libdir = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../lib') unless $:.include?(libdir) $:.unshift libdir end require 'puppet' require 'test/unit' module TestPuppet include ObjectSpace def gcdebug(type) Puppet.warning "%s: %s" % [type, ObjectSpace.each_object(type) { |o| }] end def newcomp(*ary) name = nil if ary[0].is_a?(String) name = ary.shift else name = ary[0].name end comp = Puppet.type(:component).create( :name => name ) ary.each { |item| comp.push item } return comp end def setup @memoryatstart = Puppet::Util.memory if defined? @@testcount @@testcount += 1 else @@testcount = 0 end @configpath = File.join(tmpdir, self.class.to_s + "configdir" + @@testcount.to_s + "/" ) unless defined? $user and $group $user = nonrootuser().uid.to_s $group = nonrootgroup().gid.to_s end Puppet[:user] = $user Puppet[:group] = $group Puppet[:confdir] = @configpath Puppet[:vardir] = @configpath unless File.exists?(@configpath) Dir.mkdir(@configpath) end @@tmpfiles = [@configpath, tmpdir()] @@tmppids = [] @@cleaners = [] if $0 =~ /.+\.rb/ or Puppet[:debug] Puppet::Log.newdestination :console Puppet::Log.level = :debug #$VERBOSE = 1 @method_name else Puppet::Log.close Puppet::Log.newdestination tempfile() Puppet[:httplog] = tempfile() end Puppet[:ignoreschedules] = true end def newobj(type, name, hash) transport =, "file") transport[:path] = path transport[:ensure] = "file" assert_nothing_raised { file = transport.to_type } end def spin # Just disable spin, unless we really need it return # if Puppet[:debug] # return # end # @modes = %w{| / - \\} # unless defined? @mode # @mode = 0 # end # # $stderr.print "%s" % @modes[@mode] # if @mode == @modes.length - 1 # @mode = 0 # else # @mode += 1 # end # $stderr.flush end # stop any services that might be hanging around def stopservices if stype = Puppet::Type.type(:service) stype.each { |service| service[:ensure] = :stopped service.evaluate } end end def cleanup(&block) @@cleaners << block end def teardown stopservices @@cleaners.each { |cleaner| } @@tmpfiles.each { |file| if FileTest.exists?(file) system("chmod -R 755 %s" % file) system("rm -rf %s" % file) end } @@tmpfiles.clear @@tmppids.each { |pid| %x{kill -INT #{pid} 2>/dev/null} } @@tmppids.clear Puppet::Type.allclear Puppet::Storage.clear Puppet::Rails.clear Puppet.clear @memoryatend = Puppet::Util.memory diff = @memoryatend - @memoryatstart if diff > 1000 "%s#%s memory growth (%s to %s): %s" % [self.class, @method_name, @memoryatstart, @memoryatend, diff] end # reset all of the logs Puppet::Log.close # Just in case there are processes waiting to die... Process.waitall if File.stat("/dev/null").mode & 007777 != 0666"/tmp/nullfailure", "w") { |f| f.puts self.class } exit(74) end end def tempfile if defined? @@tmpfilenum @@tmpfilenum += 1 else @@tmpfilenum = 1 end f = File.join(self.tmpdir(), self.class.to_s + "_" + @method_name + @@tmpfilenum.to_s) @@tmpfiles << f return f end def tstdir if defined? @@testdirnum @@testdirnum += 1 else @@testdirnum = 1 end d = File.join(self.tmpdir(), self.class.to_s + "_" + @method_name + @@testdirnum.to_s) @@tmpfiles << d return d end def tmpdir unless defined? @tmpdir and @tmpdir @tmpdir = case Facter["operatingsystem"].value when "Darwin": "/private/tmp" when "SunOS": "/var/tmp" else "/tmp" end @tmpdir = File.join(@tmpdir, "puppettesting") unless File.exists?(@tmpdir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(@tmpdir) File.chmod(01777, @tmpdir) end end @tmpdir end def assert_rollback_events(events, trans, msg = nil) run_events(:rollback, events, trans, msg) end def assert_events(events, *items) trans = nil comp = nil msg = nil unless events.is_a? Array raise Puppet::DevError, "Incorrect call of assert_events" end if items[-1].is_a? String msg = items.pop end remove_comp = false # They either passed a comp or a list of items. if items[0].is_a? Puppet.type(:component) comp = items.shift else comp = newcomp(items[0].name, *items) remove_comp = true end msg ||= assert_nothing_raised("Component %s failed" % [msg]) { trans = comp.evaluate } run_events(:evaluate, trans, events, msg) if remove_comp Puppet.type(:component).delete(comp) end return trans end # A simpler method that just applies what we have. def assert_apply(*objects) if objects[0].is_a?