[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/bundler/compact_index.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/bundler/compact_index) # CompactIndex This gem implements the response logic for the compact index format and to manage the versions file. The compact index format has three endpoints: `/names`, `/versions` and `/info/gem_name`. The versions file is a file which hold the versions in a cache-friendly way. You can see the body response formats on [this blog post](http://andre.arko.net/2014/03/28/the-new-rubygems-index-format/) from @indirect. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'compact_index' ``` And then execute: $ bundle ## Usage ### `/names` To render the body for this call, all you have to do is generate a list of gems available in alfabetical order and use call `CompactIndex.names`. ```ruby gem 'compact_index' CompactIndex.names(%W(a_test b_test c_test)) ``` ### `/versions` The body of this endpoint can be rendered calling the `CompactIndex.versions` method. It receives two paremeters: a `CompactIndex::VersionsFile` object and a set of extra gems that aren't in the file yet. The gems lists should be ordered consistently by the user. ```ruby gem 'compact_index' # Create the object versions_file = CompactIndex::VersionsFile.new("/path/to/versions/file") # Get last updated date. This is used to discover what gems aren't in the file yet from_date = @versions_file.updated_at # Query the extra gems using the from date. Format should be as follows extra_gems = [ CompactIndex::Gem.new("gem1", [ CompactIndex::GemVersion.new("0.9.8", "ruby", "abc123"), CompactIndex::GemVersion.new("0.9.9", "jruby", "abc123"), ]), CompactIndex::Gem.new("gem2", [ CompactIndex::GemVersion.new("0.9.8", "ruby", "abc123"), CompactIndex::GemVersion.new("0.9.9", "jruby", "abc123"), ]) ] # Render the body for the versions response CompactIndex.versions(@versions_file, extra_gems) ``` ### `/info/gem_name` Much like `/versions`, the `/info/gem_name` expects a pre-defined structure to render the text on the screen. The lists also should be ordered by the user. This is the expected format: ```ruby gem 'compact_index' # Expected versions format versions = [ CompactIndex::GemVersion.new("1.0.1", "ruby", "abc123", "info123", [ CompactIndex::Dependency.new("foo", "=1.0.1", "abc123"), CompactIndex::Dependency.new("bar", ">1.0, <2.0", "abc123"), ]) ] CompactIndex.info(versions) ``` ### Updating the versions file The versions file creation and update are different. When created, all versions are at the side of the gem name, which appears only on one line. When updated, the file appends the new information on the end of the file, to avoid file changes. ```ruby gem 'compact_index' versions_file = CompactIndex::VersionsFile.new(file_path) last_update = versions_file.updated_at gems = ... # Query your database, same format from `/versions` expected versions_file.update_with(gems) ```