
By Tom Preston-Werner (

Ernie is a BERT-RPC server implementation that uses an Erlang server to accept incoming connections, and then delegates the request to Ruby handlers.

See the full BERT-RPC specification at [](

Ernie currently supports the following BERT-RPC features:

* `call` requests
* `cast` requests

Ernie was developed for GitHub and is currently in production use serving millions of RPC requests every day. The stability and performance have been exemplary.


You must have Erlang installed before installing Ernie.

    $ gem install ernie -s


    Usage: ernie [command] [options]
        -h, --handler HANDLER            Handler file
        -p, --port PORT                  Port
        -n, --number NUMBER              Number of handler instances
        -d, --detached                   Run as a daemon
        -P, --pidfile PIDFILE            Location to write pid file.
      <none>                Start an Ernie server.
      reload-handlers       Gracefully reload all of the the ruby handlers
                            and use the new code for all subsequent requests.
      stats                 Print a list of connection and handler statistics.
      ernie -d -p 9999 -n 10 -h calc.rb
        Start the ernie server in the background on port 9999 with ten
        handlers, using the calc.rb handler file.
      ernie reload-handlers -p 9999
        Reload the handlers for the ernie server currently running on
        port 9999.

Example Handler

Using the DSL:

    require 'ernie'
    mod(:calc) do
      fun(:add) do |a, b|
        a + b

Using Ernie.expose:

    require 'ernie'
    module Calc
      def add(a, b)
        a + b
    Ernie.expose(:calc, Calc)

Example BERT-RPC call for above example

    -> {call, calc, add, [1, 2]}
    <- {reply, 3}

Using the BERTRPC gem to make calls to Ernie

You can make BERT-RPC calls from Ruby with the [BERTRPC gem](

    require 'bertrpc'
    svc ='localhost', 8000), 2)
    # => 3


If you'd like to hack on Ernie, start by forking my repo on GitHub:

To get all of the dependencies, install the gem first. The best way to get
your changes merged back into core is as follows:

1. Clone down your fork
1. Create a topic branch to contain your change
1. Hack away
1. Add tests and make sure everything still passes by running `rake`
1. If you are adding new functionality, document it in the
1. Do not change the version number, I will do that on my end
1. If necessary, rebase your commits into logical chunks, without errors
1. Push the branch up to GitHub
1. Send me (mojombo) a pull request for your branch


Copyright (c) 2009 Tom Preston-Werner. See LICENSE for details.