%01I4`E,"(0!Y1{$ "$2Wf-53J0^4+ * 2 $4 Y 2q    #  * @ -O     '%{file}' is not found.'%{klass}' is ignored.Extract translatable strings from given input files.File '%s' already exists.Generate binary message catalog from textual translation description.Ignored '%{file}'. Solve dependencies first.Merges two Uniforum style .po files together. The def.po file is an existing PO file with translations. The ref.pot file is the last created PO file with up-to-date source references. ref.pot is generally created by rgettext.No database is available.Specific options:Usage: %s def.po ref.pot [-o output.pot]Usage: %s input.po [-o output.mo]Usage: %s input.rb [-r parser.rb] [-o output.pot]Warning: fuzzy message was ignored. Warning: obsolete msgid exists. `%{file}' is not glade-2.0 format.definition po is not given.display version information and exitno input filesreference pot is not given.require the library before executing rgettextrubygems are not found.run in debugging modewrite output to specified fileProject-Id-Version: ruby-gettext 1.90.0 POT-Creation-Date: 2008-05-10 01:52+0900 PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE Last-Translator: Malte Milatz Language-Team: Esperanto MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1); `%{file}' ne ekzistas.ignoras #%{klass}'.Arigos tradukeblajn frazojn el donitaj dosieroj.Dosiero `%s' jam ekzistas.Generu porkomputilan mesaĝaron el la traduktekstoj.Ignoris `%{file}' pro malklaraj dependecoj.Kunfandos du po-dosierojn `Uniforum'-formatitajn. def.po jam enhavu tradukojn; ref.pot estu aktuale kreita el la fontkodo per rgettext.Neniu datumbazo.Specifaj opcioj:Uzmaniero: %s def.po ref.pot [ -o el.pot ]Uzmaniero: %s en.po [ -o el.mo ]Uzmaniero: %s en.rb [ -r analiz.rb ] [ -o el.pot ]Averto: ignoras senfunkcian frazon. Averto: msgid arkaika. `%{file}' ne konformas al la formato de glade-2.0.ne ricevis po-dosieron.montros versi-informonneniu dosiero donitane ricevis referencan pot-dosieron.uzos indikitan opcianalizilonrubygems ne trovebla.sencimiga modoskribos la produkton en la indikitan dosieron