# frozen_string_literal: true # Copyright (c) 2017-2018 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. module TencentCloud module Cdc module V20201214 # 购买的cbs信息 class CbsInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Size: cbs存储大小,单位TB # @type Size: Integer # @param Type: cbs存储类型,默认为SSD # @type Type: String attr_accessor :Size, :Type def initialize(size=nil, type=nil) @Size = size @Type = type end def deserialize(params) @Size = params['Size'] @Type = params['Type'] end end # CDC集群内cos的容量信息 class CosCapacity < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param TotalCapacity: 已购cos的总容量大小,单位GB # @type TotalCapacity: Float # @param TotalFreeCapacity: 剩余可用cos的容量大小,单位GB # @type TotalFreeCapacity: Float # @param TotalUsedCapacity: 已用cos的容量大小,单位GB # @type TotalUsedCapacity: Float attr_accessor :TotalCapacity, :TotalFreeCapacity, :TotalUsedCapacity def initialize(totalcapacity=nil, totalfreecapacity=nil, totalusedcapacity=nil) @TotalCapacity = totalcapacity @TotalFreeCapacity = totalfreecapacity @TotalUsedCapacity = totalusedcapacity end def deserialize(params) @TotalCapacity = params['TotalCapacity'] @TotalFreeCapacity = params['TotalFreeCapacity'] @TotalUsedCapacity = params['TotalUsedCapacity'] end end # 用于购买页面添加cos信息 class CosInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Size: COS存储大小,单位TB # @type Size: Integer # @param Type: COS存储类型,默认为cos # @type Type: String attr_accessor :Size, :Type def initialize(size=nil, type=nil) @Size = size @Type = type end def deserialize(params) @Size = params['Size'] @Type = params['Type'] end end # CreateDedicatedClusterOrder请求参数结构体 class CreateDedicatedClusterOrderRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DedicatedClusterId: 专用集群id # @type DedicatedClusterId: String # @param DedicatedClusterTypes: order关联的专用集群类型数组 # @type DedicatedClusterTypes: Array # @param CosInfo: order关联的cos存储信息 # @type CosInfo: :class:`Tencentcloud::Cdc.v20201214.models.CosInfo` # @param CbsInfo: order关联的cbs存储信息 # @type CbsInfo: :class:`Tencentcloud::Cdc.v20201214.models.CbsInfo` # @param PurchaseSource: 购买来源,默认为cloudApi # @type PurchaseSource: String # @param DedicatedClusterOrderId: 当调用API接口提交订单时,需要提交DedicatedClusterOrderId # @type DedicatedClusterOrderId: String attr_accessor :DedicatedClusterId, :DedicatedClusterTypes, :CosInfo, :CbsInfo, :PurchaseSource, :DedicatedClusterOrderId def initialize(dedicatedclusterid=nil, dedicatedclustertypes=nil, cosinfo=nil, cbsinfo=nil, purchasesource=nil, dedicatedclusterorderid=nil) @DedicatedClusterId = dedicatedclusterid @DedicatedClusterTypes = dedicatedclustertypes @CosInfo = cosinfo @CbsInfo = cbsinfo @PurchaseSource = purchasesource @DedicatedClusterOrderId = dedicatedclusterorderid end def deserialize(params) @DedicatedClusterId = params['DedicatedClusterId'] unless params['DedicatedClusterTypes'].nil? @DedicatedClusterTypes = [] params['DedicatedClusterTypes'].each do |i| dedicatedclustertypeinfo_tmp = DedicatedClusterTypeInfo.new dedicatedclustertypeinfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @DedicatedClusterTypes << dedicatedclustertypeinfo_tmp end end unless params['CosInfo'].nil? @CosInfo = CosInfo.new @CosInfo.deserialize(params['CosInfo']) end unless params['CbsInfo'].nil? @CbsInfo = CbsInfo.new @CbsInfo.deserialize(params['CbsInfo']) end @PurchaseSource = params['PurchaseSource'] @DedicatedClusterOrderId = params['DedicatedClusterOrderId'] end end # CreateDedicatedClusterOrder返回参数结构体 class CreateDedicatedClusterOrderResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DedicatedClusterOrderId: 专用集群订单id # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type DedicatedClusterOrderId: String # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :DedicatedClusterOrderId, :RequestId def initialize(dedicatedclusterorderid=nil, requestid=nil) @DedicatedClusterOrderId = dedicatedclusterorderid @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @DedicatedClusterOrderId = params['DedicatedClusterOrderId'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # CreateDedicatedCluster请求参数结构体 class CreateDedicatedClusterRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param SiteId: 专用集群所属的SiteId # @type SiteId: String # @param Name: 专用集群的名称 # @type Name: String # @param Zone: 专用集群所属的可用区 # @type Zone: String # @param Description: 专用集群的描述 # @type Description: String attr_accessor :SiteId, :Name, :Zone, :Description def initialize(siteid=nil, name=nil, zone=nil, description=nil) @SiteId = siteid @Name = name @Zone = zone @Description = description end def deserialize(params) @SiteId = params['SiteId'] @Name = params['Name'] @Zone = params['Zone'] @Description = params['Description'] end end # CreateDedicatedCluster返回参数结构体 class CreateDedicatedClusterResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DedicatedClusterId: 创建的专用集群id # @type DedicatedClusterId: String # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :DedicatedClusterId, :RequestId def initialize(dedicatedclusterid=nil, requestid=nil) @DedicatedClusterId = dedicatedclusterid @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @DedicatedClusterId = params['DedicatedClusterId'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # CreateSite请求参数结构体 class CreateSiteRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Name: 站点名称 # @type Name: String # @param Country: 站点所在国家 # @type Country: String # @param Province: 站点所在省份 # @type Province: String # @param City: 站点所在城市 # @type City: String # @param AddressLine: 站点所在地区的详细地址信息 # @type AddressLine: String # @param Description: 站点描述 # @type Description: String # @param Note: 注意事项 # @type Note: String # @param FiberType: 您将使用光纤类型将CDC设备连接到网络。有单模和多模两种选项。 # @type FiberType: String # @param OpticalStandard: 您将CDC连接到网络时采用的光学标准。此字段取决于上行链路速度、光纤类型和到上游设备的距离。 # @type OpticalStandard: String # @param PowerConnectors: 电源连接器类型 # @type PowerConnectors: String # @param PowerFeedDrop: 从机架上方还是下方供电。 # @type PowerFeedDrop: String # @param MaxWeight: 最大承重(KG) # @type MaxWeight: Integer # @param PowerDrawKva: 功耗(KW) # @type PowerDrawKva: Integer # @param UplinkSpeedGbps: 网络到腾讯云Region区域的上行链路速度 # @type UplinkSpeedGbps: Integer # @param UplinkCount: 将CDC连接到网络时,每台CDC网络设备(每个机架 2 台设备)使用的上行链路数量。 # @type UplinkCount: Integer # @param ConditionRequirement: 是否满足下面环境条件: # 1、场地没有材料要求或验收标准会影响 CDC 设备配送和安装。 # 2、确定的机架位置包含: # 温度范围为 41 到 104°F (5 到 40°C)。 # 湿度范围为 10°F (-12°C)和 8% RH (相对湿度)到 70°F(21°C)和 80% RH。 # 机架位置的气流方向为从前向后,且应具有足够的 CFM (每分钟立方英尺)。CFM 必须是 CDC 配置的 kVA 功耗值的 145.8 倍。 # @type ConditionRequirement: Boolean # @param DimensionRequirement: 是否满足下面的尺寸条件: # 您的装货站台可以容纳一个机架箱(高 x 宽 x 深 = 94" x 54" x 48")。 # 您可以提供从机架(高 x 宽 x 深 = 80" x 24" x 48")交货地点到机架最终安置位置的明确通道。测量深度时,应包括站台、走廊通道、门、转弯、坡道、货梯,并将其他通道限制考虑在内。 # 在最终的 CDC安置位置,前部间隙可以为 48" 或更大,后部间隙可以为 24" 或更大。 # @type DimensionRequirement: Boolean # @param RedundantNetworking: 是否提供冗余的上游设备(交换机或路由器),以便两台 网络设备都能连接到网络设备。 # @type RedundantNetworking: Boolean # @param PostalCode: 站点所在地区的邮编 # @type PostalCode: Integer # @param OptionalAddressLine: 站点所在地区的详细地址信息(补充) # @type OptionalAddressLine: String # @param NeedHelp: 是否需要腾讯云团队协助完成机架支撑工作 # @type NeedHelp: Boolean # @param RedundantPower: 是否电源冗余 # @type RedundantPower: Boolean # @param BreakerRequirement: 上游断路器是否具备 # @type BreakerRequirement: Boolean attr_accessor :Name, :Country, :Province, :City, :AddressLine, :Description, :Note, :FiberType, :OpticalStandard, :PowerConnectors, :PowerFeedDrop, :MaxWeight, :PowerDrawKva, :UplinkSpeedGbps, :UplinkCount, :ConditionRequirement, :DimensionRequirement, :RedundantNetworking, :PostalCode, :OptionalAddressLine, :NeedHelp, :RedundantPower, :BreakerRequirement def initialize(name=nil, country=nil, province=nil, city=nil, addressline=nil, description=nil, note=nil, fibertype=nil, opticalstandard=nil, powerconnectors=nil, powerfeeddrop=nil, maxweight=nil, powerdrawkva=nil, uplinkspeedgbps=nil, uplinkcount=nil, conditionrequirement=nil, dimensionrequirement=nil, redundantnetworking=nil, postalcode=nil, optionaladdressline=nil, needhelp=nil, redundantpower=nil, breakerrequirement=nil) @Name = name @Country = country @Province = province @City = city @AddressLine = addressline @Description = description @Note = note @FiberType = fibertype @OpticalStandard = opticalstandard @PowerConnectors = powerconnectors @PowerFeedDrop = powerfeeddrop @MaxWeight = maxweight @PowerDrawKva = powerdrawkva @UplinkSpeedGbps = uplinkspeedgbps @UplinkCount = uplinkcount @ConditionRequirement = conditionrequirement @DimensionRequirement = dimensionrequirement @RedundantNetworking = redundantnetworking @PostalCode = postalcode @OptionalAddressLine = optionaladdressline @NeedHelp = needhelp @RedundantPower = redundantpower @BreakerRequirement = breakerrequirement end def deserialize(params) @Name = params['Name'] @Country = params['Country'] @Province = params['Province'] @City = params['City'] @AddressLine = params['AddressLine'] @Description = params['Description'] @Note = params['Note'] @FiberType = params['FiberType'] @OpticalStandard = params['OpticalStandard'] @PowerConnectors = params['PowerConnectors'] @PowerFeedDrop = params['PowerFeedDrop'] @MaxWeight = params['MaxWeight'] @PowerDrawKva = params['PowerDrawKva'] @UplinkSpeedGbps = params['UplinkSpeedGbps'] @UplinkCount = params['UplinkCount'] @ConditionRequirement = params['ConditionRequirement'] @DimensionRequirement = params['DimensionRequirement'] @RedundantNetworking = params['RedundantNetworking'] @PostalCode = params['PostalCode'] @OptionalAddressLine = params['OptionalAddressLine'] @NeedHelp = params['NeedHelp'] @RedundantPower = params['RedundantPower'] @BreakerRequirement = params['BreakerRequirement'] end end # CreateSite返回参数结构体 class CreateSiteResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param SiteId: 创建Site生成的id # @type SiteId: String # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :SiteId, :RequestId def initialize(siteid=nil, requestid=nil) @SiteId = siteid @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @SiteId = params['SiteId'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # 专用集群列表 class DedicatedCluster < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DedicatedClusterId: 专用集群id。如"cluster-xxxxx"。 # @type DedicatedClusterId: String # @param Zone: 专用集群所属可用区名称。 # @type Zone: String # @param Description: 专用集群的描述。 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Description: String # @param Name: 专用集群的名称。 # @type Name: String # @param LifecycleStatus: 专用集群的生命周期。如"PENDING"。 # @type LifecycleStatus: String # @param CreateTime: 专用集群的创建时间。 # @type CreateTime: String # @param SiteId: 专用集群所属的站点id。 # @type SiteId: String attr_accessor :DedicatedClusterId, :Zone, :Description, :Name, :LifecycleStatus, :CreateTime, :SiteId def initialize(dedicatedclusterid=nil, zone=nil, description=nil, name=nil, lifecyclestatus=nil, createtime=nil, siteid=nil) @DedicatedClusterId = dedicatedclusterid @Zone = zone @Description = description @Name = name @LifecycleStatus = lifecyclestatus @CreateTime = createtime @SiteId = siteid end def deserialize(params) @DedicatedClusterId = params['DedicatedClusterId'] @Zone = params['Zone'] @Description = params['Description'] @Name = params['Name'] @LifecycleStatus = params['LifecycleStatus'] @CreateTime = params['CreateTime'] @SiteId = params['SiteId'] end end # 专用宿主机支持的实例规格列表 class DedicatedClusterInstanceType < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Zone: 可用区 # @type Zone: String # @param InstanceType: 规格名称 # @type InstanceType: String # @param NetworkCard: 网卡类型,例如:25代表25G网卡 # @type NetworkCard: Integer # @param Cpu: 实例的CPU核数,单位:核。 # @type Cpu: Integer # @param Memory: 实例内存容量,单位:`GB`。 # @type Memory: Integer # @param InstanceFamily: 实例机型系列。 # @type InstanceFamily: String # @param TypeName: 机型名称。 # @type TypeName: String # @param StorageBlockAmount: 本地存储块数量。 # @type StorageBlockAmount: Integer # @param InstanceBandwidth: 内网带宽,单位Gbps。 # @type InstanceBandwidth: Float # @param InstancePps: 网络收发包能力,单位万PPS。 # @type InstancePps: Integer # @param CpuType: 处理器型号。 # @type CpuType: String # @param Gpu: 实例的GPU数量。 # @type Gpu: Integer # @param Fpga: 实例的FPGA数量。 # @type Fpga: Integer # @param Remark: 机型描述 # @type Remark: String # @param Status: 实例是否售卖。取值范围: <br><li>SELL:表示实例可购买<br><li>SOLD_OUT:表示实例已售罄。 # @type Status: String attr_accessor :Zone, :InstanceType, :NetworkCard, :Cpu, :Memory, :InstanceFamily, :TypeName, :StorageBlockAmount, :InstanceBandwidth, :InstancePps, :CpuType, :Gpu, :Fpga, :Remark, :Status def initialize(zone=nil, instancetype=nil, networkcard=nil, cpu=nil, memory=nil, instancefamily=nil, typename=nil, storageblockamount=nil, instancebandwidth=nil, instancepps=nil, cputype=nil, gpu=nil, fpga=nil, remark=nil, status=nil) @Zone = zone @InstanceType = instancetype @NetworkCard = networkcard @Cpu = cpu @Memory = memory @InstanceFamily = instancefamily @TypeName = typename @StorageBlockAmount = storageblockamount @InstanceBandwidth = instancebandwidth @InstancePps = instancepps @CpuType = cputype @Gpu = gpu @Fpga = fpga @Remark = remark @Status = status end def deserialize(params) @Zone = params['Zone'] @InstanceType = params['InstanceType'] @NetworkCard = params['NetworkCard'] @Cpu = params['Cpu'] @Memory = params['Memory'] @InstanceFamily = params['InstanceFamily'] @TypeName = params['TypeName'] @StorageBlockAmount = params['StorageBlockAmount'] @InstanceBandwidth = params['InstanceBandwidth'] @InstancePps = params['InstancePps'] @CpuType = params['CpuType'] @Gpu = params['Gpu'] @Fpga = params['Fpga'] @Remark = params['Remark'] @Status = params['Status'] end end # 专用集群订单 class DedicatedClusterOrder < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DedicatedClusterId: 专用集群id # @type DedicatedClusterId: String # @param DedicatedClusterTypeId: 专用集群类型id(移到下一层级,已经废弃,后续将删除) # @type DedicatedClusterTypeId: String # @param SupportedStorageType: 支持的存储类型列表(移到下一层级,已经废弃,后续将删除) # @type SupportedStorageType: Array # @param SupportedUplinkSpeed: 支持的上连交换机的链路传输速率(GiB)(移到下一层级,已经废弃,后续将删除) # @type SupportedUplinkSpeed: Array # @param SupportedInstanceFamily: 支持的实例族列表(移到下一层级,已经废弃,后续将删除) # @type SupportedInstanceFamily: Array # @param Weight: 地板承重要求(KG) # @type Weight: Integer # @param PowerDraw: 功率要求(KW) # @type PowerDraw: Float # @param OrderStatus: 订单状态 # @type OrderStatus: String # @param CreateTime: 订单创建的时间 # @type CreateTime: String # @param DedicatedClusterOrderId: 大订单ID # @type DedicatedClusterOrderId: String # @param Action: 订单类型,创建CREATE或扩容EXTEND # @type Action: String # @param DedicatedClusterOrderItems: 子订单详情列表 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type DedicatedClusterOrderItems: Array # @param Cpu: cpu值 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Cpu: Integer # @param Mem: mem值 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Mem: Integer # @param Gpu: gpu值 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Gpu: Integer # @param PayStatus: 0代表未支付,1代表已支付 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type PayStatus: Integer # @param PayType: 支付方式,一次性、按月、按年 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type PayType: String # @param TimeUnit: 购买时长的单位 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type TimeUnit: String # @param TimeSpan: 购买时长 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type TimeSpan: