= TextMagic Code[http://github.com/bobes/textmagic] | RDoc[http://textmagic.rubyforge.org] | Forum[http://groups.google.com/group/textmagic-api] | Issues[http://github.com/bobes/textmagic/issues] +textmagic+ gem is a Ruby interface to the TextMagic's Bulk SMS Gateway. It can be used to send SMS messages and receive replies, check statuses of sent messages and retrieve account balance. You need to have a valid TextMagic[http://www.textmagic.com] account to use this gem. Sign up at http://www.textmagic.com to get one. == Installation Run gem install textmagic Use +sudo+ if required by your system. == Basic usage To create an API instance, run: api = TextMagic::API.new(username, password) with your credentials. Created instance will remember the username and password and will use them in all requests to the SMS gateway. === Account balance To retrieve your account's balance, run: api.account.balance # => 314.15 === Sending messages To send a message to a single phone number, run: api.send 'Hi Vilma!', '999314159265' You can even specify multiple phone numbers: api.send 'Hi everybody!', '999314159265', '999271828182' Unicode messages are supported as well: api.send 'Вильма Привет!', '999314159265' Long messages will be split to up to 3 parts. If you want to limit maximum number of parts, you can specify an optional +max_length+ parameter: api.send 'Very long message...', '999314159265', :max_length => 2 === Checking sent message status If you want to check sent message status, you have to use +message_id+ returned in respose to +send+ command. api.send('Hi Vilma!', '999314159265').message_id # => '141421' api.message_status('141421').status # => 'd' You can also supply several message_ids, in which case you'll get a hash with message_ids as keys: api.send('Hi Vilma!', '999314159265', '999271828182').message_ids # => ['141421', '173205'] statuses = api.message_status('141421', '173205') statuses['141421'].status # => 'r' === Receiving replies To receive all available replies, run: replies = api.receive.messages # => [{ 'timestamp' => Fri May 22 12:12:55 +0200 2009, 'from' => '999314159265', 'text' => 'Hi Fred!', 'message_id' => '1780826' }] replies.first.text # => 'Hi Fred!' To prevent receiving old replies again, supply +last_retrieved_id+ argument: replies = api.receive('1780826').messages # => [] === Deleting retrieved replies After you retrieve replies, you can delete them from server by running: message_ids = api.receive.message_ids # => ['141421', '1780826'] api.delete_reply '141421', '1780826' == Links The code is hosted at GitHub[http://github.com/bobes/textmagic] and released to RubyForge[http://rubyforge.org/projects/textmagic]. You can find documentation for the gem at project's homepage[http://textmagic.rubyforge.org] at RubyForge. For general information on TextMagic's Bulk SMS Gateway, visit the official API documentation[http://api.textmagic.com] or Google group[http://groups.google.com/group/textmagic-api]. == Copyright Copyright (c) 2009 Vladimír Bobeš Tužinský. See LICENSE for details.