(Puppet.type(:component)) comp = objects.shift unless objects.empty? objects.each { |o| comp.push o } end else comp = newcomp(*objects) end trans = nil assert_nothing_raised("Failed to create transaction") { trans = comp.evaluate } events = nil assert_nothing_raised("Failed to evaluate transaction") { events = trans.evaluate.collect { |e| e.event } } Puppet.type(:component).delete(comp) events end def run_events(type, trans, events, msg) case type when :evaluate, :rollback: # things are hunky-dory else raise Puppet::DevError, "Incorrect run_events type" end method = type newevents = nil assert_nothing_raised("Transaction %s %s failed" % [type, msg]) { newevents = trans.send(method).reject { |e| e.nil? }.collect { |e| e.event } } assert_equal(events, newevents, "Incorrect %s %s events" % [type, msg]) return trans end def nonrootuser Etc.passwd { |user| if user.uid != Process.uid and user.uid > 0 return user end } end def nonrootgroup { |group| if group.gid != Process.gid and group.gid > 0 return group end } end # If there are any fake data files, retrieve them def fakedata(dir) ary = [$puppetbase, "test"] ary += dir.split("/") dir = File.join(ary) unless FileTest.exists?(dir) raise Puppet::DevError, "No fakedata dir %s" % dir end files = Dir.entries(dir).reject { |f| f =~ /^\./ }.collect { |f| File.join(dir, f) } return files end def fakefile(name) ary = [$puppetbase, "test"] ary += name.split("/") file = File.join(ary) unless FileTest.exists?(file) raise Puppet::DevError, "No fakedata file %s" % file end return file end # wrap how to retrieve the masked mode def filemode(file) File.stat(file).mode & 007777 end def memory Puppet::Util.memory end end module ServerTest include TestPuppet def setup super if defined? @@port @@port += 1 else @@port = 20000 end end # create a simple manifest that just creates a file def mktestmanifest file = File.join(Puppet[:confdir], "%ssite.pp" % (self.class.to_s + "test")) #@createdfile = File.join(tmpdir(), self.class.to_s + "manifesttesting" + # "_" + @method_name) @createdfile = tempfile(), "w") { |f| f.puts "file { \"%s\": ensure => file, mode => 755 }\n" % @createdfile } @@tmpfiles << @createdfile @@tmpfiles << file return file end # create a server, forked into the background def mkserver(handlers = nil) # our default handlers unless handlers handlers = { :CA => {}, # so that certs autogenerate :Master => { :Manifest => mktestmanifest(), :UseNodes => false }, } end # then create the actual server server = nil assert_nothing_raised { server = :Port => @@port, :Handlers => handlers ) } # fork it spid = fork { trap(:INT) { server.shutdown } server.start } # and store its pid for killing @@tmppids << spid # give the server a chance to do its thing sleep 1 return spid end end module ExeTest include ServerTest def setup super setbindir setlibdir end def bindir File.join($puppetbase, "bin") end def setbindir unless ENV["PATH"] =~ /puppet/ ENV["PATH"] += ":" + bindir end end def setlibdir ENV["RUBYLIB"] = $:.find_all { |dir| dir =~ /puppet/ or dir =~ /\.