#!/usr/bin/ruby require "rubygems" require "sinatra" require 'yaml' set :run => $0 == __FILE__ ? true : false set :environment => :development set :dump_errors => true set :port => 3114 set :reload => true set :max_listings => 1000 LISTINGS = [ { :id => 1000, :name => 'John West Smoked Oysters', :city => 'Toronto' }, { :id => 1001, :name => 'Fire Town Lightning Rods', :city => 'Toronto' }, { :id => 1002, :name => 'Oversized Pen and Ink Co', :city => 'Toronto' }, { :id => 1003, :name => 'The Rathzenburg Brothers', :city => 'Toronto' }, { :id => 1004, :name => 'Forever and Always Beads', :city => 'Montreal' }, { :id => 1005, :name => "Big Al's Flavour Country", :city => 'Montreal' }, { :id => 1006, :name => 'Big Time Furniture World', :city => 'Montreal' }, { :id => 1007, :name => 'High-End Keyboard Makers', :city => 'Montreal' } ] set :listings => LISTINGS.clone #log = File.new("/dev/null", "a") #STDOUT.reopen(log) #STDERR.reopen(log) #use Rack::Auth::Basic do |username, password| # username == 'stella' && password == 'stella' #end before do @title = "Business Finder" end get '/' do @title << " - Search" erb :search_form end get '/search/?' do redirect '/' if blank?(params[:what]) && blank?(params[:where]) params[:what] ||= '' params[:where] ||= '' @title << " - Search Results" @listings = filter_name(params[:what], options.listings) if !blank?(params[:where]) @listings = filter_city(params[:where], @listings) end if @listings.empty? status 404 erb :search_error else erb :search_results end end get '/listing/add' do erb :add_form end post '/listing/add' do @title = "Add a Business" if blank?(params[:name]) || blank?(params[:city]) status 500 @msg = blank?(params[:city]) ? "Must specify city" : "Must specify name" erb :add_form else @listings = options.listings if find_name(params[:name], @listings).empty? @listings.shift if @listings.size >= options.max_listings @listings << { :name => params[:name], :id => rand(100000), :city => params[:city] } if params[:logo].is_a?(Hash) && params[:logo][:tempfile] p "TODO: Fix uploads" #p params[:logo] #FileUtils.mv params[:logo][:tempfile].path, "logo-#{params[:name]}" end redirect '/listings' else status 500 @msg = "That business exists (#{params[:name]})" erb :add_form end end end get '/listing/:id.yaml' do content_type "text/yaml" listing = filter_id params[:id], options.listings listing.to_yaml end get '/listing/:id' do @listings = filter_id(params[:id], options.listings) redirect '/' if @listings.empty? @title = "Business Listing - #{@listings.first[:name]}" erb :listings end get '/listings' do @listings = options.listings @title = "Business Listings" erb :listings end get '/listings.yaml' do content_type "text/yaml" @listings = options.listings @title = "Business Listings" @listings.to_yaml end before do @cookie = request.cookies["bff-history"] @cookie = blank?(@cookie) ? {} : YAML.load(@cookie) @cookie[:history] ||= [] if params[:clear] == 'true' @cookie[:history] = [] @cookie[:location] = '' set :listings => LISTINGS.clone end @cookie[:history].delete params[:what] @cookie[:history].unshift params[:what] unless blank?(params[:what]) @cookie[:history].pop if @cookie[:history].size > 5 @cookie[:location] = params[:where] unless blank?(params[:where]) response.set_cookie "bff-history", :path => '/', :value => @cookie.to_yaml end helpers do def blank?(v) v.nil? || v.empty? end def filter_id(id, listings) listings.select { |l| l[:id] == id.to_i } end def filter_name(name, listings) listings.select { |l| l[:name].match(/#{name}/i) } end def find_name(name, listings) listings.select { |l| l[:name] == name } end def filter_city(city, listings) listings.select { |l| l[:city].match(/#{city}/i) } end def format_listing(lid, name, city) listing = %Q{
} listing << %Q{#{name} } listing << %Q{#{city}
} end # Generates a string of random alphanumeric characters # These are used as IDs throughout the system def strand( len ) chars = ("a".."z").to_a + ("0".."9").to_a newpass = "" 1.upto(len) { |i| newpass << chars[rand(chars.size-1)] } return newpass end end __END__ @@layout <%= @title %>

Business Finder

New Search - Add Listing - !! - View All

<%= yield %> @@add_form <% city = blank?(params[:city]) ? 'Toronto' : params[:city] %> <% if !blank?(@msg) %>

Error: <%= @msg %>

<% end %>
@@listings <% for l in @listings %> <%= format_listing(l[:id], l[:name], l[:city]) %> <% end %> @@search_form
@@search_results Looking <% if !blank?(params[:what]) %> for "<%= params[:what] %>" <% end %> <% if !blank?(params[:where]) %> in "<%= params[:where] %>" <% end %>

<% for l in @listings %> <% name = l[:name].gsub(/(#{params[:what]})/i, "\\1") %> <% city = l[:city].gsub(/(#{params[:where]})/i, "\\1") %> <%= format_listing(l[:id], name, city) %> <% end %> @@search_error Looking for "<%= params[:what] %>" <% if !blank?(params[:where]) %> in "<%= params[:where] %>" <% end %>

Nothing found