# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2020 eGlobalTech, Inc., all rights reserved # # Licensed under the BSD-3 license (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License in the root of the project or at # # http://egt-labs.com/mu/LICENSE.html # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. module MU # Plugins under this namespace serve as interfaces to cloud providers and # other provisioning layers. class Cloud # In this file: generic class method wrappers for all resource types. @@resource_types.keys.each { |name| Object.const_get("MU").const_get("Cloud").const_get(name).class_eval { def self.shortname name.sub(/.*?::([^:]+)$/, '\1') end def self.cfg_plural MU::Cloud.resource_types[shortname.to_sym][:cfg_plural] end def self.has_multiples MU::Cloud.resource_types[shortname.to_sym][:has_multiples] end def self.cfg_name MU::Cloud.resource_types[shortname.to_sym][:cfg_name] end def self.can_live_in_vpc MU::Cloud.resource_types[shortname.to_sym][:can_live_in_vpc] end def self.waits_on_parent_completion MU::Cloud.resource_types[shortname.to_sym][:waits_on_parent_completion] end def self.deps_wait_on_my_creation MU::Cloud.resource_types[shortname.to_sym][:deps_wait_on_my_creation] end # Defaults any resources that don't declare their release-readiness to # ALPHA. That'll learn 'em. def self.quality MU::Cloud::ALPHA end # Return a list of "container" artifacts, by class, that apply to this # resource type in a cloud provider. This is so methods that call find # know whether to call +find+ with identifiers for parent resources. # This is similar in purpose to the +isGlobal?+ resource class method, # which tells our search functions whether or not a resource scopes to # a region. In almost all cases this is one-entry list consisting of # +:Habitat+. Notable exceptions include most implementations of # +Habitat+, which either reside inside a +:Folder+ or nothing at all; # whereas a +:Folder+ tends to not have any containing parent. Very few # resource implementations will need to override this. # A +nil+ entry in this list is interpreted as "this resource can be # global." # @return [Array] def self.canLiveIn if self.shortname == "Folder" [nil, :Folder] elsif self.shortname == "Habitat" [:Folder] else [:Habitat] end end def self.find(*flags) allfound = {} MU::Cloud.availableClouds.each { |cloud| begin args = flags.first next if args[:cloud] and args[:cloud] != cloud # skip this cloud if we have a region argument that makes no # sense there cloudbase = MU::Cloud.cloudClass(cloud) next if cloudbase.listCredentials.nil? or cloudbase.listCredentials.empty? or cloudbase.credConfig(args[:credentials]).nil? if args[:region] and cloudbase.respond_to?(:listRegions) if !cloudbase.listRegions(credentials: args[:credentials]) MU.log "Failed to get region list for credentials #{args[:credentials]} in cloud #{cloud}", MU::ERR, details: caller else next if !cloudbase.listRegions(credentials: args[:credentials]).include?(args[:region]) end end begin cloudclass = MU::Cloud.resourceClass(cloud, shortname) rescue MU::MuError next end credsets = if args[:credentials] [args[:credentials]] else cloudbase.listCredentials end credsets.each { |creds| args[:credentials] = creds found = cloudclass.find(args) if !found.nil? if found.is_a?(Hash) allfound.merge!(found) else raise MuError, "#{cloudclass}.find returned a non-Hash result" end end } rescue MuCloudResourceNotImplemented end } allfound end # Wrapper for the cleanup class method of underlying cloud object implementations. def self.cleanup(*flags) ok = true params = flags.first clouds = MU::Cloud.supportedClouds if params[:cloud] clouds = [params[:cloud]] params.delete(:cloud) end params[:deploy_id] ||= MU.deploy_id if !params[:deploy_id] or params[:deploy_id].empty? raise MuError, "Can't call cleanup methods without a deploy id" end clouds.each { |cloud| begin cloudclass = MU::Cloud.resourceClass(cloud, shortname) if cloudclass.isGlobal? params.delete(:region) end raise MuCloudResourceNotImplemented if !cloudclass.respond_to?(:cleanup) or cloudclass.method(:cleanup).owner.to_s != "#" MU.log "Invoking #{cloudclass}.cleanup from #{shortname}", MU::DEBUG, details: flags cloudclass.cleanup(params) rescue MuCloudResourceNotImplemented MU.log "No #{cloud} implementation of #{shortname}.cleanup, skipping", MU::DEBUG, details: flags rescue StandardError => e in_msg = cloud if params and params[:region] in_msg += " "+params[:region] end if params and params[:flags] and params[:flags]["project"] and !params[:flags]["project"].empty? in_msg += " project "+params[:flags]["project"] end MU.log "Skipping #{shortname} cleanup method in #{in_msg} due to #{e.class.name}: #{e.message}", MU::WARN, details: e.backtrace ok = false end } MU::MommaCat.unlockAll ok end } # end dynamic class generation block } # end resource type iteration end end