# -*- encoding: utf-8; frozen_string_literal: true -*-
# This file is part of HexaPDF.
# HexaPDF - A Versatile PDF Creation and Manipulation Library For Ruby
# Copyright (C) 2014-2023 Thomas Leitner
# HexaPDF is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the
# following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a):
# HexaPDF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with HexaPDF. If not, see .
# The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code
# versions of HexaPDF must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required
# under Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
# In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public
# License, a covered work must retain the producer line in every PDF that
# is created or manipulated using HexaPDF.
# If the GNU Affero General Public License doesn't fit your need,
# commercial licenses are available at .
require 'hexapdf/document'
require 'hexapdf/layout'
module HexaPDF
# The composer class can be used to create PDF documents from scratch. It uses
# HexaPDF::Layout::Frame and HexaPDF::Layout::Box objects underneath and binds them together to
# provide a convenient interface for working with them.
# == Usage
# First, a new Composer objects needs to be created, either using ::new or the utility method
# ::create.
# On creation a HexaPDF::Document object is created as well the first page and an accompanying
# HexaPDF::Layout::Frame object. The frame is used by the various methods for general document
# layout tasks, like positioning of text, images, and so on. By default, it covers the whole page
# except the margin area. How the frame gets created can be customized by defining a custom page
# style, see #page_style. Use the +skip_page_creation+ argument to avoid the initial page
# creation when creating a Composer instance.
# Once the Composer object is created, its methods can be used to draw text, images, ... on the
# page. Behind the scenes HexaPDF::Layout::Box (and subclass) objects are created using the
# HexaPDF::Document::Layout methods and drawn on the page via the frame.
# If the frame of a page is full and a box doesn't fit anymore, a new page is automatically
# created. The box is either split into two boxes where one fits on the first page and the other
# on the new page, or it is drawn completely on the new page. A new page can also be created by
# calling the #new_page method, optionally providing a page style.
# The #x and #y methods provide the point where the next box would be drawn if it fits the
# available space. This information can be used, for example, for custom drawing operations
# through #canvas which provides direct access to the HexaPDF::Content::Canvas object of the
# current page.
# When using #canvas and modifying the graphics state, care has to be taken to avoid problems with
# later box drawing operations since the graphics state cannot completely be reset (e.g.
# transformations of the canvas cannot always be undone). So it is best to save the graphics state
# before and restore it afterwards.
# == Example
# #>pdf-full
# HexaPDF::Composer.create('out.pdf', page_size: :A6, margin: 36) do |pdf|
# pdf.style(:base, font_size: 20, align: :center)
# pdf.text("Hello World", valign: :center)
# end
# See: HexaPDF::Document::Layout, HexaPDF::Layout::Frame, HexaPDF::Layout::Box
class Composer
# Creates a new PDF document and writes it to +output+. The argument +options+ and +block+ are
# passed to ::new.
# Example:
# HexaPDF::Composer.create('out.pdf', margin: 36) do |pdf|
# ...
# end
def self.create(output, **options, &block)
new(**options, &block).write(output)
# The PDF document (HexaPDF::Document) that is created.
attr_reader :document
# The current page (a HexaPDF::Type::Page object).
attr_reader :page
# The canvas instance (a Content::Canvas object) of the current page.
# Can be used to perform arbitrary drawing operations.
attr_reader :canvas
# The HexaPDF::Layout::Frame for automatic box placement.
attr_reader :frame
# Creates a new Composer object and optionally yields it to the given block.
# skip_page_creation::
# If this argument is +false+ (the default), the arguments +page_size+, +page_orientation+
# and +margin+ are used to create a page style with the name :default. Additionally, an
# initial page/frame is created using this page style.
# Otherwise, i.e. when this argument is +true+, no initial page or default page style is
# created. This is useful when the first page needs a custom page style. The #page_style
# method needs to be used to define a page style which is then used with the #new_page
# method to create the initial page/frame.
# page_size::
# Can be any valid predefined page size (see Type::Page::PAPER_SIZE) or an array [llx, lly,
# urx, ury] specifying a custom page size.
# Only used if +skip_page_creation+ is +false+.
# page_orientation::
# Specifies the orientation of the page, either +:portrait+ or +:landscape+, if +page_size+
# is one of the predefined page sizes.
# Only used if +skip_page_creation+ is +false+.
# margin::
# The margin to use. See HexaPDF::Layout::Style::Quad#set for possible values.
# Only used if +skip_page_creation+ is +false+.
# Example:
# # Uses the default values
# composer = HexaPDF::Composer.new
# HexaPDF::Composer.new(page_size: :Letter, margin: 72) do |composer|
# #...
# end
# HexaPDF::Composer.new(skip_page_creation: true) do |composer|
# composer.page_style(:default) do |canvas, style|
# style.frame = style.create_frame(canvas.context, 36)
# end
# composer.new_page
# # ...
# end
def initialize(skip_page_creation: false, page_size: :A4, page_orientation: :portrait,
margin: 36) #:yields: composer
@document = HexaPDF::Document.new
@page_styles = {}
@next_page_style = :default
unless skip_page_creation
page_style(:default, page_size: page_size, orientation: page_orientation) do |canvas, style|
style.frame = style.create_frame(canvas.context, margin)
yield(self) if block_given?
