/*! * froala_editor v2.6.5 (https://www.froala.com/wysiwyg-editor) * License https://froala.com/wysiwyg-editor/terms/ * Copyright 2014-2017 Froala Labs */ (function (factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module. define(['jquery'], factory); } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) { // Node/CommonJS module.exports = function( root, jQuery ) { if ( jQuery === undefined ) { // require('jQuery') returns a factory that requires window to // build a jQuery instance, we normalize how we use modules // that require this pattern but the window provided is a noop // if it's defined (how jquery works) if ( typeof window !== 'undefined' ) { jQuery = require('jquery'); } else { jQuery = require('jquery')(root); } } return factory(jQuery); }; } else { // Browser globals factory(window.jQuery); } }(function ($) { /** * Slovak */ $.FE.LANGUAGE['sk'] = { translation: { // Place holder "Type something": "Nap\u00ed\u0161te hoci\u010do", // Basic formatting "Bold": "Tu\u010dn\u00e9", "Italic": "Kurz\u00edva", "Underline": "Pod\u010diarknut\u00e9", "Strikethrough": "Pre\u0161krtnut\u00e9", // Main buttons "Insert": "Vlo\u017ei\u0165", "Delete": "Vymaza\u0165", "Cancel": "Zru\u0161i\u0165", "OK": "OK", "Back": "Sp\u00e4\u0165", "Remove": "Odstr\u00e1ni\u0165", "More": "Viac", "Update": "Aktualizova\u0165", "Style": "\u0165t\u00fdl", // Font "Font Family": "Typ p\u00edsma", "Font Size": "Ve\u013ekos\u0165 p\u00edsma", // Colors "Colors": "Farby", "Background": "Pozadie", "Text": "Text", // Paragraphs "Paragraph Format": "Form\u00e1t odstavca", "Normal": "Norm\u00e1lne", "Code": "K\u00f3d", "Heading 1": "Nadpis 1", "Heading 2": "Nadpis 2", "Heading 3": "Nadpis 3", "Heading 4": "Nadpis 4", // Style "Paragraph Style": "\u0165t\u00fdl odstavca", "Inline Style": "Inline \u0161t\u00fdl", // Alignment "Align": "Zarovnanie", "Align Left": "Zarovna\u0165 v\u013eavo", "Align Center": "Zarovna\u0165 na stred", "Align Right": "Zarovna\u0165 vpravo", "Align Justify": "Zarovna\u0165 do bloku", "None": "\u017diadne", // Lists "Ordered List": "\u010c\u00edslovan\u00fd zoznam", "Unordered List": "Ne\u010d\u00edslovan\u00fd zoznam", // Indent "Decrease Indent": "Zmen\u0161i\u0165 odsadenie", "Increase Indent": "Zv\u00e4\u010d\u0161i\u0165 odsadenie", // Links "Insert Link": "Vlo\u017ei\u0165 odkaz", "Open in new tab": "Otvori\u0165 v novom okne", "Open Link": "Otvori\u0165 odkaz", "Edit Link": "Upravi\u0165 odkaz", "Unlink": "Odstr\u00e1ni\u0165 odkaz", "Choose Link": "Vyberte odkaz", // Images "Insert Image": "Vlo\u017ei\u0165 obr\u00e1zok", "Upload Image": "Nahra\u0165 obr\u00e1zok", "By URL": "Z URL adresy", "Browse": "Vybra\u0165", "Drop image": "Pretiahnite obr\u00e1zok do tohto miesta", "or click": "alebo kliknite a vlo\u017ete", "Manage Images": "Spr\u00e1va obr\u00e1zkov", "Loading": "Nahr\u00e1vam", "Deleting": "Odstra\u0148ujem", "Tags": "Zna\u010dky", "Are you sure? Image will be deleted.": "Ste si ist\u00fd? Obr\u00e1zok bude odstranen\u00fd.", "Replace": "Vymeni\u0165", "Uploading": "Nahr\u00e1vam", "Loading