{ "$schema" : "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", "type" : "object", "title" : "card", "description" : "Cards endpoint", "required" : ["type", "design", "currency", "pin"], "properties" : { "id" : { "$ref" : "./base_types/base_types.json#definitions/id" }, "account_id" : { "$ref" : "./base_types/base_types.json#definitions/account_id", "readOnly" : true }, "inscription" : { "description" : "Card holder", "type" : "string", "readOnly" : true }, "type" : { "description" : "Card type", "type" : "string", "enum" : [ "fidor_digital_prepaid_mastercard_virtual", "fidor_smart_prepaid_mastercard_cowboy", "fidor_smart_prepaid_mastercard_ambassador", "fidor_smart_prepaid_mastercard_girls", "fidor_smart_prepaid_mastercard_pimp", "fidor_smart_prepaid_mastercard_community", "fidor_smart_prepaid_mastercard_classic_black", "fidor_smart_prepaid_mastercard_classic_green", "fidor_digital_prepaid_mastercard_virtuell", "fidor_smart_prepaid_mastercard_classic_green2", "fidor_smart_prepaid_mastercard_classic_black2", "fidor_smart_prepaid_mastercard_classic_green_bis", "fidor_smart_prepaid_mastercard_classic_black_bis", "fidor_corporatecard_classic", "fidor_smart_prepaid_mastercard_classic_green_ter", "fidor_smart_prepaid_mastercard_classic_black_ter", "fidor_travian_prepaid_mastercard", "fidor_smartcard", "fidor_debit_master_card" ] }, "design" : { "description" : "Card design", "type" : "string" }, "pin" : { "$ref" : "./card/pin.json#properties/pin" }, "pan" : { "description" : "Card's PAN number", "type" : "string", "pattern" : "^[0-9]{14,16}$" }, "cvc_code" : { "description" : "Card's cvc code", "type" : "string", "pattern" : "^[0-9]{3}$" }, "currency" : { "$ref" : "./base_types/base_types.json#definitions/currency" }, "physical" : { "description" : "Indicates if the card is a physical one", "type" : "boolean", "readOnly" : true }, "valid_until" : { "description" : "Card expiration date", "format" : "date-time", "readOnly" : true }, "balance" : { "description" : "Balance of the related account in minor units, e.g. 1EUR is represented as 100. Must be greater than 0 e.g. at least one cent in EUR", "$ref" : "./base_types/base_types.json#definitions/amount", "readOnly" : true }, "atm_limit" : { "description" : "ATM limit in minor units, e.g. 1EUR is represented as 100. Must be greater than 0 e.g. at least one cent in EUR", "$ref" : "./base_types/base_types.json#definitions/amount" }, "transaction_single_limit" : { "description" : "Transaction single limit in minor units, e.g. 1EUR is represented as 100. Must be greater than 0 e.g. at least one cent in EUR", "$ref" : "./base_types/base_types.json#definitions/amount" }, "transaction_volume_limit" : { "description" : "Transaction volume limit in minor units, e.g. 1EUR is represented as 100. Must be greater than 0 e.g. at least one cent in EUR", "$ref" : "./base_types/base_types.json#definitions/amount" }, "email_notification" : { "description" : "Email notification", "type" : "boolean", "default" : true }, "sms_notification" : { "description" : "SMS notification", "type" : "boolean", "default" : false }, "payed" : { "description" : "Card payed boolean", "type" : "boolean", "readOnly" : true }, "state" : { "description" : "State of the card", "type" : "string", "enum" : [ "created", "mobile_tan_sent", "card_registration_requirments_check", "card_registration_pending", "card_registration_in_progress", "card_registration_canceled", "card_registration_completed", "active", "revoked", "canceled", "disabled", "lost", "expired", "annual_fee_pending_active", "annual_fee_pending_registration_completed" ], "readOnly" : true }, "lock_reason" : { "description" : "Reason for card lock", "type" : "string", "enum" : [ "termination", "compromised", "lost", "stolen", "unneeded", "better_offer", "other_card", "fraud" ], "readOnly" : true }, "disabled" : { "description" : "Card disabled boolean", "type" : "boolean", "readOnly" : true }, "created_at" : { "$ref" : "./base_types/base_types.json#definitions/created_at" }, "updated_at" : { "$ref" : "./base_types/base_types.json#definitions/updated_at" } }, "links" : [ { "description" : "Card details", "href" : "cards/{id}", "method" : "GET", "rel" : "self", "title" : "Show" }, { "description" : "Card PIN code", "href" : "cards/{id}/pin", "method" : "GET", "rel" : "pin", "title" : "PIN code", "schema" : "pin" }, { "description" : "Card's PAN number", "href" : "cards/{id}/pan", "method" : "GET", "rel" : "pan", "title" : "Primary Account Number" }, { "description" : "Lock a card", "href" : "cards/{id}/lock", "method" : "PUT", "rel" : "lock", "title" : "Lock" }, { "description" : "Unlock a card", "href" : "cards/{id}/unlock", "method" : "PUT", "rel" : "unlock", "title" : "Unlock" }, { "description" : "Block a card: in case of fraud / lost / stolen card", "href" : "cards/{id}/block", "method" : "PUT", "rel" : "block", "title" : "Block" }, { "description" : "Activate a new card", "href" : "cards/{id}/activate", "method" : "PUT", "rel" : "activate", "title" : "Activate" }, { "description" : "Cancel an existing card: cancel card subscription, lock card", "href" : "cards/{id}/cancel", "method" : "PUT", "rel" : "cancel", "title" : "Cancel" }, { "description" : "Update limits of a card", "href" : "cards/{id}/limits", "method" : "PUT", "rel" : "limits", "title" : "Update Limits" }, { "description" : "Create a new card and initiate the order", "href" : "cards", "method" : "POST", "rel" : "create", "title" : "Create", "properties" : { "pin" : { "$ref" : "./card/pin.json#properties/pin" } } }, { "rel" : "instances", "href" : "cards", "description" : "All cards of a customer", "href" : "cards", "method" : "GET", "rel" : "instances", "title" : "Index", "properties" : { "filter[states]" : { "title" : "Find cards in a certain state. Single state or multiple states comma-separated.", "enum" : [ "created", "mobile_tan_sent", "card_registration_requirments_check", "card_registration_pending", "card_registration_in_progress", "card_registration_canceled", "card_registration_completed", "active", "revoked", "canceled", "disabled", "lost", "expired", "annual_fee_pending_active", "annual_fee_pending_registration_completed" ], "type" : "string" }, "page" : { "title" : "Page", "description" : "In paginated results set the page to look for", "type" : "integer" }, "per_page" : { "title" : "Per page", "description" : "Results per page. Default is 10, max is 100", "type" : "integer" }, "sort" : { "title" : "Sort", "enum" : [ "ASC", "DESC" ], "description" : "Sort the results in ASC or DESC", "type" : "string" } } } ] }