# Creates a new page, making it the current one.
# The page style (see #page_style) to use for the new page can be set via the +style+ argument.
# If not provided, the currently set page style is used (:default is the initial value for
# @next_page_style).
# The applied page style determines the page style that should be used for the following new
# pages (see Layout::PageStyle#next_style). If this information is not provided by the applied
# page style, that page style is used again.
# Examples:
# # Define two page styles
# composer.page_style(:cover, page_size: :A4, next_style: :content)
# composer.page_style(:content, page_size: :A4)
# composer.new_page(:cover) # uses the :cover style, set next style to :content
# composer.new_page # uses the :content style, next style again :content
def new_page(style = @next_page_style)
page_style = @page_styles.fetch(style) do |key|
raise ArgumentError, "Page style #{key} has not been defined"
@page = @document.pages.add(page_style.create_page(@document))
@canvas = @page.canvas
@frame = page_style.frame
@next_page_style = page_style.next_style || style
# The x-position inside the current frame where the next box (provided it fits) will be placed.
# Example:
# #>pdf-composer
# composer.text("Hello", position: :float)
# composer.canvas.stroke_color("hp-blue").
# circle(composer.x, composer.y, 0.5).fill.
# circle(composer.x, composer.y, 5).stroke
def x
# The y-position inside the current frame.where the next box (provided it fits) will be placed.
# Example:
# #>pdf-composer
# composer.text("Hello", position: :float)
# composer.canvas.stroke_color("hp-blue").
# circle(composer.x, composer.y, 0.5).fill.
# circle(composer.x, composer.y, 5).stroke
def y
# Writes the created PDF document to the given output.
# See HexaPDF::Document#write for details.
def write(output, optimize: true, **options)
@document.write(output, optimize: optimize, **options)
# :call-seq:
# composer.style(name) -> style
# composer.style(name, base: :base, **properties) -> style
# Creates or updates the HexaPDF::Layout::Style object called +name+ with the given property
# values and returns it.
# If neither +base+ nor any style properties are specified, the style +name+ is just returned.
# See HexaPDF::Document::Layout#style for details; this method is just a thin wrapper around
# that method.
# Example:
# composer.style(:base, font_size: 12, leading: 1.2)
# composer.style(:header, font: 'Helvetica', fill_color: "008")
# composer.style(:header1, base: :header, font_size: 30)
# See: HexaPDF::Layout::Style
def style(name, base: :base, **properties)
@document.layout.style(name, base: base, **properties)
# :call-seq:
# composer.page_style(name) -> page_style
# composer.page_style(name, **attributes, &template_block) -> page_style
# Creates and/or returns the page style +name+.
# If no attributes are given, the page style +name+ is returned. In case it does not exist,
# +nil+ is returned.
# If one or more page style attributes are given, a new HexaPDF::Layout::PageStyle object with
# those attribute values is created, stored under +name+ and returned. Additionally, if a block
# is provided, it is used to define the page template.
# Example:
# composer.page_style(:default)
# composer.page_style(:cover, page_size: :A4) do |canvas, style|
# page_box = canvas.context.box
# canvas.fill_color("green") do
# canvas.rectangle(0, 0, page_box.width, page_box.height).
# fill
# end
# style.frame = style.create_frame(canvas.context, 36)
# end
# See: HexaPDF::Layout::PageStyle
def page_style(name, **attributes, &block)
if attributes.empty? && block.nil?
@page_styles[name] = HexaPDF::Layout::PageStyle.new(**attributes, &block)
