require 'scm/util' require 'pathname' module SCM class Repository include Util # The path of the repository attr_reader :path # # Creates a new repository. # # @param [String] path # The path to the repository. # def initialize(path) @path = end # # Creates a new repository. # # @param [String] path # Path to the repository. # # @param [Hash] options # Additional options. # # @return [Repository] # The newly created repository. # # @abstract # def self.create(path,options={}) new(path) end # # Clones a remote repository. # # @param [URI, String] uri # The URI of the remote repository. # # @param [Hash] options # Additional options. # # @return [Boolean] # Specifies whether the clone was successful. # # @abstract # def self.clone(uri,options={}) false end # # Queries the status of the files. # # @param [Array] paths # The optional paths to query. # # @return [Hash{String => Symbol}] # The file paths and their statuses. # # @abstract # def status(*paths) {} end # # Adds files or directories to the repository. # # @param [Array] paths # The paths of the files/directories to add. # # @abstract # def add(*paths) end # # Moves a file or directory. # # @param [String] source # The path of the source file/directory. # # @param [String] dest # The new destination path. # # @param [Boolean] force # Specifies whether to force the move. # # @abstract # def move(source,dest,force=false) end # # Removes files or directories. # # @param [String, Array] paths # The path(s) to remove. # # @param [Hash] options # Additional options. # # @option options [Boolean] :force (false) # Specifies whether to forcibly remove the files/directories. # # @option options [Boolean] :recursive (false) # Specifies whether to recursively remove the files/directories. # # @abstract # def remove(paths,options={}) end # # Makes a commit. # # @param [String] message # The message for the commit. # # @param [Hash] options # Commit options. # # @option options [String] :paths # The path of the file to commit. # # @return [Boolean] # Specifies whether the commit was successfully made. # # @abstract # def commit(message=nil,options={}) false end # # Lists branches. # # @return [Array] # The branch names. # # @abstract # def branches [] end # # The current branch. # # @return [String] # The name of the current branch. # # @abstract # def current_branch end # # Swtiches to a branch. # # @param [String, Symbol] name # The name of the branch to switch to. # # @return [Boolean] # Specifies whether the branch was successfully switched. # # @abstract # def switch_branch(name) false end # # Deletes a branch. # # @param [String] name # The name of the branch to delete. # # @return [Boolean] # Specifies whether the branch was successfully deleted. # # @abstract # def delete_branch(name) false end # # Lists tags. # # @return [Array] # The tag names. # # @abstract # def tags [] end # # Tags a release. # # @param [String] name # The name for the tag. # # @param [String] commit # The specific commit to make the tag at. # # @return [Boolean] # Specifies whether the tag was successfully created. # # @abstract # def tag(name,commit=nil) false end # # Deletes a tag. # # @param [String] name # The name of the tag. # # @return [Boolean] # Specifies whether the tag was successfully deleted. # # @abstract # def delete_tag(name) false end # # Prints a log of commits. # # @param [String] :commit # Commit to begin the log at. # # @param [String] :paths # File to list commits for. # # @abstract # def log(options={}) false end # # Pushes changes to the remote repository. # # @param [Hash] options # Additional options. # # @return [Boolean] # Specifies whether the changes were successfully pushed. # # @abstract # def push(options={}) false end # # Pulls changes from the remote repository. # # @param [Hash] options # Additional options. # # @return [Boolean] # Specifies whether the changes were successfully pulled. # # @abstract # def pull(options={}) false end # # Lists commits. # # @param [Hash] options # Additional options. # # @return [Enumerator] # The commits within the repository. # # @raise [NotImplementedError] # If a subclass does not provide its own implementation. # # @abstract # def commits(options={}) raise(NotImplementedError,"This method is not implemented for #{self.class}") end # # Converts the repository to a String. # # @return [String] # The path of the repository. # def to_s @path.to_s end # # Inspects the Repository. # # @return [String] # The repository class name and path. # def inspect "#<#{self.class}: #{@path}>" end # # Lists the files of the repository. # # @yield [file] # The given block will be passed each file. # # @yieldparam [String] file # A path of a file within the repository. # # @return [Enumerator] # If no block is given, an Enumerator will be returned. # # @abstract # def files(&block) end protected # # Runs a command within the repository. # # @param [Symbol] command # The command to run. # # @param [Array] arguments # Additional arguments to pass to the command. # # @return [Boolean] # Specifies whether the SVN command exited successfully. # def run(command,*arguments) Dir.chdir(@path) { super(command,*arguments) } end # # Runs a command as a separate process. # # @param [Symbol] command # The command to run. # # @param [Array] arguments # Additional arguments to pass to the command. # # @yield [line] # The given block will be passed each line read-in. # # @yieldparam [String] line # A line read from the program. # # @return [IO] # The stdout of the command being ran. # def popen(command,*arguments) Dir.chdir(@path) { super(command,*arguments) } end end end