package asunit.core { import asunit.asserts.*; import asunit.framework.IAsync; import asunit.framework.IResult; import asunit.framework.Result; import asunit.printers.TextPrinter; import; import; import; import; import flash.display.Sprite; import; public class AsUnitCoreTest { [Inject] public var async:IAsync; private var core:AsUnitCore; [Before] public function setUp():void { core = new AsUnitCore(); } [After] public function cleanUpStatics():void { CustomSuiteRunner.runCalledCount = 0; } [Test] public function shouldBeInstantiated():void { assertTrue("core is AsUnitCore", core is AsUnitCore); } [Test] public function startShouldWork():void { core.start(SucceedAssertTrue); } [Test] public function shouldDispatchSelfAsCurrentTarget():void { var handlerCalled:Boolean = false; var handler:Function = function(event:Event):void { assertSame("currentTarget should be the core", core, event.currentTarget); handlerCalled = true; core.removeEventListener(event.type, arguments.callee); } var eventType:String = "foo"; core.addEventListener(eventType, handler); // when core.dispatchEvent(new Event(eventType)); // then assertTrue("handler called", handlerCalled); } [Test] public function setVisualContextShouldWork():void { var context:Sprite = new Sprite(); core.visualContext = context; assertSame(context, core.visualContext); } [Test] public function textPrinterShouldWork():void { var printer:TextPrinter = new TextPrinter(); printer.traceOnComplete = false; core.addListener(printer); // Wait for the complete event: var handler:Function = function(event:Event):void { var output:String = printer.toString(); assertTrue("should include test summary", output.indexOf('OK (1 test)') > -1); assertTrue("should include provided test name", output.indexOf('') > -1); } core.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, async.add(handler)); core.start(SucceedAssertTrue); } private function verifyRunWithOnASuite(Suite:Class, testCaseCount:int, testMethodCount:int):void { var handler:Function = function(event:Event):void { var message:String = " was NOT called with correct count"; // This is the number of Tests that will used the custom Runner: assertEquals(message, testCaseCount, CustomSuiteRunner.runCalledCount); // This is the number of test methods: assertEquals("Total Test Count", testMethodCount, core.result.runCount); } core.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, async.add(handler, 200)); core.start(Suite); } [Test] public function shouldUseRunWithOnlyOnItsSuiteNotChildren():void { // TheRunWith is on the outer Suite: var testCaseCount:int = 1; var testMethodCount:int = 4; verifyRunWithOnASuite(SuiteWithCustomRunner, testCaseCount, testMethodCount); } [Ignore(description="This doesn't work because we discard the hierarchy of Suites in the SuiteIterator")] [Test] public function shouldAssignRunWithUsingChildSuite():void { // This will work b/c the RunWith is on the outer Suite: var testCaseCount:int = 2; var testMethodCount:int = 4; verifyRunWithOnASuite(SuiteWithOneCustomChildSuite, testCaseCount, testMethodCount); } } }