# Draws the given text at the current position into the current frame.
# The text will be positioned at the current position (see #x and #y) if possible. Otherwise the
# next best position is used. If the text doesn't fit onto the current page or only partially,
# one or more new pages are created automatically.
# This method is of the two main methods for creating text boxes, the other being
# #formatted_text. It uses HexaPDF::Document::Layout#text_box behind the scenes to create the
# HexaPDF::Layout::TextBox that does the actual work.
# See HexaPDF::Document::Layout#text_box for details on the arguments.
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer
# composer.text("Test it now " * 15)
# composer.text("Now " * 7, width: 100)
# composer.text("Another test", font_size: 15, fill_color: "hp-blue")
# composer.text("Different box style", fill_color: 'white', box_style: {
# underlays: [->(c, b) { c.rectangle(0, 0, b.content_width, b.content_height).fill }]
# })
# See: #formatted_text, HexaPDF::Layout::TextBox, HexaPDF::Layout::TextFragment
def text(str, width: 0, height: 0, style: nil, box_style: nil, **style_properties)
draw_box(@document.layout.text_box(str, width: width, height: height, style: style,
box_style: box_style, **style_properties))
# Draws text like #text but allows parts of the text to be formatted differently and
# interspersing with inline boxes.
# It uses HexaPDF::Document::Layout#formatted_text_box behind the scenes to create the
# HexaPDF::Layout::TextBox that does the actual work. See that method for details on the
# arguments.
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer
# composer.formatted_text(["Some string"])
# composer.formatted_text(["Some ", {text: "string", fill_color: "hp-orange"}])
# composer.formatted_text(["Some ", {link: "https://example.com",
# fill_color: 'hp-blue', text: "Example"}])
# composer.formatted_text(["Some ", {text: "string", style: {font_size: 20}}])
# block = lambda {|list| list.text("First item"); list.text("Second item") }
# composer.formatted_text(["Some ", {box: :list, width: 50,
# valign: :bottom, block: block}])
# See: #text, HexaPDF::Layout::TextBox, HexaPDF::Layout::TextFragment
def formatted_text(data, width: 0, height: 0, style: nil, box_style: nil, **style_properties)
draw_box(@document.layout.formatted_text_box(data, width: width, height: height, style: style,
box_style: box_style, **style_properties))
# Draws the given image at the current position (see #x and #y).
# It uses HexaPDF::Document::Layout#image_box behind the scenes to create the
# HexaPDF::Layout::ImageBox that does the actual work. See that method for details on the
# arguments.
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer
# composer.image(machu_picchu, border: {width: 3})
# composer.image(machu_picchu, height: 30)
# See: HexaPDF::Layout::ImageBox
def image(file, width: 0, height: 0, style: nil, **style_properties)
draw_box(@document.layout.image_box(file, width: width, height: height,
style: style, **style_properties))
# Draws the named box at the current position (see #x and #y).
# It uses HexaPDF::Document::Layout#box behind the scenes to create the named box. See that
# method for details on the arguments.
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer
# composer.box(:image, image: composer.document.images.add(machu_picchu))
# See: HexaPDF::Document::Layout#box
def box(name, width: 0, height: 0, style: nil, **box_options, &block)
draw_box(@document.layout.box(name, width: width, height: height, style: style, **box_options, &block))
# Draws any custom box that can be created using HexaPDF::Document::Layout.
# This includes all named boxes defined in the 'layout.boxes.map' configuration option.
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer
# composer.lorem_ipsum(sentences: 1, margin: [0, 0, 5])
# composer.list(item_spacing: 2) do |list|
# composer.document.config['layout.boxes.map'].each do |name, klass|
# list.formatted_text([{text: name.to_s, fill_color: "hp-blue-dark"}, "\n#{klass}"])
# end
# end
# See: HexaPDF::Document::Layout#box
def method_missing(name, *args, **kwargs, &block)
if @document.layout.box_creation_method?(name)
draw_box(@document.layout.send(name, *args, **kwargs, &block))
def respond_to_missing?(name, _private) # :nodoc:
@document.layout.box_creation_method?(name) || super
# Draws the given HexaPDF::Layout::Box and returns the last drawn box.
# The box is drawn into the current frame if possible. If it doesn't fit, the box is split. If
# it still doesn't fit, a new region of the frame is determined and then the process starts
# again.
# If none or only some parts of the box fit into the current frame, one or more new pages are
# created for the rest of the box.
def draw_box(box)
drawn_on_page = true
while true
result = @frame.fit(box)
if result.success?
@frame.draw(@canvas, result)
elsif @frame.full?
drawn_on_page = false
draw_box, box = @frame.split(result)
if draw_box
@frame.draw(@canvas, result)
drawn_on_page = true
elsif !@frame.find_next_region
unless drawn_on_page
raise HexaPDF::Error, "Box doesn't fit on empty page"
drawn_on_page = false
# Creates a stamp (Form XObject) which can be used like an image multiple times on a single page
# or on multiple pages.
# The width and the height of the stamp need to be set (frame.width/height or
# page.box.width/height might be good choices).
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer
# stamp = composer.create_stamp(50, 50) do |canvas|
# canvas.fill_color("hp-blue").line_width(5).
# rectangle(10, 10, 30, 30).fill_stroke
# end
# composer.image(stamp, width: 20, height: 20)
# composer.image(stamp, width: 50)
def create_stamp(width, height) # :yield: canvas
stamp = @document.add({Type: :XObject, Subtype: :Form, BBox: [0, 0, width, height]})
yield(stamp.canvas) if block_given?