Integer # @param OrderType: 订单类型 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type OrderType: String attr_accessor :DedicatedClusterId, :DedicatedClusterTypeId, :SupportedStorageType, :SupportedUplinkSpeed, :SupportedInstanceFamily, :Weight, :PowerDraw, :OrderStatus, :CreateTime, :DedicatedClusterOrderId, :Action, :DedicatedClusterOrderItems, :Cpu, :Mem, :Gpu, :PayStatus, :PayType, :TimeUnit, :TimeSpan, :OrderType def initialize(dedicatedclusterid=nil, dedicatedclustertypeid=nil, supportedstoragetype=nil, supporteduplinkspeed=nil, supportedinstancefamily=nil, weight=nil, powerdraw=nil, orderstatus=nil, createtime=nil, dedicatedclusterorderid=nil, action=nil, dedicatedclusterorderitems=nil, cpu=nil, mem=nil, gpu=nil, paystatus=nil, paytype=nil, timeunit=nil, timespan=nil, ordertype=nil) @DedicatedClusterId = dedicatedclusterid @DedicatedClusterTypeId = dedicatedclustertypeid @SupportedStorageType = supportedstoragetype @SupportedUplinkSpeed = supporteduplinkspeed @SupportedInstanceFamily = supportedinstancefamily @Weight = weight @PowerDraw = powerdraw @OrderStatus = orderstatus @CreateTime = createtime @DedicatedClusterOrderId = dedicatedclusterorderid @Action = action @DedicatedClusterOrderItems = dedicatedclusterorderitems @Cpu = cpu @Mem = mem @Gpu = gpu @PayStatus = paystatus @PayType = paytype @TimeUnit = timeunit @TimeSpan = timespan @OrderType = ordertype end def deserialize(params) @DedicatedClusterId = params['DedicatedClusterId'] @DedicatedClusterTypeId = params['DedicatedClusterTypeId'] @SupportedStorageType = params['SupportedStorageType'] @SupportedUplinkSpeed = params['SupportedUplinkSpeed'] @SupportedInstanceFamily = params['SupportedInstanceFamily'] @Weight = params['Weight'] @PowerDraw = params['PowerDraw'] @OrderStatus = params['OrderStatus'] @CreateTime = params['CreateTime'] @DedicatedClusterOrderId = params['DedicatedClusterOrderId'] @Action = params['Action'] unless params['DedicatedClusterOrderItems'].nil? @DedicatedClusterOrderItems = [] params['DedicatedClusterOrderItems'].each do |i| dedicatedclusterorderitem_tmp = DedicatedClusterOrderItem.new dedicatedclusterorderitem_tmp.deserialize(i) @DedicatedClusterOrderItems << dedicatedclusterorderitem_tmp end end @Cpu = params['Cpu'] @Mem = params['Mem'] @Gpu = params['Gpu'] @PayStatus = params['PayStatus'] @PayType = params['PayType'] @TimeUnit = params['TimeUnit'] @TimeSpan = params['TimeSpan'] @OrderType = params['OrderType'] end end # 专用集群子订单 class DedicatedClusterOrderItem < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DedicatedClusterTypeId: 专用集群类型id # @type DedicatedClusterTypeId: String # @param SupportedStorageType: 支持的存储类型列表 # @type SupportedStorageType: Array # @param SupportedUplinkSpeed: 支持的上连交换机的链路传输速率(GiB) # @type SupportedUplinkSpeed: Array # @param SupportedInstanceFamily: 支持的实例族列表 # @type SupportedInstanceFamily: Array # @param Weight: 地板承重要求(KG) # @type Weight: Integer # @param PowerDraw: 功率要求(KW) # @type PowerDraw: Float # @param SubOrderStatus: 订单状态 # @type SubOrderStatus: String # @param CreateTime: 订单创建的时间 # @type CreateTime: String # @param SubOrderId: 子订单ID # @type SubOrderId: String # @param Count: 关联的集群规格数量 # @type Count: Integer # @param Name: 规格简单描述 # @type Name: String # @param Description: 规格详细描述 # @type Description: String # @param TotalCpu: CPU数 # @type TotalCpu: Integer # @param TotalMem: 内存数 # @type TotalMem: Integer # @param TotalGpu: GPU数 # @type TotalGpu: Integer # @param TypeName: 规格英文名 # @type TypeName: String # @param ComputeFormat: 规格展示 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type ComputeFormat: String # @param TypeFamily: 规格类型 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type TypeFamily: String # @param SubOrderPayStatus: 0未支付,1已支付 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type SubOrderPayStatus: Integer attr_accessor :DedicatedClusterTypeId, :SupportedStorageType, :SupportedUplinkSpeed, :SupportedInstanceFamily, :Weight, :PowerDraw, :SubOrderStatus, :CreateTime, :SubOrderId, :Count, :Name, :Description, :TotalCpu, :TotalMem, :TotalGpu, :TypeName, :ComputeFormat, :TypeFamily, :SubOrderPayStatus def initialize(dedicatedclustertypeid=nil, supportedstoragetype=nil, supporteduplinkspeed=nil, supportedinstancefamily=nil, weight=nil, powerdraw=nil, suborderstatus=nil, createtime=nil, suborderid=nil, count=nil, name=nil, description=nil, totalcpu=nil, totalmem=nil, totalgpu=nil, typename=nil, computeformat=nil, typefamily=nil, suborderpaystatus=nil) @DedicatedClusterTypeId = dedicatedclustertypeid @SupportedStorageType = supportedstoragetype @SupportedUplinkSpeed = supporteduplinkspeed @SupportedInstanceFamily = supportedinstancefamily @Weight = weight @PowerDraw = powerdraw @SubOrderStatus = suborderstatus @CreateTime = createtime @SubOrderId = suborderid @Count = count @Name = name @Description = description @TotalCpu = totalcpu @TotalMem = totalmem @TotalGpu = totalgpu @TypeName = typename @ComputeFormat = computeformat @TypeFamily = typefamily @SubOrderPayStatus = suborderpaystatus end def deserialize(params) @DedicatedClusterTypeId = params['DedicatedClusterTypeId'] @SupportedStorageType = params['SupportedStorageType'] @SupportedUplinkSpeed = params['SupportedUplinkSpeed'] @SupportedInstanceFamily = params['SupportedInstanceFamily'] @Weight = params['Weight'] @PowerDraw = params['PowerDraw'] @SubOrderStatus = params['SubOrderStatus'] @CreateTime = params['CreateTime'] @SubOrderId = params['SubOrderId'] @Count = params['Count'] @Name = params['Name'] @Description = params['Description'] @TotalCpu = params['TotalCpu'] @TotalMem = params['TotalMem'] @TotalGpu = params['TotalGpu'] @TypeName = params['TypeName'] @ComputeFormat = params['ComputeFormat'] @TypeFamily = params['TypeFamily'] @SubOrderPayStatus = params['SubOrderPayStatus'] end end # 专用集群配置 class DedicatedClusterType < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DedicatedClusterTypeId: 配置id # @type DedicatedClusterTypeId: String # @param Description: 配置描述,对应描述 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Description: String # @param Name: 配置名称,对应计算资源类型 # @type Name: String # @param CreateTime: 创建配置的时间 # @type CreateTime: String # @param SupportedStorageType: 支持的存储类型列表 # @type SupportedStorageType: Array # @param SupportedUplinkGiB: 支持的上连交换机的链路传输速率 # @type SupportedUplinkGiB: Array # @param SupportedInstanceFamily: 支持的实例族列表 # @type SupportedInstanceFamily: Array # @param Weight: 地板承重要求(KG) # @type Weight: Integer # @param PowerDrawKva: 功率要求(KW) # @type PowerDrawKva: Float # @param ComputeFormatDesc: 显示计算资源规格详情,存储等资源不显示;对应规格 # @type ComputeFormatDesc: String attr_accessor :DedicatedClusterTypeId, :Description, :Name, :CreateTime, :SupportedStorageType, :SupportedUplinkGiB, :SupportedInstanceFamily, :Weight, :PowerDrawKva, :ComputeFormatDesc def initialize(dedicatedclustertypeid=nil, description=nil, name=nil, createtime=nil, supportedstoragetype=nil, supporteduplinkgib=nil, supportedinstancefamily=nil, weight=nil, powerdrawkva=nil, computeformatdesc=nil) @DedicatedClusterTypeId = dedicatedclustertypeid @Description = description @Name = name @CreateTime = createtime @SupportedStorageType = supportedstoragetype @SupportedUplinkGiB = supporteduplinkgib @SupportedInstanceFamily = supportedinstancefamily @Weight = weight @PowerDrawKva = powerdrawkva @ComputeFormatDesc = computeformatdesc end def deserialize(params) @DedicatedClusterTypeId = params['DedicatedClusterTypeId'] @Description = params['Description'] @Name = params['Name'] @CreateTime = params['CreateTime'] @SupportedStorageType = params['SupportedStorageType'] @SupportedUplinkGiB = params['SupportedUplinkGiB'] @SupportedInstanceFamily = params['SupportedInstanceFamily'] @Weight = params['Weight'] @PowerDrawKva = params['PowerDrawKva'] @ComputeFormatDesc = params['ComputeFormatDesc'] end end # DedicatedClusterType => (Id, Count) class DedicatedClusterTypeInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Id: 集群类型Id # @type Id: String # @param Count: 集群类型个数 # @type Count: Integer attr_accessor :Id, :Count def initialize(id=nil, count=nil) @Id = id @Count = count end def deserialize(params) @Id = params['Id'] @Count = params['Count'] end end # DeleteDedicatedClusters请求参数结构体 class DeleteDedicatedClustersRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DedicatedClusterIds: 要删除的专用集群id # @type DedicatedClusterIds: Array attr_accessor :DedicatedClusterIds def initialize(dedicatedclusterids=nil) @DedicatedClusterIds = dedicatedclusterids end def deserialize(params) @DedicatedClusterIds = params['DedicatedClusterIds'] end end # DeleteDedicatedClusters返回参数结构体 class DeleteDedicatedClustersResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :RequestId def initialize(requestid=nil) @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DeleteSites请求参数结构体 class DeleteSitesRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param SiteIds: 要删除的站点id列表 # @type SiteIds: Array attr_accessor :SiteIds def initialize(siteids=nil) @SiteIds = siteids end def deserialize(params) @SiteIds = params['SiteIds'] end end # DeleteSites返回参数结构体 class DeleteSitesResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :RequestId def initialize(requestid=nil) @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeDedicatedClusterCosCapacity请求参数结构体 class DescribeDedicatedClusterCosCapacityRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DedicatedClusterId: 查询的专用集群id # @type DedicatedClusterId: String attr_accessor :DedicatedClusterId def initialize(dedicatedclusterid=nil) @DedicatedClusterId = dedicatedclusterid end def deserialize(params) @DedicatedClusterId = params['DedicatedClusterId'] end end # DescribeDedicatedClusterCosCapacity返回参数结构体 class DescribeDedicatedClusterCosCapacityResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param CosCapacity: 本集群内cos容量信息,单位:‘GB’ # @type CosCapacity: :class:`Tencentcloud::Cdc.v20201214.models.CosCapacity` # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :CosCapacity, :RequestId def initialize(coscapacity=nil, requestid=nil) @CosCapacity = coscapacity @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) unless params['CosCapacity'].nil? @CosCapacity = CosCapacity.new @CosCapacity.deserialize(params['CosCapacity']) end @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeDedicatedClusterHostStatistics请求参数结构体 class DescribeDedicatedClusterHostStatisticsRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DedicatedClusterId: 查询的专用集群id # @type DedicatedClusterId: String attr_accessor :DedicatedClusterId def initialize(dedicatedclusterid=nil) @DedicatedClusterId = dedicatedclusterid end def deserialize(params) @DedicatedClusterId = params['DedicatedClusterId'] end end # DescribeDedicatedClusterHostStatistics返回参数结构体 class DescribeDedicatedClusterHostStatisticsResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param HostStatisticSet: 该集群内宿主机的统计信息列表 # @type HostStatisticSet: Array # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :HostStatisticSet, :RequestId def initialize(hoststatisticset=nil, requestid=nil) @HostStatisticSet = hoststatisticset @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) unless params['HostStatisticSet'].nil? @HostStatisticSet = [] params['HostStatisticSet'].each do |i| hoststatistic_tmp = HostStatistic.new hoststatistic_tmp.deserialize(i) @HostStatisticSet << hoststatistic_tmp end end @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeDedicatedClusterHosts请求参数结构体 class DescribeDedicatedClusterHostsRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DedicatedClusterId: 集群id # @type DedicatedClusterId: String # @param Offset: 偏移量,默认为0。 # @type Offset: Integer # @param Limit: 返回数量,默认为20 # @type Limit: Integer attr_accessor :DedicatedClusterId, :Offset, :Limit def initialize(dedicatedclusterid=nil, offset=nil, limit=nil) @DedicatedClusterId = dedicatedclusterid @Offset = offset @Limit = limit end def deserialize(params) @DedicatedClusterId = params['DedicatedClusterId'] @Offset = params['Offset'] @Limit = params['Limit'] end end # DescribeDedicatedClusterHosts返回参数结构体 class DescribeDedicatedClusterHostsResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param HostInfoSet: 宿主机信息 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type HostInfoSet: Array # @param TotalCount: 宿主机总数 # @type TotalCount: Integer # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :HostInfoSet, :TotalCount, :RequestId def initialize(hostinfoset=nil, totalcount=nil, requestid=nil) @HostInfoSet = hostinfoset @TotalCount = totalcount @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) unless params['HostInfoSet'].nil? @HostInfoSet = [] params['HostInfoSet'].each do |i| hostinfo_tmp = HostInfo.new hostinfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @HostInfoSet << hostinfo_tmp end end @TotalCount = params['TotalCount'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeDedicatedClusterInstanceTypes请求参数结构体 class DescribeDedicatedClusterInstanceTypesRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DedicatedClusterId: 查询的专用集群id # @type DedicatedClusterId: String attr_accessor :DedicatedClusterId def initialize(dedicatedclusterid=nil) @DedicatedClusterId = dedicatedclusterid end def deserialize(params) @DedicatedClusterId = params['DedicatedClusterId'] end end # DescribeDedicatedClusterInstanceTypes返回参数结构体 class DescribeDedicatedClusterInstanceTypesResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DedicatedClusterInstanceTypeSet: 支持的实例规格列表 # @type DedicatedClusterInstanceTypeSet: Array # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :DedicatedClusterInstanceTypeSet, :RequestId def initialize(dedicatedclusterinstancetypeset=nil, requestid=nil) @DedicatedClusterInstanceTypeSet = dedicatedclusterinstancetypeset @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) unless params['DedicatedClusterInstanceTypeSet'].nil? @DedicatedClusterInstanceTypeSet = [] params['DedicatedClusterInstanceTypeSet'].each do |i| dedicatedclusterinstancetype_tmp = DedicatedClusterInstanceType.new dedicatedclusterinstancetype_tmp.deserialize(i) @DedicatedClusterInstanceTypeSet << dedicatedclusterinstancetype_tmp end end @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeDedicatedClusterOrders请求参数结构体 class DescribeDedicatedClusterOrdersRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DedicatedClusterIds: 按照专用集群id过滤 # @type DedicatedClusterIds: Array # @param DedicatedClusterOrderIds: 按照专用集群订单id过滤 # @type DedicatedClusterOrderIds: String # @param Offset: 偏移量,默认为0。关于`Offset`的更进一步介绍请参考 API [简介](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/api/213/15688)中的相关小节。 # @type Offset: Integer # @param Limit: 返回数量,默认为20,最大值为100。关于`Limit`的更进一步介绍请参考 API [简介](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/api/213/15688)中的相关小节。 # @type Limit: Integer # @param Status: 订单状态为过滤条件:PENDING INCONSTRUCTION DELIVERING DELIVERED EXPIRED CANCELLED OFFLINE # @type Status: String # @param ActionType: 订单类型为过滤条件:CREATE EXTEND # @type ActionType: String attr_accessor :DedicatedClusterIds, :DedicatedClusterOrderIds, :Offset, :Limit, :Status, :ActionType def initialize(dedicatedclusterids=nil, dedicatedclusterorderids=nil, offset=nil, limit=nil, status=nil, actiontype=nil) @DedicatedClusterIds = dedicatedclusterids @DedicatedClusterOrderIds = dedicatedclusterorderids @Offset = offset @Limit = limit @Status = status @ActionType = actiontype end def deserialize(params) @DedicatedClusterIds = params['DedicatedClusterIds'] @DedicatedClusterOrderIds = params['DedicatedClusterOrderIds'] @Offset = params['Offset'] @Limit = params['Limit'] @Status = params['Status'] @ActionType = params['ActionType'] end end # DescribeDedicatedClusterOrders返回参数结构体 class DescribeDedicatedClusterOrdersResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DedicatedClusterOrderSet: 专用集群订单列表 # @type DedicatedClusterOrderSet: Array # @param TotalCount: 符合条件的专用集群订单总数 # @type TotalCount: Integer # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :DedicatedClusterOrderSet, :TotalCount, :RequestId def initialize(dedicatedclusterorderset=nil, totalcount=nil, requestid=nil) @DedicatedClusterOrderSet = dedicatedclusterorderset @TotalCount = totalcount @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) unless params['DedicatedClusterOrderSet'].nil? @DedicatedClusterOrderSet = [] params['DedicatedClusterOrderSet'].each do |i| dedicatedclusterorder_tmp = DedicatedClusterOrder.new dedicatedclusterorder_tmp.deserialize(i) @DedicatedClusterOrderSet << dedicatedclusterorder_tmp end end @TotalCount = params['TotalCount'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeDedicatedClusterOverview请求参数结构体 class DescribeDedicatedClusterOverviewRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DedicatedClusterId: 集群id # @type DedicatedClusterId: String attr_accessor :DedicatedClusterId def initialize(dedicatedclusterid=nil) @DedicatedClusterId = dedicatedclusterid end def deserialize(params) @DedicatedClusterId = params['DedicatedClusterId'] end end # DescribeDedicatedClusterOverview返回参数结构体 class DescribeDedicatedClusterOverviewResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param CvmCount: 云服务器数量 # @type CvmCount: Integer # @param HostCount: 宿主机数量 # @type HostCount: Integer # @param VpnConnectionState: vpn通道状态 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type VpnConnectionState: String # @param VpngwBandwidthData: vpn网关监控数据 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type VpngwBandwidthData: :class:`Tencentcloud::Cdc.v20201214.models.VpngwBandwidthData` # @param LocalNetInfo: 本地网关信息 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type LocalNetInfo: :class:`Tencentcloud::Cdc.v20201214.models.LocalNetInfo` # @param VpnConnectionBandwidthData: vpn网关通道监控数据 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type VpnConnectionBandwidthData: Array # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :CvmCount, :HostCount, :VpnConnectionState, :VpngwBandwidthData, :LocalNetInfo, :VpnConnectionBandwidthData, :RequestId def initialize(cvmcount=nil, hostcount=nil, vpnconnectionstate=nil, vpngwbandwidthdata=nil, localnetinfo=nil, vpnconnectionbandwidthdata=nil, requestid=nil) @CvmCount = cvmcount @HostCount = hostcount @VpnConnectionState = vpnconnectionstate @VpngwBandwidthData = vpngwbandwidthdata @LocalNetInfo = localnetinfo @VpnConnectionBandwidthData = vpnconnectionbandwidthdata @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @CvmCount = params['CvmCount'] @HostCount = params['HostCount'] @VpnConnectionState = params['VpnConnectionState'] unless params['VpngwBandwidthData'].nil? @VpngwBandwidthData = VpngwBandwidthData.new @VpngwBandwidthData.deserialize(params['VpngwBandwidthData']) end unless params['LocalNetInfo'].nil? @LocalNetInfo = LocalNetInfo.new @LocalNetInfo.deserialize(params['LocalNetInfo']) end unless params['VpnConnectionBandwidthData'].nil? @VpnConnectionBandwidthData = [] params['VpnConnectionBandwidthData'].each do |i| vpngwbandwidthdata_tmp = VpngwBandwidthData.new vpngwbandwidthdata_tmp.deserialize(i) @VpnConnectionBandwidthData << vpngwbandwidthdata_tmp end end @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeDedicatedClusterTypes请求参数结构体 class DescribeDedicatedClusterTypesRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Name: 模糊匹配专用集群配置名称 # @type Name: String # @param DedicatedClusterTypeIds: 待查询的专用集群配置id列表 # @type DedicatedClusterTypeIds: Array # @param Offset: 偏移量,默认为0。关于`Offset`的更进一步介绍请参考 API [简介](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/api/213/15688)中的相关小节。 # @type Offset: Integer # @param Limit: 返回数量,默认为20,最大值为100。关于`Limit`的更进一步介绍请参考 API [简介](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/api/213/15688)中的相关小节。 # @type Limit: Integer # @param IsCompute: 是否只查询计算规格类型 # @type IsCompute: Boolean attr_accessor :Name, :DedicatedClusterTypeIds, :Offset, :Limit, :IsCompute def initialize(name=nil, dedicatedclustertypeids=nil, offset=nil, limit=nil, iscompute=nil) @Name = name @DedicatedClusterTypeIds = dedicatedclustertypeids @Offset = offset @Limit = limit @IsCompute = iscompute end def deserialize(params) @Name = params['Name'] @DedicatedClusterTypeIds = params['DedicatedClusterTypeIds'] @Offset = params['Offset'] @Limit = params['Limit'] @IsCompute = params['IsCompute'] end end # DescribeDedicatedClusterTypes返回参数结构体 class DescribeDedicatedClusterTypesResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DedicatedClusterTypeSet: 专用集群配置列表 # @type DedicatedClusterTypeSet: Array # @param TotalCount: 符合条件的个数 # @type TotalCount: Integer # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :DedicatedClusterTypeSet, :TotalCount, :RequestId def initialize(dedicatedclustertypeset=nil, totalcount=nil, requestid=nil) @DedicatedClusterTypeSet = dedicatedclustertypeset @TotalCount = totalcount @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) unless params['DedicatedClusterTypeSet'].nil? @DedicatedClusterTypeSet = [] params['DedicatedClusterTypeSet'].each do |i| dedicatedclustertype_tmp = DedicatedClusterType.new dedicatedclustertype_tmp.deserialize(i) @DedicatedClusterTypeSet << dedicatedclustertype_tmp end end @TotalCount = params['TotalCount'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeDedicatedClusters请求参数结构体 class DescribeDedicatedClustersRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DedicatedClusterIds: 按照一个或者多个实例ID查询。实例ID形如:`cluster-xxxxxxxx` # @type DedicatedClusterIds: Array # @param Zones: 按照可用区名称过滤 # @type Zones: Array # @param SiteIds: 按照站点id过滤 # @type SiteIds: Array # @param LifecycleStatuses: 按照专用集群生命周期过滤 # @type LifecycleStatuses: Array # @param Name: 模糊匹配专用集群名称 # @type Name: String # @param Offset: 偏移量,默认为0。关于`Offset`的更进一步介绍请参考 API [简介](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/api/213/15688)中的相关小节。 # @type Offset: Integer # @param Limit: 返回数量,默认为20,最大值为100。关于`Limit`的更进一步介绍请参考 API [简介](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/api/213/15688)中的相关小节。 # @type Limit: Integer attr_accessor :DedicatedClusterIds, :Zones, :SiteIds, :LifecycleStatuses, :Name, :Offset, :Limit def initialize(dedicatedclusterids=nil, zones=nil, siteids=nil, lifecyclestatuses=nil, name=nil, offset=nil, limit=nil) @DedicatedClusterIds = dedicatedclusterids @Zones = zones @SiteIds = siteids @LifecycleStatuses = lifecyclestatuses @Name = name @Offset = offset @Limit = limit end def deserialize(params) @DedicatedClusterIds = params['DedicatedClusterIds'] @Zones = params['Zones'] @SiteIds = params['SiteIds'] @LifecycleStatuses = params['LifecycleStatuses'] @Name = params['Name'] @Offset = params['Offset'] @Limit = params['Limit'] end end # DescribeDedicatedClusters返回参数结构体 class DescribeDedicatedClustersResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DedicatedClusterSet: 符合查询条件的专用集群列表 # @type DedicatedClusterSet: Array # @param TotalCount: 符合条件的专用集群数量。 # @type TotalCount: Integer # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :DedicatedClusterSet, :TotalCount, :RequestId def initialize(dedicatedclusterset=nil, totalcount=nil, requestid=nil) @DedicatedClusterSet = dedicatedclusterset @TotalCount = totalcount @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) unless params['DedicatedClusterSet'].nil? @DedicatedClusterSet = [] params['DedicatedClusterSet'].each do |i| dedicatedcluster_tmp = DedicatedCluster.new dedicatedcluster_tmp.deserialize(i) @DedicatedClusterSet << dedicatedcluster_tmp end end @TotalCount = params['TotalCount'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeDedicatedSupportedZones请求参数结构体 class DescribeDedicatedSupportedZonesRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Regions: 传入region列表 # @type Regions: Array attr_accessor :Regions def initialize(regions=nil) @Regions = regions end def deserialize(params) @Regions = params['Regions'] end end # DescribeDedicatedSupportedZones返回参数结构体 class DescribeDedicatedSupportedZonesResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param ZoneSet: 支持的可用区列表 # @type ZoneSet: Array # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :ZoneSet, :RequestId def initialize(zoneset=nil, requestid=nil) @ZoneSet = zoneset @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) unless params['ZoneSet'].nil? @ZoneSet = [] params['ZoneSet'].each do |i| regionzoneinfo_tmp = RegionZoneInfo.new regionzoneinfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @ZoneSet << regionzoneinfo_tmp end end @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeSitesDetail请求参数结构体 class DescribeSitesDetailRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param SiteIds: 按照站点id过滤 # @type SiteIds: Array # @param Offset: 偏移量,默认为0。关于`Offset`的更进一步介绍请参考 API [简介](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/api/213/15688)中的相关小节。 # @type Offset: Integer # @param Limit: 返回数量,默认为20,最大值为100。关于`Limit`的更进一步介绍请参考 API [简介](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/api/213/15688)中的相关小节。 # @type Limit: Integer # @param Name: 按照站定名称模糊匹配 # @type Name: String attr_accessor :SiteIds, :Offset, :Limit, :Name def initialize(siteids=nil, offset=nil, limit=nil, name=nil) @SiteIds = siteids @Offset = offset @Limit = limit @Name = name end def deserialize(params) @SiteIds = params['SiteIds'] @Offset = params['Offset'] @Limit = params['Limit'] @Name = params['Name'] end end # DescribeSitesDetail返回参数结构体 class DescribeSitesDetailResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param SiteDetailSet: 站点详情 # @type SiteDetailSet: Array # @param TotalCount: 符合条件的站点总数 # @type TotalCount: Integer # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :SiteDetailSet, :TotalCount, :RequestId def initialize(sitedetailset=nil, totalcount=nil, requestid=nil) @SiteDetailSet = sitedetailset @TotalCount = totalcount @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) unless params['SiteDetailSet'].nil? @SiteDetailSet = [] params['SiteDetailSet'].each do |i| sitedetail_tmp = SiteDetail.new sitedetail_tmp.deserialize(i) @SiteDetailSet << sitedetail_tmp end end @TotalCount = params['TotalCount'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeSites请求参数结构体 class DescribeSitesRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param SiteIds: 按照站点id过滤 # @type SiteIds: Array # @param Name: 模糊匹配站点名称 # @type Name: String # @param Offset: 偏移量,默认为0。关于`Offset`的更进一步介绍请参考 API [简介](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/api/213/15688)中的相关小节。 # @type Offset: Integer # @param Limit: 返回数量,默认为20,最大值为100。关于`Limit`的更进一步介绍请参考 API [简介](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/api/213/15688)中的相关小节。 # @type Limit: Integer attr_accessor :SiteIds, :Name, :Offset, :Limit def initialize(siteids=nil, name=nil, offset=nil, limit=nil) @SiteIds = siteids @Name = name @Offset = offset @Limit = limit end def deserialize(params) @SiteIds = params['SiteIds'] @Name = params['Name'] @Offset = params['Offset'] @Limit = params['Limit'] end end # DescribeSites返回参数结构体 class DescribeSitesResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param SiteSet: 符合查询条件的站点列表 # @type SiteSet: Array # @param TotalCount: 符合条件的站点数量。 # @type TotalCount: Integer # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :SiteSet, :TotalCount, :RequestId def initialize(siteset=nil, totalcount=nil, requestid=nil) @SiteSet = siteset @TotalCount = totalcount @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) unless params['SiteSet'].nil? @SiteSet = [] params['SiteSet'].each do |i| site_tmp = Site.new site_tmp.deserialize(i) @SiteSet << site_tmp end end @TotalCount = params['TotalCount'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # CDC宿主机的详细信息 class HostInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param HostIp: 宿主机IP # @type HostIp: String # @param ServiceType: 云服务类型 # @type ServiceType: String # @param HostStatus: 宿主机运行状态 # @type HostStatus: String # @param HostType: 宿主机类型 # @type HostType: String # @param CpuAvailable: cpu可用数 # @type CpuAvailable: Integer # @param CpuTotal: cpu总数 # @type CpuTotal: Integer # @param MemAvailable: 内存可用数 # @type MemAvailable: Integer # @param MemTotal: 内存总数 # @type MemTotal: Integer # @param RunTime: 运行时间 # @type RunTime: String # @param ExpireTime: 到期时间 # @type ExpireTime: String # @param HostId: 宿主机id # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type HostId: String attr_accessor :HostIp, :ServiceType, :HostStatus, :HostType, :CpuAvailable, :CpuTotal, :MemAvailable, :MemTotal, :RunTime, :ExpireTime, :HostId def initialize(hostip=nil, servicetype=nil, hoststatus=nil, hosttype=nil, cpuavailable=nil, cputotal=nil, memavailable=nil, memtotal=nil, runtime=nil, expiretime=nil, hostid=nil) @HostIp = hostip @ServiceType = servicetype @HostStatus = hoststatus @HostType = hosttype @CpuAvailable = cpuavailable @CpuTotal = cputotal @MemAvailable = memavailable @MemTotal = memtotal @RunTime = runtime @ExpireTime = expiretime @HostId = hostid end def deserialize(params) @HostIp = params['HostIp'] @ServiceType = params['ServiceType'] @HostStatus = params['HostStatus'] @HostType = params['HostType'] @CpuAvailable = params['CpuAvailable'] @CpuTotal = params['CpuTotal'] @MemAvailable = params['MemAvailable'] @MemTotal = params['MemTotal'] @RunTime = params['RunTime'] @ExpireTime = params['ExpireTime'] @HostId = params['HostId'] end end # CDC集群内宿主机的统计信息 class HostStatistic < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param HostType: 宿主机规格 # @type HostType: String # @param HostFamily: 宿主机机型系列 # @type HostFamily: String # @param Cpu: 宿主机的CPU核数,单位:核 # @type Cpu: Integer # @param Memory: 宿主机内存大小,单位:GB # @type Memory: Integer # @param Count: 该规格宿主机的数量 # @type Count: Integer attr_accessor :HostType, :HostFamily, :Cpu, :Memory, :Count def initialize(hosttype=nil, hostfamily=nil, cpu=nil, memory=nil, count=nil) @HostType = hosttype @HostFamily = hostfamily @Cpu = cpu @Memory = memory @Count = count end def deserialize(params) @HostType = params['HostType'] @HostFamily = params['HostFamily'] @Cpu = params['Cpu'] @Memory = params['Memory'] @Count = params['Count'] end end # 入带宽数据 class InBandwidth < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Timestamps: 时间戳 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Timestamps: Array # @param Values: 时间对应的值 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Values: Array attr_accessor :Timestamps, :Values def initialize(timestamps=nil, values=nil) @Timestamps = timestamps @Values = values end def deserialize(params) @Timestamps = params['Timestamps'] @Values = params['Values'] end end # 本地网络信息 class LocalNetInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Protocol: 协议 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Protocol: