Given 'a site' do @site = Factory(:site) end # Examples: # 1. Given the following products: # Also supports namespaced models, (cnet) indicating the namespace Cnet # 2. Given the following (cnet) products: Given /^the following ((?:\([a-z ]+\) )?(?:[\w]+)):$/ do |type, table| type = type.gsub(/^\(([a-z ]+)\) /, "\\1/").gsub(' ', '_').singularize table.hashes.each do |attributes| type = attributes.delete('type').underscore if attributes.key?('type') attributes['site'] = site if type.classify.constantize.column_names.include?('site_id') parent = attributes.delete('parent') attributes['parent_id'] = type.classify.constantize.find_by_name(parent) unless parent.blank? Factory(type, attributes) end end Given /^the (\w+) "([^"]*)" is a child of "([^"]*)"$/ do |model, child, parent| model = model.classify.constantize parent = model.find_by_name(parent) child = model.find_by_name(child) child.move_to_child_of(parent) end Given /^a site with the following sections:$/ do |table| @site = Factory(:site, :sections_attributes => []) Given "the following sections:", table end Given /^a site with a (\w+) named "([^"]+)"$/ do |section, name| @site = Factory(:site, :sections_attributes => []) Given %(a #{section} named "#{name}") end # e.g. a blog named "Blog" Given /^an? (\w+) (name|title)d "([^"]+)"$/ do |model, attribute, value| model = model.classify.constantize attributes = { attribute => value } attributes[:site_id] = if model.column_names.include?('site_id') attributes[:account_id] = if model.column_names.include?('account_id') model.where(attributes).first || model.create!(attributes) end Given /^an? (\w+) with the following attributes:$/ do |model, table| Factory(model, table.rows_hash) end # e.g. a post titled "Post" for the blog "Blog" # e.g. a category named "Category" belonging to the blog "Blog" Given /^an? (\w+) (name|title)d "([^"]+)" (?:for|belonging to) the (\w+) "([^"]+)"$/ do |model, attribute, value, section, name| section = Given(%(a #{section} named "#{name}")) collection = section.send(model.underscore.pluralize) attributes = { attribute => value } collection.where(attributes).first || collection.create!(attributes) end # e.g. a post with the title "Post" for the blog "Blog" # e.g. a post with the title "Post" belonging to the blog "Blog" Given /^an? (\w+) with the (\w+) "([^"]+)" (?:for|belonging to) the (\w+) "([^"]+)"$/ do |model, attribute, value, section, name| section = Given(%(a #{section} named "#{name}")) collection = section.send(model.underscore.pluralize) attributes = { attribute => value } collection.where(attributes).first || collection.create!(attributes) end Given /^(\w+)s with the following attributes:$/ do |model, table| table.hashes.each do |attributes| Factory(model, attributes) end end When /^(.+) that link$/ do |step| raise "no last link" if @last_link.blank? When %(#{step} "#{@last_link}") end When /^I (press|click) "(.*)" in the row (of the ([a-z ]+) table )?where "(.*)" is "(.*)"$/ do |press_or_click, link_or_button, _, table_id, header, cell_content| body = Nokogiri::HTML(response.body) table_xpath = table_id.nil? ? 'table' : "table[@id='#{table_id.gsub(/ /, '_')}']" table_header_cells = body.xpath("//#{table_xpath}/descendant::th[normalize-space(text())='#{header}']/@id") assert !table_header_cells.empty?, "could not find table header cell '#{header}'" header_id = body.xpath("//#{table_xpath}/descendant::th[normalize-space(text())='#{header}']/@id").first.value row_id = body.xpath("//#{table_xpath}/descendant::td[@headers='#{header_id}'][normalize-space(text())='#{cell_content}']/ancestor::tr/@id").first.value within("##{row_id}") do send({'press' => 'click_button', 'click' => 'click_link'}[press_or_click], link_or_button) end end When /^I visit the url from the email to (.*)$/ do |to| email = ::ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.detect { |email| } assert email, "email to #{to} could not be found" url = email.body.to_s =~ %r((http://[^\s"]+)) && $1 visit(url) end Then /^I should (not )?see a ([a-z ]+ )?row (?:of the ([a-z ]+) table )?where "(.*)" is "(.*)"$/ do |optional_not, row_classes, table_id, header, cell_content| body = Nokogiri::HTML(response.body) table_xpath = table_id.nil? ? 'table' : "table[@id='#{table_id.gsub(/ /, '_')}']" table_header_cells = body.xpath("//#{table_xpath}/descendant::th[normalize-space(text())='#{header}']/@id") unless optional_not.present? assert !table_header_cells.empty?, "could not find table header cell '#{header}'" end header_id = body.xpath("//#{table_xpath}/descendant::th[normalize-space(text())='#{header}']/@id").first.try(:value) class_condition = row_classes.to_s.split(' ').map do |row_class| "contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' #{row_class} ')" end.join(' and ') tr_xpath = class_condition.empty? ? 