require File.expand_path('../test_helper', __FILE__) describe "Backburner::Helpers module" do include Backburner::Helpers describe "for classify method" do it "should support simple classify" do assert_equal "FooBarBaz", classify("foo-bar-baz") end it "should not affect existing classified strings" do assert_equal "Foo::BarBaz", classify("Foo::BarBaz") end end # classify describe "for constantize method" do it "should constantize known constant" do assert_equal Backburner, constantize("Backburner") end it "should properly report when constant is undefined" do assert_raises(NameError) { constantize("FakeObject") } end end # constantize describe "for dasherize method" do it "should not harm existing dashed names" do assert_equal "foo/bar-baz", dasherize("foo/bar-baz") end it "should properly convert simple names to dashes" do assert_equal "foo-bar", dasherize("FooBar") end it "should properly convert class to dash with namespace" do assert_equal "foo/bar-baz", dasherize("Foo::BarBaz") end end # dasherize describe "for exception_message method" do it "prints out message about failure" do output = exception_message("test")) assert_match /Exception RuntimeError/, output end end # exception_message describe "for queue_config" do before { Backburner.expects(:configuration).returns(stub(:tube_namespace => "")) } it "accesses correct value for namespace" do assert_equal "", queue_config.tube_namespace end end # config describe "for expand_tube_name method" do before { Backburner.expects(:configuration).returns(stub(:tube_namespace => "")) } it "supports base strings" do assert_equal "", expand_tube_name("email/send_news") end # simple string it "supports qualified strings" do assert_equal "", expand_tube_name("") end # qualified string it "supports base symbols" do assert_equal "", expand_tube_name(:"email/send_news") end # symbols it "supports queue names" do test = stub(:queue => "email/send_news") assert_equal "", expand_tube_name(test) end # queue names it "supports class names" do assert_equal "", expand_tube_name(RuntimeError) end # class names end # expand_tube_name end