require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/spec_helper" describe YARD::DocstringParser do after(:all) do YARD::Registry.clear end def parse(content, object = nil, handler = nil) @library ||= Tags::Library.instance @parser = @parser.parse(content, object, handler) @parser end def docstring(content, object = nil, handler = nil) parse(content, object, handler).to_docstring end describe '#parse' do it "should parse comments into tags" do doc = docstring(<<-eof) @param name Hello world how are you? @param name2 this is a new line @param name3 and this is a new paragraph: right here. eof tags = doc.tags(:param) tags[0].name.should == "name" tags[0].text.should == "Hello world\nhow are you?" tags[1].name.should == "name2" tags[1].text.should == "this is a new line" tags[2].name.should == "name3" tags[2].text.should == "and this\nis a new paragraph:\n\nright here." end it "should end parsing a tag on de-dent" do doc = docstring(<<-eof) @note test one two three rest of docstring eof doc.tag(:note).text.should == "test\none two three" doc.should == "rest of docstring" end it "should parse examples embedded in doc" do doc = docstring(<<-eof) test string here @example code def foo(x, y, z) end class A; end more stuff eof doc.should == "test string here\nmore stuff" doc.tag(:example).text.should == "\ndef foo(x, y, z)\nend\n\nclass A; end" end it "should remove only original indentation from beginning of line in tags" do doc = docstring(<<-eof) @param name some value foo bar baz eof doc.tag(:param).text.should == "some value\nfoo bar\n baz" end it "should allow numbers in tags" do Tags::Library.define_tag(nil, :foo1) Tags::Library.define_tag(nil, :foo2) Tags::Library.define_tag(nil, :foo3) doc = docstring(<<-eof) @foo1 bar1 @foo2 bar2 @foo3 bar3 eof doc.tag(:foo1).text.should == "bar1" doc.tag(:foo2).text.should == "bar2" end it "should end tag on newline if next line is not indented" do doc = docstring(<<-eof) @author bar1 @api bar2 Hello world eof doc.tag(:author).text.should == "bar1" doc.tag(:api).text.should == "bar2" end it "should warn about unknown tag" do log.should_receive(:warn).with(/Unknown tag @hello$/) docstring("@hello world") end it "should not add trailing whitespace to freeform tags" do doc = docstring("@api private \t ") doc.tag(:api).text.should == "private" end end describe '#parse with custom tag library' do class TestLibrary < Tags::Library; end before { @library = } it "should accept valid tags" do valid = %w( testing valid is_a is_A __ ) valid.each do |tag| TestLibrary.define_tag("Tag", tag) doc = docstring('@' + tag + ' foo bar') doc.tag(tag).text.should == 'foo bar' end end it "should not parse invalid tag names" do invalid = %w( @ @return@ @param, @x-y @.x.y.z ) invalid.each do |tag| docstring(tag + ' foo bar').should == tag + ' foo bar' end end it "should allow namespaced tags in the form @x.y.z" do TestLibrary.define_tag("Tag", 'x.y.z') doc = docstring("@x.y.z foo bar") doc.tag('x.y.z').text.should == 'foo bar' end it "should ignore new directives without @! prefix syntax" do TestLibrary.define_directive('dir1', Tags::ScopeDirective) log.should_receive(:warn).with(/@dir1/) docstring("@dir1") end %w(attribute endgroup group macro method scope visibility).each do |tag| it "should handle non prefixed @#{tag} syntax as directive, not tag" do TestLibrary.define_directive(tag, Tags::ScopeDirective) parse("@#{tag}") @parser.directives.first.should be_a(Tags::ScopeDirective) end end it "should handle directives with @! prefix syntax" do TestLibrary.define_directive('dir1', Tags::ScopeDirective) docstring("@!dir1 class") @parser.state.scope.should == :class end end describe '#text' do it "should only return text data" do parse("Foo\n@param foo x y z\nBar") @parser.text.should == "Foo\nBar" end end describe '#raw_text' do it "should return the entire original data" do data = "Foo\n@param foo x y z\nBar" parse(data) @parser.raw_text.should == data end end describe '#tags' do it "should return the parsed tags" do data = "Foo\n@param foo x y z\nBar" parse(data) @parser.tags.size.should == 1 @parser.tags.first.tag_name.should == 'param' end end describe '#directives' do it "should group all processed directives" do data = "Foo\n@!scope class\n@!visibility private\nBar" parse(data) dirs = @parser.directives dirs.size == 2 dirs[0].should be_a(Tags::ScopeDirective) dirs[0].tag.text.should == 'class' dirs[1].should be_a(Tags::VisibilityDirective) dirs[1].tag.text.should == 'private' end end describe '#state' do it "should handle modified state" do parse("@!scope class") @parser.state.scope.should == :class end end describe 'after_parse' do it "should allow specifying of callbacks" do parser = the_yielded_obj = nil DocstringParser.after_parse {|obj| the_yielded_obj = obj } parser.parse("Some text") the_yielded_obj.should == parser end it "should warn about invalid named parameters" do log.should_receive(:warn).with(/@param tag has unknown parameter name: notaparam/) YARD.parse_string <<-eof # @param notaparam foo def foo(a) end eof end it "should warn about duplicate named parameters" do log.should_receive(:warn).with(/@param tag has duplicate parameter name: a/) YARD.parse_string <<-eof # @param a foo # @param a foo def foo(a) end eof end end end