image": "Obr\u00e1zok se na\u010d\u00edtav\u00e1", "Display": "Zobrazi\u0165", "Inline": "Inline", "Break Text": "Zalomenie textu", "Alternate Text": "Alternat\u00edvny text", "Change Size": "Zmeni\u0165 ve\u013ekos\u0165", "Width": "\u0165\u00edrka", "Height": "V\u00fd\u0161ka", "Something went wrong. Please try again.": "Nie\u010do sa pokazilo. Pros\u00edm, sk\u00faste to znova.", // Video "Insert Video": "Vlo\u017ei\u0165 video", "Embedded Code": "Vlo\u017een\u00fd k\u00f3d", // Tables "Insert Table": "Vlo\u017ei\u0165 tabu\u013eku", "Table Header": "Hlavi\u010dka tabu\u013eky", "Remove Table": "Odstrani\u0165 tabu\u013eku", "Table Style": "\u0165t\u00fdl tabu\u013eky", "Horizontal Align": "Horizont\u00e1lne zarovnanie", "Row": "Riadok", "Insert row above": "Vlo\u017ei\u0165 riadok nad", "Insert row below": "Vlo\u017ei\u0165 riadok pod", "Delete row": "Odstrani\u0165 riadok", "Column": "St\u013apec", "Insert column before": "Vlo\u017ei\u0165 st\u013apec v\u013eavo", "Insert column after": "Vlo\u017ei\u0165 st\u013apec vpravo", "Delete column": "Odstrani\u0165 st\u013apec", "Cell": "Bunka", "Merge cells": "Zl\u00fa\u010di\u0165 bunky", "Horizontal split": "Horizont\u00e1lne rozdelenie", "Vertical split": "Vertik\u00e1lne rozdelenie", "Cell Background": "Bunka pozadia", "Vertical Align": "Vertik\u00e1lne zarovn\u00e1n\u00ed", "Top": "Vrch", "Middle": "Stred", "Bottom": "Spodok", "Align Top": "Zarovnat na vrch", "Align Middle": "Zarovnat na stred", "Align Bottom": "Zarovnat na spodok", "Cell Style": "\u0165t\u00fdl bunky", // Files "Upload File": "Nahra\u0165 s\u00fabor", "Drop file": "Vlo\u017ete s\u00fabor sem", // Emoticons "Emoticons": "Emotikony", "Grinning face": "Tv\u00e1r s \u00fasmevom", "Grinning face with smiling eyes": "Tv\u00e1r s \u00fasmevom a o\u010dami", "Face with tears of joy": "Tv\u00e1r so slzamy radosti", "Smiling face with open mouth": "Usmievaj\u00faci sa tv\u00e1r s otvoren\u00fdmi \u00fastami", "Smiling face with open mouth and smiling eyes": "Usmievaj\u00faci sa tv\u00e1r s otvoren\u00fdmi \u00fastami a o\u010dami", "Smiling face with open mouth and cold sweat": "Usmievaj\u00faci sa tv\u00e1r s otvoren\u00fdmi \u00fastami a studen\u00fd pot", "Smiling face with open mouth and tightly-closed eyes": "Usmievaj\u00faci sa tv\u00e1r s otvoren\u00fdmi \u00fastami a zavret\u00fdmi o\u010dami", "Smiling face with halo": "Usmievaj\u00faci sa tv\u00e1r s halo", "Smiling face with horns": "Usmievaj\u00faci sa tv\u00e1r s rohmi", "Winking face": "Mrkaj\u00faca tv\u00e1r", "Smiling face with smiling eyes": "Usmievaj\u00faci sa tv\u00e1r a o\u010dami", "Face savoring delicious food": "Tv\u00e1r vychutn\u00e1vaj\u00faca si chutn\u00e9 jedlo", "Relieved face": "Spokojn\u00e1 tv\u00e1r", "Smiling face with heart-shaped eyes": "Usmievaj\u00faci sa tv\u00e1r s o\u010dami v tvare srdca", "Smiling face with sunglasses": "Usmievaj\u00faci sa tv\u00e1r so slne\u010dn\u00fdmi okuliarmi", "Smirking face": "U\u0161k\u0155\u0148aj\u00faca sa tv\u00e1r", "Neutral