\./ }.join(":") end # Run a ruby command. This explicitly uses ruby to run stuff, since we # don't necessarily know where our ruby binary is, dernit. # Currently unused, because I couldn't get it to work. def rundaemon(*cmd) @ruby ||= %x{which ruby}.chomp cmd = cmd.unshift(@ruby).join(" ") out = nil Dir.chdir(bindir()) { out = %x{#{@ruby} #{cmd}} } return out end def startmasterd(args = "") output = nil manifest = mktestmanifest() args += " --manifest %s" % manifest args += " --confdir %s" % Puppet[:confdir] args += " --vardir %s" % Puppet[:vardir] args += " --masterport %s" % @@port args += " --user %s" % Process.uid args += " --group %s" % Process.gid args += " --nonodes" args += " --autosign true" #if Puppet[:debug] # args += " --debug" #end cmd = "puppetmasterd %s" % args assert_nothing_raised { output = %x{#{cmd}}.chomp } assert_equal("", output, "Puppetmasterd produced output %s" % output) assert($? == 0, "Puppetmasterd exit status was %s" % $?) sleep(1) cleanup do stopmasterd sleep(1) end return manifest end def stopmasterd(running = true) ps = Facter["ps"].value || "ps -ef" pidfile = File.join(Puppet[:vardir], "run", "") pid = nil if FileTest.exists?(pidfile) pid = File.unlink(pidfile) end return unless running if running or pid runningpid = nil %x{#{ps}}.chomp.split(/\n/).each { |line| if line =~ /ruby.+puppetmasterd/ next if line =~ /\.rb/ # skip the test script itself next if line =~ /^puppet/ # skip masters running as 'puppet' ary = line.sub(/^\s+/, '').split(/\s+/) pid = ary[1].to_i end } end # we default to mandating that it's running, but teardown # doesn't require that if pid if pid == $$ raise Puppet::Error, "Tried to kill own pid" end begin Process.kill(:INT, pid) rescue # ignore it end end end def teardown stopmasterd(false) super end end module FileTesting include TestPuppet def cycle(comp) trans = nil assert_nothing_raised { trans = comp.evaluate } assert_nothing_raised { trans.evaluate } end def randlist(list) num = rand(4) if num == 0 num = 1 end set = [] ret = [] num.times { |index| item = list[rand(list.length)] if set.include?(item) redo end ret.push item } return ret end def mkranddirsandfiles(dirs = nil,files = nil,depth = 3) if depth < 0 return end unless dirs dirs = %w{This Is A Set Of Directories} end unless files files = %w{and this is a set of files} end tfiles = randlist(files) tdirs = randlist(dirs) tfiles.each { |file|, "w") { |of| 4.times { of.puts rand(100) } } } tdirs.each { |dir| # it shouldn't already exist, but... unless FileTest.exists?(dir) Dir.mkdir(dir) { mkranddirsandfiles(dirs,files,depth - 1) } end } end def file_list(dir) list = nil { list = %x{find . 2>/dev/null}.chomp.split(/\n/) } return list end def assert_trees_equal(fromdir,todir) assert( assert( # verify the file list is the same fromlist = nil { fromlist = %x{find . 2>/dev/null}.chomp.split(/\n/).reject { |file| ! FileTest.readable?(file) }.sort } tolist = file_list(todir).sort { |a,b| assert_equal(a, b, "Fromfile %s with length %s does not match tofile %s with length %s" % [a, fromlist.length, b, tolist.length]) } #assert_equal(fromlist,tolist) # and then do some verification that the files are actually set up # the same checked = 0 fromlist.each_with_index { |file,i| fromfile = File.join(fromdir,file) tofile = File.join(todir,file) fromstat = File.stat(fromfile) tostat = File.stat(tofile) [:ftype,:gid,:mode,:uid].each { |method| assert_equal( fromstat.send(method), tostat.send(method) ) next if fromstat.ftype == "directory" if checked < 10 and i % 3 == 0 from = { |f| } to = { |f| } assert_equal(from,to) checked += 1 end } } end def random_files(dir) checked = 0 list = file_list(dir) list.reverse.each_with_index { |file,i| path = File.join(dir,file) stat = File.stat(dir) if checked < 10 and (i % 3) == 2 unless yield path next end checked += 1 end } end def delete_random_files(dir) deleted = [] random_files(dir) { |file| stat = File.stat(file) begin if stat.ftype == "directory" false else deleted << file File.unlink(file) true end rescue => detail # we probably won't be able to open our own secured files puts detail false end } return deleted end def add_random_files(dir) added = [] random_files(dir) { |file| stat = File.stat(file) begin if stat.ftype == "directory" name = File.join(file,"file" + rand(100).to_s), "w") { |f| f.puts rand(10) } added << name else false end rescue => detail # we probably won't be able to open our own secured files puts detail false end } return added end def modify_random_files(dir) modded = [] random_files(dir) { |file| stat = File.stat(file) begin if stat.ftype == "directory" false else, "w") { |f| f.puts rand(10) } modded << name true end rescue => detail # we probably won't be able to open our own secured files puts detail false end } return modded end def readonly_random_files(dir) modded = [] random_files(dir) { |file| stat = File.stat(file) begin if stat.ftype == "directory" else end modded << file rescue => detail # we probably won't be able to open our own secured files puts detail false end } return modded end def conffile File.join($puppetbase,"examples/root/etc/configfile") end end module ParserTesting include TestPuppet AST = Puppet::Parser::AST def astarray(*args) :children => args ) end def classobj(name, args = {}) args[:type] ||= nameobj(name) args[:code] ||= :file => __FILE__, :line => __LINE__, :children => [ varobj("%svar" % name, "%svalue" % name), fileobj("/%s" % name) ] ) assert_nothing_raised("Could not create class %s" % name) { return } end def tagobj(*names) args = {} newnames = names.collect do |name| if name.is_a? AST name else nameobj(name) end end args[:type] = astarray(*newnames) assert_nothing_raised("Could not create tag %s" % names.inspect) { return } end def compobj(name, args = {}) args[:file] ||= tempfile() args[:line] ||= rand(100) args[:type] ||= nameobj(name) args[:args] ||= :file => tempfile(), :line => rand(100), :children => [] ) args[:code] ||= :file => tempfile(), :line => rand(100), :children => [ varobj("%svar" % name, "%svalue" % name), fileobj("/%s" % name) ] ) assert_nothing_raised("Could not create compdef %s" % name) { return } end def objectdef(type, name, params) assert_nothing_raised("Could not create %s %s" % [type, name]) { return :file => __FILE__, :line => __LINE__, :name => stringobj(name), :type => nameobj(type), :params => objectinst(params) ) } end def fileobj(path, hash = {"owner" => "root"}) assert_nothing_raised("Could not create file %s" % path) { return objectdef("file", path, hash) # return # :file => tempfile(), # :line => rand(100), # :name => stringobj(path), # :type => nameobj("file"), # :params => objectinst(hash) # ) } end def nameobj(name) assert_nothing_raised("Could not create name %s" % name) { return :file => tempfile(), :line => rand(100), :value => name ) } end def typeobj(name) assert_nothing_raised("Could not create type %s" % name) { return :file => tempfile(), :line => rand(100), :value => name ) } end def nodedef(name) assert_nothing_raised("Could not create node %s" % name) { return :file => tempfile(), :line => rand(100), :names => nameobj(name), :code => :children => [ varobj("%svar" % name, "%svalue" % name), fileobj("/%s" % name) ] ) ) } end def objectinst(hash) assert_nothing_raised("Could not create object instance") { params = hash.collect { |param, value| objectparam(param, value) } return :file => tempfile(), :line => rand(100), :children => params ) } end def objectparam(param, value) # Allow them to pass non-strings in if value.is_a?(String) value = stringobj(value) end assert_nothing_raised("Could not create param %s" % param) { return :file => tempfile(), :line => rand(100), :param => nameobj(param), :value => value ) } end def stringobj(value) :file => tempfile(), :line => rand(100), :value => value ) end def varobj(name, value) unless value.is_a? AST value = stringobj(value) end assert_nothing_raised("Could not create %s code" % name) { return :file => tempfile(), :line => rand(100), :name => nameobj(name), :value => value ) } end def varref(name) assert_nothing_raised("Could not create %s