module Dor module Versionable extend ActiveSupport::Concern include Processable include Upgradable included do has_metadata :name => 'versionMetadata', :type => Dor::VersionMetadataDS, :label => 'Version Metadata', :autocreate => true end # Increments the version number and initializes versioningWF for the object # @param [Hash] opts optional params # @option opts [Boolean] :assume_accessioned If true, does not check whether object has been accessioned. # @option opts [Boolean] :create_workflows_ds If false, initialize_workflow() will not initialize the workflows datastream. # @option opts [Hash] :vers_md_upd_info If present, used to add to the events datastream and set the desc and significance on the versionMetadata datastream # @raise [Dor::Exception] if the object hasn't been accessioned, or if a version is already opened def open_new_version(opts = {}) # During local development, we need a way to open a new version # even if the object has not been accessioned. raise(Dor::Exception, 'Object net yet accessioned') unless opts[:assume_accessioned] || Dor::WorkflowService.get_lifecycle('dor', pid, 'accessioned') raise Dor::Exception, 'Object already opened for versioning' if(new_version_open?) raise Dor::Exception, 'Object currently being accessioned' if(Dor::WorkflowService.get_active_lifecycle('dor', pid, 'submitted')) vmd_ds = datastreams['versionMetadata'] vmd_ds.increment_version vmd_ds.content = vmd_ds.ng_xml.to_s unless self.new_object? k = :create_workflows_ds if opts.has_key?(k) # During local development, Hydrus (or some other app running Fedora locally) # does not want this call to initialize the workflows datastream. initialize_workflow('versioningWF', 'dor', opts[k]) else initialize_workflow('versioningWF') end vmd_upd_info = opts[:vers_md_upd_info] if vmd_upd_info datastreams['events'].add_event("open", vmd_upd_info[:opening_user_name], "Version #{vmd_ds.current_version_id.to_s} opened") vmd_ds.update_current_version({:description => vmd_upd_info[:description], :significance => vmd_upd_info[:significance].to_sym}) save end end def current_version datastreams['versionMetadata'].current_version_id end # Sets versioningWF:submit-version to completed and initiates accessionWF for the object # @param [Hash] opts optional params # @option opts [String] :description describes the version change # @option opts [Symbol] :significance which part of the version tag to increment # :major, :minor, :admin (see Dor::VersionTag#increment) # @option opts [String] :version_num version number to archive rows with. Otherwise, current version is used # @option opts [Boolean] :start_accesion set to true if you want accessioning to start (default), false otherwise # @raise [Dor::Exception] if the object hasn't been opened for versioning, or if accessionWF has # already been instantiated or the current version is missing a tag or description def close_version(opts={}) unless(opts.empty?) datastreams['versionMetadata'].update_current_version opts datastreams['versionMetadata'].save end raise Dor::Exception, 'latest version in versionMetadata requires tag and description before it can be closed' unless(datastreams['versionMetadata'].current_version_closeable?) raise Dor::Exception, 'Trying to close version on an object not opened for versioning' unless(new_version_open?) raise Dor::Exception, 'accessionWF already created for versioned object' if(Dor::WorkflowService.get_active_lifecycle('dor', pid, 'submitted')) Dor::WorkflowService.close_version 'dor', pid, opts.fetch(:start_accession, true) # Default to creating accessionWF when calling close_version end # @return [Boolean] true if 'opened' lifecycle is active, false otherwise def new_version_open? return true if(Dor::WorkflowService.get_active_lifecycle('dor', pid, 'opened')) false end # @return [Boolean] true if the object is in a state that allows it to be modified. States that will allow modification are: has not been submitted for accessioning, has an open version or has sdr-ingest set to hold def allows_modification? if Dor::WorkflowService.get_lifecycle('dor', pid, 'submitted' ) and not new_version_open? and not Dor::WorkflowService.get_workflow_status('dor', pid, 'accessionWF', 'sdr-ingest-transfer')=='hold' false else true end end # Following chart of processes on this consul page: alias_method :start_version, :open_new_version alias_method :submit_version, :close_version end end