require 'spec_helper' describe Sandbox::Installer, "(mocked)" do before(:each) do Sandbox.instance_eval { instance_variables.each { |v| remove_instance_variable v } } end describe "creating an instance" do it "should set it's options" do opts = { :somewhere => true, :nowhere => false } installer = installer.options[:somewhere].should be_true installer.options[:nowhere].should be_false end end describe "instance" do describe "when target called" do it "should validate target directory once" do path = '/some/new/target' opts = { :target => path } @installer = @installer.expects(:resolve_target).with(path).once.then.returns(path) == path == path end end describe "when populate called" do it "should call all steps of populate process" do @installer = @installer.stubs(:tell) @installer.stubs(:target).returns('/tmp/sandbox') @installer.expects(:create_directories) @installer.expects(:install_scripts) @installer.expects(:install_gemrc) @installer.expects(:install_gems) @installer.populate end end describe "when create_directories called" do before(:each) do @path = '/some/new/target' @installer = @installer.stubs(:target).returns(@path) end it "should create sandbox directory structure" do FileUtils.expects(:mkdir_p).with(@path + '/rubygems/bin') FileUtils.stubs(:ln_s) @installer.create_directories end it "should symlink gem bin directory" do FileUtils.stubs(:mkdir_p) FileUtils.expects(:ln_s).with(@path + '/rubygems/bin', @path + '/bin') @installer.create_directories end end describe "when install_scripts called" do before(:each) do @path = '/some/new/target' @installer = @installer.stubs(:target).returns(@path) end it "should read template file" do File.expects(:read).with(regexp_matches(/templates\/activate\.erb/)).returns('<%= target %>') File.stubs(:open) @installer.install_scripts end it "should write out activate script to SANDBOX/bin/activate" do file = File.stubs(:read).returns('<%= target %>') File.expects(:open).with(@path + '/bin/activate', 'w').yields(file) @installer.install_scripts file.string.should == @path end end describe "when install_gemrc called" do before(:each) do @path = '/some/new/target' @installer = @installer.stubs(:target).returns(@path) end it "should read template file" do File.expects(:read).with(regexp_matches(/templates\/gemrc\.erb/)).returns('') File.stubs(:open) @installer.install_gemrc end it "should write out gemrc to SANDBOX/.gemrc" do file = File.stubs(:read).returns('gemrc') File.expects(:open).with(@path + '/.gemrc', 'w').yields(file) @installer.install_gemrc file.string.should == 'gemrc' end end describe "when install_gems called" do before(:each) do @installer = => [ 'mygem' ]) @installer.stubs(:setup_sandbox_env) @installer.stubs(:restore_sandbox_env) @installer.stubs(:tell) @installer.stubs(:tell_unless_really_quiet) end xit "should skip install when network is not available" do Ping.expects(:pingecho).with('').returns(false) @installer.install_gems.should be_false end it "should install a good gem" do @installer.expects(:shell_out).with('gem install mygem').returns([ true, 'blah' ]) @installer.install_gems end it "should gracefully handle a bad gem" do @installer.expects(:shell_out).with('gem install mygem').returns([ false, 'blah' ]) @installer.expects(:tell_unless_really_quiet).with(regexp_matches(/failed/)) @installer.install_gems end end describe "when resolve_target called" do before(:each) do @path = '/absolute/path/to/parent' @installer = @installer.stubs(:fix_path).returns(@path) end it "should raise error when it path exists" do File.expects(:exists?).with(@path).returns(true) lambda { @installer.resolve_target(@path) }.should raise_error(Sandbox::Error) end it "should return path when parent directory passes check_path!" do File.expects(:exists?).with(@path).returns(false) @installer.expects(:check_path!).with('/absolute/path/to').returns(true) @installer.resolve_target(@path).should == @path end it "should return path when any parent directory passes check_path!" do File.expects(:exists?).with(@path).returns(false) @installer.expects(:check_path!).with('/absolute/path/to').returns(false) @installer.expects(:check_path!).with('/absolute/path').returns(false) @installer.expects(:check_path!).with('/absolute').returns(true) @installer.resolve_target(@path).should == @path end it "should have emergency safeguard for dirname on root" do @installer.stubs(:fix_path).returns('/absolute') @installer.expects(:check_path!).with('/').returns(false) lambda { @installer.resolve_target('/absolute') }.should raise_error(RuntimeError) end end describe "when check_path! called" do before(:each) do @path = '/absolute/path/to/parent' @installer = end it "should raise error when it is not writable" do File.expects(:directory?).with(@path).returns(true) File.expects(:writable?).with(@path).returns(false) lambda { @installer.check_path!(@path) }.should raise_error(Sandbox::Error) end it "should raise error when it is not a directory" do File.expects(:directory?).with(@path).returns(false) File.expects(:exists?).with(@path).returns(true) lambda { @installer.check_path!(@path) }.should raise_error(Sandbox::Error) end it "should return false when it doesn't exist" do File.expects(:directory?).with(@path).returns(false) File.expects(:exists?).with(@path).returns(false) @installer.check_path!(@path).should be_false end it "should return true when it can be created" do File.expects(:directory?).with(@path).returns(true) File.expects(:writable?).with(@path).returns(true) @installer.check_path!(@path).should == true end end describe "when fix_path called" do it "should not change absolute path" do path = '/absolute/path/to/target' @installer = @installer.fix_path(path).should == path end it "should make relative into absolute path" do abs_path = '/absolute/working/directory' path = 'relative/path/to/target' FileUtils.expects(:pwd).returns(abs_path) @installer = @installer.fix_path(path).should == abs_path + '/' + path end end describe "when shell_out called" do it "should record true when successful" do @installer = result = @installer.shell_out('true') result.first.should be_true end it "should record false when unsuccessful" do @installer = result = @installer.shell_out('false') result.first.should_not be_true end it "should record std output" do @installer = result = @installer.shell_out('ls -d /') result.last.chomp.should == '/' end it "should ignore std error" do @installer = result = @installer.shell_out('ls -d / 1>/dev/null') result.last.chomp.should == '' end end describe "setup and restore sandbox env called" do it "should set and restore the environment" do orig_home = ENV[ 'HOME' ] orig_gem_home = ENV[ 'GEM_HOME' ] orig_gem_path = ENV[ 'GEM_PATH' ] @installer = @installer.stubs(:target).returns('dummypath') @installer.setup_sandbox_env ENV[ 'HOME' ].should == 'dummypath' ENV[ 'GEM_HOME' ].should == 'dummypath/rubygems' ENV[ 'GEM_PATH' ].should == 'dummypath/rubygems' @installer.restore_sandbox_env ENV[ 'HOME' ].should == orig_home ENV[ 'GEM_HOME' ].should == orig_gem_home ENV[ 'GEM_PATH' ].should == orig_gem_path end end end end describe Sandbox::Installer, "(using tmpdir)" do def tmppath File.join(Dir.tmpdir, "sandbox_testing") end def rmtmppath FileUtils.rm_rf(tmppath) end def mktmppath FileUtils.mkdir_p(tmppath) end def in_dir(dir = tmppath) old_pwd = Dir.pwd begin Dir.chdir(dir) yield ensure Dir.chdir(old_pwd) end end before(:each) do mktmppath end after(:each) do rmtmppath end it "should create target directory structure" do target = tmppath + '/target' @installer = => target) @installer.create_directories + '/rubygems/bin').should be_true File.symlink?(target + '/bin').should be_true end end