# typed: strict # frozen_string_literal: true module RubyLsp # rubocop:disable RubyLsp/UseLanguageServerAliases Interface = LanguageServer::Protocol::Interface Constant = LanguageServer::Protocol::Constant Transport = LanguageServer::Protocol::Transport # rubocop:enable RubyLsp/UseLanguageServerAliases class Server extend T::Sig sig { void } def initialize @writer = T.let(Transport::Stdio::Writer.new, Transport::Stdio::Writer) @reader = T.let(Transport::Stdio::Reader.new, Transport::Stdio::Reader) @store = T.let(Store.new, Store) # The job queue is the actual list of requests we have to process @job_queue = T.let(Thread::Queue.new, Thread::Queue) # The jobs hash is just a way of keeping a handle to jobs based on the request ID, so we can cancel them @jobs = T.let({}, T::Hash[T.any(String, Integer), Job]) @mutex = T.let(Mutex.new, Mutex) @worker = T.let(new_worker, Thread) # The messages queue includes requests and notifications to be sent to the client @message_queue = T.let(Thread::Queue.new, Thread::Queue) # The executor is responsible for executing requests @executor = T.let(Executor.new(@store, @message_queue), Executor) # Create a thread to watch the messages queue and send them to the client @message_dispatcher = T.let( Thread.new do current_request_id = 1 loop do message = @message_queue.pop break if message.nil? @mutex.synchronize do case message when Notification @writer.write(method: message.message, params: message.params) when Request @writer.write(id: current_request_id, method: message.message, params: message.params) current_request_id += 1 end end end end, Thread, ) Thread.main.priority = 1 end sig { void } def start $stderr.puts("Starting Ruby LSP v#{VERSION}...") # Requests that have to be executed sequentially or in the main process are implemented here. All other requests # fall under the else branch which just pushes requests to the queue @reader.read do |request| case request[:method] when "initialize", "initialized", "textDocument/didOpen", "textDocument/didClose", "textDocument/didChange" result = @executor.execute(request) finalize_request(result, request) when "$/cancelRequest" # Cancel the job if it's still in the queue @mutex.synchronize { @jobs[request[:params][:id]]&.cancel } when "$/setTrace" VOID when "shutdown" $stderr.puts("Shutting down Ruby LSP...") @message_queue.close # Close the queue so that we can no longer receive items @job_queue.close # Clear any remaining jobs so that the thread can terminate @job_queue.clear @jobs.clear # Wait until the thread is finished @worker.join @message_dispatcher.join @store.clear Addon.addons.each(&:deactivate) finalize_request(Result.new(response: nil), request) when "exit" # We return zero if shutdown has already been received or one otherwise as per the recommendation in the spec # https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specification/#exit status = @store.empty? ? 0 : 1 $stderr.puts("Shutdown complete with status #{status}") exit(status) else # Default case: push the request to the queue to be executed by the worker job = Job.new(request: request, cancelled: false) @mutex.synchronize do # Remember a handle to the job, so that we can cancel it @jobs[request[:id]] = job # We must parse the document under a mutex lock or else we might switch threads and accept text edits in the # source. Altering the source reference during parsing will put the parser in an invalid internal state, # since it started parsing with one source but then it changed in the middle uri = request.dig(:params, :textDocument, :uri) @store.get(URI(uri)).parse if uri end @job_queue << job end end end private sig { returns(Thread) } def new_worker Thread.new do # Thread::Queue#pop is thread safe and will wait until an item is available loop do job = T.let(@job_queue.pop, T.nilable(Job)) # The only time when the job is nil is when the queue is closed and we can then terminate the thread break if job.nil? request = job.request @mutex.synchronize { @jobs.delete(request[:id]) } result = if job.cancelled # We need to return nil to the client even if the request was cancelled Result.new(response: nil) else @executor.execute(request) end finalize_request(result, request) end end end # Finalize a Queue::Result. All IO operations should happen here to avoid any issues with cancelling requests sig { params(result: Result, request: T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]).void } def finalize_request(result, request) @mutex.synchronize do error = result.error response = result.response if error @writer.write( id: request[:id], error: { code: Constant::ErrorCodes::INTERNAL_ERROR, message: error.inspect, data: { errorClass: error.class.name, errorMessage: error.message, backtrace: error.backtrace&.map { |bt| bt.sub(/^#{Dir.home}/, "~") }&.join("\n"), }, }, ) elsif response != VOID @writer.write(id: request[:id], result: response) end end end end end