module Authlogic module ActiveRecord # :nodoc: # = Acts As Authentic # Provides and "acts_as" method to include in your models to help with authentication. See method below. module ActsAsAuthentic # Call this method in your model to add in basic authentication madness that your authlogic session expects. # # Please keep in mind that based on your configuration the method names could change. For example, if you pass the option: # # :password_field => :pass # # The method will not be password=, it will be pass=. Same with valid_password?, it will be valid_pass?, etc. # # === Methods # For example purposes lets assume you have a User model. # # Class method name Description # User.crypto_provider The class that you set in your :crypto_provider option # User.forget_all! Finds all records, loops through them, and calls forget! on each record. This is paginated to save on memory. # User.unique_token returns unique token generated by your :crypto_provider # # Named Scopes # User.logged_in Find all users who are logged in, based on your :logged_in_timeout option. # User.logged_out Same as above, but logged out. # # Isntace method name # user.password= Method name based on the :password_field option. This is used to set the password. Pass the *raw* password to this. # user.confirm_password= Confirms the password, needed to change the password. # user.valid_password?(pass) Determines if the password passed is valid. The password could be encrypted or raw. # user.reset_password! Basically resets the password to a random password using only letters and numbers. # user.logged_in? Based on the :logged_in_timeout option. Tells you if the user is logged in or not. # user.forget! Changes their remember token, making their cookie and session invalid. A way to log the user out withouth changing their password. # # === Options # * session_class: default: "#{name}Session", the related session class. Used so that you don't have to repeat yourself here. A lot of the configuration will be based off of the configuration values of this class. # * crypto_provider: default: Authlogic::Sha512CryptoProvider, class that provides Sha512 encryption. What ultimately encrypts your password. # * crypto_provider_type: default: options[:crypto_provider].respond_to?(:decrypt) ? :encryption : :hash. You can explicitly set this if you wish. Since encryptions and hashes are handled different this is the flag Authlogic uses. # * login_field: default: options[:session_class].login_field, the name of the field used for logging in # * login_field_type: default: options[:login_field] == :email ? :email : :login, tells authlogic how to validation the field, what regex to use, etc. # * password_field: default: options[:session_class].password_field, the name of the field to set the password, *NOT* the field the encrypted password is stored # * crypted_password_field: default: depends on which columns are present, checks: crypted_password, encrypted_password, password_hash, pw_hash, if none are present defaults to crypted_password. This is the name of column that your encrypted password is stored. # * password_salt_field: default: depends on which columns are present, checks: password_salt, pw_salt, salt, if none are present defaults to password_salt. This is the name of the field your salt is stored, only relevant for a hash crypto provider. # * remember_token_field: default: options[:session_class].remember_token_field, the name of the field your remember token is stored. What the cookie stores so the session can be "remembered" # * scope: default: nil, if all of your users belong to an account you might want to scope everything to the account. Just pass :account_id # * logged_in_timeout: default: 10.minutes, this allows you to specify a time the determines if a user is logged in or out. Useful if you want to count how many users are currently logged in. # * session_ids: default: [nil], the sessions that we want to automatically reset when a user is created or updated so you don't have to worry about this. Set to [] to disable. Should be an array of ids. See Authlogic::Session::Base#initialize for information on ids. The order is important. The first id should be your main session, the session they need to log into first. This is generally nil, meaning so explicitly set id. def acts_as_authentic(options = {}) # Setup default options options[:session_class] ||= "#{name}Session".constantize options[:crypto_provider] ||= Sha512CryptoProvider options[:crypto_provider_type] ||= options[:crypto_provider].respond_to?(:decrypt) ? :encryption : :hash options[:login_field] ||= options[:session_class].login_field options[:login_field_type] ||= options[:login_field] == :email ? :email : :login options[:password_field] ||= options[:session_class].password_field options[:crypted_password_field] ||= (column_names.include?("crypted_password") && :crypted_password) || (column_names.include?("encrypted_password") && :encrypted_password) || (column_names.include?("password_hash") && :password_hash) || (column_names.include?("pw_hash") && :pw_hash) || :crypted_password options[:password_salt_field] ||= (column_names.include?("password_salt") && :password_salt) || (column_names.include?("pw_salt") && :pw_salt) || (column_names.include?("salt") && :salt) || :password_salt options[:remember_token_field] ||= options[:session_class].remember_token_field options[:logged_in_timeout] ||= 10.minutes options[:session_ids] ||= [nil] # Validations case options[:login_field_type] when :email validates_length_of options[:login_field], :within => 6..100 email_name_regex = '[\w\.%\+\-]+' domain_head_regex = '(?:[A-Z0-9\-]+\.)