face": "Neutr\u00e1lna tva\u0155", "Expressionless face": "Bezv\u00fdrazn\u00e1 tv\u00e1r", "Unamused face": "Nepobaven\u00e1 tv\u00e1r", "Face with cold sweat": "Tv\u00e1r so studen\u00fdm potom", "Pensive face": "Zamyslen\u00e1 tv\u00e1r", "Confused face": "Zmeten\u00e1 tv\u00e1r", "Confounded face": "Nahnevan\u00e1 tv\u00e1r", "Kissing face": "Bozkavaj\u00faca tv\u00e1r", "Face throwing a kiss": "Tv\u00e1r hadzaj\u00faca pusu", "Kissing face with smiling eyes": "Bozk\u00e1vaj\u00faca tv\u00e1r s o\u010dami a \u00fasmevom", "Kissing face with closed eyes": "Bozk\u00e1vaj\u00faca tv\u00e1r so zavret\u00fdmi o\u010dami", "Face with stuck out tongue": "Tv\u00e1r s vyplazen\u00fdm jazykom", "Face with stuck out tongue and winking eye": "Mrkaj\u00faca tv\u00e1r s vyplazen\u00fdm jazykom", "Face with stuck out tongue and tightly-closed eyes": "Tv\u00e1r s vyplazen\u00fdm jazykom a privret\u00fdmi o\u010dami", "Disappointed face": "Sklaman\u00e1 tv\u00e1r", "Worried face": "Obavaj\u00faca se tv\u00e1r", "Angry face": "Nahnevan\u00e1 tv\u00e1r", "Pouting face": "Na\u0161pulen\u00e1 tv\u00e1r", "Crying face": "Pla\u010d\u00faca tv\u00e1r", "Persevering face": "H\u00fa\u017eevnat\u00e1 tv\u00e1r", "Face with look of triumph": "Tv\u00e1r s v\u00fdrazom v\u00ed\u0165aza", "Disappointed but relieved face": "Sklaman\u00e1 ale spokojn\u00e1 tv\u00e1r", "Frowning face with open mouth": "Zamra\u010den\u00e1 tvar s otvoren\u00fdmi \u00fastami", "Anguished face": "\u00dazkostn\u00e1 tv\u00e1r", "Fearful face": "Strachuj\u00faca sa tv\u00e1r", "Weary face": "Unaven\u00e1 tv\u00e1r", "Sleepy face": "Ospal\u00e1 tv\u00e1r", "Tired face": "Unaven\u00e1 tv\u00e1r", "Grimacing face": "Sv\u00e1r s grimasou", "Loudly crying face": "Nahlas pl\u00e1\u010d\u00faca tv\u00e1r", "Face with open mouth": "Tv\u00e1r s otvoren\u00fdm \u00fastami", "Hushed face": "Ml\u010diaca tv\u00e1r", "Face with open mouth and cold sweat": "Tv\u00e1r s otvoren\u00fdmi \u00fastami a studen\u00fdm potom", "Face screaming in fear": "Tv\u00e1r kri\u010diaca strachom", "Astonished face": "Tv\u00e1r v \u00fa\u017ease", "Flushed face": "S\u010dervenanie v tv\u00e1ri", "Sleeping face": "Spiaca tv\u00e1r", "Dizzy face": "Tv\u00e1r vyjadruj\u00faca z\u00e1vrat", "Face without mouth": "Tv\u00e1r bez \u00fast", "Face with medical mask": "Tv\u00e1r s lek\u00e1rskou maskou", // Line breaker "Break": "Zalomenie", // Math "Subscript": "Doln\u00fd index", "Superscript": "Horn\u00fd index", // Full screen "Fullscreen": "Cel\u00e1 obrazovka", // Horizontal line "Insert Horizontal Line": "Vlo\u017ei\u0165 vodorovn\u00fa \u010diaru", // Clear formatting "Clear Formatting": "Vymaza\u0165 formatovanie", // Undo, redo "Undo": "Sp\u00e4\u0165", "Redo": "Znova", // Select all "Select All": "Vybra\u0165 v\u0161etko", // Code view "Code View": "Zobrazi\u0165 html k\u00f3d", // Quote "Quote": "Cit\u00e1t", "Increase": "Nav\u00fd\u0161i\u0165", "Decrease": "Zn\u00ed\u017ei\u0165", // Quick Insert "Quick Insert": "Vlo\u017ei\u0165 zr\u00fdchlene" }, direction: "ltr" }; }));