String # @param VpcId: 网络id # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type VpcId: String # @param BGPRoute: 路由信息 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type BGPRoute: String # @param LocalIp: 本地IP # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type LocalIp: String attr_accessor :Protocol, :VpcId, :BGPRoute, :LocalIp def initialize(protocol=nil, vpcid=nil, bgproute=nil, localip=nil) @Protocol = protocol @VpcId = vpcid @BGPRoute = bgproute @LocalIp = localip end def deserialize(params) @Protocol = params['Protocol'] @VpcId = params['VpcId'] @BGPRoute = params['BGPRoute'] @LocalIp = params['LocalIp'] end end # ModifyDedicatedClusterInfo请求参数结构体 class ModifyDedicatedClusterInfoRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DedicatedClusterId: 本地专用集群ID # @type DedicatedClusterId: String # @param Name: 集群的新名称 # @type Name: String # @param Zone: 集群的新可用区 # @type Zone: String # @param Description: 集群的新描述信息 # @type Description: String # @param SiteId: 集群所在站点 # @type SiteId: String attr_accessor :DedicatedClusterId, :Name, :Zone, :Description, :SiteId def initialize(dedicatedclusterid=nil, name=nil, zone=nil, description=nil, siteid=nil) @DedicatedClusterId = dedicatedclusterid @Name = name @Zone = zone @Description = description @SiteId = siteid end def deserialize(params) @DedicatedClusterId = params['DedicatedClusterId'] @Name = params['Name'] @Zone = params['Zone'] @Description = params['Description'] @SiteId = params['SiteId'] end end # ModifyDedicatedClusterInfo返回参数结构体 class ModifyDedicatedClusterInfoResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :RequestId def initialize(requestid=nil) @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # ModifyOrderStatus请求参数结构体 class ModifyOrderStatusRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Status: 要更新成的状态 # @type Status: String # @param DedicatedClusterOrderId: 大订单ID # @type DedicatedClusterOrderId: String # @param SubOrderIds: 小订单ID # @type SubOrderIds: Array attr_accessor :Status, :DedicatedClusterOrderId, :SubOrderIds def initialize(status=nil, dedicatedclusterorderid=nil, suborderids=nil) @Status = status @DedicatedClusterOrderId = dedicatedclusterorderid @SubOrderIds = suborderids end def deserialize(params) @Status = params['Status'] @DedicatedClusterOrderId = params['DedicatedClusterOrderId'] @SubOrderIds = params['SubOrderIds'] end end # ModifyOrderStatus返回参数结构体 class ModifyOrderStatusResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :RequestId def initialize(requestid=nil) @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # ModifySiteDeviceInfo请求参数结构体 class ModifySiteDeviceInfoRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param SiteId: 机房ID # @type SiteId: String # @param FiberType: 您将使用光纤类型将CDC设备连接到网络。有单模和多模两种选项。 # @type FiberType: String # @param OpticalStandard: 您将CDC连接到网络时采用的光学标准。此字段取决于上行链路速度、光纤类型和到上游设备的距离。 # @type OpticalStandard: String # @param PowerConnectors: 电源连接器类型 # @type PowerConnectors: String # @param PowerFeedDrop: 从机架上方还是下方供电。 # @type PowerFeedDrop: String # @param MaxWeight: 最大承重(KG) # @type MaxWeight: Integer # @param PowerDrawKva: 功耗(KW) # @type PowerDrawKva: Integer # @param UplinkSpeedGbps: 网络到腾讯云Region区域的上行链路速度 # @type UplinkSpeedGbps: Integer # @param UplinkCount: 将CDC连接到网络时,每台CDC网络设备(每个机架 2 台设备)使用的上行链路数量。 # @type UplinkCount: Integer # @param ConditionRequirement: 是否满足下面环境条件: # 1、场地没有材料要求或验收标准会影响 CDC 设备配送和安装。 # 2、确定的机架位置包含: # 温度范围为 41 到 104°F (5 到 40°C)。 # 湿度范围为 10°F (-12°C)和 8% RH (相对湿度)到 70°F(21°C)和 80% RH。 # 机架位置的气流方向为从前向后,且应具有足够的 CFM (每分钟立方英尺)。CFM 必须是 CDC 配置的 kVA 功耗值的 145.8 倍。 # @type ConditionRequirement: Boolean # @param DimensionRequirement: 是否满足下面的尺寸条件: # 您的装货站台可以容纳一个机架箱(高 x 宽 x 深 = 94" x 54" x 48")。 # 您可以提供从机架(高 x 宽 x 深 = 80" x 24" x 48")交货地点到机架最终安置位置的明确通道。测量深度时,应包括站台、走廊通道、门、转弯、坡道、货梯,并将其他通道限制考虑在内。 # 在最终的 CDC安置位置,前部间隙可以为 48" 或更大,后部间隙可以为 24" 或更大。 # @type DimensionRequirement: Boolean # @param RedundantNetworking: 是否提供冗余的上游设备(交换机或路由器),以便两台 网络设备都能连接到网络设备。 # @type RedundantNetworking: Boolean # @param NeedHelp: 是否需要腾讯云团队协助完成机架支撑工作 # @type NeedHelp: Boolean # @param RedundantPower: 是否电源冗余 # @type RedundantPower: Boolean # @param BreakerRequirement: 上游断路器是否具备 # @type BreakerRequirement: Boolean attr_accessor :SiteId, :FiberType, :OpticalStandard, :PowerConnectors, :PowerFeedDrop, :MaxWeight, :PowerDrawKva, :UplinkSpeedGbps, :UplinkCount, :ConditionRequirement, :DimensionRequirement, :RedundantNetworking, :NeedHelp, :RedundantPower, :BreakerRequirement def initialize(siteid=nil, fibertype=nil, opticalstandard=nil, powerconnectors=nil, powerfeeddrop=nil, maxweight=nil, powerdrawkva=nil, uplinkspeedgbps=nil, uplinkcount=nil, conditionrequirement=nil, dimensionrequirement=nil, redundantnetworking=nil, needhelp=nil, redundantpower=nil, breakerrequirement=nil) @SiteId = siteid @FiberType = fibertype @OpticalStandard = opticalstandard @PowerConnectors = powerconnectors @PowerFeedDrop = powerfeeddrop @MaxWeight = maxweight @PowerDrawKva = powerdrawkva @UplinkSpeedGbps = uplinkspeedgbps @UplinkCount = uplinkcount @ConditionRequirement = conditionrequirement @DimensionRequirement = dimensionrequirement @RedundantNetworking = redundantnetworking @NeedHelp = needhelp @RedundantPower = redundantpower @BreakerRequirement = breakerrequirement end def deserialize(params) @SiteId = params['SiteId'] @FiberType = params['FiberType'] @OpticalStandard = params['OpticalStandard'] @PowerConnectors = params['PowerConnectors'] @PowerFeedDrop = params['PowerFeedDrop'] @MaxWeight = params['MaxWeight'] @PowerDrawKva = params['PowerDrawKva'] @UplinkSpeedGbps = params['UplinkSpeedGbps'] @UplinkCount = params['UplinkCount'] @ConditionRequirement = params['ConditionRequirement'] @DimensionRequirement = params['DimensionRequirement'] @RedundantNetworking = params['RedundantNetworking'] @NeedHelp = params['NeedHelp'] @RedundantPower = params['RedundantPower'] @BreakerRequirement = params['BreakerRequirement'] end end # ModifySiteDeviceInfo返回参数结构体 class ModifySiteDeviceInfoResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :RequestId def initialize(requestid=nil) @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # ModifySiteInfo请求参数结构体 class ModifySiteInfoRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param SiteId: 机房ID # @type SiteId: String # @param Name: 站点名称 # @type Name: String # @param Description: 站点描述 # @type Description: String # @param Note: 注意事项 # @type Note: String # @param Country: 站点所在国家 # @type Country: String # @param Province: 站点所在省份 # @type Province: String # @param City: 站点所在城市 # @type City: String # @param PostalCode: 站点所在地区的邮编 # @type PostalCode: String # @param AddressLine: 站点所在地区的详细地址信息 # @type AddressLine: String attr_accessor :SiteId, :Name, :Description, :Note, :Country, :Province, :City, :PostalCode, :AddressLine def initialize(siteid=nil, name=nil, description=nil, note=nil, country=nil, province=nil, city=nil, postalcode=nil, addressline=nil) @SiteId = siteid @Name = name @Description = description @Note = note @Country = country @Province = province @City = city @PostalCode = postalcode @AddressLine = addressline end def deserialize(params) @SiteId = params['SiteId'] @Name = params['Name'] @Description = params['Description'] @Note = params['Note'] @Country = params['Country'] @Province = params['Province'] @City = params['City'] @PostalCode = params['PostalCode'] @AddressLine = params['AddressLine'] end end # ModifySiteInfo返回参数结构体 class ModifySiteInfoResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :RequestId def initialize(requestid=nil) @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # 出带宽数据。 