+' domain_tld_regex = '(?:[A-Z]{2}|com|org|net|edu|gov|mil|biz|info|mobi|name|aero|jobs|museum)' email_regex = /\A#{email_name_regex}@#{domain_head_regex}#{domain_tld_regex}\z/i validates_format_of options[:login_field], :with => email_regex, :message => "should look like an email address." else validates_length_of options[:login_field], :within => 2..100 validates_format_of options[:login_field], :with => /\A\w[\w\.\-_@]+\z/, :message => "use only letters, numbers, and .-_@ please." end validates_uniqueness_of options[:login_field], :scope => options[:scope] validates_uniqueness_of options[:remember_token_field] validate :validate_password validates_numericality_of :login_count, :only_integer => :true, :greater_than_or_equal_to => 0, :allow_nil => true if column_names.include?("login_count") if column_names.include?("last_request_at") named_scope :logged_in, lambda { {:conditions => ["last_request_at > ?", options[:logged_in_timeout].ago]} } named_scope :logged_out, lambda { {:conditions => ["last_request_at <= ?", options[:logged_in_timeout].ago]} } end before_save :get_session_information, :if => :update_sessions? after_save :maintain_sessions!, :if => :update_sessions? # Attributes attr_writer "confirm_#{options[:password_field]}" attr_accessor "tried_to_set_#{options[:password_field]}" # Class methods class_eval <<-"end_eval", __FILE__, __LINE__ def self.unique_token crypto_provider.encrypt( + (1..10).collect{ rand.to_s }.join) end def self.crypto_provider #{options[:crypto_provider]} end def self.forget_all! # Paginate these to save on memory records = nil i = 0 begin records = find(:all, :limit => 50, :offset => i) records.each { |record| record.forget! } i += 50 end while !records.blank? end end_eval # Instance methods if column_names.include?("last_request_at") class_eval <<-"end_eval", __FILE__, __LINE__ def logged_in? !last_request_at.nil? && last_request_at > #{options[:logged_in_timeout].to_i}.seconds.ago end end_eval end case options[:crypto_provider_type] when :hash class_eval <<-"end_eval", __FILE__, __LINE__ def #{options[:password_field]}=(pass) return if pass.blank? self.tried_to_set_#{options[:password_field]} = true @#{options[:password_field]} = pass self.#{options[:remember_token_field]} = self.class.unique_token self.#{options[:password_salt_field]} = self.class.unique_token self.#{options[:crypted_password_field]} = crypto_provider.encrypt(@#{options[:password_field]} + #{options[:password_salt_field]}) end def valid_#{options[:password_field]}?(attempted_password) return false if attempted_password.blank? attempted_password == #{options[:crypted_password_field]} || #{options[:crypted_password_field]} == crypto_provider.encrypt(attempted_password + #{options[:password_salt_field]}) end end_eval when :encryption class_eval <<-"end_eval", __FILE__, __LINE__ def #{options[:password_field]}=(pass) return if pass.blank? self.tried_to_set_#{options[:password_field]} = true @#{options[:password_field]} = pass self.#{options[:remember_token_field]} = self.class.unique_token self.#{options[:crypted_password_field]} = crypto_provider.encrypt(@#{options[:password_field]}) end def valid_#{options[:password_field]}?(attemtped_password) return false if attempted_password.blank? attempted_password == #{options[:crypted_password_field]} || #{options[:crypted_password_field]} = crypto_provider.decrypt(attempted_password) end end_eval end class_eval <<-"end_eval", __FILE__, __LINE__ def #{options[:password_field]}; end def confirm_#{options[:password_field]}; end def crypto_provider self.class.crypto_provider end def forget! self.#{options[:remember_token_field]} = self.class.unique_token save_without_session_maintenance(false) end def reset_#{options[:password_field]}! chars = ("a".."z").to_a + ("A".."Z").to_a + ("0".."9").to_a newpass = "" 1.upto(10) { |i| newpass << chars[rand(chars.size-1)] } self.#{options[:password_field]} = newpass self.confirm_#{options[:password_field]} = newpass save_without_session_maintenance(false) end alias_method :randomize_password!, :reset_password! def save_without_session_maintenance(*args) @skip_session_maintenance = true result = save(*args) @skip_session_maintenance = false result end protected def update_sessions? !@skip_session_maintenance && #{options[:session_class]}.activated? && !#{options[:session_ids].inspect}.blank? && #{options[:remember_token_field]}_changed? end def get_session_information # Need to determine if we are completely logged out, or logged in as another user @_sessions = [] @_logged_out = true #{options[:session_ids].inspect}.each do |session_id| session = #{options[:session_class]}.find(*[session_id].compact) if session if !session.record.blank? @_logged_out = false @_sessions << session if session.record == self end end end end def maintain_sessions! if @_logged_out create_session! elsif !@_sessions.blank? update_sessions! end end def create_session! # We only want to automatically login into the first session, since this is the main session. The other sessions are sessions # that need to be created after logging into the main session. session_id = #{options[:session_ids].inspect}.first # If we are already logged in, ignore this completely. All that we care about is updating ourself. next if #{options[:session_class]}.find(*[session_id].compact) # Log me in args = [self, session_id].compact #{options[:session_class]}.create(*args) end def update_sessions! # We found sessions above, let's update them with the new info @_sessions.each do |stale_session| stale_session.unauthorized_record = self end end def tried_to_set_password? tried_to_set_password == true end def validate_password if new_record? || tried_to_set_#{options[:password_field]}? if @#{options[:password_field]}.blank? errors.add(:#{options[:password_field]}, "can not be blank") else errors.add(:confirm_#{options[:password_field]}, "did not match") if @confirm_#{options[:password_field]} != @#{options[:password_field]} end end end end_eval end end end end ActiveRecord::Base.extend Authlogic::ActiveRecord::ActsAsAuthentic