# frozen_string_literal: true module Dry module Configurable # Setting DSL used by the class API # # @api private class DSL VALID_NAME = /\A[a-z_]\w*\z/i.freeze attr_reader :compiler attr_reader :ast attr_reader :options def initialize(**options, &block) @compiler = Compiler.new @ast = [] @options = options instance_exec(&block) if block end # Registers a new setting node and compile it into a setting object # # @see ClassMethods.setting # @api private # @return Setting def setting(name, **options, &block) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity unless VALID_NAME.match?(name.to_s) raise ArgumentError, "#{name} is not a valid setting name" end ensure_valid_options(options) options = {default: default, config_class: config_class, **options} node = [:setting, [name.to_sym, options]] if block ast << [:nested, [node, DSL.new(&block).ast]] else ast << node end compiler.visit(ast.last) end def config_class options[:config_class] end def default options[:default_undefined] ? Undefined : nil end private def ensure_valid_options(options) return if options.none? invalid_keys = options.keys - Setting::OPTIONS raise ArgumentError, "Invalid options: #{invalid_keys.inspect}" unless invalid_keys.empty? end # Returns a tuple of valid and invalid options hashes derived from the options hash # given to the setting def valid_and_invalid_options(options) options.partition { |k, _| Setting::OPTIONS.include?(k) }.map(&:to_h) end end end end