Feature: Create a basic rest client that can get, put, post, and delete @extended @get @print @print.S1 Scenario: client rest Get Given I have a web service And I have "GET" service for "/test" as follows """ {"Answer": "What did you expect?"} """ And I am a rest client When I "GET" from the web service Then I receive the expected message @put @extended @print @print.S2 Scenario: client rest Put Given I have a web service And I have "PUT" service for "/test" as follows """ {"Answer": "What did you expect?"} """ And I am a rest client When I "PUT" to the web service with the following """ {"Answer": "What did you expect?"} """ Then I receive the expected message @post @extended @print @print.S3 Scenario: client rest Post Given I have a web service And I have "POST" service for "/test" as follows """ {"Answer": "What did you expect?"} """ And I am a rest client When I "POST" to the web service with the following """ {"Answer": "What did you expect?"} """ Then I receive the expected message @delete @extended @print @print.S4 Scenario: client rest Delete Given I have a web service And I have "DELETE" service for "/test" as follows """ {"Answer": "What did you expect?"} """ And I am a rest client When I "DELETE" from the web service Then I receive the expected message