v1.1.16, 2018-07-26 ------------------- * [IMPROVEMENT] New Function: cast() v1.1.15, 2018-07-12 ------------------- * [IMPROVEMENT] New Functions: ceiling(), floor() v1.1.14, 2018-07-12 ------------------- * [IMPROVEMENT] Allow Negation for integer and decimal literals * [IMPROVEMENT] New Functions: round(), substring(), trim() * [BUGFIX] `MIN_DATE_TIME` was increased to 1970 v1.1.13, 2018-06-27 ------------------- * [IMPROVEMENT] New Functions: length(), mindatetime(), maxdatetime() v1.1.12, 2018-06-26 ------------------- * [IMPROVEMENT] New Function: indexof() v1.1.11, 2018-03-30 ------------------- * [BUGFIX] contains(), startswith(), endswith() are now case-sensitive v1.1.10, 2018-01-05 ------------------- * [IMPROVEMENT] Allow radius to take integer v1.1.9, 2018-01-05 ------------------- * [IMPROVEMENT] New function: wkt() v1.1.8, 2017-11-30 ------------------- * [BUGFIX] Properly coerce integer values to decimals when a function is used prior to the operator v1.1.7, 2017-03-31 ------------------- * [BUGFIX] Add missing require for StringScanner v1.1.6, 2016-11-11 ------------------- * [BUGFIX] Properly pad return strings from toupper/tolower with single quotes v1.1.5, 2016-11-11 ------------------- * [BUGFIX] Corrected levels for unary and conjunction elements of an expression v1.1.4, 2016-11-11 ------------------- * [IMPROVEMENT] New functions: contains(), startswith(), endswith() v1.1.3, 2016-11-10 ------------------- * [IMPROVEMENT] New functions: tolower() and toupper() v1.1.2, 2016-11-08 ------------------- * [IMPROVEMENT] New functions: year(), month(), day(), hour(), minute(), second(), and fractionalseconds(). v1.1.1, 2016-09-09 ------------------- * [BUGFIX] Fix `Not` handling in the new Evaluation class v1.1.0, 2016-07-28 ------------------- * [IMPROVEMENT] Evaluation class for sparkql boolean algebra processing v1.0.3, 2016-06-06 ------------------- * [IMPROVEMENT] Expression limit lifted to 75 expressions v1.0.2, 2016-04-26 ------------------- * [IMPROVEMENT] Support for new range() function for character ranges v1.0.1, 2016-02-24 ------------------- * [IMPROVEMENT] Support scientific notation for floating point numbers v1.0.0, 2016-02-11 ------------------- * [IMPROVEMENT] function support for fields (delayed resolution). Backing systems must implement necessary function behaviour. * Drop support for ruby 1.8.7. Georuby dropped support several years back and this drop allows us to pick up newer update allows us to stay in sync with that gems development v0.3.24, 2016-01-05 ------------------- * [BUGFIX] Support opening Not operator for "Not (Not ...)" expressions. v0.3.23, 2015-10-09 ------------------- * [IMPROVEMENT] Add regex function for character types v0.3.22, 2015-10-09 ------------------- * [IMPROVEMENT] Record sparkql and nested errors for fields that embed sparkql v0.3.21, 2015-09-24 ------------------- * [IMPROVEMENT] Record token index and current token in lexer, for error reporting v0.3.20, 2015-04-14 ------------------- * [BUGFIX] Allow seconds for ISO-8601 v0.3.18, 2015-04-10 ------------------- * [BUGFIX] Better support for ISO-8601