'ancestor::tr' : "ancestor::tr[#{class_condition}]" xpath_result = body.xpath("//#{table_xpath}/descendant::td[@headers='#{header_id}'][normalize-space(text())='#{cell_content}']/#{tr_xpath}/@id") if optional_not.present? assert xpath_result.empty?, 'should not find a row' else assert xpath_result.any?, 'should find at least one row' end end Then /^there should be an? (\w+)$/ do |model| assert @last_record = model.classify.constantize.first, "could not find any #{model}" end Then /^there should be an? (\w+) named "([^\"]+)"$/ do |model, name| assert @last_record = model.classify.constantize.where(:name => name).first, "could not find any #{model} named #{name}" end Then /^there should not be an? (\w+) named "([^"]*)"$/ do |model, name| assert !model.classify.constantize.where(:name => name).first, "expected no #{model} named #{name} exists, but found one" end Then /^there should be a (\w+) with the following attributes:$/ do |model, table| assert @last_record = model.classify.constantize.where(table.rows_hash).first, "could not find a #{model} with #{table.rows_hash.inspect}" end Then /^there should be (\w+)s with the following attributes:$/ do |model, table| table.hashes.each do |attributes| assert model.classify.constantize.where(attributes).first, "could not find a #{model} with #{attributes.inspect}" end end Then /^that (\w+) should have an? (\w+) with the following attributes:$/ do |last, model, table| assert @last_record.is_a?(last.classify.constantize), "wrong type for last #{last}" assert @last_record.send(model.pluralize).where(table.rows_hash).first, "could not find a #{model} with #{table.rows_hash.inspect}" end Then /^that (\w+) should have (\w+)s with the following attributes:$/ do |last, model, table| assert @last_record.is_a?(last.classify.constantize), "wrong type for last #{last}" table.hashes.each do |attributes| assert @last_record.send(model.pluralize).where(attributes).first, "could not find a #{model} with #{attributes.inspect}" end end Then /^the title should be "([^"]+)"$/ do |title| assert_select('title', title) end Then /^I should see (an?|the) "([^"]+)"$/ do |kind, thing| kind = { 'a' => '.', 'the' => '#' }[kind] assert_select("#{kind}#{thing}") end Then /^I should see a link "([^"]+)"$/ do |link| @last_link = link assert_select('a', link) end Then /^I should not see any (\w+)$/ do |type| assert_select(".#{type.singularize}", :count => 0) # .#{type}, end Then /^I should see an? (\w+)$/ do |type| assert_select(".#{type}") end Then /^I should see an? (\w+) (?:titled|named) "([^"]+)"$/ do |type, text| assert_select(".#{type} h2", text) end Then /^I should see an? (\w+) containing "([^"]+)"$/ do |type, text| assert_select(".#{type}", /#{text}/) end Then /^I should see an? (\w+) list$/ do |type| assert_select(".#{type}.list") end Then /^I should see a list of (\w+)$/ do |type| assert_select(".#{type}.list") end Then /^I should see an? ([a-z ]+) form$/ do |type| tokens = type.split(' ') types = [tokens.join('_'), tokens.reverse.join('_')] selectors = { |type| "form.#{type}, form##{type}" } assert_select(selectors.join(', ')) end Then /^I should not see an? ([a-z ]+) form$/ do |type| type = type.gsub(' ', '_') #.gsub(/edit_/, '') assert_select("form.#{type}, form##{type}", :count => 0) end Then /^I should see an? ([a-z ]+) form with the following values:$/ do |type, table| type = type.gsub(' ', '_') #.gsub(/edit_/, '') assert_select("form.#{type}, form##{type}") do |form| table.rows_hash.each do |name, value| assert_equal value, webrat.current_scope.field_labeled(name).value end end end Then /^I should see a "(.+)" table with the following entries:$/ do |table_id, expected_table| actual_table = table(tableish("table##{table_id} tr", 'td,th')) begin diff_table = expected_table.dup diff_table.diff!(actual_table.dup) rescue puts "\nActual table:#{actual_table.to_s}\n" puts "Expected table:#{expected_table.to_s}\n" puts "Difference:#{diff_table.to_s}\n" raise end end Then /^I should see the "([^"]+)" page$/ do |name| assert_select('h2', name) end Then(/(?:\$|eval) (.*)$/) do |code| pp eval(code) end Then /^I should see a flash (error|notice|message) "(.+)"$/ do |message_type, message| assert_match message, flash_cookie[message_type].to_s end Then /^I should not see a flash (error|notice) "(.+)"$/ do |message_type, message| assert_no_match /message/, flash_cookie[message_type].to_s end Then /^I should (see|not see) the error "([^"]+)" for attribute "([^"]+)" of the "([^"]+)"$/ do |should_see, error_msg, attribute, model| if should_see == 'see' # ugh ... assert_select "*[id*=#{model.downcase.gsub(' ', '_')}_#{attribute.downcase.gsub(' ', '_')}] + span.error", :text => error_msg elsif should_see == 'not see' assert_select "*[id*=#{model.downcase.gsub(' ', '_')}_#{attribute.downcase.gsub(' ', '_')}] + span.error", :text => error_msg, :count => 0 end end Then /^the following emails should have been sent:$/ do |expected_emails| expected_emails.hashes.each do |attributes| assert_email_sent(attributes) end end Then /^"([^"]*)" should be filled in with "([^"]*)"$/ do |field, value| field = webrat.field_labeled(field) assert_equal value, field.value end Then /^"([^"]*)" should be checked$/ do |label| field = webrat.field_labeled(label) assert field.checked?, "expected the checkbox #{label} to be checked" end Then /^"([^"]*)" should not be checked$/ do |label| field = webrat.field_labeled(label) assert !field.checked?, "expected the checkbox #{label} not to be checked" end Then /^"([^"]*)" should be selected as "([^"]*)"$/ do |value, label| select = webrat.field_labeled(label) assert select, "count not find a select field labeled #{label}" selected = select.element.xpath(".//option[@selected = 'selected']").first assert selected, "could not find a selected option" assert_equal value, selected.text end Then /^I should see "([^"]*)" formatted as a "([^"]*)" tag$/ do |value, tag| assert_select(tag, value) end