require 'facet/kernel/constant' require 'nitro/helper/javascript' module Nitro # Generates client-side javascript code. module ScriptCompiler extend JavascriptHelper def self.transform(text, compiler) begin client = constant("#{compiler.controller}::Client") rescue Object client = nil end if client client.send :include, Nitro::ScriptGenerator client = functions = {} params = {} text.scan(/__nc_(.*)\((.*)\)/) do |match| functions[match.first] = true params[match.last] = true end script = '' for fun in functions.keys begin client.buffer = '' ret = client.send(fun.to_sym) # the function code is accumulated in the client # buffer. function_code = client.buffer # if the client action returns a String append it to # the function code. function_code << ret if ret.is_a?(String) script << %{ function __nc_#{fun}(params) { #{function_code} } } rescue => ex Logger.debug ex.inspect if $DBG end end end # Inject css in the head tag. if css_buffer = compiler.shared[:css_buffer] text.sub!(/<\/head>/) do |match| %{ } end end # Inject required javascript files in the head tag. required_files = Javascript.required_files if crf = compiler.shared[:js_required_files] required_files.concat(crf.keys) end unless required_files.empty? text.sub!(/<\/head>/) do |match| %{ #{include_script *required_files} } end end # Inject javascript just before the end of the # template. #-- # gmosx: injection happens at the end, so that the DOM # tree is created. Dunno if this is valid xhtml though. #++ js_buffer = compiler.shared[:js_buffer] if script or js_buffer text.sub!(/<\/body>/) do |match| %{ } end end return text end end end # * George Moschovitis