# This class implements a cache with simple delegation to the the Dalli Memcached client # https://github.com/mperham/dalli # # A TTL is set on initialization class AutoexpireCacheDalli def initialize(store, ttl = 86400) @store = store @keys = 'GeocoderDalliClientKeys' @ttl = ttl end def [](url) res = @store.get(url) res = YAML::load(res) if res.present? res end def []=(url, value) if value.nil? del(url) else key_cache_add(url) if @store.add(key, YAML::dump(value), @ttl) end value end def keys key_cache end def del(url) key_cache_delete(url) if @store.delete(key) end private def key_cache the_keys = @store.get(@keys) if the_keys.nil? @store.add(@keys, YAML::dump([])) [] else YAML::load(the_keys) end end def key_cache_add(key) @store.replace(@keys, YAML::dump(key_cache << key)) end def key_cache_delete(key) tmp = key_cache tmp.delete(key) @store.replace(@keys, YAML::dump(tmp)) end end # Here Dalli is set up as on Heroku using the Memcachier gem. # https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/memcachier#ruby # On other setups you might have to specify your Memcached server in Dalli::Client.new Geocoder.configure(:cache => AutoexpireCacheDalli.new(Dalli::Client.new))