
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Load[Units="kWh/year"]/Value
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/UsageMultiplier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WeekdayScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WeekendScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/MonthlyScheduleMultipliers
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Type[text()="gas fired" or text()="electric resistance" or text()="heat pump"]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Load[Units="kWh/year" or Units="therm/year"]/Value
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/UsageMultiplier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WeekdayScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WeekendScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/MonthlyScheduleMultipliers
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: HotTubPumps/HotTubPump
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Heater
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Load[Units="kWh/year"]/Value
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/UsageMultiplier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WeekdayScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WeekendScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/MonthlyScheduleMultipliers
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Type[text()="gas fired" or text()="electric resistance" or text()="heat pump"]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Load[Units="kWh/year" or Units="therm/year"]/Value
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/UsageMultiplier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WeekdayScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WeekendScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/MonthlyScheduleMultipliers
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Location[text()="interior" or text()="exterior"]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Load[Units="kWh/year"]/Value
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/FracSensible
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/FracLatent
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/UsageMultiplier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WeekdayScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WeekendScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/MonthlyScheduleMultipliers
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Location[text()="interior" or text()="exterior"]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Load[Units="therm/year"]/Value
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FuelType[text()="natural gas" or text()="fuel oil" or text()="fuel oil 1" or text()="fuel oil 2" or text()="fuel oil 4" or text()="fuel oil 5/6" or text()="diesel" or text()="propane" or text()="kerosene" or text()="coal" or text()="coke" or text()="bituminous coal" or text()="anthracite coal" or text()="wood" or text()="wood pellets"]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/UsageMultiplier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WeekdayScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WeekendScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/MonthlyScheduleMultipliers