module Rudy; module CLI; module AWS; module EC2; class Images < Rudy::CLI::CommandBase #def print_header # puts @global.print_header, @@global.print_header #end def images_valid? if @option.owner == 'self' raise "AWS_ACCOUNT_NUMBER not set" unless @@global.accountnum @option.owner = @@global.accountnum end true end def images rimages =, @@global.secretkey, @@global.region) unless @option.all @option.owner ||= 'amazon' puts "Images owned by #{@option.owner.bright}" unless @argv.awsid end images = rimages.list(@option.owner, @argv) || [] images.each do |img| puts @@global.verbose > 0 ? img.inspect : img.dump(@@global.format) end puts "No images" if images.empty? end def prepare_images_valid? true end def prepare_images opts = {} opts[:group] = if opts[:group] = :any if @option.all opts[:id] = @option.instid if @option.instid puts "This will do the following:" puts "- Clear bash history" # NOTE: We can't delete the host keys here. Otherwise we can't create the image. #puts "- Delete host SSH keys (this is permanent!)" puts "" # Options to be sent to Net::SSH ssh_opts = { :user => @global.user || Rudy.sysinfo.user, :debug => STDERR } if @@global.pkey raise "Cannot find file #{@@global.pkey}" unless File.exists?(@@global.pkey) raise InsecureKeyPermissions, @@global.pkey unless File.stat(@@global.pkey).mode == 33152 ssh_opts[:keys] = @@global.pkey end execute_check(:medium) rudy =, @@global.secretkey, @@global.region) lt = rudy.list_group(opts[:group], :running, opts[:id]) do |inst| puts "Preparing #{inst.dns_public}..." # Open the connection and run the command rbox =, ssh_opts) = false # We need to explicitly add the rm command for rbox so we # can delete the SSH host keys. This is will force the instance # to re-create it's SSH keys on first boot. def rbox.rm(*args); cmd('rm', args); end p ret = rbox.history(:c) p ret.exit_code p ret.stderr p ret.stdout end puts "done" end def create_images_valid? raise "No account number" unless @@global.accountnum raise "No Amazon cert-***.pem" unless @@global.cert raise "No Amazon pk-***.pem" unless @@global.privatekey true end def create_images opts = {} opts[:group] = if opts[:group] = :any if @option.all opts[:id] = @option.instid if @option.instid puts "You may want to run rudy-ec2 #{@alias} --prepare before this.".bright puts "This feature is experimental. Make sure you enter the bucket" puts "and image names correctly because if they're wrong the image" puts "won't get created and you'll be annoyed that you waited." # Options to be sent to Net::SSH ssh_opts = { :user => @global.user || Rudy.sysinfo.user, :debug => STDERR } if @@global.pkey raise "Cannot find file #{@@global.pkey}" unless File.exists?(@@global.pkey) raise InsecureKeyPermissions, @@global.pkey unless File.stat(@@global.pkey).mode == 33152 ssh_opts[:keys] = @@global.pkey end unless print "Enter the image name: " @option.image_name = gets.chomp end unless @option.bucket print "Enter the S3 bucket that will store the image: " @option.bucket_name = gets.chomp end execute_check(:medium) rudy =, @@global.secretkey, @@global.region) lt = rudy.list_group(opts[:group], :running, opts[:id]) do |inst| puts inst.dns_public # Open the connection and run the command rbox =, ssh_opts) # TODO: Replace with rbox.upload # ~/.rudy, /etc/motd, history -c, /etc/hosts, /var/log/rudy* cert = pk = = false rbox.echo("'#{cert}' > /mnt/cert-temporary.pem") rbox.echo("'#{pk}' > /mnt/pk-temporary.pem") = true rbox.touch("/root/firstrun") # TODO: # We have to delete the host keys just before we run the bundle command. # The problem is that if we lose the connection we won't be able to connect # to the instance again. A better solution is to ass the keys to the ignore # list for the bundle command. #ret = rbox.rm('/etc/ssh/ssh_host_*_key*') #puts "Starting bundling process...".bright #puts ssh_command(machine[:dns_name], keypairpath, @global.user, "ec2-bundle-vol -r i386 -p #{@option.image_name} -k /mnt/pk-*pem -c /mnt/cert*pem -u #{@option.account}", @option.print) #puts ssh_command(machine[:dns_name], keypairpath, @global.user, "ec2-upload-bundle -b #{@option.bucket_name} -m /tmp/#{@option.image_name}.manifest.xml -a #{@global.accesskey} -s #{@global.secretkey}", @option.print) # #@ec2.images.register("#{@option.bucket_name}/#{@option.image_name}.manifest.xml") unless @option.print break end end #def create_images_valid? # puts "Make sure the machine is clean. I don't want archive no crud!" # switch_user("root") # # raise "No EC2 .pem keys provided" unless has_pem_keys? # raise "No SSH key provided for #{@global.user}!" unless has_keypair? # raise "No SSH key provided for root!" unless has_keypair?(:root) # true #end # # #def prepare_images # # TODO: Avail hooks for clean an instance # # Clean off Rudy specific crap. #end # # # #def deregister # ami = @argv.first # raise "You must supply an AMI ID (ami-XXXXXXX)" unless ami # puts "Deregistering AMI: #{ami}" # # exit unless Annoy.are_you_sure? # # if @ec2.images.deregister(ami) # puts "Done!" # else # puts "There was an unknown problem!" # end # #end end end; end end; end