== Contributors The following people have submitted changes which have been applied to the core: === 0.6.9 Etch * Mark A. Yoon * Jim Gay * Sean Cribbs === 0.6.8 Incise * Andrew Neil * Glenn Murray * Tim Gossett * John Muhl * Josh French * Jim Gay * Alex Wayne * Nick Plante * Loren Johnson * Sean Cribbs * Thomas Watson Steen === 0.6.7 Mordant * John Long * Josh French * Sean Cribbs === 0.6.6 Chiseled * Josh French * Sean Cribbs === 0.6.5 Chisel * Adam Keyes * Marty Haught * xtoddx * skrat * Michael Klett * Matthew Elder * Nick Plante * ben * jonleighton * Josh French * abstractioneer * andreas * Keeran Hawoldar * Loren Johnson * Benny Degezelle * John Long * Andrew O'Brien * Bjørn Arild Mæland * Mislav Marohnić * Daniel Sheppard * Sean Cribbs === 0.6.4 Gem Shaper * Andrew Neil * zilkey * Mark Gallop * Bjørn Arild Mæland * ana * Bodhi Philpot * jay@jay.fm * Brian Skahan * Mislav Marohnić * Daniel Sheppard * John Long * Peter Berkenbosch * Sean Cribbs === 0.6.3 Rock Grinder * oli * Daniel Sheppard * vitali * tolbrino * Sean Cribbs * Earl Chew * John Long === 0.6.2 Jewel Carver * Sean Cribbs * Daniel Sheppard * Keita === 0.6.1 Stone Cutter * Sean Cribbs * Daniel Sheppard === 0.6.0 Lapidary * Alexander Horn * Adam Williams * Sean Santry * Sean Cribbs * Brian Gernhardt * Bodhi Philpot * Andrew Barnett * Jesse Newland * Josh Ferguson * Daniel Sheppard * Matte Edens * Jacob Burkhart * Chris Parrish === 0.5.1 Gemdust * Daniel Sheppard * Paul Smith * Bodhi Philpot === 0.5.0 Grindstone * Matt McCray * Paul Smith * Scott Walter * Sven Lauer * Tristan Boniver * Chris Corriveau * Ryan Platte * Luis Lavena