class OutBandwidth < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Timestamps: 时间戳 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Timestamps: Array # @param Values: 对应时间的值 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Values: Array attr_accessor :Timestamps, :Values def initialize(timestamps=nil, values=nil) @Timestamps = timestamps @Values = values end def deserialize(params) @Timestamps = params['Timestamps'] @Values = params['Values'] end end # RegionZoneInfo信息 class RegionZoneInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RegionId: Region id # @type RegionId: Integer # @param Zones: ZoneInfo数组 # @type Zones: Array attr_accessor :RegionId, :Zones def initialize(regionid=nil, zones=nil) @RegionId = regionid @Zones = zones end def deserialize(params) @RegionId = params['RegionId'] unless params['Zones'].nil? @Zones = [] params['Zones'].each do |i| zoneinfo_tmp = ZoneInfo.new zoneinfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @Zones << zoneinfo_tmp end end end end # 客户站点信息 class Site < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Name: 站点名称 # @type Name: String # @param SiteId: 站点id # @type SiteId: String # @param Description: 站点描述 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Description: String # @param CreateTime: 站点创建时间 # @type CreateTime: String attr_accessor :Name, :SiteId, :Description, :CreateTime def initialize(name=nil, siteid=nil, description=nil, createtime=nil) @Name = name @SiteId = siteid @Description = description @CreateTime = createtime end def deserialize(params) @Name = params['Name'] @SiteId = params['SiteId'] @Description = params['Description'] @CreateTime = params['CreateTime'] end end # 站点详情 class SiteDetail < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param SiteId: 站点id # @type SiteId: String # @param Name: 站点名称 # @type Name: String # @param Description: 站点描述 # @type Description: String # @param CreateTime: 站点创建时间 # @type CreateTime: String # @param FiberType: 光纤类型 # @type FiberType: String # @param UplinkSpeedGbps: 网络到腾讯云Region区域的上行链路速度 # @type UplinkSpeedGbps: Integer # @param UplinkCount: 将CDC连接到网络时,每台CDC网络设备(每个机架 2 台设备)使用的上行链路数量。 # @type UplinkCount: Integer # @param OpticalStandard: 将CDC连接到网络时采用的光学标准 # @type OpticalStandard: String # @param RedundantNetworking: 是否提供冗余的上游设备(交换机或路由器),以便两台 网络设备都能连接到网络设备。 # @type RedundantNetworking: Boolean # @param PowerConnectors: 电源连接器类型 # @type PowerConnectors: String # @param PowerFeedDrop: 从机架上方还是下方供电。 # @type PowerFeedDrop: String # @param PowerDrawKva: 功耗(KW) # @type PowerDrawKva: Float # @param ConditionRequirement: 是否满足下面环境条件: # 1、场地没有材料要求或验收标准会影响 CDC 设备配送和安装。 # 2、确定的机架位置包含: # 温度范围为 41 到 104°F (5 到 40°C)。 # 湿度范围为 10°F (-12°C)和 8% RH (相对湿度)到 70°F(21°C)和 80% RH。 # 机架位置的气流方向为从前向后,且应具有足够的 CFM (每分钟立方英尺)。CFM 必须是 CDC 配置的 kVA 功耗值的 145.8 倍。 # @type ConditionRequirement: Boolean # @param DimensionRequirement: 是否满足下面的尺寸条件: # 您的装货站台可以容纳一个机架箱(高 x 宽 x 深 = 94" x 54" x 48")。 # 您可以提供从机架(高 x 宽 x 深 = 80" x 24" x 48")交货地点到机架最终安置位置的明确通道。测量深度时,应包括站台、走廊通道、门、转弯、坡道、货梯,并将其他通道限制考虑在内。 # 在最终的 CDC安置位置,前部间隙可以为 48" 或更大,后部间隙可以为 24" 或更大。 # @type DimensionRequirement: Boolean # @param MaxWeight: 最大承重(KG) # @type MaxWeight: Integer # @param AddressLine: 站点地址 # @type AddressLine: String # @param OptionalAddressLine: 站点所在地区的详细地址信息(补充) # @type OptionalAddressLine: String # @param NeedHelp: 是否需要腾讯云团队协助完成机架支撑工作 # @type NeedHelp: Boolean # @param BreakerRequirement: 上游断路器是否具备 # @type BreakerRequirement: Boolean # @param RedundantPower: 是否电源冗余 # @type RedundantPower: Boolean # @param Country: 站点所在国家 # @type Country: String # @param Province: 站点所在省份 # @type Province: String # @param City: 站点所在城市 # @type City: String # @param PostalCode: 站点所在地区的邮编 # @type PostalCode: Integer attr_accessor :SiteId, :Name, :Description, :CreateTime, :FiberType, :UplinkSpeedGbps, :UplinkCount, :OpticalStandard, :RedundantNetworking, :PowerConnectors, :PowerFeedDrop, :PowerDrawKva, :ConditionRequirement, :DimensionRequirement, :MaxWeight, :AddressLine, :OptionalAddressLine, :NeedHelp, :BreakerRequirement, :RedundantPower, :Country, :Province, :City, :PostalCode def initialize(siteid=nil, name=nil, description=nil, createtime=nil, fibertype=nil, uplinkspeedgbps=nil, uplinkcount=nil, opticalstandard=nil, redundantnetworking=nil, powerconnectors=nil, powerfeeddrop=nil, powerdrawkva=nil, conditionrequirement=nil, dimensionrequirement=nil, maxweight=nil, addressline=nil, optionaladdressline=nil, needhelp=nil, breakerrequirement=nil, redundantpower=nil, country=nil, province=nil, city=nil, postalcode=nil) @SiteId = siteid @Name = name @Description = description @CreateTime = createtime @FiberType = fibertype @UplinkSpeedGbps = uplinkspeedgbps @UplinkCount = uplinkcount @OpticalStandard = opticalstandard @RedundantNetworking = redundantnetworking @PowerConnectors = powerconnectors @PowerFeedDrop = powerfeeddrop @PowerDrawKva = powerdrawkva @ConditionRequirement = conditionrequirement @DimensionRequirement = dimensionrequirement @MaxWeight = maxweight @AddressLine = addressline @OptionalAddressLine = optionaladdressline @NeedHelp = needhelp @BreakerRequirement = breakerrequirement @RedundantPower = redundantpower @Country = country @Province = province @City = city @PostalCode = postalcode end def deserialize(params) @SiteId = params['SiteId'] @Name = params['Name'] @Description = params['Description'] @CreateTime = params['CreateTime'] @FiberType = params['FiberType'] @UplinkSpeedGbps = params['UplinkSpeedGbps'] @UplinkCount = params['UplinkCount'] @OpticalStandard = params['OpticalStandard'] @RedundantNetworking = params['RedundantNetworking'] @PowerConnectors = params['PowerConnectors'] @PowerFeedDrop = params['PowerFeedDrop'] @PowerDrawKva = params['PowerDrawKva'] @ConditionRequirement = params['ConditionRequirement'] @DimensionRequirement = params['DimensionRequirement'] @MaxWeight = params['MaxWeight'] @AddressLine = params['AddressLine'] @OptionalAddressLine = params['OptionalAddressLine'] @NeedHelp = params['NeedHelp'] @BreakerRequirement = params['BreakerRequirement'] @RedundantPower = params['RedundantPower'] @Country = params['Country'] @Province = params['Province'] @City = params['City'] @PostalCode = params['PostalCode'] end end # VPN网关的流量监控数据。 class VpngwBandwidthData < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param OutBandwidth: 出带宽流量 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type OutBandwidth: :class:`Tencentcloud::Cdc.v20201214.models.OutBandwidth` # @param InBandwidth: 入带宽流量 # @type InBandwidth: :class:`Tencentcloud::Cdc.v20201214.models.InBandwidth` attr_accessor :OutBandwidth, :InBandwidth def initialize(outbandwidth=nil, inbandwidth=nil) @OutBandwidth = outbandwidth @InBandwidth = inbandwidth end def deserialize(params) unless params['OutBandwidth'].nil? @OutBandwidth = OutBandwidth.new @OutBandwidth.deserialize(params['OutBandwidth']) end unless params['InBandwidth'].nil? @InBandwidth = InBandwidth.new @InBandwidth.deserialize(params['InBandwidth']) end end end # 可用区信息 class ZoneInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Zone: 可用区名称 # @type Zone: String # @param ZoneName: 可用区描述 # @type ZoneName: String # @param ZoneId: 可用区ID # @type ZoneId: Integer # @param ZoneState: 可用区状态,包含AVAILABLE和UNAVAILABLE。AVAILABLE代表可用,UNAVAILABLE代表不可用。 # @type ZoneState: String attr_accessor :Zone, :ZoneName, :ZoneId, :ZoneState def initialize(zone=nil, zonename=nil, zoneid=nil, zonestate=nil) @Zone = zone @ZoneName = zonename @ZoneId = zoneid @ZoneState = zonestate end def deserialize(params) @Zone = params['Zone'] @ZoneName = params['ZoneName'] @ZoneId = params['ZoneId'] @ZoneState = params['ZoneState'] end end end end end