variable" % name) { return :file => __FILE__, :line => __LINE__, :value => name ) } end def argobj(name, value) assert_nothing_raised("Could not create %s compargument" % name) { return :children => [nameobj(name), stringobj(value)] ) } end def defaultobj(type, params) pary = [] params.each { |p,v| pary << :file => __FILE__, :line => __LINE__, :param => nameobj(p), :value => stringobj(v) ) } past = :file => __FILE__, :line => __LINE__, :children => pary ) assert_nothing_raised("Could not create defaults for %s" % type) { return :file => __FILE__, :line => __LINE__, :type => typeobj(type), :params => past ) } end def taggedobj(name, ftype = :statement) functionobj("tagged", name, ftype) end def functionobj(function, name, ftype = :statement) func = nil assert_nothing_raised do func = :name => function, :ftype => ftype, :arguments => :children => [nameobj(name)] ) ) end return func end # This assumes no nodes def assert_creates(manifest, *files) interp = nil assert_nothing_raised { interp = :Manifest => manifest, :UseNodes => false ) } config = nil assert_nothing_raised { config =["hostname"].value, {}) } comp = nil assert_nothing_raised { comp = config.to_type } assert_apply(comp) end def mk_transobject(file = "/etc/passwd") obj = nil assert_nothing_raised { obj ="file", file) obj["owner"] = "root" obj["mode"] = "644" } return obj end def mk_transbucket(*objects) bucket = nil assert_nothing_raised { bucket = = "yayname" bucket.type = "yaytype" } objects.each { |o| bucket << o } return bucket end # Make a tree of objects, yielding if desired def mk_transtree(depth = 4, width = 2) top = nil assert_nothing_raised { top = = "top" top.type = "bucket" } bucket = top file = tempfile() depth.times do |i| objects = [] width.times do |j| path = tempfile + i.to_s obj ="file", path) obj["owner"] = "root" obj["mode"] = "644" # Yield, if they want if block_given? yield(obj, i, j) end objects << obj end newbucket = mk_transbucket(*objects) bucket.push newbucket bucket = newbucket end return top end # Take a list of AST objects, evaluate them, and return the results def assert_evaluate(children) top = nil assert_nothing_raised("Could not create top object") { top = :children => children ) } trans = nil scope = nil assert_nothing_raised { scope = trans = scope.evaluate(:ast => top) } return trans end end class PuppetTestSuite attr_accessor :subdir def self.basedir unless defined? @basedir @basedir = File.join($puppetbase, "test") end @basedir end def self.list Dir.entries(self.basedir).find_all { |file| path = File.join(@basedir, file) # Data is for storing test data and file !~ /^\./ and file != "data" } end def initialize(name) path = File.join(self.class.basedir, name) if # load each of the files Dir.entries(path).collect { |file| File.join(path,file) }.find_all { |file| FileTest.file?(file) and file =~ /\.rb$/ }.sort { |a,b| # in the order they were modified, so the last modified files # are loaded and thus displayed last File.stat(b) <=> File.stat(a) }.each { |file| require file } elsif FileTest.file?(path) && path =~ /\.rb$/ require path else puts "TestSuites are directories or files containing test cases" puts "no such directory: %s" % path exit(65) end end end # a list of files that we can parse for testing def textfiles textdir = File.join($puppetbase,"examples","code", "snippets") Dir.entries(textdir).reject { |f| f =~ /^\./ or f =~ /fail/ }.each { |f| yield File.join(textdir, f) } end def failers textdir = File.join($puppetbase,"examples","code", "failers") # only parse this one file now files = Dir.entries(textdir).reject { |file| file =~ %r{\.swp} }.reject { |file| file =~ %r{\.disabled} }.collect { |file| File.join(textdir,file) }.find_all { |file| FileTest.file?(file) }.sort.each { |file| Puppet.debug "Processing %s" % file yield file } end # $Id: puppettest.rb 1422 2006-07-22 03:32:56Z luke $