module Alchemy::Custom::Model module CustomModelHelper def self.included(mod) if ::Rails.application.config.action_controller.include_all_helpers != false raise "Devi definire in config/application.rb config.action_controller.include_all_helpers=false in modo da far funzionare correttamente l'override degli helper come per i controller" end end def custom_model_page_urlname(obj, language: nil) if language.blank? language = Alchemy::Language.current end layout = Alchemy::PageLayout.get_all_by_attributes(custom_model: obj.class.to_s).select { |ly| ly["custom_model_action"] == "show" }.first if not layout.blank? language.pages.find_by(page_layout: layout["name"]).try(:parent).try(:urlname) else nil end end def custom_model_path(obj, options = {}) language = options.delete(:language) custom_model_url_builder(obj, language: language) do |url| alchemy.show_page_path(language || Alchemy::Language.current.code, url, options) end end def custom_model_url(obj, options = {}) language = options.delete(:language) if language.is_a? String language = Alchemy::Language.find_by_code(language) end custom_model_url_builder(obj, language: language) do |url| alchemy.show_page_url(language.code || Alchemy::Language.current.code, url, options) end end private def custom_model_url_builder(obj, language: nil) to_url = custom_model_page_urlname obj, language: language if not to_url.blank? # Url build with alchemy url = to_url # Url build with model method :to_url url = obj.to_url if url.nil? and obj.respond_to?(:to_url) # Url builded with friendly id if url.nil? url = obj.class.to_s.demodulize.parameterize.underscore end url += '/' if obj.class.respond_to?(:friendly_id_config) language = Alchemy::Language.current if language.blank? Globalize.with_locale(language.language_code.to_sym) do url += "#{obj.send(obj.class.friendly_id_config.slug_column)}" end else url += "#{}" end if block_given? yield url else url end else "#no_page_show_custom_model" end end # def search_result_page # @search_result_page ||= begin # page = Alchemy::Page.published.find_by( # page_layout: search_result_page_layout['name'], # language_id: # ) # if page.nil? # logger.warn "\n++++++\nNo published search result page found. Please create one or publish your search result page.\n++++++\n" # end # page # end # end # # def search_result_page_layout # page_layout = Alchemy::PageLayout.get_all_by_attributes(searchresults: true).first # if page_layout.nil? # raise "No searchresults page layout found. Please add page layout with `searchresults: true` into your `page_layouts.yml` file." # end # page_layout # end # def show_svg(path) # do |file| # raw # end # end # def homepage_path # home_page = Alchemy::Page.language_root_for(Alchemy::Language.current) # show_alchemy_page_path(home_page) # end # @param [Alchemy::File] alchemy_attachment # def from_mime_to_extension(alchemy_attachment) # mime = MIME::Types[alchemy_attachment.file_mime_type].first # I18n.t("estensione_prodotti.#{mime.i18n_key}", default: mime.preferred_extension) # end # # # def extract_video_id_from_link(link) # vid_regex = /(?:youtube(?:-nocookie)?\.com\/(?:[^\/\n\s]+\/\S+\/|(?:v|e(?:mbed)?)\/|\S*?[?&]v=)|youtu\.be\/)([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{11})/ # link.match(vid_regex).try(:[], 1) # end # # def youtube_video_thumb_url(video_link) # video_id = extract_video_id_from_link video_link # if not video_id.blank? # "{video_id}/hqdefault.jpg" # end # end end end