# CMS Uploader using plupload http://www.plupload.com/. Code inspired by
# plupload queue widget https://github.com/moxiecode/plupload/tree/master/js/jquery.plupload.queue
#= require moxie
#= require plupload.dev
(($, o) ->
window.CMS or (window.CMS = {})
window.CMS.uploader = (target, settings) ->
# Add a file to the file list.
addFile = (file) ->
fileList = $(".cms-uploader-filelist", target)
$("#" + file.id + " a.cms-uploader-file-delete").click (e) ->
# Remove a file from the file list.
removeFile = (file) ->
$("#" + file.id).remove()
# Update a files upload status in the file list.
updateFileStatus = (file) ->
progress_bar = $("##{file.id} .progress-bar", target)
if file.status == plupload.UPLOADING
progress_bar.css('width', "#{file.percent}%")
if file.status == plupload.FAILED
progress_bar.css('width', '100%').addClass('progress-bar-danger')
$('span', progress_bar).html(file.error_message)
uploader = undefined
id = target.attr("id")
unless id
id = plupload.guid()
target.attr('id', id)
settings = $.extend(
runtimes: "html5,browserplus,silverlight,flash,gears"
dragdrop: true
drop_element: "#{id}-drag-drop-target"
browse_button: "#{id}-browse"
container: id
file_data_name: "file[file]"
, settings)
uploader = new plupload.Uploader(settings)
uploader.bind "PostInit", (up) ->
# Show drag and drop info and attach events if drag and drop is
# supported and enabled.
if up.settings.dragdrop and up.features.dragdrop
drop_element = $(up.settings.drop_element)
# When dragging over the document add a class to the drop target
# that puts it ontop of every element and remove that class when
# dropping or leaving the drop target. Otherwise the dragleave
# event would fire whenever we dragging over a child element inside
# the drop target such as text nodes or stuff.
$(document).bind 'dragenter', (e) ->
drop_element.bind 'drop dragleave', (e) ->
$('.cms-uploader-drag-drop-info', target).hide()
# Need to bind this before initialization to handle initialization errors too.
uploader.bind 'Error', (up, err) ->
file = err.file
message = undefined
if file
# Get error message from the server response. Not all runtimes
# support this though.
message = err.response
# If no error message is in the server response get standard
# plupload error messages. This will have descriptive error message
# for something like file size or file format errors but for
# server errors it will only display a general error message.
unless message
message = err.message
if err.details
message += " (#{err.details})"
file.status = plupload.FAILED
file.error_message = message
updateFileStatus file
if err.code == plupload.INIT_ERROR
alert _('Error: Initialisation error. Reload to try again.')
uploader.bind 'FilesAdded', (up, files) ->
$.each files, (i, file) ->
addFile file
# Auto start upload when files are added.
uploader.bind 'UploadProgress', (up, file) ->
uploader.bind "FileUploaded", (up, file, info) ->
# Replace the dummy file entry in the file list with the the entry
# from the server response.
uploader.bind 'FilesRemoved', (up, files) ->
$.each files, (i, file) ->
removeFile file
# Call setup function
if settings.setup
) jQuery, mOxie