fluent-plugin-querycombiner =========================== This fluentd output plugin helps you to combine multiple queries. This plugin is based on [fluent-plugin-onlineuser](https://github.com/y-lan/fluent-plugin-onlineuser) written by [Yuyang Lan](https://github.com/y-lan). ## Requirement * a running Redis ## Installation ``` $ fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-querycombiner ``` ## Tutorial ### Simple combination Suppose you have the sequence of event messages like: ``` { 'event_id': '01234567', 'status': 'event-start', 'started_at': '2001-02-03T04:05:06Z', } ``` and: ``` { 'event_id': '01234567', 'status': 'event-finish', 'finished_at': '2001-02-03T04:15:11Z', } ``` Now you can combine these messages with this configuration: ``` <match event.**> type query_combiner tag combined.test # redis settings host localhost port 6379 db_index 0 query_identify event_id # field to combine together query_ttl 3600 # messages time-to-live[sec] buffer_size 1000 # max queries to store in redis <catch> condition status == 'event-start' </catch> <dump> condition status == 'event-finish' </dump> </match> ``` Combined results will be: ``` { "event_id": "01234567", "status": "event-finish", "started_at": "2001-02-03T04:05:06Z", "finished_at": "2001-02-03T04:05:06Z" } ``` ### Replace some field names If messages has the same fields, these are overwritten in the combination process. You can use `replace` sentence in `<catch>` and `<dump>` blocks to avoid overwriting such fields. For example, you have some event messages like: ``` { 'event_id': '01234567', 'status': 'event-start', 'time': '2001-02-03T04:05:06Z', } ``` and: ``` { 'event_id': '01234567', 'status': 'event-finish', 'time': '2001-02-03T04:15:11Z', } ``` You can keep `time` fields which defined both `event-start` and `event-finish` by using `replace` sentence. ``` <match event.**> (...type, tag and redis configuration...) query_identify event_id # field to combine together query_ttl 3600 # messages time-to-live[sec] buffer_size 1000 # max queries to store in redis <catch> condition status == 'event-start' replace time => time_start </catch> <dump> condition status == 'event-finish' replace time => time_finish </dump> </match> ``` Combined results will be: ``` { "event_id": "01234567", "status": "event-finish", "time_start": "2001-02-03T04:05:06Z", "time_finish": "2001-02-03T04:15:11Z" } ``` You can also replace multiple fields joined by comma(`,`): ``` <catch> condition status == 'event-start' replace time => time_start, condition => condition_start </catch> ``` ### \<release\> block In previous examples, messages with `"status": "event-start"` will be watched by plugin immediately. Suppose some error events occur and you don't want to watch or combine these messages. In this case `<release>` block will be useful. For example, your error messages are such like: ``` { "event_id": "01234567", "status": "event-error", "time": "2001-02-03T04:05:06Z" } ``` Append this `<release>` block to the configuration and error events will not be watched or combined: ``` <release> condition status == 'event-error' </release> ``` You cannot use `replace` sentence in the `<release>` block. ### \<prolong\> block Suppose your `query_ttl` is **600** (10 minutes) and almost events are finished within **10 minutes**. But occasionally very-long events occur which finish about **1 hour**. These very-long events send `status: 'event-continue'` messages every 5 minutes for keep-alive. In this case you can use `<prolong>` block to reset expired time. ``` <prolong> condition status == 'event-continue' </prolong> ``` You cannot use `replace` sentence in the `<prolong>` block. Also you cannot combine messages which defined `<prolong>` blocks. ### Record time of the event If you combine events, time of the events will be lost except defined in `<dump>` block. If you want record time of the event, you can define `time` sentence in `<catch>` and `<dump>` blocks. For example, if you configure your fluentd configuration like below, ``` <catch> condition status == 'event-start' replace time => time_start, condition => condition_start time time-catch </catch> ``` you can record time in `time-catch` field in the result. ``` { "event_id": "01234567", "status": "event-finish", "time-catch": 1414715801.112015, } ``` You can set time formats by `time_format` configuration. ## Configuration ### tag The tag prefix for emitted event messages. By default it's `query_combiner`. ### host, port, db_index The basic information for connecting to Redis. By default it's **redis://** ### redis_retry How many times should the plugin retry when performing a redis operation before raising a error. By default it's 3. ### query_ttl The inactive expire time in seconds. By default it's **1800** (30 minutes). ### buffer_size The max queries to store in redis. By default it's **1000**. ### remove_interval The interval time to delete expired or overflowed queries which configured by `query_ttl` and `buffer_size`. By default it's 10 [sec]. ### redis_key_prefix The key prefix for data stored in Redis. By default it's `query_combiner:`. ### query_identify Indicates how to extract the query identity from event record. It can be set as a single field name or multiple field names join by comma (`,`). ### time_format The time format for recording time of the events. Default is `$time` which holds event time. You can also use [Ruby's Time module](http://www.ruby-doc.org/core/Time.html). If you want write ISO8601 format (e.g. `2014-10-31T09:32:57+09:00`), you can configure like below. ``` time_format Time.at($time).iso8601 ``` ## TODO - Multi-query combination ## Copyright Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014- Takahiro Kamatani License:: Apache License, Version 2.0